Jeremiah 20:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 For thus saieth the LORDE: beholde, I will make the afrayed, the thy self, and all that fauoure ye: which shal perish with the swearde off their enemies, euen before yi face. And I wil geue whole Iuda vnder the power of the kinge of Babilon, which shall carie some vnto Babilon presoners, and slaye some with the swearde.

Deuteronomy 28:32-34

32 Thy sonnes and thy doughters shalbe geuen vnto another nacion, and thine eyes shal se it, and dase vpon them all the daye longe, and thy hande shal not be able to delyuer them. 33 The frute of yi londe and all yi laboure, shall a nacion eate, which thou knowest not: and thou shalt but onely be he that shalbe oppressed and suffre wronge, all the dayes of thy life. 34 And thou shalt be cleane besyde thy selfe for the sighte, which thine eyes shal se.

Deuteronomy 28:65-67

65 And amonge those same nacions shalt thou haue no quyetnesse, nether shal the sole of yi fote haue eny rest: for the LORDE shal geue the there a fearfull hert, and dasynge of eyes, and a troubled soule 66 so that thy life shal hage before the: Night and daye shalt thou feare, and shalt haue no trust in thy life. 67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye: Who shall geue me the euenynge? And at euen shalt thou saye: Who shal geue me the mornynge? For the very greate feare of thine hert, which shal make the afrayed: and for the sighte of thine eyes which thou shalt se.

1 Samuel 2:33

33 Yet wyll I not rote out euery man of the fro myne altare, but yt thyne eyes maye be consumed, & that yi soule maye be sory: & a greate multitude of thy house shal dye, whan they are come to be men.

2 Kings 25:7

7 And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon.

Job 18:11-21

11 Fearfulnesse shal make him afrayed on euery syde, that he shall not knowe, where to get out. 12 Honger shalbe his substaunce, and my?fortune shall hange vpon him. 13 He shall eate his owne skynne, yee his owne armes shall he deuoure, beynge a firstborne of death. 14 All his comforte and hope shalbe roted out of his dwellynge, very fearfulnesse shall brynge him to the kynge. 15 Other men shall dwel in his house (which now is none of his) and brymstone shalbe scatered vpon his habitacion. 16 His rotes shalbe dryed vp beneth, & aboue shall his haruest be cut downe. 17 His remembraunce shall perish from the earth, & his name shall not be praysed in the stretes: 18 he shalbe dryuen from the light into darcknesse, and be cast clene out of the worlde. 19 He shall nether haue children ner kyn?folkes amonge his people, no ner eny posterite in his countre: 20 yonge & olde shalbe astonyshed at his death. 21 Soch are now the dwellynges of the wicked, and this is ye place of him that knoweth not God.

Job 20:23-26

23 For though ye wicked haue neuer so moch to fyll his bely, yet God shal sende his wrath vpon him, and cause his battayll to rayne ouer him: 24 so that yf he fle the yron weapens, he shall be shott with the stele bowe. 25 The arowe shal be taken forth, & go out at his backe, and a glisteringe swearde thorow ye gall of him, feare shal come vpo him. 26 There shal no darcknes be able to hyde him. An vnkyndled fyre shal consume him, and loke what remayneth in his house, it shall be destroyed.

Psalms 73:19

19 O how sodenly do they consume, perish, & come to a fearfull ende?

Jeremiah 6:25

25 Noman go forth in to the felde, no man come vpon the hie strete: for the swearde and feare of the enemie shalbe on euery side.

Jeremiah 19:15

15 Thus saieth the LORDE off hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will bringe vpon this cite and vpon euery towne aboute it, all the plages that I haue deuysed agaynst them: for they haue bene obstinate, ad wolde not obeye my warnynges.

