Jeremiah 1:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 And therfore gyrde vp thy loynes, arise, and tell them all, that I geue the in comaundement. Feare them not, I will not haue the to be afrayed of the.

Exodus 3:12

12 He sayde: I wyll be with the: & this shall be the token, yt I haue sent the. Whan thou hast brought my people out of Egipte, ye shal serue God vpon this mountayne.

Exodus 7:2

2 Thou shalt speake all yt I comaude ye: but Aaron yi brother shal speake vnto Pharao, yt he maye let the childre of Israel go out of his lande.

1 Kings 18:46

46 And the hade of ye LORDE came vpo Elias, and he gyrde his loynes, & ranne before Achab, tyll he came vnto Iesrael.

2 Kings 4:29

29 He sayde vnto Gehasi: Girde vp thy loynes, and take my staffe in thy hande, and go thy waye. Yf eny man mete the, salute him not: and yf eny man salute the, thanke him not, and laye thou my staffe vpon ye childes face.

2 Kings 9:1

1 Eliseus the prophet called one of the prophetes childre, & sayde vnto him: Girde vp yi loynes, and take this cruse of oyle with the, and go vnto Ramoth in Gilead:

Job 38:3

3 Gyrde vp thy loynes like a ma, for I will question the, se thou geue me a dyrecte answere.

Jeremiah 1:7-8

7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake. 8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 17:18

18 Let my persecuters be confounded, but not me: let them be afrayed, and not me. Thou shalt bringe vpon the the tyme off their plage, and shalt destroye them right sore.

Jeremiah 23:28

28 The prophet that hath a dreame, let him tell it: and he that vnderstondeth my worde, let him shewe it faithfully. For what hath chaffe and wheat to do together? saieth the LORDE.

Ezekiel 2:6-7

6 Therfore (thou sonne off man) feare the not, nether be afrayed off their wordes: for they shall rebell agaynst the, and despise ye. Yee thou shalt dwell amonge scorpions: but feare not their wordes, be not abashed at their lokes, for it is a frauwerde housholde. 7 Se that thou speake my wordes vnto them, whether they be obediet or not, for they are obstinate.

Ezekiel 3:10-11

10 He sayde morouer vnto me: thou sonne off man, take diligent hede with thine eares, to ye wordes that I speake vnto the, fasten them in thine herte: 11 and go to the presoners off thy people, speake vnto them, ad saye on this maner: Thus the LORDE God hath spoke: Whether ye heare, or heare not.

Ezekiel 3:14-18

14 Now when the sprete toke me vp, and caried me awaye, I wente with an heuy and a soroufull mynde, but the honde off ye LORDE comforted me right soone. 15 And so in the begynnynge off the Moneth Abib, I came to the presoners, that dwelt by the water off Cobar, and remayned in that place, where they were: and so continued I amonge them seuen dayes, beinge very sory. 16 And when the seuen dayes were expyred, the LORDE sayde vnto me: 17 Thou sonne off man, I haue made the a watch man vnto the house of Israel: therfore take good hede to the wordes, and geue them warnynge at my commaundement. 18 Yff I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly ma, that (without doute) he must dye, and thou geuest him not warnynge, ner speakest vnto him, that he maye turne from his euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrightuosnes: but his bloude will I requyre off thyne honde.

Ezekiel 33:6-8

6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swerde come, and shewe it not with the trompet, so yt the people is not warned: yff the swearde come then, and take eny man from amoge the: the same shall be taken awaye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre off the watchmans honde. 7 And now (O thou sonne of man) I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israel: that where as thou hearest eny thinge out of my mouth, thou mayest warne them on my behalfe. 8 Yff I saye vnto the wicked: thou wicked, thou shalt surely dye: and thou geuest him not warnynge, that he maye bewarre off his vngodly waye: then shall the wicked dye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre of thy honde.

Jonah 3:2

2 vp, and get the to Niniue that greate cite, & preach vnto them the preachinge, which I bade the.

Luke 12:35

35 Let youre loynes be gerded aboute, and youre lightes burnynge,

Acts 20:20

20 how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house.

Acts 20:27

27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.

1 Corinthians 9:16

16 For in that I preach the Gospell, I neade not boost my selfe, for I must nedes do it. And wo vnto me, yff I preach not the Gospell.

1 Thessalonians 2:2

2 but as we had suffred afore, & were shamefully intreated at Philippos (as ye knowe) we were bolde in oure God, to speake vnto you ye Gospel of God with moch stryuynge.

1 Peter 1:13

13 Wherfore gyrde op the loynes off youre mynde, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christ,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.