John 17:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 that they all maye be one, like as thou father art in me, and I in ye that they also maye be one in vs: that the worlde maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.

Jeremiah 32:39

39 And I will geue them one herte and one waye, that they maye feare me all the daies of their life, that they and their children after them maye prospere.

Ezekiel 37:16-19

16 Thou sonne of man, take a sticke and wryte vpon it: Vnto Iuda & to the children of Israel his companyons. Then take another sticke, and wryte vpon it: Vnto Ioseph the stocke of Ephraim, and to all the housholde of Israel his companyons. 17 And than take both these together in thine honde, so shal there be one stycke therof. 18 Now yf the childre of thy people saye vnto the: wilt thou not shewe vs, what thou meanest by these? 19 Then geue them this answere: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil take the stocke of Ioseph, which is in the honde of Ephraim and of the trybes of Israel his felowes, and wil put them to the stocke of Iuda, & make them one stocke, and they shalbe one in my honde.

Ezekiel 37:22-25

22 yee I wil make one people of the in ye londe, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kinge. They shall nomore be two peoples from hensforth, nether be deuyded in to two kingdomes: 23 they shal also defyle the selues nomore with their abhominacions, Idols and all their wickeddoinges. I wil helpe the out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: & will so clense them, that they shalbe my people, and I their God. 24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kinge, & they all shal haue one shepherde only. They shal walke in my lawes, and my commaundementes shalt they both kepe & fulfill. 25 They shal dwell in the londe, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as youre fathers also haue dwelt. Yee eue in the same londe shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their euerlastynge prynce.

Zephaniah 3:9

9 And then wil I clense the lippes of the people, that they maye euerychone call vpon the name of the LORDE, and serue him with one shulder.

Zechariah 14:9

9 And the LORDE himself shalbe kynge ouer all the earth. At that tyme shal there be one LORDE only, and his name shalbe but one.

John 3:17

17 For God sent not his sonne in to ye worlde to condempne the worlde, but that the worlde might be saued by him.

John 5:23

23 that they all might honoure the sonne, euen as they honoure ye father. Who so honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father, which hath sent him.

John 10:16

16 And I haue yet other shepe, which are not of this folde, and those same must I brynge also, and they shal heare my voyce, and there shalbe one flocke and one shepherde.

John 10:30

30 I and the father are one.

John 10:38

38 but yf I do the, the (yf ye beleue not me) yet beleue ye workes, yt ye maye knowe & beleue, yt the father is in me, & I in ye father.

John 13:35

35 By this shal euery man knowe that ye are my disciples, yf ye haue loue one to another.

John 14:9-11

9 Iesus sayde vnto him: Thus longe am I with you, and hast thou not knowne me? Philippe, he that seyth me, seyth the father. And how sayest thou then: Shewe vs the father? 10 Beleuest thou not that I am in the father, and that ye father is in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, those speake not I of my self: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doth the workes. 11 Beleue me, that I am in the father, and that ye father is in me: Or els, beleue me at the leest for the workes sake.

John 17:3

3 But this is the life euerlastinge, that they knowe the (that thou onely art the true God) and whom thou hast sent, Iesus Christ.

John 17:8

8 For ye wordes which thou gauest me, haue I geue vnto them, and they haue receaued them, & knowne of a trueth, that I am come forth from the, and haue beleued, that thou hast sent me.

John 17:11

11 And now am I nomore in the worlde, and they are in ye worlde, and I come to the. Holy father, kepe in thy name, those whom thou hast geue me, that they maye be one, like as we are.

John 17:18

18 Like as thou hast sent me in to the worlde, so haue I sent them in to the worlde:

John 17:22-23

22 And the glory which thou gauest me, haue I geuen them: that they maye be one, like as we are one. 23 I in the, and thou in me, that they maye be perfecte in one, and that the worlde maye knowe, that thou hast sent me and hast loued them, as thou hast loued me.

John 17:25

25 Righteous father, the worlde hath not knowne ye, but I haue knowne ye: and these haue knowne, that thou hast sent me.

Acts 2:46

46 And they contynued daylie with one acorde in the teple, and brake bred in euery house: they toke their meate with ioye & synglenesse of hert,

Acts 4:32

32 The multitude of them that beleued, were of one hert and of one soule. Also none of them sayde of his goodes, that they were his awne, but had all thinges comen.

Romans 12:5

5 Euen so we beynge many are one body in Christ. But amonge oure selues euery one is the membre of another,

1 Corinthians 1:10

10 But I beseke you brethre thorow the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thinge, and let there be no discension amonge you, but that ye be perfecte in one meanynge.

1 Corinthians 12:12

12 For as the body is one, and hath yet many membres, neuertheles all the membres of the body though they be many, are yet but one body: euen so Christ also.

1 Corinthians 12:25-27

25 that there shulde be no stryfe in the body, but that the membres shulde indifferently care one for another. And yf one membre suffre, all the membres suffre with him: 26 and yf one membre be had in honoure, all the membres are glad with him also. 27 But ye are the body of Christ, and membres, euery one of another.

Galatians 3:28

28 Here is nether Iewe ner Greke: here is nether bode ner fre: here is nether man ner woman, for ye are all one in Christ Iesu.

Ephesians 4:3-6

3 and be diligent to kepe the vnite of the sprete thorow the bonde of peace. 4 One body and one sprete, eue as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge. 5 One LORDE, one faith, one baptyme, 6 one God and father of vs all, which is aboue all, and thorow all, and in you all.

Philippians 1:27

27 Onely let youre conuersacion be as it becommeth the Gospell of Christ, that whether I come & se you, or els be absent, I maye yet heare of you that ye cotynue in one sprete and one soule, labourynge (as we do) to mayntayne the faith of the Gospell,

Philippians 2:1-6

1 Yf there be amonge you eny consolacion in Christ, yf there be eny comforte of loue, yf there be eny fellishippe off the sprete, yf there be eny compassion and mercy, 2 fulfyll my ioye, that ye drawe one waye, hauynge one loue, beynge of one accorde, and of one mynde: 3 that there be nothinge done thorow stryfe and vayne glory, but that thorow mekenesse of mynde euery man esteme another better then himselfe: 4 and let euery ma loke not for his awne profet, but for the profet of other. 5 Let the same mynde be in you, that was in Christ Iesu: 6 which beyinge in the shappe of God, thought it not robbery to be equall with God,

Colossians 3:11-14

11 where there is no Greke, Iewe, circumcision, vncircumcision, Barbarous, Sithian, bode, fre: but Christ is all and in all. 12 Now therfore as the electe of God, holy and beloued, put on tender mercye, kyndnes, humblenes of mynde, mekenesse, longe sufferynge, 13 forbearinge one another, and forgeuynge one another, yf eny man haue a quarell agaynst another. Like as Christ hath forgeuen you, euen so do ye also. 14 But aboue all thinges put on loue, which is the bonde of perfectnesse.

1 Peter 3:8-9

8 But in conclusion be ye all of one mynde, one suffre with another, loue as brethren, be pitefull, be curteous. 9 Recopence not euell for euell, nether rebuke for rebuke: but cotrary wyse, blesse: and knowe that ye are called therto, euen yt ye shulde be heyres of ye blessynge.

1 John 5:7

7 (For there are thre which beare recorde in heauen: the father, the worde, and the holy goost, & these thre are one.)

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.