John 10:28 Cross References - Coverdale

28 And I geue the euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and noma shal plucke the out of my hande.

Deuteronomy 33:3

3 O how loued he the people? All his sayntes are in his hande, they shall set them selues downe at thy fete, and receaue of thy wordes.

1 Samuel 2:9

9 He shall preserue the fete of his sayntes, but ye vngodly shal be put to sylece in darcnesse. For there is no ma that can do oughte of his owne power.

Job 17:9

9 The rightuous wil kepe his waye, and he yt hath cleane handes, wil euer be stronger & stronger.

Psalms 31:5

5 Drawe me out of the nett yt they haue layed priuely for me, for thou art my stregth.

Psalms 37:28

28 For ye LORDE loueth ye thinge yt is right, he forsaketh not his sayntes, but they shal be preserued for euermore:

Psalms 103:17-18

17 But the mercifull goodnesse of ye LORDE endureth for euer and euer, vpon them yt feare him, and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children. 18 Soch as kepe his couenaunt, and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them.

Psalms 125:1-2

1 They that put their trust in ye LORDE, are eue as the mount Sion, which maye not be remoued, but stodeth fast for euer. 2 The hilles stonde aboute Ierusalem, euen so stondeth the LORDE rounde aboute his people, fro this tyme forth for euermore.

Proverbs 4:18

18 The path of the rightuous shyneth as the light, and is euer brighter & brighter vnto the parfecte daye.

Proverbs 24:16

16 For a iust ma falleth seuen tymes, & ryseth vp agayne, but ye vngodly fall in to wickednes.

Isaiah 45:17

17 But Israel shalbe saued in the LORDE, which is the euerlastinge saluacio: They shal not come to shame ner confucion, worlde without ende.

Isaiah 54:17

17 but all the weapens yt are made agaynst the, shal not prospere. And as for all tunges, yt shal resiste the in iudgmet, thou shalt ouercome the, & codemne them. This is the heretage of the LORDES seruauntes, & the rightuousnes that they shal haue of me, saieth the LORDE.

Isaiah 55:3

3 Enclyne youre eares, & come vnto me, take hede & youre soule shal lyue. For I will make an euerlastinge couenaunt with you, eue the sure mercies of Dauid.

Jeremiah 31:3

3 Euen so shal the LORDE now also apeare vnto me from farre, and saye: I loue the with an euerlastinge loue, therfore do I sprede my mercy before the.

Jeremiah 31:34

34 And from thece forth shall no man teach his neghboure or his brother, and saye: knowe the LORDE: But they shall all knowe me, from the lowest vnto the hyest, saieth the LORDE. For I will forgeue their my?dedes, and wil neuer remembre their synnes eny more.

Jeremiah 32:40

40 And I will set vp an euerlastinge couenaunt with them, Namely: that I will neuer ceasse to do them good, and that I will put my feare in their hertes, so that they shall not runne awaye fro me.

Mark 13:22

22 For there shal aryse false Christes, and false prophetes, which shal do tokens & wonders, to disceaue euen the very chosen, yf it were possyble.

Luke 22:31-32

31 But the LORDE sayde: Simon Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred after you, that he might siffte you euen as wheate: 32 but I haue prayed for ye, that thy faith fayle not. And whan thou art couerted, strength thy brethren:

Luke 23:46

46 And Iesus cryed loude, & sayde: Father, in to thy handes I commende my sprete. And whan he had so sayde, he gaue vp the goost.

John 3:15-16

15 that who so euer beleueth in him, shulde not perish, but haue euerlastinge life. 16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his onely sonne, that who so euer beleueth in hi, shulde not perishe, but haue euerlastinge life.

John 3:36

36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastinge life: he that beleueth not the sonne, shal not se the life, but ye wrath of God abydeth vpon him.

John 4:14

14 But whosoeuer shal drynke of the water that I shal geue him, shal neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shal geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, which spryngeth vp in to euerlastinge life.

John 5:24

24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so heareth my worde, and beleueth him that sent me, hath euerlastinge life, and cometh not in to damnacion, but is passed thorow from death vnto life.

John 5:39-40

39 Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me, 40 and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life.

John 6:27

27 Laboure not for the meate which perisheth but yt endureth vnto euerlastinge life, which the sonne of ma shal geue you: For him hath God the father sealed.

John 6:37

37 All that my father geueth me, cometh vnto me: and who so cometh vnto me, him wyl not I cast out:

John 6:39-40

39 This is ye will of the father, which hath sent me, that of all that he hath geue me, I shulde lose nothinge, but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. 40 This is the wyl of him which hath sent me, that, who soeuer seyth the sonne and beleueth on him, haue euerlastinge life, and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye.

John 6:47

47 Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that beleueth on me, hath euerlastinge life.

John 6:68

68 Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life:

John 11:25

25 Iesus saide vnto her: I am the resurreccion & the life He yt beleueth on me, shal lyue, though he were deed allready:

John 14:19

19 It is yet a litle whyle, the shal the worlde se me nomore, but ye shal se me: for I lyue, and ye shal lyue also.

John 17:2

2 Like as thou hast geuen him power ouer all fleshe, that he shulde geue euerlastinge life to as many as thou hast geuen him.

