Jeremiah 22:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 I will prepare a destroyer with his weapes for the, to hew downe thy special Cedre trees, and to cast them in the fyre.

Isaiah 10:3-7

3 What will ye do in tyme of the visitacion and destruction, that shal come from farre? To whom will ye renne for helpe? or to whom will ye geue youre honoure, that he maye kepe it? 4 that ye come not amonge the presoners, or lye amonge the deed? After all this shal not the wrath of the LORDE ceasse, but yet shal his honde be stretched out still. 5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete. 7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people,

Isaiah 10:33-34

33 But se, the LORde God of hoostes shal take awaye the proude from thence, wt feare. He shal hew downe the proude, and fel the hie mynded. 34 The thornes of the wod shal be rooted out wt yron, and Libanus shal haue a mightie fal.

Isaiah 13:3-5

3 For I will sende for my debites and my gyautes (sayeth the LORDE) and in my wrath I will call for soch, as tryumphe in my glory. 4 With that, me thought I herde in the moutaynes, a noyse, like as it had bene of a greate people: and a ru?shinge, as though the kyngdomes of all nacions had come together. (And the LORDE of hoostes was the captayne of the whole armye.) 5 As they had come not only out of farre countrees, but also from the endes of the heaues: Eue the LORDE himself with the ministers of his wrath, to destroye the whole lode.

Isaiah 27:10-11

10 The stronge cities shalbe desolate, and ye fayre cities shalbe left like a wildernes. The catel shal fede and lie there, and the shepe shal eate it vp. 11 Their haruest shal be brent, their wyues which were their bewtie when they came forth: shalbe defyled. For it is a people without vnderstodinge, and therfore he yt created them, shal not fauoure them: and he yt made them, shal not be merciful to the.

Isaiah 37:24

24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the LORDE, and thus holdest thou of thyself: I couer the hie mountaynes, & sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wil I cut downe the hie Cedre trees & the fayrest Fyrre trees. I will vp in to the heyth of it & in to the chefest of his timbre woddes.

Isaiah 54:16-17

16 Beholde, I make the smyth yt bloweth the coles in the fyre, & he maketh a weapon after his hondy worke. I make also the waister to destroye: 17 but all the weapens yt are made agaynst the, shal not prospere. And as for all tunges, yt shal resiste the in iudgmet, thou shalt ouercome the, & codemne them. This is the heretage of the LORDES seruauntes, & the rightuousnes that they shal haue of me, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 4:6-7

6 Set vp the token in Sion, spede you, and make no tarienge: for I will bringe a greate plage, and a greate destruction from the north. 7 For the spoyler of the Gentiles is broken vp from his place, as a lyon out of his dene, that he maye make the londe waist, and destroye the cities, so, that no man maye dwell therin.

Jeremiah 5:15

15 Lo, I will bringe a people vpo you from farre, o house of Israel (saieth the LORDE) a mightie people, an olde people, a people whose speach thou knowest not, nether vnderstodest what they saye.

Jeremiah 21:14

14 For I will vyset you (saieth the LORDE) because off the wickednes off youre invencions, and will kyndle soch a fyre in youre wod, as shall cosume all, that is aboute you.

Jeremiah 50:20-23

20 In those dayes and at the same tyme (saieth the LORDE) yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde: Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda, there shal be none: for I wil be mercifull vnto them, whom I suffre to remayne ouer. 21 Go downe (o thou avenger) in to the enemies londe, & viset them that dwell therin: downe with them, and smyte them vpon the backes, saieth the LORDE: do acordinge to all, that I haue commaunded the. 22 There is gone aboute the londe a crie of a slaughter & greate murthur, namely on this maner: 23 How happeneth it, that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken & brussed in sonder? How chaunceth it, that Babilon is become a wildernes amonge the Heithen on this maner?

Ezekiel 9:1-7

1 He cried also with a loude voyce in myne eares, sayenge: Come here ye rulers of the cite, euery man with his weapened honde to the slaughter. 2 Then came there sixe men out of the strete of the vpper porte towarde the north, and euery man a weapen in his honde to the slaughter. There was one amongst them, that had on him a lynninge rayment, and a wryters ynckhorne by his syde. These wente in, and stode beside the brasen aulter: 3 for the glory of the LORDE was gone awaye from the Cherub, and was come downe to the thresholde of the house, & he called the ma, that had the lynnynge rayment vpon him, and the writers ynckhorne by his syde, 4 and the LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye thorow the cite of Ierusalem, and set this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo the foreheades of them, that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominacions, that be done therin. 5 And to the other, he sayde that I might heare: Go ye after him thorow the cite, slaye, ouersee none, spare none: 6 Kyll, & destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, children, and wyues. But as for those, that haue this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they begane at the elders, which were in the Temple, 7 for he had sayde vnto them: When ye haue defyled the Temple, and fylled the courte with the slayne, then go youre waye forth. So they wete out and slewe downe thorow ye cite.

Zechariah 11:1

1 Open thy dores (o Libanus) that the fyre maye consume thy Cedre trees.

Matthew 22:7

7 When the kynge herde that, he was wroth, and sent forth his warryers, and destroyed those murtherers, and set fyre vpon their cite.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.