Isaiah 44:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 Beholde all the felashippe of the must be brought to confucion. Let all the workmasters of them come and stonde together from amonge men: they must be abashed and confouded one with another.

Judges 6:29-32

29 & one sayde vnto another: Who hath done this? And whan they soughte & made searche, it was sayde: Gedeon the sonne of Ioas hath done it. 30 The sayde the people of ye cite vnto Ioas: Brynge forth yi sonne, He must dye, because he hath broken Baals altare, and hewen downe the groue therby. 31 But Ioas sayde vnto all them that stode by him: Wyl ye stryue for Baal? Wil ye delyuer him? He yt stryueth for him, shal dye this mornynge. Yf he be God, let him auege him selfe, because his altare is broken downe. 32 From yt daye forth was he called Ierubaal, because it was sayde: Let Baal auenge him selfe, that his altare is broken downe.

Judges 16:23-30

23 Whan ye prynces of the Philistynes were gathered together, to make a greate sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to be ioyfull, they sayde: Oure god hath delyuered Samson or enemye in to or hande. 24 Like wyse whan ye people sawe him, they praysed their god, & sayde: Oure god hath delyuered in to oure handes oure enemye, yt destroyed oure londe, & slewe many of vs. 25 Now whan their hert was ioyfull, they sayde: Let vs fetch Samson, that he maye make some pastyme before vs. Then fetched they Samson out of the preson, & he made pastyme before them. And they set him betwene two pilers. 26 But Samson sayde vnto the lad yt led him by the hande: Let me touche the pilers wher vpon the house stondeth, yt I maye leane ther vnto. 27 As for ye house, it was full of men & wemen. All the prynces of the Philistynes were there also, and vpon the rofe were aboute a thre thousande men and wemen, which behelde what pastyme Samson made. 28 But Samson called vpon the LORDE, & sayde: O LORDE LORDE, thynke vpon me, & strength me but this once O God I beseke the, yt for both myne eyes I maye auege me on the Philistynes. 29 And he toke holde of ye two mydpilers, that the house stode vpon & was holden by, the one in his righte hade, & ye other in his lefte, 30 & saide: My soule dye wt the Philistynes, & he bowed him selfe mightely. Then fell the house vpon the prynces & vpon all the people that were therin, so that there were mo of ye slayne which dyed in his death, the he slewe whyle he lyued.

1 Samuel 5:3-7

3 And whan they of Asdod rose vp early on the morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face vpon the earth, before the Arke of the LORDE. But they toke vp Dagon, and set him agayne in his place. 4 Neuertheles whan they rose vp early on the nexte morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face agayne vpon the earth before the Arke of the LORDE: but his heade and both his hades hewen of vpon the thresholde, so that the block laie there onely. 5 Therfore the prestes of Dagon, and all they that go in to his house, treade not vpo the thressholde of Dagon at Asdod vnto this daye. 6 But the hande of the LORDE was heuy vpon them of Asdod, and destroyed them, and smote Asdod and all the borders therof in secrete places. 7 Whan the men of Asdod sawe that they were so plaged, they sayde: Let not the Arke of the God of Israel tary with vs, for his hande is to harde vpo vs & vpon or god Dagon.

1 Samuel 6:4-5

4 They sayde: What is the trespace offeringe that we shall geue him? They answered: Fyue hynder partes of golde, and fyue golden myce, acordinge to the nombre of the fyue prynces of ye Philistynes. For there hath bene one maner of plage vpon you all, and vpon youre prynces. 5 Therfore must ye make youre hynder partes of one fasshion and youre myce, which haue destroyed youre londe, that ye maye geue the God of Israel the honoure: peraduenture his hade shal be the lighter vpon you and vpon youre God, and vpon youre londe.

