Genesis 14:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 And then they turned, & came to the well of iudgment (which is Cades) & smote all the countre of the Amalechites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazezon Thamar.

Genesis 16:14

14 Therfore called she the well: The well of the liuinge that sawe me. Which (well) is betwene Cades and Bared.

Genesis 20:1

1 As for Abraham, he departed thence, into the south countre, and dwelt betwixte Cades and Sur, and was a straunger at Gerar,

Genesis 36:12

12 And Thimna was a concubyne of Elyphas ye sonne of Esau, and bare him Amaleck. These are ye children of Ada Esaus wyfe.

Genesis 36:16

16 the prynce Korah, the prynce Gaethan, the prynce Amaleck. These are the prynces of Eliphas in the lade of Edo, and are the children of Ada.

Exodus 17:8-16

8 Then came Ameleck, & fought agaynst Israel in Raphidim. 9 And Moses sayde vnto Iosua: Chose vs out men, go out, & fight against Amaleck, tomorow wil I stode vpo the toppe of the hyll, & haue ye staff of God in my hande. 10 And Iosua dyd as Moses bade him, & fought agaynst Amalek. Moses & Aaron & Hur wente vp to ye toppe of the hyll. 11 And wha Moses helde vp his hade, Israel had the victory: but whan he let downe his hande, Amalek had the victory. 12 But Moses hades were heuy, therfore toke they a stone, & layed it vnder him, that he might syt vpon it. And Aaron & Hur stayed vp his hades, the one vpon the one syde, and the other vpon ye other syde. So his handes were stedfast vnto ye Sonne wente downe. 13 And Iosua discomfited Amalek, & his people thorow the edge of the swerde. 14 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Wryte this for a remebraunce in a boke, & comytte it vnto ye eares of Iosua: for I wyll rote out Amalek from vnder heauen, so that he shall nomore be remembred. 15 And Moses buylded an altare vnto the LORDE, and called it: The LORDE Nissi, 16 for he sayde: The battayll of the LORDE shalbe agaynst Amalek thorow an hande vnder the defence of God from childe to childes childe.

Numbers 13:26

26 and wente, and came to Moses and Aaron, & to the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel in to ye wyldernesse of Paran, eue vnto Cades, and brought them worde agayne, and to the whole congregacion, how it stode, and let them se the frute of the lande,

Numbers 14:43

43 For the Amalechites and Cananites are there before you, & ye shal fall thorow ye swerde, because ye haue turned yor selues from the LORDE, and the LORDE shal not be with you.

Numbers 14:45

45 Then came downe ye Amalechites & Cananites which dwelt vpon that mountayne, and smote them and hewed them, euen vnto Horma.

Numbers 20:1

1 And the childre of Israel came wt the whole cogregacion into the wildernesse of Zin in the first moneth, & the people abode at Cades. And there dyed Miriam, & was buried there.

Numbers 24:20

20 And wha he sawe ye Amalechites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Amalec the first amoge the Heithe, but at ye last thou shalt perishe vtterly.

Deuteronomy 1:19

19 Then departed we from Horeb, and walked thorow the whole wyldernesse (which is greate and terryble as ye haue sene) by the waye to ye mountaynes of the Amorites, as the LORDE oure God commauded vs, and came vnto Cades Bernea.

