Ezekiel 33:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 Neuertheles yf thou warne the wicked off his waye, to turne from it, where as he yet wil not be turned from it: then shal he dye because off his synne, but thou hast delyuered thy soule.

Proverbs 15:10

10 He that forsaketh ye right strete, shalbe sore punyshed: & who so hateth correccion, falleth in to death.

Proverbs 29:1

1 He that is stiffnecked & wyll not be refourmed, shal sodenly be destroyed wt out eny helpe.

Ezekiel 3:19

19 Neuertheles, yff thou geue warnynge vnto the wicked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule.

Ezekiel 3:21

21 Neuertheles, yf thou exhortest the rightuous, that he synne not, and so ye rightuous do not synne: Then shall he lyue, because he hath receaued thy warnynge, and thou hast discharged thy soule.

Luke 12:47

47 The seruaunt that knewe his lordes wil and prepared not himself, nether dyd acordinge to his will, shal be beaten with many strypes:

John 8:24

24 Therfore haue I sayde vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shal dye in youre synnes.

Acts 13:40

40 But whosoeuer beleueth on this man, is iustifyed. Bewarre therfore, that it come not vpon you, which is spoken in the prophetes:

Acts 13:46

46 But Paul and Barnabas waxed bolde, and sayde: It behoued first the worde of God to be spoken vnto you: but now that ye thrust it fro you, and counte youre selues vnworthy of euerlastinge life, lo, we turne to the Gentyles.

Acts 18:5-6

5 Whan Sylas and Timotheus were come fro Macedonia, Paul was constrayned by the sprete to testifye vnto ye Iewes, that Iesus was very Christ. 6 But wha they sayde cotrary and blasphemed, he shoke his rayment, and sayde vnto them: Youre bloude be vpon youre awne heade. From hence forth I go blamelesse vnto the Gentyles.

Acts 20:26

26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this daye, that I am pure from the bloude of all men:

Acts 28:23-28

23 And wha they had appoynted hi a daye, there came many vnto hi in to his lodginge: vnto who he expouded ye kyngdome of God & preached vnto the of Iesu, out of ye lawe and out of the prophetes, eue fro mornynge vntyll the eue. 24 And some beleued ye thinge yt he sayde, but some beleued not. 25 But wha they agreed not amoge the selues, they departed, wha Paul had spoke one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spoke by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers, 26 & sayde: Go vnto this people, and saye: With eares ye shal heare, & not vnderstode: & with eyes shal ye se, & not perceaue. 27 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & they heare hardly wt their eares: & their eyes haue they closed, yt they shulde not once se wt their eyes, & heare wt their eares, & vnderstode i their hertes, and be couerted, yt I mighte heale the. 28 Be it knowne therfore vnto you, yt this saluacio of God is sent vnto ye Heythe, and they shal heare it.

2 Corinthians 2:15-17

15 For we are vnto God the good fauoure of Christ, both amonge the yt are saued, & amonge them yt perishe. 16 To these, ye sauoure of death vnto death: but vnto ye other, the sauoure of life vnto life. And who is mete therto? 17 For we are not as many are, which choppe & chaunge wt the worde of God, but eue out of purenesse, and out of God, in ye sighte of God, so speake we in Christ.

Galatians 5:19-21

19 The dedes of ye flesh are manifest, which are these: Aduoutrye, whordome, vnclenes, wantanes, 20 Idolatrye, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrath, stryfe, sedicion, sectes, 21 envyenge, murthur, dronkennes, glotony, and soch like: of the which I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which commytte soch, shal not inheret the kyngdome of God.

Galatians 6:7-8

7 Be not disceaued, God wil not be mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape. 8 He that soweth vpon the flesh, shal of the flesh reape destruccion: But he that soweth vpon ye sprete, shal of the sprete reape life euerlastinge.

Ephesians 5:3-6

3 As for whordome and all vnclennes, or couetousnes, let it not be named amoge you, as it becommeth sayntes: 4 nether fylthines, ner folish talkynge, ner ieastynge (which are not comly) but rather geuynge of thakes. 5 For be sure, that no whore monger, or vncleane person, or couetous person (which is a worshipper off ymages) hath inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God. 6 (Let no man disceaue you with vayne wordes) for because of these commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbeleue.

Philippians 3:18-19

18 For many walke (off whom I haue tolde you often, but now I tell you wepynge) eue enemies of the crosse of Christ, 19 whose ende is damnacion, whose God is the bely, & whose glory shalbe to their shame, which are earthly mynded.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

3 For this is the will of God, euen youre sanctifienge, that ye shulde absteyne from whordome, 4 yt euery one of you shulde knowe how to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure, 5 & not in the lust of concupiscence, as the Heythen which knowe not God. 6 And that no man go to farre, ner defraude his brother in bargayninge. For the LORDE is the auenger of all soch thinges, as we haue sayde & testified vnto you afore tyme. 7 For God hath not called vs to vnclennesse, but vnto holynes. 8 He therfore that despyseth, despyseth not man, but God, which hath geuen his holy sprete in to you.

1 Thessalonians 5:14

14 We desyre you brethre, warne them that are vnruly, coforte the feble mynded, forbeare the weake, be pacient towarde all men.

Hebrews 2:3

3 how shal we escape, yf we despyse so greate a saluacion: which after that it beganne to be preached by the LORDE himselfe, was confirmed vpon vs, by them that herde it,

Hebrews 12:25

25 Se that ye despyse not him that speaketh vnto you: for yf they escaped not which refused him that spake on earth, moch more shal we not escape, yf we turne awaye from him that speaketh from heaue:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.