Isaiah 63:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them:

Exodus 14:22

22 And the children of Israel wente in thorow the middest of ye see vpon the drye grounde: and ye water was vnto them as a wall, vpon their right hande & vpo their lefte.

Exodus 14:30

30 Thus the LORDE delyuered Israel in yt daye from the hande of the Egipcians. And they sawe the Egipcians deed vpon ye see syde,

Exodus 32:11-12

11 But Moses be sought the LORDE his God, & sayde: Oh LORDE, wherfore wil thy wrath waxe whote ouer thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the lode of Egipte wt greate power & a mightie hade? 12 Wherfore shulde the Egipcians speake, & saye: He hath brought the for their myschefe, to slaye them in the mountaynes, and to destroye the vtterly from the earth? O turne the from the fearcenesse of yi wrath, & be gracious ouer the wickednesse of thy people.

Leviticus 26:40-45

40 Then shall they knowlege their mysdedes, and the mysdedes of their fathers in the trespace, wherwith they haue trespaced agaynst me, and walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore wyll I also walke contrary vnto the, and wyll brynge them in to the enemies londe. Then shal their vncircumcysed herte be tamed. And then shall they ende their mysdedes. 42 And I shal thinke vpo my couenaut with Iacob, and vpon my couenaunt with Isaac, and vpon my couenaunt with Abraham, and wyl thynke vpon the lode. 43 As for the londe, whan it shalbe left of them, it shal reioyse in hir Sabbathes, euen then, whan it lyeth waist, and they tylle it not. And they shall make attonement for their mysdedes, because they despysed my lawes, & their soules refused my statutes. 44 Morouer I haue not so refused them, that they shulde be in the enemies londe: nether haue I so vtterly abhorred them, that I wolde brynge them to naught, and breake my couenaunt wt them: for I am ye LORDE their God. 45 And for their sake I wyl remebre my first couenaut, wha I brought them out of ye londe of Egipte in the sight of the Heythen, yt I might be their God. Euen I the LORDE.

Numbers 11:17

17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone.

Numbers 11:25

25 Then came the LORDE downe in a cloude, & spake vnto him, & toke of the sprete yt was vpon him, & put it vpon the seuentie Elders. And whan the sprete rested vpon them, they prophecied, and ceassed not.

Numbers 11:29

29 But Moses sayde vnto him: Art thou gelous for my sake? wolde God, yt all the people of ye LORDE coulde prophecie, and that ye LORDE wolde geue them his sprete.

Numbers 14:13-25

13 But Moses sayde vnto ye LORDE: Then shal ye Egipcians heare it (for wt thy power hast thou brought this people from amoge the) 14 so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season. 15 Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man, then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the, shulde saye: 16 The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe, that he sware vnto them, therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes. 17 So let the power of the LORDE now be greate, acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde: 18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion. 19 O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy, like as thou hast forborne this people also, euer from Egipte vnto this place. 20 And the LORDE sayde: I haue forgeue it, as thou hast saide. 21 But as truly as I lyue, all ye worlde shalbe full of my glory. 22 For of all ye men that haue sene my glory & my tokens, which I dyd in Egipte and in the wildernesse, and tempted me new ten tymes, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce, 23 there shall not one se the londe that I sware vnto their fathers: nether shal eny of them that haue blasphemed me, se it. 24 But my seruaut Caleb, because there is another maner sprete with him, & because he hath folowed me, him wil I brynge in to the lande, which he hath gone thorow, & his sede shal conquere it, 25 and ye Amalechites also and the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countrees. Tomorow turne you, and get you to the wyldernesse, in the waye towarde the reed see.

Deuteronomy 4:30-31

30 Whan thou shalt be strately troubled, & wha all these thinges shal come vpo the in ye latter dayes, then shalt thou turne agayne to ye LORDE thy God, and be obedient vnto his voice. 31 For ye LORDE yi God is a mercifull God, he shal not forsake the, ner destroye the: nether shall he forget the couenaunt with thy fathers, which he sware vnto them.

Nehemiah 9:20

20 And thou gauest them thy good sprete to enfourme them, and withheldest not thy Manna from their mouth, and gauest the water wha they were thirstie.

Psalms 25:6

6 Call to remembraunce, O LORDE, thy tender mercyes & thy louinge kyndnesses, which haue bene euer of olde.

Psalms 77:5-11

5 Then remembred I the tymes of olde, & the yeares that were past. 6 I called to remembraunce my songe in the night, I commoned with myne owne herte, and sought out my sprete. 7 Wil the LORDE cast out for euer? Wil he be nomore intreated? 8 Is his mercy cleane gone? Is his promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore? 9 Hath the LORDE forgotten to be gracious? Or, hath he shut vp his louynge kyndnesse in displeasure? 10 Sela. At the last I came to this poynte, that I thought: O why art thou so foolish? the right honde of the most hyest can chaunge all. 11 Therfore wil I remembre the workes of the LORDE, and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme.

Psalms 77:20

20 Thou leddest thy people like a flocke of shepe, by the honde of Moses and Aaron.

Psalms 89:47-50

47 Sela. LORDE, how longe wilt thou hyde thy self? For euer? shal thy wrath burne like fyre? 48 O remembre how shorte my tyme is, hast thou made all men for naught? 49 What man is he that lyueth, and shal not se death? Maye a ma delyuer his owne soule from the honde of hell? 50 Sela. LORDE, where are thy olde louynge kyndnesses, which thou sworest vnto Dauid in thy trueth?

Psalms 143:5

5 Yet do I remebre the tymes past, I muse vpo all yi workes, yee I exercise my self in the workes of thy hondes.

Isaiah 51:9-10

9 Wake vp, wake vp, & be stronge: O thou arme of the LORDE: wake vp, lyke as in tymes past, euer and sence the worlde beganne. 10 Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proude lucifer, and hewen the dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dried vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered might go thorow?

Isaiah 63:15

15 Loke downe then from heaue, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary & thy glory. How is it, yt thy gelousy, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies and thy louynge kyndnesse, wyl not be entreated of vs?

Jeremiah 2:6

6 They thought not in their hertes: Where haue we left the LORDE, yt brought vs out of the lode of Egipte: yt led vs thorow the wildernesse, thorow a deserte and rough londe, thorow a drie and a deedly londe, yee a londe that no man had gone thorow, and wherein no man had dwelt.

Daniel 4:8

8 till at the last, there came one Daniel (otherwyse called Balthasar, acordinge to the name of my God) which hath the sprete of the holy goddes in him: to whom I tolde the dreame, sayenge:

Haggai 2:5

5 and do acordinge to the worde (for I am with you, saieth the LORDE of hoostes) like as I agreed with you, when ye came out of the londe of Egypte: & my sprete shalbe amonge you, feare ye not.

Zechariah 4:6

6 He answered, & sayde vnto me: This is the worde of the LORDE vnto Zorobabel, sayenge: Nether thorow an hoost of men, ner thorow stregth, but thorow my sprete, saieth ye LORDE of hoostes.

Luke 1:54-55

54 He remebreth mercy, and helpeth vp his seruaunt Israel. 55 Euen as he promysed vnto oure fathers, Abraham and to his sede foreuer.

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