Deuteronomy 1:46

46 So ye abode in Cades a longe season.

Joshua 15:62

62 Nibsan, and the Salt cite, and Engaddi. These are sixe cities and their vyllagies.

1 Samuel 15:1-35

1 Samuel sayde vnto Saul: The LORDE sent me to anoynte the for to be kynge ouer his people of Israel: heare now therfore the voyce of the wordes of the LORDE. 2 Thus sayeth ye LORDE Zebaoth: I haue remembred what Amaleck dyd vnto Israel, & how he layed wayte for him in ye waye, whan he wente out of Egipte: 3 Go yi waye now therfore, and smyte the Amalechites, & damne them with all that they haue, & spare him not: but slaye both man and woman, children & sucklynges, oxen & shepe, Camels and asses. 4 Saul commaunded the people the same, and nombred them at Talaim, two hudreth thousande fote men, & ten thousande men of Iuda. 5 And whan Saul came to the cite of the Amalechites, he set an hynder watch by the ryuer, 6 and sayde vnto ye Kenites: Get you hence, departe, and go downe from ye Amalechites, yt I smyte you not with them, for ye shewed mercy vnto all the children of Israel, wha they departed out of Egipte. So the Kenites gat them awaye from amonge the Amalechites. 7 Then smote Saul the Amalechites from Heuila vnto Sur (which lyeth ouer against Egipte) 8 & toke Agag the kynge of ye Amalechites alyue, & damned all ye people wt the edge of the swerde. 9 Neuertheles Saul and the people spared Agag, and the shepe and oxen yt were good and fat, and the lambes, and all that was good, and wolde not damne the: but loke what was foule and nothinge worth, that they damned. 10 Then came the worde of the LORDE vnto Samuel, and sayde: 11 It repenteth me that I made Saul kynge, for he hath turned him selfe backe fro me, and not cofirmed my wordes. Therfore was Samuel angrye, & cried vnto the LORDE all that nighte. 12 And Samuel gat him vp early, that he might mete Saul in ye mornynge. And it was tolde him, that Saul was come vnto Carmel, & had set him vp a piler, and was gone aboute, and come downe to Gilgall. 13 Now wha Samuel came to Saul, Saul sayde vnto him: Blessed be thou vnto ye LORDE, I haue perfourmed the worde of ye LORDE. 14 Samuel answered: What crye is this then of shepe in myne eares, and the crye of oxen which I heare? 15 Saul sayde: They haue broughte them from the Amalechites: for the people spared the best shepe & oxen for the offerynge of ye LORDE thy God, the other haue we damned. 16 Neuertheles Samuel answered Saul: Let me tell the what ye LORDE hath sayde vnto me this nighte. He sayde: Saye on. 17 Samuel sayde: Whan thou wast but small in thine awne eyes, wast thou not ye heade amoge the trybes of Israel? & the LORDE anoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel? 18 and ye LORDE sent ye in to the waye, & sayde: Go yi waie & damne the synners the Amalechites, and fighte agaynst them, tyll thou haue vtterly destroyed the? 19 Wherfore hast thou not herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE, but hast turned thy selfe to the spoyle, and done euell in the sighte of the LORDE? 20 Saul answered Samuel: Yee I haue herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE, & haue gone the waye that ye LORDE sent me, and broughte Agag the kynge of the Amalechites, & damned the Amalechites: 21 but ye people haue take of the spoyle, shepe & oxen, and ye best amoge the damned, to offer vnto ye LORDE thy God in Gilgall. 22 Samuel saide: Hath the LORDE pleasure in sacrifices and burntofferynges, as in obeynge the voyce of the LORDE? Beholde, obedience is better then offerynge, and to herken is better then the fat of rammes. 23 For disobedience is as ye synne of witchcrafte, and rebellion is as the blasphemy of Idolatrye. In so moch now as thou hast refused the worde of the LORDE, he hath refused the also, that thou shuldest not be kynge. 24 Then sayde Saul vnto Samuel: I haue synned, yt I haue transgressed the commaundement of the LORDE and thy worde: for I was afrayed of the people, and herkened vnto their voyce. 25 And now forgeue me my synne, & returne with me, that I maye worshippe ye LORDE. 26 Samuel saide vnto Saul: I wil not turne backe with ye, for thou hast refused the worde of the LORDE, and the LORDE hath refused the also, yt thou shuldest not be kynge in Israel. 27 And whan Samuel turned him backe to go his waye, he gat him by ye edge of his garment, & rete it. 28 Then sayde Samuel vnto him: The LORDE hath rente the kyngdome of Israel from ye this daye, & geuen it vnto yi neghbor, which is better then thou. 29 The ouerwynner in Israel also shal not lye, nether shal he repente: for he is no man, that he shulde repente. 30 He sayde: I haue synned, yet honoure me now before the Elders of my people and before Israel, and turne backe with me, that I maye worshippe the LORDE thy God. 31 So Samuel turned agayne after Saul, that Saul mighte worshippe the LORDE. 32 But Samuel sayde: Bringe me hither Agag the kynge of the Amalechites. And Agag wente vnto him tederly. And Agag saide: Thus departeth the bytternesse of death. 33 Samuel sayde: Like as thy swerde hath made wemen childlesse, so shal yi mother also be without children amonge wemen. So Samuel hewed Agag in peces before ye LORDE in Gilgall. 34 And Samuel departed vnto Ramath. But Saul wente vp to his house at Gibea Saul. 35 And Samuel sawe Saul nomore vnto the daye of his death. Neuertheles Samuel mourned for Saul, because it repented the LORDE, that he had made Saul kynge ouer Israel.

