Jeremiah 44:30 Cross References - Coverdale

30 Beholde (saieth the LORDE I wil delyuer Pharao Ophram kynge of Egipte in to the hondes of his enemies, yt seke after his life: euen as I gaue Sedechias the kynge of Iuda in to the hondes of Nabuchodonosor kige of Babilo, which sought after his life.

2 Kings 25:4-7

4 And the cite was broken vp, & all the men of warre fled in the night by the waye of the porte betwene the two walles, which goeth to the kynges garde. But the Caldees laye aboute the cite. And he fled by the waye to the playne felde. 5 Neuertheles the power of the Caldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the plaine felde of Iericho: and all the men of warre that were with him, were scatered abrode from him. 6 And they toke the kynge, and led him vp to the kynge of Babilon vnto Reblatha. And he gaue iudgmet vpon him. 7 And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 34:21

21 As for Sedechias the kinge of Iuda & his prynces, I will delyuer them in to the power of their enemies, and of them that desyre to slaye them, and in to the honde of the kynge of Babilons hooste, which now is departed from you:

Jeremiah 39:5-7

5 But the Caldees hooste folowed fast after them, and toke Sedechias in the felde of Iericho, and brought him presoner to Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilo vnto Reblatha, that lieth in the londe off Hemath where he gaue iugdment vpon him. 6 So the kynge of Babilon caused the children of Sedechias and all the nobles off Iuda be slayne, before his face at Reblatha 7 And made Sedechias eyes be put out, and boude him with chaynes, and sent him to Babilon.

Jeremiah 43:9-13

9 Take greate stones in thine hode, and hyde them in the brick wall, vnder the dore off Pharaos house in Taphnis, that all the men of Iuda maye se, 10 and saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will sende and call for Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon my seruaunt, and will set his seate vpon these stones that I haue hyd, and he shall sprede his tente ouer them. 11 And when he commeth, he shal smyte the lode of Egipte with slaughter, with presonment and with the swearde. 12 He shall set fyre vpon the temples of the Egipcias goddes, and burne them vp, & take them selues presoners. Morouer he shall araye himselff wt the lode of Egipte, like as a shepherde putteth on his cote, and shall departe his awaye from thence in peace. 13 The pilers also of the temple of the Sonne that is in Egipte, shal he breake in peces, and burne the tempels of the Egipcians goddes.

Jeremiah 46:13-26

13 These are the wordes that the LORDE spake to the prophet Ieremy, concernyge ye hoost of Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon, which was to destroye the londe off Egipte: 14 Preach out thorow the londe of Egipte, and cause it be proclamed at Migdal, Memphis and Taphnis, and saye: Stonde still, make the redie, for the swearde shal consume the rounde aboute. 15 How happeneth it that thy mightie worthies are fallen? why stode they not fast? Euen because the LORDE thrust them downe. 16 The slaughter was greate, for one fell euer still vpon another. One cried vpon another: Vp, let vs go agayne to oure owne people, and to oure owne naturall countre, from the swearde of oure enemie. 17 Crie euen there: O Pharao kynge of Egipte, the tyme will bringe sedicion. 18 As truly as I lyue (saieth the kynge, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes) it shall come as ye mount of Thabor, and as Libanus yf it stode in the see. 19 O thou doughter of Egipte, make redy thy geer to flyt. For Memphis shalbe voyde and desolate, so that no ma shal dwell therin. 20 The londe of Egipte is like a goodly fayre calfe, but one shall come out of the north to dryue her forwarde. 21 Hir wagied souldyers that be with her, are like fat calues. They also shall fle awaye together, and not abyde: for the daye off their slaughter and the tyme of their visitacion shall come vpon them. 22 The crie off their enemies shall make a noyse, as the blast of a trompet. For they shall entre in with their hooste, and come wt axes, as it were hewers downe of wod. 23 And they shall cut downe hir wod (saieth the LORDE) with out eny discrecion. For they shal be mo in nobre then the greshoppers, so that no man shalbe able to tell the. 24 The doughter of Egipte shalbe confouded. whe she shalbe delyuered in to the hondes off the people off the north. 25 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde I will vyset that restlesse people off Alexandria, Pharao and Egipte, yee both their goddes and their kynges: euen Pharao, and all them yt litten vnto him. 26 Yee I will delyuer them in to the hondes off those, that seke after their lyues: Namely, in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon, and in to the power off his seruautes. And after all these thinges, it shalbe inhabited as afore tyme, saieth the LORDE

