Jeremiah 5:6 Cross References - Coverdale

6 Wherfore a lyon out of the wod shal hurte them, and a wolfe in the euenynge shal destroye them. The cat of the mountayne shal lie lurkinge by their cities, to teare in peces all them, that come therout. For their offences are many, and their departinge awaye is greate.

Numbers 32:14

14 And beholde, ye are rysen vp in youre fathers steade, to increase the nombre of synfull men, & to augmente yet the wrath & indignacion of the LORDE agaynst Israel.

Ezra 9:6

6 and sayde: My God, I am ashamed, and darre not lifte vp mine eies vnto the my God: for oure wickednesses are growne ouer oure heade, & oure trespaces are waxen greate vnto ye heaue.

Ezra 10:10

10 And E?dras ye prest stode vp, and sayde vnto them: Ye haue transgressed, yt ye haue taken straunge wyues, to make the trespace of Israel yet more:

Psalms 104:20

20 Thou makest darcknesse, that it maye be night, wherin all the beastes of the forest do moue.

Isaiah 59:12

12 For or offences are many before ye, & or synnes testifie agaynst vs. Yee we must cofesse yt we offende, & knowlege, yt we do amysse:

Jeremiah 2:15

15 Why do they roare and crie then vpon him, as a lyon? They haue made his londe wayst, his cities are so brent vp, that there is no man dwellinge in them.

Jeremiah 2:17

17 Cometh not this vnto the, because thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, euer sence he led the by the waye?

Jeremiah 2:19

19 Thine owne wickednesse shal reproue the, and thy turnynge awaye shal condemne the: that thou mayest knowe and vnderstonde, how euel and hurtful a thinge it is, yt thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, and not feared him, saieth the LORDE God of hoostes.

Jeremiah 4:7

7 For the spoyler of the Gentiles is broken vp from his place, as a lyon out of his dene, that he maye make the londe waist, and destroye the cities, so, that no man maye dwell therin.

Jeremiah 9:12-14

12 What man is so wise, as to vnderstonde this? Or to whom hath the LORDE spoken by mouth, that he maye shewe this, and saye: O thou londe, why perishest thou so? Wherfore art thou so brent vp, and like a wildernesse, that no ma goeth thorow? 13 Yee the LORDE himself tolde the same vnto them, that forsoke his lawe, and kepte not the thynge that he gaue them in commaundement, nether lyued therafter: 14 but folowed the wickednes of their owne hertes, and serued straunge goddes, as their fathers taught them.

Jeremiah 14:7

7 Doutles oure owne wickednesse rewarde vs: But LORDE do thou acordinge to yi name, though oure transgressions and synnes be many.

Jeremiah 16:10-12

10 Now when thou shewest this people all these wordes, and they saye vnto the: Wherfore hath the LORDE deuysed all this greate plage for vs? Or what is the offence and synne, that we haue done agaynst the LORDE oure God? 11 Then make thou them this answere: Because youre fathers haue forsaken me (saieth the LORDE) and haue cleued vnto straunge goddes, whom they haue honoured and worshipped: but me haue they forsake, and haue not kepte my lawe. 12 And ye wt youre shamefull blasphemies, haue exceaded the wickednes off youre fathers. For euery one off you foloweth the frawerde euel ymaginacion off his owne hert, and is not obedient vnto me.

Jeremiah 25:38

38 They shall forsake their foldes like as a lyon: For their londes shalbe waist, because of the wrath of the destroyer, and because of his fearfull indignacion.

Jeremiah 30:14

14 All thy louers haue forgotten the, and care nothinge for the. For I haue geuen the a cruell stroke, and chastened the roughly: and that for the multitude of thy my?dedes, for thy synnes haue had the ouer hande.

Jeremiah 30:24

24 The terrible displeasure of the LORDE shall not leaue of, vntill he haue done, & perfourmed the intent of his herte, which in the latter dayes ye shal vnderstonde.

Jeremiah 49:19

19 Beholde, like as the Lyon cometh vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto ye grene pastures of Etha, so wil I dryue him, & make him runne agaynst her. But who is the yonge man that I will ordene therto? Who is like, vnto me? What is he that will stryue with me? What shepherde maye stonde in my hondes?

Lamentations 1:5

5 Hir enemies are fallen vpon hir heade, & haue put her to shame: because the LORDE hath chastened her for hir greate wickednes: hir children are ledde awaye captiue before their enemie.

Ezekiel 14:16-21

16 yf these thre men also were in the londe, as truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal saue nether sonnes ner doughters, but be only delyuered them selues: and as for the londe, it shal be waist. 17 Or, yf I bringe a swearde in to the londe, and charge it to go thorow the londe: so that I slaye downe man and beest in it, 18 and yf these thre men were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but only be saued them selues. 19 Yf I sende a pestilence in to the londe, and poure out my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote out of it both man and beest, 20 and yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but saue their owne soules in their rightuousnesse. 21 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: Though I sende my foure trublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous beestes and pestilence, to destroye man and beest out of it:

Ezekiel 16:25

25 hast thou buylded the an aulter. Thou hast made thy beuty to be abhorred: thou hast layed out thy legges to euery one that came by, and multiplied thine whordome.

Ezekiel 22:27

27 Thy rulers in the are like rauyshinge wolues, to shed bloude, and to destroye soules, for their owne covetous lucre.

Ezekiel 23:19

19 Neuertheles she vsed hir whordome euer the longer the more, and remembred the dayes off hir youth, wherin she had played the harlot in the londe off Egipte:

Daniel 7:4

4 The first was as a lyon, and yet had he Aegles wynges. I sawe, that his wynges were plucte from him, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon his fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte.

Daniel 7:6

6 Then I loked, & beholde, there was another like vnto a Leoparde: this had wynges as a foule, euen foure vpon the backe. This beest had foure heades, ad there was power geuen him.

Hosea 5:14

14 I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen I, I wil spoyle them, & go my waye. I wil take them with me, and no man shal rescue them.

Hosea 13:7-8

7 Therfore will I be vnto them as a lyon, and as a leoparde in ye waye to the Assirians. 8 I wil come vpon them as a she beer, that is robbed of hir welpes, and I wil breake that stubburne herte of theirs. There wil I deuoure them as a lyon: yee the wylde beastes shal teare them.

Amos 5:18-19

18 Wo be vnto them that desyre the daye off ye LORDE: Wherfore wolde ye haue it? As for that daye of the LORDE, it shalbe darcke ad not cleare: 19 Yee like as when a ma runeth fro a lyon, and a Beer meteth with him: or, whe he commeth into the house, and leeneth his honde vpon the wall, a serpent byteth him.

Nahum 2:11-12

11 Where is now the dwellinge of the lyos, and the pasture of the lyons whelpes? where the lyon and the lyonesse wente with the whelpes, and no man frayed them awaye? 12 But the lyon spoyled ynough for his yonge ones, and deuoured for his lyonesse: he fylled his dennes with his pray, & his dwellinge place with that he had rauy?shed.

Habakkuk 1:8

8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then ye wolues in ye euenynge. Their horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuor as the Aegle.

Zephaniah 3:3

3 Hir rulers within her are as roaringe lyons: hir iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothinge behynde them till the morow.

Revelation 13:2

2 And the beest which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne, and his fete were as the fete of a bear, and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And ye drago gaue him his power and his seate, and greate auctorite:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.