1 Samuel 27:1-12

1 Dauid thoughte in his hert: One of these dayes shal I fall in to the handes of Saul: It is better that I get me my waye in to ye londe of ye Philistynes, that Saul maye leaue of from sekynge me in all the coastes of Israel, so shall I escape his handes. 2 And he gat him vp, and wente ouer (with the sixe hundreth men that were with him) vnto Achis the sonne of Maoch kynge of Gath. 3 So Dauid remayned by Achis at Gath, with his me, euery one with his housholde, and Dauid with his two wyues, Ahinoam the Iesraelitisse, and Abigail Nabals wife of Carmel. 4 And whan worde came to Saul that Dauid was fled vnto Gath, he soughte him nomore. 5 And Dauid sayde vnto Achis: Yf I haue founde grace in thy sighte, then let there be geuen me a place in one of the cities of the londe, that I maye dwell therin. Wherfore shulde thy seruaunt dwell in the kynges cite with the? 6 Then Achis gaue him Siclag the same daye. Therfore belongeth. Siclag to the kynges of Iuda vnto this daye. 7 The tyme that Dauid dwelt in the londe of the Philistynes, is foure monethes. 8 Dauid wente vp with his men, and fell in to the londe of the Gessurites and Girsites, and Amalechites: for these were the inhabiters of this londe of olde, as thou commest to Sur vnto the lode of Egipte. 9 But wha Dauid smote ye londe, he let nether man ner woman lyue, and toke the shepe, oxen, asses, Camels and rayment, and returned and came to Achis. 10 So whan Achis spake: Whither fell ye in to daye? Dauid sayde: Towarde the south parte of Iuda, towarde ye south parte of the Ierahmielites, & towarde the south parte of the Kenites. 11 But Dauid let nether man ner woman come lyuynge vnto Geth, and thoughte: They mighte peradueture speake & reporte agaynst vs: thus dyd Dauid, and this was his maner as longe as he dwelt in ye londe of the Philistynes. 12 Therfore Achis gaue credence vnto Dauid, and thoughte: he hath made him selfe stynke before his people of Israel, therfore shal he be my seruaunt for euer.