1 Kings 18:19-29

19 Go to, sende forth now, and gather me all Israel together vnto mount Carmell, and the foure hundreth and fiftye prophetes of Baal, and the foure hundreth prophetes of ye groue, which eate of Iesabels table. 20 So Achab sent vnto all the children of Israel, & gathered the prophetes together vnto mount Carmell. 21 Then stepte Elias vnto all the people, & sayde: How longe halte ye on both ye sydes? Yf the LORDE be God, the walke after him: but yf Baal be he, the folowe him. And the people gaue him no answere. 22 The sayde Elias vnto the people: I onely am lefte a prophet of ye LORDE: but Baals prophetes are foure C. and fiftie me. 23 Geue vs now two bullockes, & let them chose one bullocke, & hewe him in peces, & laye him vpo the wod, & put no fyre theron: so wil I take ye other bullock, & laye him vpo the wod, & put no fyre theron also: 24 call ye then vpo the name of yor god, & I wil call vpo the name of the LORDE: loke which God now answereth with fyre, let the same be God. And all the people answered & sayde: That is righte. 25 And Elias sayde vnto Baals prophetes: Chose ye one bullock, and do ye it first (for ye are many) and call ye vpon the name of youre god, & laye no fyre theron. 26 And they toke the bullock which he gaue them, & prepared it, & called vpon the name of Baal from the mornynge vntyll the noone daye, and sayde: O Baal heare vs. But there was nether voyce ner answere. And they hopped aboute the altare, as their vse was to do. 27 Now whan it was noone daye, Elias mocked them, and sayde: Crye loude. For he is a god, peradueture he is musynge, or hath somwhat to do, or is gone some iourneye, or happlye he slepeth, so that he wolde be waked vp. 28 And they cried loude, and prouoked the selues with knyues & botkens, (as their maner was) tyll ye bloude folowed. 29 But whan ye noone daye was past, they prophecied vntyll the tyme that the meatofferynge shulde be offered, & there was nether voyce ner answere, ner one to regarde them.

1 Kings 18:40

40 Elias sayde vnto them: Laye handes vpon Baals prophetes, yt none of them escape. And they toke them. And Elias broughte them downe vnto ye broke Cyson, & slewe the there.

Psalms 97:7

7 Cofounded be all they that worshipe ymages, and delite in their Idols: worshipe him all ye goddes.

Isaiah 1:29

29 And excepte ye be ashamed of the oketrees wherin ye haue so delited, and of the gardes that ye haue chosen:

Isaiah 41:5-7

5 Beholde ye Iles, that ye maye feare, and ye endes of the earth, that ye maye be abasshed, draw nye, and come hither. 6 Euery man hath exorted his neghboure, and brother, and bydden him be stronge. 7 The Smyth conforted the moulder, & the Ironsmyth the hammerman, sayenge: It shalbe good, that we fasten this cast worke: and then they fastened it with nales, that it shulde not be moued.

Isaiah 42:17

17 And therfore let them conuerte, and be ashamed earnestly, that hope in Idols, & saye to fashioned ymages: ye are oure godes.

Isaiah 45:16

16 Confounded be ye, and put to dishonoure: go hence together with shame, all ye that be workmasters of erroure: (that is worshippers of Idols)

Jeremiah 2:26-27

26 Like as a thefe that is taken with the dede, commeth to shame, eue so is the house of Israel come to confucion: the comon people, their kinges and rulers, their prestes and prophetes. 27 For they saye to a stock, thou art my father, and to a stone: thou hast begotten me, yee they haue turned their back vpon me, & not their face. But in the tyme of their trouble, when they saye: stonde vp, and helpe vs,

Jeremiah 10:14

14 His wisdome maketh all men fooles. And confunded be all casters of ymages, for that they cast, is but a vayne thinge, and hath no life.

Jeremiah 51:17

17 By the reason of wy?dome, all men are become fooles. Confounded be all the casters of ymages: for ye thinge that they make, is but disceate, & hath no breath.

