Ezekiel 19 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Bvt mourne thou for the prynces off Israel, 2 & saye: Wherfore laye thy mother that lyonesse, amoge the lyons? & norished hir yonge ones amoge the lyons whelpes? 3 to spoyle, and to deuoure folke. 4 The Heithen herde of him, & toke him in their nettes, & brought him in chaynes vnto the londe of Egipte. 5 Now when the damme sawe, that all hir hope & comforth was awaye, she toke another of hir whelpes, and made a lyon of him: 6 which wente amonge the lyons, & became a fearce lyon: lerned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke: 7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waist: In so moch that the whole londe and euery thinge therin, were vtterly desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roaringe. 8 Then came the Heithen together on euery syde out of all countrees agaynst him, layed their nettes for him, and toke him in their pytte. 9 So they bounde him with chaynes, and brought him to the kinge of Babilon: which put him in preson, that his voyce shulde nomore be herde vpon the mountaynes of Israel. 10 As for thy mother, she is like a vyne in thy bloude, planted by the watersyde: hir frutes and braunches are growen out of many waters: 11 hir stalkes were so stronge, that men might haue made staues therof for officers: she grew so hie in hir stalkes. So when men sawe that she exceaded ye heith and multitude of hir braunches, 12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre. 13 But now she is planted in the wildernesse, in a drye and thurstie grounde. 14 And there is a fyre gone out of hir stalkes, which hath bret vp hir braunches and hir frute: so that she hath no mo stronge stalkes, to be staues for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thinge.

Genesis 49:10

10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Numbers 24:6-7

6 Euen as the brode valleys, as the gardens by the waters syde, as ye tentes which the LORDE hath plated, & as the Ceder trees vpon ye water. 7 The water shal flowe out of his boket, and his sede shalbe a greate water. His kynge shalbe hyer then Agag, & his kyngdome shalbe exalted.

Numbers 24:7-9

7 The water shal flowe out of his boket, and his sede shalbe a greate water. His kynge shalbe hyer then Agag, & his kyngdome shalbe exalted. 8 God hath broughte hi out of Egipte, his strength is as of an vnicorne. He shal eate vp the Heithen his enemies, and grynde their bones to poulder, and shute thorow them with his arowes. 9 He hath layed him downe as a Lyon and as a Lyonesse. Who wyll rayse him vp? Blessed be he, yt blesseth the: and cursed, that curseth the.

Numbers 24:17

17 I shal se him, but not now: I shal beholde him, but not nie at hade. There shal a starre come out of Iacob, & a cepter shall come vp out of Israel, and shal smyte ye rulers of the Moabites, and ouercome all the children of Seth.

Deuteronomy 8:7

7 For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe: A londe where in are ryuers of water, fountaynes and sprynges, which flowe by the hilles and valleys:

Deuteronomy 8:9

9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles:

Deuteronomy 28:47-48

47 because thou hast not serued ye LORDE thy God with a ioyfull and good hert, whan thou haddest abundaunce of all thinges. 48 And therfore shalt thou serue thine enemye, which the LORDE shal sende vpon the, in hunger and thyrst, in nakednesse, and neade of all thinge: & he shal put a yocke of yron vpon thy necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to naughte.

Deuteronomy 32:22

22 For the fyre is kyndled in my wrath, and shal burne vnto ye nethermost hell, and shal consume the londe with the increase therof, and set the foundacions of ye mountaynes on fyre.

Judges 9:15

15 And the thorne busshe sayde vnto the trees: Yf it be true, yt ye anoynte me to be kynge ouer you, the come, and put youre trust vnder my shadowe. Yf no, then go fyre out of the thorne busshe, & cosume ye Ceder trees of Libano.

2 Kings 23:29-30

29 In his tyme wete Pharao Necho ye kynge of Egipte vp agaynst the kynge of Assyria by the water Euphrates. But kynge Iosias wente agaynst him, and dyed at Megiddo, wha he had sene him.

2 Kings 23:29

29 In his tyme wete Pharao Necho ye kynge of Egipte vp agaynst the kynge of Assyria by the water Euphrates. But kynge Iosias wente agaynst him, and dyed at Megiddo, wha he had sene him. 30 And his seruauntes caried him deed fro Megiddo, & brought him to Ierusale, & buryed him in his graue. And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and anoynted him, and made him kynge in his fathers steade. 31 Thre & twentye yeare olde was Ioahas wha he was made kynge, & reigned thre monethes at Ierusale. His mothers name was Hamutal ye doughter of Ieremia of Libna.