Jeremiah 52:8-11

8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, and toke Sedechias the kinge in the felde of Iericho, when his hoost was runne from him. 9 So they caried the kynge awaye presoner to Reblatha, vnto the kinge of Babilon in the londe of Hemath, where he gaue iudgment vpon him. 10 The kinge of Babilo also caused Sedechias sonnes be slayne before his face, yee & put all the prynces of Iuda to death at Reblatha. 11 Morouer he put out the eyes of Sedechias, caused him be bounde with cheynes, to be caried vnto Babilon: & let him lie in preson, till he dyed.

Ezekiel 29:1-21

1 In the x. yeare, vpon the xij. daye off the x. Moneth, the worde of the LORDE came vnto me, sayege: 2 O thou sonne off ma, set now thy face agaynst Pharao the kynge off Egipte, Prophecye agaynst him and agaynst the whole lode of Egipte: 3 Speake, and tell him, thus saieth the LORDE God: beholde, o Pharao thou kinge of Egipte, I wil vpo the, thou greate whall fysh, yt lyest in yi waters: Thou yt sayest: the water is myne, I haue made it myself. 4 I wil put an hoke in thy chawes, & hage all the fish in thy waters vpo thy skales: after yt I wil drawe the out of thy waters, yee & all the fish, of ye waters that hange vpon thy skales. 5 I wil cast the out vpon the dry lode with the fish of thy waters, so that thou shalt lye vpon the felde. Thou shalt not be gathered ner taken vp, but shalt be meate for the beestes of the felde, & for the foules off the ayre: 6 that all they which dwell in Egipte, maye knowe, that I am the LORDE: because thou hast bene a staff of rede to the house of Israel. 7 When they toke holde of ye wt their hode thou brakest and prycdest them on euery syde: and yff they leaned vpo the, thou brakest, ad hurtdest the reynes of their backes. 8 Therfore, thus sayeth the LORDE: God: beholde, I will brynge a swearde vpon the, and rote out of the both man and beest. 9 Yee the londe of Egipte shalbe desolate and waist, & they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE: Because he sayde: the water is mine, I my self haue made it. 10 Beholde therfore, I wil vpon the, & vpon thy waters: I will make the londe off Egipte waist and desolate, from the towre of Syenes vnto the borders of the Morias londe: 11 so that in xl. yeares there shall no fote off man walke there, nether fote of catell go there, nether shal it be inhabited. 12 I wil make the londe of Egipte to be desolate amonge other waist countrees, and her cities to lye voyde xl. yeares, amonge other voyde cities: And I wil scatre the Egipcians amonge the Heithen and nacions. 13 Agayne, thus sayeth the LORDE God: Whe the xl. yeares are expyred, I wil gather the Egipcians together agayne, out off the nacios, amonge who they were scatred, 14 and wil bringe the presoners off Egipte agayne in to the londe off Pathures their owne natyue countre, that they maye be there a lowly small kyngdome: 15 yee they shal be the smallest amonge other kyngdomes, lest they exalte them selues aboue the Heithen: for I will so mynish them, 16 that they shall nomore rule the Heithen. They shall nomore be an hope vnto the house off Israel, nether prouoke the enymore to wickednesse, to cause them turne backe, and to folowe them: ad they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE God. 17 In the xxvij. yeare, the first daye of the first Moneth, came ye worde off the LORDE vnto me, sayenge: 18 Thou sonne off man, Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon hath made his hoost, with greate trauayle and laboure to come before Tyre: that euery heade maye be balde, and euery shulder bare. Yet hath Tyre geuen nether him ner his hoost eny rewarde, for ye greate trauayle yt he hath taken there. 19 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: beholde I will geue the lode of Egipte vnto Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilo, yt he maye take awaye all hir substauce, robbe hir robberies, ad spoyle hir spoyles, to paye his hoost their wagies withall. 20 I wil geue him the londe of Egipte for his laboure, that he toke for me before Tyre. 21 At the same tyme wil I cause the horne off the house of Israel to growe forth, & open thy mouth agayne amonge them: that they maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE.