Daniel 3:1-7

1 Nabuchodonosor the kynge caused a golde ymage to be made, which was lx. cubites hye, and sixe cubites thicke. This he made to be set vp in the valley of Duran in the londe of Babilon 2 & sent out to gather together the dukes, lordes & nobles, the iudges and officers, the debites ad shreues, with all the rulers of the londe: yt they might come to the dedicacion of the ymage which Nabuchodonosor the kynge had set vp. 3 So the dukes, lordes and nobles, the iudges and officers, debytes and shreues with all the rulers of the londe gathered them together, and came vnto the dedicatynge of ye ymage, that Nabuchodonosor the kinge had set vp. Now when they stode before the ymage, which Nabuchodonosor set vp, 4 the bedell cried out wt all his might: O ye people, kynreddes and tunges, to you be it sayde: 5 that whe ye heare the noyse off the trompettes, which shalbe blowne, wt ye harpes, shawmes, Psalteries, Symphonies and all maner off Musick: ye fall downe and worshipe the golden ymage, yt Nabuchodonosor the kynge hath set vp. 6 Who so then falleth not downe and boweth himself, shal euen the same houre be cast in to an hote burnynge ouen. 7 Therfore, when all the folke herde the noyse off the trompettes that were blowne, with the harpes, shawmes, Psalteries, Symphonies and all kynde of Melody: the all the people, kynreddes and nacions fell downe, and bowed them selues vnto the golden ymage, that Nabuchodonosor the kynge had set vp.

Daniel 5:1-6

1 Balthasar the kynge made a greate bancket to his thousande lordes: withall these thousande he made greate cheare, 2 and when he was dronken wt wyne, he commaunded to brynge him ye golden and syluer vessel, which his father Nabuchodonosor had taken out of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge and his lordes (with his quene and concubynes) might drike therout. 3 So they brought the golden vessel, that was take out of the temple of the LORDES house at Ierusalem. Then the kynge and his lordes with his quene and concubines dronke out of them. 4 They dronke wyne, and praysed their Idols of golde, syluer, copper, yron, wodde and stone. 5 In the very same houre there appeared fyngers, as it had bene of a mans honde writynge, right ouer agaynst the candelsticke vpon the playne wall in the kynges palace: and the kynge sawe the palme of ye honde yt wrote. 6 Then chaunged the kynge his countenaunce, and his thoughtes troubled him: so that the ioyntes off his body shoke, and his knees smote one agaynst the other.

Acts 19:24-34

24 For a certayne man named Demetrius a goldsmyth, which made syluer shrynes for Diana, and broughte them of the crafte no small vauntage. 25 Them he gathered together, and the feloweworkme of the same occupacion, and sayde: Syrs, ye knowe that by this crafte we haue vauntage, 26 and ye se and heare, that not onely at Ephesus, but almost also thorow out all Asia, this Paul turneth awaye moch people with his persuadynge, and sayeth: They be not goddes that are made with hondes. 27 Howbeit it shal not onely brynge oure occupacion to this poynte to be set at naught, but also the temple of greate Diana shal from hence forth be despysed, and hir maiestye also shalbe destroyed, who neuertheles all Asia and the worlde worshippeth. 28 Whan they herde this, they were full of wrath, cried out, and sayde: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians. 29 And all ye cite was on a roore, and they russhed in with one assent in to the open place, and toke Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, Pauls companyons. 30 Whan Paul wolde haue gone in amonge the people, the disciples suffred him not. 31 Certayne also of ye chefe of Asia which were Pauls good frendes, sent vnto him, and desyred him, that he shulde not preasse in to the open place. 32 Some cried one thinge, some another. And the congregacion was out of quyete, and the more parte knewe not wherfore they were come together. 33 Some of the people drue forth Alexander, whan ye Iewes thrust him forwarde. Alexader beckened with the hande, and wolde haue geuen the people an answere. 34 But whan they knewe that he was a Iewe, there arose a shoute of all, and cried the space of two houres: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians.

Revelation 19:19-21

19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.

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