1 Samuel 30:1-31

1 Now whan Dauid came to Siclag on the thirde daie with his men, the Amalechites had falle in on ye south parte and at Siclag, and had smytten Siclag, and burned it with fyre, 2 and had caried a waye the weme out of it, both small & greate. Neuertheles they had slayne no man, but dryuen the thence, and were goynge on their waye. 3 Now whan Dauid with his men came to the cite, and sawe that it was brent wt fyre, and that their wyues, sonnes & doughters were led awaye captyue, 4 Dauid and the people that was with him lefte vp their voyce, and wepte so longe tyll they coulde wepe nomore. 5 For Dauids two wyues also were caried awaye captyue, Ahinoam ye Iesraelitisse, and Abigail Nabals wife of Carmel. 6 And Dauid was very soroufull, for the people wolde haue stoned him: for ye soule of all the people was in greate heuynes, euery one ouer his sonnes and doughters. Neuertheles Dauid strengthed him selfe in the LORDE his God, 7 & sayde vnto Abiathar ye prest the sonne of Ahimelech: Bringe me hither the ouerbody cote. And whan Abiathar had broughte the ouerbody cote vnto Dauid, 8 Dauid axed at the LORDE, and sayde: Shal I folowe vpon the men of warre, and shal I ouertake them? He sayde: Yee, folowe vpo them, thou shalt ouertake them, and shalt rescue the pray. 9 Then wente Dauid his waye, and the sixe hudreth men that were with him. And whan they came to the ryuer of Besor, some stode styll. 10 But Dauid and the foure hundreth men folowed after: As for the two hudreth men that stode styll, they had bene slowe to go ouer the ryuer of Besor. 11 And they founde a man of Egipte vpon the felde, him they broughte vnto Dauid, & gaue him bred to eate, and water to drynke, 12 and gaue him a quantite of fygges, & two quantities of rasyns. And whan he had eaten, his sprete came to him againe: for in thre dayes and thre nightes he had eate no bred, and dronke no water. 13 Dauid sayde vnto him: Whose art thou? & whence art thou? He sayde: I am a childe of Egipte, an Amalechites seruaunt, & my master hath forsaken me, because I was sicke thre dayes a goo. 14 We fell her in towarde ye south syde of Chrethus, and vpon Iuda, and towarde ye south parte of Caleb, & haue burned Siclag with fyre. 15 Dauid sayde vnto him: Wilt thou bringe me downe to these men of warre? He sayde: Sweare vnto me by God, yt thou shalt not slaye me, ner delyuer me in to my masters hade, and I wil brynge the downe to these me of warre. 16 And he broughte the downe, and beholde, they were scatred vpon all ye grounde, eatinge and drynkynge, and kepynge holy daye, and were makinge mery chere, because of all the greate spoyles that they had taken out of the londe of the Philistynes and of Iuda. 17 And Dauid smote them from ye morow tyll the euen, agaynst the nexte daye, so that there escaped none, excepte foure hundreth yonge men, which rode vpon camels, & fled. 18 So Dauid rescued all that the Amalechites had taken, and his two wyues, 19 & there myssed nothinge, nether small ner greate, nether sonnes ner doughters, ner spoyles: and what so euer they had taken, Dauid broughte all agayne. 20 And Dauid toke the shepe and oxe, and droue ye catell before him. And they sayde: This is Dauids spoyle. 21 And whan Dauid came to the two hundreth men, which had bene slowe to folowe after Dauid, and abode at the ryuer of Besor, they wente forth to mete Dauid, and the people yt was with him. And Dauid came to the people, and saluted them frendly. 22 Then answered soch men as were euell & Belials men (amonge them that had gone with Dauid) and sayde: Seynge they wente not wt vs, they shal haue none of the spoyles that we haue rescued: but let euery ma take his wife & his children and be goynge. 23 Then sayde Dauid: Ye shall not do so (my brethren) with that which ye LORDE hath geuen vs, and hath preserued vs, and delyuered these men of warre (which were come agaynst vs) in to oure hades. 24 Who shulde cosente vnto you herin? like as the porcion is of them that wente downe to the battayll, so shal ye porcion be of them also that a bode wt the stuffe, & shalbe deuyded a lyke. 25 From that tyme forth hath this bene an ordinaunce & lawe in Israel vnto this daye. 26 And whan Dauid came to Siclag, he sent of the spoyle vnto the Elders in Iuda his neghbours, and sayde: Beholde, there haue ye the blessynge out of the spoyle of the enemies of the LORDE, 27 namely vnto them of Bethel, vnto them at Ramath in the south, vnto them at Iathir, 28 vnto them at Aroer, vnto them at Siphamoth, vnto them at Eschemoa, 29 vnto them at Rachal, vnto them in the cities of the Ierahmielites, vnto them in the cities of the Kenites, 30 vnto them at Horma, vnto the at Borasan, vnto the at Atach, 31 vnto them at Hebron, and vnto all the places where Dauid had walked wt his men.

2 Chronicles 20:2

2 And they came and tolde Iosaphat, and sayde: There cometh a greate multitude agaynst the from beyonde the See of Syria, & beholde, they are at Hazezon Thamar, that is Engaddi.

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