2 Kings 23:31

31 Thre & twentye yeare olde was Ioahas wha he was made kynge, & reigned thre monethes at Ierusale. His mothers name was Hamutal ye doughter of Ieremia of Libna. 32 And he dyd yt which was euell in ye sight of ye LORDE, euen as his fathers had done. 33 But Pharao Necho toke him presoner of Reblatha in the londe of Hemath, yt he shulde not reigne at Ierusalem: & raysed a taxe vpo the londe, an hundreth taletes of siluer, & one talente of golde. 34 And Pharao Necho made Eliachim ye sonne of Iosias kynge in his father Iosias steade, & turned his name Ioachim. But Ioahas toke he, & brought him in to Egipte where he dyed.

2 Kings 23:34-34

34 And Pharao Necho made Eliachim ye sonne of Iosias kynge in his father Iosias steade, & turned his name Ioachim. But Ioahas toke he, & brought him in to Egipte where he dyed.

2 Kings 23:34-37

34 And Pharao Necho made Eliachim ye sonne of Iosias kynge in his father Iosias steade, & turned his name Ioachim. But Ioahas toke he, & brought him in to Egipte where he dyed. 35 And Ioachim gaue the siluer & golde vnto Pharao, yet taxed he the londe, yt he might geue ye syluer acordynge to Pharaos comaundement. Euery one amonge the people in ye londe taxed he after his abilite in siluer & golde, to geue it vnto Pharao. 36 Fyue & twentye yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, & reigned eleuen yeares at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Sebida ye doughter of Pedaia of Ruma, 37 & he dyd euell in the sight of the LORDE, euen as his fathers had done.

2 Kings 24:1-7

1 In his tyme came vp Nabuchodonosor ye kynge of Babilon, & Ioachim was in subieccion vnto him iij. yeare. And he turned back, & rebelled agaynst him.

2 Kings 24:1-6

1 In his tyme came vp Nabuchodonosor ye kynge of Babilon, & Ioachim was in subieccion vnto him iij. yeare. And he turned back, & rebelled agaynst him. 2 And ye LORDE sent men of warre vpon him out of Chaldea, out of Syria, out of Moab, & fro amonge the childre of Ammon, & caused the for to come in to Iuda, to destroie it acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes.

2 Kings 24:2-6

2 And ye LORDE sent men of warre vpon him out of Chaldea, out of Syria, out of Moab, & fro amonge the childre of Ammon, & caused the for to come in to Iuda, to destroie it acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes. 3 It fortuned eue so vnto Iuda, acordynge to ye worde of the LORDE, that he wolde put them awaye from his presence, because of ye sinnes of Manasses which he dyd,

2 Kings 24:3-6

3 It fortuned eue so vnto Iuda, acordynge to ye worde of the LORDE, that he wolde put them awaye from his presence, because of ye sinnes of Manasses which he dyd, 4 & because of the innocent bloude that he shed. And he fylled Ierusalem with innocent bloude, therfore wolde not the LORDE be reconcyled.

2 Kings 24:4-6

4 & because of the innocent bloude that he shed. And he fylled Ierusalem with innocent bloude, therfore wolde not the LORDE be reconcyled. 5 What more there is to saye of Ioachim, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda.

2 Kings 24:5-6

5 What more there is to saye of Ioachim, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 6 And Ioachim fell on slepe with his fathers. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade.

2 Kings 24:6-7

6 And Ioachim fell on slepe with his fathers. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade.

2 Kings 24:6-6

6 And Ioachim fell on slepe with his fathers. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade. 7 And the kynge of Egipte came nomore out of his londe: for the kynge of Babilon had conquered all that was the kynge of Egiptes, from the ryuer of Egipte vnto ye water Euphrates.

2 Kings 24:9

9 And he dyd euell in the sighte of the LORDE, euen as his father had done.

2 Kings 24:11

11 And whan Nabuchodonosor and his seruauntes came to the cite they layed sege vnto it. 12 But Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda wente forth to the kynge of Babilon with his mother, with his seruauntes, with his rulers and chamberlaynes. And the kynge of Babilon receaued him in the eight yeare of his reigne.

2 Kings 24:12-16

12 But Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda wente forth to the kynge of Babilon with his mother, with his seruauntes, with his rulers and chamberlaynes. And the kynge of Babilon receaued him in the eight yeare of his reigne. 13 And he toke forth fro thence all the treasure in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kynges house, and brake all the golden vessell yt Salomon the kynge of Israel had made in the house of the LORDE (acordynge as the LORDE had sayde) 14 and caryed awaye all Ierusalem, all the rulers, all the mightie men, euen ten thousande presoners, and all the carpenters, and all the smithes, and lefte none behynde but the poore people of the londe. 15 And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon,

2 Kings 24:15-16

15 And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon, 16 and seuen thousande of the best men, and a thousande carpenters and smythes, and all the stronge men of warre.

2 Kings 24:20

20 for thus fortuned it vnto Ierusale thorow the wrath of the LORDE, tyll he had cast them out fro his presence. And Sedechias fell awaye fro the kynge of Babilon.

