Genesis 41:42 Cross References - Coverdale

42 And he toke of his ringe from his hade and gaue it Ioseph in his hade, and clothed him with whyte sylke, and honge a cheyne of golge aboute his neck,

Esther 3:10

10 Then toke the kynge his rynge from his hande, and gaue it vnto Aman the sonne of Amadathi the Agagite the Iewes enemie.

Esther 3:12

12 Then were the kynges scrybes called on ye thirtenth daye of the first moneth, & there was wrytten (acordynge as Aman commauded) vnto the kynges prynces, and to the Debites euery where in the londes, and to the captaynes of euery people in the countrees on euery syde, acordynge to the wrytinge of euery nacion, and after their language in the name of kynge Ahasuerus, and sealed with the kynges rynge.

Esther 6:7-12

7 And Aman sayde vnto the kynge: Let the man vnto whom the kynge wolde be glad to do worshippe, be broughte hither, 8 that he maye be araied with the royall garmentes which the kynge vseth to weere: and the horse that the kynge rydeth vpon, and that the crowne royall maye be set vpon his heade. 9 And let this rayment and horse be delyuered vnder the hande of one of the kynges prynces, that he maye araye the man withall (whom the kynge wolde fayne honoure) and cary him vpon the horse thorow the strete of the cite, and cause it to be proclamed before him: Thus shal it be done to euery man, whom the kynge wolde fayne honoure. 10 The kynge sayde: Make haist, and take (as thou hast sayde) the raymet and the horse, and do euen so with Mardocheus ye Iewe that sitteth before the kynges gate, and let nothinge fayle of all that thou hast spoken. 11 Then toke Aman the rayment and the horse, and arayed him, and broughte him on hor?backe thorow the strete of the cite, and proclamed before him: Euen thus shall it be done vnto euery man whom the kynge is disposed to honoure. 12 And Mardocheus came agayne to the kynges gate, but Aman gat him home in all the haist, mournynge with bare heade,

Esther 8:2

2 And the kynge put of his fynger rynge, which he had taken from Aman, & gaue it vnto Mardocheus. And Hester set Mardocheus ouer the house of Aman.

Esther 8:8

8 Wryte ye now therfore for the Iewes, as it liketh you in the kynges name, and seale it with ye kynges rynge (for the wrytinges that were wrytten in ye kynges name, and sealed with the kynges rynge, durst no man dysanulle.)

Esther 8:10

10 And it was written in the kynge Ahasuerus name, and sealed with the kynges rynge. And by postes that rode vpon swyfte yonge Mules, sent he the wrytinges,

Esther 8:15

15 As for Mardocheus, he wente out from the kynge in royall apparell of yalow and whyte, and wyth a greate crowne of golde, beynge arayed with a garment of linnen and purple, and ye cite of Susan reioysed & was glad:

Esther 10:3

3 For Mardocheus the Iewe was the seconde nexte vnto kynge Ahasuerus, and greate amonge ye Iewes, and accepted amonge the multitude of his brethren, as one yt seketh the welth of his people, and speaketh the best for all his sede.

Proverbs 1:9

9 for that shal brynge grace vnto thy heade, & shalbe a cheyne aboute thy necke.

Proverbs 31:22

22 She maketh hir self fayre ornametes, hir clothige is whyte sylke & purple.

Proverbs 31:24

24 She maketh cloth of sylke & selleth it, and delyuereth a gyrdle vnto ye marchaut.

Song of Songs 1:10

10 Then shal thy chekes & thy neck be made fayre, & hanged wt spages & goodly iewels:

Ezekiel 16:10-11

10 I gaue the chaunge of raymentes, I made the shues of Taxus lether: I gyrthed ye aboute wt white sylcke, I clothed the with kerchues, 11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke,

Ezekiel 27:7

7 Thy sale was of whyte small nedle worke out off the londe of Egipte, to hage vpo thy mast: & thy hanginges of yalow sylcke & purple, out of ye Iles of Elisa.

Daniel 2:46-47

46 Then the kynge Nabuchodonosor fell downe vpon his face, and bowed him self vnto Daniel, and commaunded that they shulde offre meatoffrynges and swete odoures vnto him. 47 The kynge answerde Daniel, and sayde: Yee off a treuth, youre God is a God aboue all goddes, a LORDE aboue all kynges, and an opener of secretes: seynge thou canst discouer this mysterie.

Daniel 5:7

7 Wherfore the kynge cryed mightely, that they shulde brynge him the charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels. The kynge spake also to the wyse men of Babilon, and sayde: Who so can rede this wrytynge, and shewe me the playne meanynge theroff: shall be clothed with purple, haue a cheyne off golde aboute his necke, and rule the thirdeparte off my kyngdome.

Daniel 5:16

16 Then herde I saye, yt thou canst expounde darcke thinges, and declare harde doutes. Well than, yf thou canst rede this writinge, and shewe me the meaninge therof: thou shalt be clothed wt purple, haue a cheyne of golde aboute thy necke, & rule the thirde parte of my kyngdome.

Daniel 5:29

29 Then commaunded Balthasar, to cloth Daniel with purple, to hange a cheyne off golde aboute his necke, and to make a proclamacion concernynge him: that he shulde be the ruler off the thirde parte off his kyngdome.

Luke 15:22

22 But the father sayde vnto his seruauntes: Brynge forth the best garment, and put it vpon him, and geue him a rynge vpon his hande, and shues on his fete,

Luke 19:16-19

16 Then came the first and sayde: Syr, thy pounde hath wonne ten pounde. 17 And he sayde vnto him: Well thou good seruaut, for so moch as thou hast bene faithfull in the least, thou shalt haue auctorite ouer ten cities. 18 The seconde came also, and sayde: Syr, thy pounde hath wonne fyue pounde. 19 And to him he sayde: And thou shalt be ouer fyue cities.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.