Ezekiel 30:21

21 Beholde, thou sonne of ma, I wil breake ye arme of Pharao kynge of Egipte: and lo, it shal not be boude vp to be healed, nether shal eny playstre be layed vpon it, for to ease it, or to make it so stroge, as to holde a swearde.

Ezekiel 31:18-32:32

18 To whom shalt thou be lickened, that art so glorious & greate, amonge the trees off Eden? Yet art thou cast downe vnder ye earth (amonge the trees off Eden) where thou must lye amonge the vncircumcised, with them that be slayne wt the swearde. Euen thus is it with Pharao & all his people, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 32:18-32

18 Thou sonne of man. Take vp a lamentacion vpon the people of Egipte, and cast them downe, yee ad the mightie people of the Heithe also, euen with the that dwell beneth: and with them that go downe in to the graue. 19 Downe (how fayre so euer thou be) and laye the with the vncircircumcised. 20 Amoge those that be slayne with the swearde, shal they lye. The swearde is geuen alredy. he shal be drawen forth and all his people. 21 The mightie worthies and his helpers, yt be gone downe and lye with the vncircumcised and with them that be slayne with ye swearde: shal speake to him out of the hell. 22 Assur is there also with his company, ad their graues rounde aboute, which were slayne ad fell all with the swearde, 23 whose graues lye besyde him in the lowe pytte. His comos are buried rounde aboute his graue: alltogether wounded and slayne with the swearde, which men afore tyme brought feare in to ye londe off the lyuynge. 24 There is Elam also with all his people, and their graues rounde aboute: which all beynge wounded and slayne with the swearde, are gone downe vncircumcised vnder the earth, which neuertheles somtyme brought feare in to the londe off the lyuynge: for the which they beare their shame, with the other that be gone downe to ye graue. 25 Their buryall is geuen them and all their people, amonge them that be slayne. Their graues are rounde aboute all them, which be vncircumcised; and with them that be slay thorow the swearde: for seynge that in tymes past they made the londe off the lyuynge afrayed, they must now beare their owne shame, with them that go downe to the pytte, and lye amonge them, that be slayne. 26 There is Mesech also and Tubal, and their people, and their graues rounde aboute. These all are amonge the vncircucised, and them that be slayne with the swearde, because afore tyme they made the londe off the lyuynge afrayed. 27 Shulde not they then lye also amonge ye worthies, and vncircumcised Giauntes? which wt their weapens are gone downe to hel: whose sweardes are layed vnder their heades, whose wickednesse is vpon their bones: because that as worthies, they haue brought feare into ye lode of ye lyuinge;? 28 Yee amoge the vncircucised shalt thou be destroyed, and slepe with them, that perished thorow the swearde. 29 There is the lode off Edom with hir kynges and prynces also, which wt their stregth are layed by them that were slayne with the swearde, yee amonge the vncircumcised, and them which are gone downe in to the pytte. 30 Morouer, there be all the prynces of the north, with all the Sidonias, which are gone downe to the slayne. With their feare and strength they are come to confucion, and lye there vncircumcised, amonge those that be slayne with the swearde: and beare their owne shame, with them that be gone downe to ye pytte. 31 Now when Pharao seyth this, he shal be comforted ouer all his people, that is slayne with the swearde: both Pharao & all his hoost, saieth ye LORDE God. 32 For I haue geue my feare in the lode of the lyunge. But Pharao & all his people shal lye amoge the vncircumcised, and amonge them that be slayne with the swearde, saieth the LORDE God.

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