Galatians 2:16 Cross References - Coverdale

16 yet (in so moch as we knowe, that a man is not made righteous by the dedes off the lawe, but by the faith on Iesus Christ) we haue beleued also on Iesus Christ, yt we might be made righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by the dedes of the lawe, because that by the dedes of the lawe no flesh shal be iustified.

Job 9:2-3

2 As for yt I knowe it is so of a treuth, yt a man compared vnto God, can not be iustified. 3 Yf he wil argue with him, he shall not be able to answere him vnto one amonge a thousande.

Job 9:29

29 Yf I be then a wicked one, why haue I laboured in vayne?

Job 25:4

4 But how maye a man copared vnto God, be iustified? Or, how can he be clene, that is borne of a woman?

Psalms 130:3-4

3 Yf thou (LORDE) wilt be extreme to marcke what is done amysse, Oh LORDE, who maye abyde it? 4 But there is mercy with the, that thou mayest be feared.

Psalms 143:2

2 And entre not in to iudgment with thy seruaunt, for in thy sight shal no man lyuynge be iustified.

Luke 10:25-29

25 And beholde, there stode vp a scrybe and tempted him, and sayde: Master, what must I do, to inheret euerlastinge life? 26 He sayde vnto him: What is wrytten in the lawe? How readest thou? 27 He answered and sayde: Thou shalt loue thy LORDE God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy strength, and with all thy mynde, and thy neghboure as thy self. 28 He sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt lyue. 29 But he wolde haue iustified himself, & sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghboure?

John 6:68-69

68 Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life: 69 and we haue beleued & knowne, that thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God.

John 20:31

31 But these are wrytte, yt ye shulde beleue, yt Iesus is Christ the sonne of God, & that ye thorow beleue might haue life in his name.

Acts 4:12

12 nether is there saluacion in eny other: Ner yet also is there geue vnto me eny other name, wherin we must be saued.

Acts 13:38-39

38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethre, yt thorow this man is preached vnto you ye forgeuenesse of synnes, 39 and fro all ye thinges, wherby ye mighte not be iustifyed in the lawe of Moses.

Romans 1:17

17 for in it ye righteousnes that is of value before God, is opened, which cometh out of faith i to faith.

Romans 3:19-28

19 But we knowe, yt, what soeuer the lawe sayeth, it sayeth it vnto them which are vnder the lawe, yt euery mouthe maye be stopped, & yt all the worlde maye be detter vnto God, 20 because yt by ye dedes of the lawe no flesh maye be iustified in his sighte. For by the lawe commeth but the knowlege of synne. 21 But now without addinge to of ye lawe is the righteousnes which avayleth before God, declared, hauynge witnesse of ye lawe and the prophetes: 22 but I speake of ye righteousnes before God, which cometh by the faith on Iesus Christ, vnto all, and vpo all them that beleue.For here is no difference. 23 For they are all synners, and wate the prayse that God shulde haue of the, 24 but without deseruynge are they made righteous eue by his grace, thorow the redempcion that is done by Christ Iesu, 25 whom God hath set forth for a Mercyseate thorow faith in his bloude, to shewe the righteousnes which avayleth before him, in that he forgeueth the synnes, which were done before vnder the sufferaunce of God, which he suffred, 26 that at this tyme he mighte shewe ye righteousnes which avayleth before him: yt he onely mighte be righteous, & the righteous maker of him which is of the faith on Iesus. 27 Where is now then thy reioysinge? It is excluded. By what lawe? By the lawe of workes? Nay, but by the lawe of faith. 28 We holde therfore that a man is iustified by faith, without the workes of the lawe.

Romans 3:30

30 for so moch as he is the God onely that iustifieth the circumcision which is of faith, and the vncircucision thorow faith.

Romans 4:2

2 This we saye: Yf Abraham were made righteous thorow workes, then hath he wherin to reioyse, but not before God.

Romans 4:5-6

5 owbeit vnto him, yt goeth not aboute with workes, but beleueth on him yt iustifieth the vngodly, is his faith counted for righteousnes. 6 Euen as Dauid sayeth also, that blessednes is onely that mans, vnto who God counteth righteousnes without addinge to of workes, where he sayeth:

Romans 4:13-15

13 For the promes (that he shulde be ye heyre of the worlde) was not made vnto Abraham or to his sede thorow the lawe, but thorow the righteousnes of faith. 14 For yf they which are of the lawe be heyres, the is faith vayne, and the promes of none effecte, 15 for so moch as the lawe causeth but wrath. For where the lawe is not, there is also no transgression.

Romans 4:24-5:2

24 but also for oure sakes: vnto who it shalbe counted, yf we beleue on him, that raysed vp oure LORDE Iesus from the deed.

Romans 5:8-9

8 Therfore doth God set forth his loue towarde vs, in yt Christ dyed for vs,whan we were yet synners: 9 Moch more then shal we be saued from wrath by him seynge we are now made righteous thorow his bloude.