Jeremiah 21:4-10

4 Thus saieth the LORDE God off Israel: beholde, I will turne backe the weapens, that ye haue in youre hondes, wherwith ye fight agaynst the kinge of Babilo & the Caldees, which besege you rounde aboute ye walles: & I wil brige the together in to the myddest of this cite, 5 and I myselff will fight agaynst you, with an outstretched honde, ad with a mightie arme, in greate displeasure and terrible wrath: 6 and will smyte them, that dwell in this cite: yee both me ad catell shal dye of the pestilence. 7 And after this (saieth the LORDE) I shall delyuer Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, & his seruauntes, his people (and soch as are escaped in the cite, from the pestilence, swearde, and honger) into the power of Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilon: yee in to the hodes of their enemies, in to the hodes of those yt folowe vpon their lyues, which shall smyte them with ye swerde: they shal not pite the, they shal not spare them, they shall haue no mercy vpon them. 8 And vnto this people thou shalt saye: Thus saieth the LORDE: beholde, I laye before you the waye of life and deeth. 9 Who so abydeth in this cite, shal perish: ether wt the swearde, with honger, or with pestilece. But who so goeth out to holde on ye Caldees parte, yt besege it, he shal saue his life, and shall wynne his soule for a pray. 10 For I haue set my face agaynst this cite (saieth the LORDE) to plage it, and to do it no good. It must be geue in to the honde of the kinge of Babilon, & be brent with fyre.

Jeremiah 25:9

9 lo, I will sende out, & call for all the people, yt dwell in the north (saieth the LORDE) & wil prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon my seruaunt, and wil bringe them vpon this londe, and vpon all yt dwell therein, & vpon all the people that are aboute them, and will vterly rote them out. I will make of them a wildernesse, a mockage, and a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 29:21

21 Thus hath the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel spoken, of Achab ye sonne of Colaias, & of Sedechias the sonne of Maasia, which prophecie lies vnto you in my name: Beholde, I wil delyuer them in to the honde of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, that he maye slaye them before youre eyes.

Jeremiah 32:27-31

27 Beholde, I am the LORDE God of all flesh, Is there eny thinge then to harde for me? 28 Therfore thus sayde the LORDE: beholde, I shal delyuer this cite in to the power of the Caldees, and in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, they shall take it in: 29 For the Caldees shall come, and wynne this cite, and set fyre vpon it, and burne it: with the gorgeous houses, in whose parlers they haue made sacrifice vnto Baal, and poured drynkeofferinges vnto straunge goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath. 30 For seinge the children of Israel and the children of Iuda haue wrought wickednes before me euer from their youth vp, what haue they els done, but prouoked me with the workes of their owne hondes? saieth the LORDE. 31 Or, what hath this cite bene els, but a prouokinge of my wrath, euer sence the daye that I buylded it, vnto this houre? Wherin I cast it out of my sight,

Jeremiah 39:6-7

6 So the kynge of Babilon caused the children of Sedechias and all the nobles off Iuda be slayne, before his face at Reblatha 7 And made Sedechias eyes be put out, and boude him with chaynes, and sent him to Babilon.

Jeremiah 52:27

27 and the kinge of Babilon caused them to be put to death at Reblatha in the londe of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captyue, out of his owne londe.

Ezekiel 26:17-21

17 They shal mourne for the, and saye vnto the: O thou noble cite, yt hast bene so greatly occupyed off olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see wt thine inhabitours off whom all men stode in feare: How art thou now so vtterly destroyed? 18 Now at the tyme off thy fall the inhabitours off the Iles, yee and the Iles them selues shall stonde in feare at thine ende. 19 For thus sayeth the LORDE God: when I make the a desolate cite (as other cities be, that no man dwell in) and when I brynge the depe vpon the, yt greate waters maye couer the: 20 Then will I cast the downe vnto them, that descende into ye pytte: vnto a people that hath bene loge deed, and set the in a londe yt is beneth, like the olde wyldernes, with them which go downe to their graues, so yt no ma shal dwell more in the. And I wil make the to be no more in honor, in the lode of the lyuynge. 21 I wil make an ende off the, ad thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, saieth ye LORDE God.

Matthew 27:4-5

4 and sayde: I haue done euell, in that I haue betrayed innocet bloude. They sayde: What haue we to do with yt? Se thou therto. 5 And he cast the syluer pens in the teple, and gat him awaye, and wente and hanged him self.

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