John 17:11-12

11 And now am I nomore in the worlde, and they are in ye worlde, and I come to the. Holy father, kepe in thy name, those whom thou hast geue me, that they maye be one, like as we are. 12 Whyle I was with the in the worlde, I kepte them in thy name. Those yt thou gauest me, haue I kepte, and none of them is lost, but that lost childe, that the scripture might be fulfylled.

John 18:9

9 That the worde might be fulfylled, which he sayde: Of them who thou gauest me, haue I not lost one.

Acts 7:59

59 And they stoned Steuen, which cryed, & sayde: LORDE Iesu, receaue my sprete.

Romans 5:2

2 by who also we haue an intraunce in faith vnto this grace, wherin we stonde, & reioyse in the hope of ye glorye for to come, which God shal geue.

Romans 5:9

9 Moch more then shal we be saued from wrath by him seynge we are now made righteous thorow his bloude.

Romans 5:17

17 For yf by ye synne of one, death raigned by the meanes of one, moch more shal they which receaue the abudaunce of grace and of the gifte vnto righteousnes, raigne in life by ye meanes of one Iesus Christ.

Romans 5:21

21 that, like as synne had reigned vnto death, eue so mighte grace reigne also thorow righteousnes to euerlastinge life by the meanes of Iesus Christ.

Romans 6:23

23 For death is the rewarde of synne, but the gifte of God is euerlastinge life.

Romans 8:1

1 Then is there now no damnacion vnto the that are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh, but after ye sprete.

Romans 8:29

29 For those whom he knewe before, hath he ordeyned also before, yt they shulde be like fashioned vnto ye shappe of his sonne, yt he mighte be the first begotte amoge many brethre.

Romans 8:33-39

33 Who wyl laye enythinge to ye charge of Gods chosen? Here is God that maketh righteous, 34 who wil then condemne? Here is Christ that is deed, yee rather which is raysed vp agayne, which is also on ye righte hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs. 35 Who will separate vs from the loue of God? Trouble? or anguysh? or persecucio? or honger? or nakednesse? or parell? or swerde? 36 As it is wrytten: For thy sake are we kylled all the daye longe, we are counted as shepe appoynted to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome farre, for his sake that loued vs. 38 For sure I am, that nether death ner life, nether angell, ner rule, nether power, nether thinges present, nether thinges to come, 39 nether heyth, ner loweth, nether eny other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure LORDE.

Philippians 1:6

6 and am surely certified of this, yt he which hath begonne that good worke in you, shal go forth with it vntyll ye daye of Iesus Christ:

Colossians 3:3-4

3 For ye are deed, and youre life is hyd with Christ in God. 4 But whan Christ or life shal shewe himselfe, the shal ye also appeare with him in glory.

2 Thessalonians 2:13

13 But we are bounde to geue thankes allwaye vnto God for you, brethren be loued of the LORDE, because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion in the sanctifienge of the sprete and in beleuynge of the trueth,

1 Timothy 1:16

16 Notwithstondynge for this cause optayned I mercy, that Iesus Christ mighte pryncipally shewe in me all longe pacience, to the ensample of them which shulde beleue in him vnto eternall life.

2 Timothy 1:12

12 for the which cause I also suffre these thinges, neuertheles I am not ashamed. For I knowe whom I haue beleued, and am sure that he is able to kepe that which I haue commytted vnto his kepynge agaynst that daye.

Hebrews 7:25

25 Wherfore he is able also euer to saue them, that come vnto God by him: & lyueth euer, to make intercession for vs.

1 Peter 1:5

5 that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion, which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme:

1 John 2:19

19 They wente out fro vs, but they were not of vs: for yf they had bene of vs, they wolde no doute haue contynued with vs. But that they maye be knowne, how that they are not all of vs.

1 John 2:25

25 And this is the promes yt he hath promysed vs, eue eternall life.

1 John 5:11

11 And this is that recorde, euen yt God hath geue vs euerlastinge life. And this life is in his sonne.

1 John 5:13-20

13 These thinges haue I wrytte vnto you, which beleue on the name of the sonne of God, that ye maye knowe, how that ye haue eternall life, and that ye maye beleue on ye name of the sonne of God. 14 And this is the fre boldnesse which we haue towarde him, that yf we axe eny thinge acordinge to his wyll, he heareth vs. 15 And yf we knowe that he heareth vs what so euer we axe, then are we sure that we haue ye peticions, which we haue desyred of him. 16 Yf eny man se his brother synne a synne not vnto death, let him axe, and he shal geue him life, for the yt synne not vnto death. There is a synne vnto death, for the which saye I not that a man shulde praye. 17 All vnrighteousnes is synne, and there is synne not vnto death. 18 We knowe, that whosoeuer is borne off God, synneth not: but he that is begotte of God, kepeth himselfe, & yt wicked toucheth him not. 19 We knowe that we are of God, & the worlde is set alltogether on wickednes. 20 But we knowe, that the sonne of God is come, and hath geuen vs a mynde, to knowe him which is true: and we are in him yt is true, in his sonne Iesu Christ. This is the true God, and euerlastinge life.

Jude 1:1

1 Ivdas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ, the brother off Iames. To the which are called, and sanctified in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.

Jude 1:21

21 and kepe youre selues in the loue of God, lokinge for the mercy of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, vnto eternall life.

Jude 1:24

24 Vnto him that is able to kepe you, that ye faule not, and to present you fautlesse before ye presence of his glory with ioye,

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