Romans 8:3

3 For what vnpossible was vnto ye lawe (in as moch as it was weake because of the flesh) yt perfourmed God, & sent his sonne in ye similitude of synfull flesh,

Romans 8:30-34

30 As for those whom he hath ordeyned before, them hath he called also: and whom he hath called, the hath he also made righteous: and whom he hath made righteous, them hath he glorified also. 31 What shal we saye then vnto these thinges? Yff God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs. 32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but hath geuen him for vs all: how shal he not with him geue vs all thinges also? 33 Who wyl laye enythinge to ye charge of Gods chosen? Here is God that maketh righteous, 34 who wil then condemne? Here is Christ that is deed, yee rather which is raysed vp agayne, which is also on ye righte hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs.

Romans 9:30

30 What shal we saye then? This wil we saye: The Heythen which folowed not righteousnes, haue ouertaken righteousnes: but I speake of the righteousnes that commeth of faith.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And soch haue some of you bene, but ye are wasshed, ye are sanctified, ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus, and by the sprete of oure God.

2 Corinthians 5:19-21

19 For God was in Christ, and reconcyled the worlde vnto himselfe, and counted not ther synnes vnto them, and amonge vs hath he set vp the worde of ye attonemet. 20 Now the are we messaungers in the rowme of Christ, euen as though God exhorted by vs. We beseke you now therfore in Christes steade, that ye be at one with God: 21 for he hath made him which knewe no synne, to be synne for vs, yt we by his meanes shulde be that righteousnes, which before God is alowed.

Galatians 2:19-20

19 But I thorow the lawe am deed vnto the lawe, that I might lyue vnto God. 20 I am crucified with Christ, yet do I lyue: neuerthelesse now not I, but Christ lyueth in me. For ye life which I now lyue in ye flesshe, I lyue in the faith of ye sonne of God which loued me, and gaue himselfe for me.

Galatians 3:10-14

10 For as many as go aboute with the workes of the lawe, are vnder ye curse: For it is wrytte: Cursed be euery man, which cotynueth not in all thinges that are wrytte in the boke of the lawe, to do them. 11 That no man is iustified by the lawe in the sighte of God, it is euydet: For ye iust shal lyue by his faith. 12 The lawe is not of faith, but the ma that doth ye same, shal lyue therin. 13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre) 14 yt the blessynge of Abraham mighte come on the Gentyles in Christ Iesu, and yt we might so receaue ye promysed sprete, thorow faith.

Galatians 3:22-24

22 But ye scripture hath shut vp all vnder synne, that ye promes shulde come by the faith on Iesus Christ, geue vnto the that beleue. 23 Before faith came, we were kepte and shut vp vnder the lawe, vnto the faith which shulde afterwarde be declared. 24 Thus ye lawe was or scolemaster vnto Christ, that we might be made righteous by faith.

Galatians 4:5

5 to redeme them which were vnder the lawe, that we mighte receaue ye childshippe.

Galatians 5:4

4 Ye are gone quyte from Christ, as many off you as wylbe made righteous by the lawe, and are fallen from grace.

Philippians 3:9

9 & be founde in him, not hauynge myne awne righteousnes which commeth of the lawe, but by the faith of Christ (namely) the righteousnes which commeth of God in faith,

Hebrews 7:18-19

18 then the commaundement that wente before, is disanulled, because of his weaknesse, and vnprofitablenes. 19 For the lawe made nothinge perfecte, but was an introduccion of a better hope, by ye which hope we drawe nye vnto God.

1 Peter 1:2

2 acordinge to the foreknowlege of God the father thorow sanctifienge of the sprete, vnto obedience and sprenklynge of the bloude of Iesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied with you.

1 Peter 1:8-9

8 whom ye haue not sene, and yet loue him: in whom now ye beleue, though ye se him not. Euen so shal ye reioyce also with vnoutspeakable and glorious ioye, 9 receauynge the ende of youre faith, euen the saluacion of youre soules.

1 Peter 1:18-21

18 and knowe, that ye were not redemed wt corruptible syluer and golde, from youre vayne conuersacion (which ye receaued by the tradicios of the fathers) 19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe, 20 which was ordeyned before the worlde was made, but is declared in these last tymes for youre sakes, 21 which thorow him beleue on God, that raysed him vp from the deed, and hath geue him the glory, that ye might haue faith & hope in God:

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moch as Christ hath once suffred for oure synnes, ye iust for the vniust, for to brynge vs to God: & was slayne after the flesh, but quyckened after the sprete.

2 Peter 1:1

1 Symon Peter a seruaut and an Apostle of Iesus Christ.Vnto the which haue optayned like faith with vs in the righteousnes that commeth of oure God, and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

1 John 1:7

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

1 John 2:1-2

1 My litle children, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye shulde not synne: and yf eny man synne, we haue an aduocate with the father, euen Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Revelation 7:9

9 After this I behelde, and lo, a gret multitude (which no man coulde nombre) of all nacions and people, and tonges, stode before the seate, and before the lambe, clothed wt longe whyte garmetes, and palmes in their hondes,

Revelation 7:14

14 And I sayde vnto him: LORDE thou wotest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam out of gret tribulacion, and made their garmentes large, and made the whyte in the bloude of the lambe:

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