Jeremiah 27:19 Cross References - Coverdale

19 For thus hath the LORDE of hoostes spoken concernynge the pylers, the lauer, the seate and the residue of the ornamentes that yet remayne in this citie,

1 Kings 7:15-22

15 and made two brasen pilers, ether of them eightene cubites hye: and a threde of xij. cubites was the measure aboute both ye pilers: 16 and he made two knoppes of brasse molten, to set aboue vpon the pilers: and euery knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: 17 and on euery knoppe aboue vpon ye pilers seue wrythen ropes like cheynes. 18 And vpon euery knoppe he made two rowes of pomgranates rounde aboute on one rope, wherwith ye knoppe was couered. 19 And the knoppes were like roses before ye porche foure cubites greate. 20 And the pomgranates in the rowes rounde aboute were two hudreth aboue and beneth vpon the rope, which wete rounde aboute the thicknes of the knoppe, on euery knoppe vpon both the pilers. 21 And set vp the pilers before the porche of the temple. And that which he set on the right hande, called he Iachin: and that which he set on the lefte hande, called he Boos. 22 And so stode it aboue vpon the pilers euen like roses. Thus was the worke of ye pilers fynished.

2 Kings 25:13

13 But the brasen pilers in the house of the LORDE, and the seates, and the brasen lauer that was in the house of the LORDE, dyd ye Caldees breake downe, and caried the metall vnto Babilon.

2 Kings 25:17

17 Eightene cubytes hye was one piler, and ye knoppe theron was of brasse also, & thre cubytes hye: & the rope and the pomgranates vpon the knoppe rounde aboute, were all of brasse. After the same maner was the other piler also with the rope.

2 Chronicles 4:2-16

2 And he made a molten lauer ten cubites wyde fro the one syde to the other rounde aboute, and fyue cubytes hye. And a metelyne of thirtie cubites mighte comprehende it aboute. 3 And ymages of Bullockes were vnder it. And aboute the lauer (which was ten cubites wyde) there were two rowes of knoppes, yt were molten withall. 4 It stode so vpon the bullockes, that thre were turned towarde the north, thre towarde the west, thre towarde the south, and thre towarde the east, and the lauer aboue vpon them, and all their hynder partes were on the ynsyde. 5 The thicknesse of it was an handbredth, and the edge of it was like the edge of a cuppe, and as a floured rose. And it conteyned thre thousande Batthes. 6 And he made ten kettels, wherof he set fyue on the righte hande and fyue on the lefte, to wa?she in them soch thinges as belonged to the burntofferynge, that they mighte thrust them therin: but ye lauer (made he) for for the prestes to wash in. 7 Ten golden candelstickes made he also as they ought to be, and set them in the temple: fyue on the righte hande, and fyue on the lefte. 8 And made ten tables, and set them in the temple: fyue on the righte hande, and fyue on the lefte. And made an hundreth basens of golde. 9 He made a courte likewyse for the prestes, and a greate courte, and dores in the courte, and ouerlayed ye dores with brasse. 10 And the lauer set he on the righte syde towarde the south east. 11 And Hiram made cauldrous, shouels and basens. So Hiram fynished the worke which he made for kynge Salomon in the house of God: 12 namely the two pilers with the roundels and knoppes aboue vpon both the pilers, and both the wrythen ropes to couer both the roundels of ye knoppes aboue vpo the pilers, 13 and the foure hundreth pomgranates on both the wrythe ropes, two rowes of pomgranates on euery rope, to couer the roundels of the knoppes that were aboue vpon the pilers. 14 He made the stoles also and ye kettels vpon the stoles, 15 and a lauer, and twolue bullockes there vnder. 16 And pottes, shouels, fleshokes, and all their vessels made Hiram Abif of pure metall for kynge Salomon vnto the house of the LORDE.

Jeremiah 52:17-23

17 The Caldees also brake the brasen pilers, that were in the house of the LORDE, yee the seate and the brasen lauer that was in the house of ye LORDE: & caried all the metall of them vnto Babilon. 18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, flesh hokes, sprinklers, spones & all the brasen vessell that was occupide in the seruyce: 19 with the basens, colepannes, sprinklers, pottes, candilstickes, spones, and cuppes: wherof some were of golde, and some of syluer. 20 The chefe captayne toke also the two pilers, the lauer, the xij brasen bullockes yt stode vnder ye seate, which kinge Salomon made in the house of the LORDE: & all the vessell conteyned so moch metall, that it might not be weyed 21 For euery piler was xviij cubites hie, & the rope that went aboute it, was xij cubites, & foure fingers thick and rounde: 22 Now vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, & euery knoppe was fyue cubites hie: & vpon the knoppes were whopes, & pomgranates rounde aboute of clene brasse. 23 After this maner were both the pilers fashioned with the pomgranates, wherof there were an hundreth and xcvj, which hanged vpon the whoopes rounde aboute.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.