2 Kings 25:5-7

5 Neuertheles the power of the Caldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the plaine felde of Iericho: and all the men of warre that were with him, were scatered abrode from him. 6 And they toke the kynge, and led him vp to the kynge of Babilon vnto Reblatha. And he gaue iudgmet vpon him. 7 And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon.

2 Chronicles 35:25

25 and Ieremy bewayled Iosias, and all the synginge men and wemen, spake their lametacions ouer Iosias vnto this daye, and made a custome therof vnto this daye. Beholde, it is wrytten also amonge the Lamentacions.

2 Chronicles 36:1-2

1 And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and made him kynge in his fathers steade at Ierusalem. 2 Thre and twentye yeare olde was Ioahas whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes at Ierusalem. 3 For the kynge of Egipte deposed him at Ierusalem, and condemned the londe in an hundreth talentes of syluer, and one talent off golde. 4 And the kynge of Egipte made Eliachim his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusale, and turned his name Ioachim. But Necho toke his brother Ioahas, and caried him in to Egipte. 5 Fyue and twentye yeare olde was Ioachim wha he was made kynge, and reigned eleue yeare at Ierusale, and dyd that which was euell in the siighte of the LORDE his God. 6 And Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon wente vp agaynst him, and bounde him with cheynes, to cary him vnto Babilon.

2 Chronicles 36:9

9 Eight yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes and ten dayes at Ierusale, and dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE. 10 But wha the yeare came aboute, Nabuchodonosor sent thither, and caused him be fetched vnto Babilon with the costly vessels and Iewels of the house of the LORDE, and made Sedechias his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 36:13

13 He fell awaye also from Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon (which had taken an ooth of him by God) and was styfnecked, and hardened his hert, that he shulde not conuerte vnto the LORDE God of Israel.

Ezra 4:20

20 There haue bene mightie kynges also at Ierusale, which haue reigned ouer all that is beyonde the water, and toll, tribute and yearly custome was geuen vnto them.

Ezra 5:11

11 But they answered vs wt these wordes, and sayde: We are the seruautes of the God of heauen and earth, and buylde the house yt was buylded many yeares agoo, which a greate kynge of Israel buylded and set vp.

Nehemiah 9:37

37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whom thou hast set ouer vs because of oure synnes, and they haue dominion ouer oure bodies and catell, and we are in greate trouble.

Job 4:11

11 The greate lyon perysheth, because he ca get no pray and the lyons whelpes are scatred abrode.

Psalms 2:8-9

8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt rule them with a rodde of yron, and breake the in peces like an erthen vessell.

Psalms 52:5

5 Sela. Thou louest to speake all wordes yt maye do hurte, O thou false toge.

Psalms 58:6

6 Breake their teth (o God) in their mouthes, smyte the chaft bones of the lyons whelpes in sonder, o LORDE.

Psalms 63:1

1 O God, thou art my God: early wil I seke the.

Psalms 68:6

6 He is the God yt maketh me to be of one mynde in a house, & bryngeth ye presoners out of captiuite in due season, but letteth ye rennagates cotinue in scarcenesse.

Psalms 79:7

7 For they haue deuoured Iacob, and layed waiste his dwellinge place.

Psalms 80:8-11

8 Thou hast brought a vynyarde out of Egipte, thou didest cast out ye Heithe, & plate it. 9 Thou maydest rowme for it, & caused it to take rote, so yt it fylled the lode. 10 The hilles were couered with the shadowe of it, & so were the stronge Cedretrees wt the bowes therof. 11 She stretched out hir brauches vnto the see, & hir bowes vnto the water: 12 Why hast thou then broken downe hir hedge, that all they which go by, plucke of hir grapes? 13 The wilde bore out of the wod hath wrutt it vp, & the beestes of the felde haue deuoured it.

Psalms 80:15

15 Manteyne it, that thy right hode hath plated, & the sonne whom thou maydest so moch of for thy self.

Psalms 80:15-16

15 Manteyne it, that thy right hode hath plated, & the sonne whom thou maydest so moch of for thy self. 16 For why? it is bret with fyre, & lyeth waist: o let the perishe at the rebuke of thy wrath.

Psalms 80:16-16

16 For why? it is bret with fyre, & lyeth waist: o let the perishe at the rebuke of thy wrath. 17 Let thy honde be vpon the man of thy right honde, & vpon the man who thou maydest so moch off for thine owne self.

Psalms 89:25-29

25 My trueth also & my mercy shalbe with him, and in my name shal his horne be exalted. 26 I wil set his honde in the see, and his right honde in the floudes. 27 He shal call me: thou art my father, my God, and the strength of my saluacion. 28 And I wil make him my firstborne, hyer then the kinges of the earth. 29 My mercy wil I kepe for him for euermore, and my couenaunt shall stonde fast with him.

Psalms 89:40-45

40 Thou hast turned backe the couenaunt of thy seruaunt, and cast his crowne to the grounde. 41 Thou hast ouerthrowne all his hedges, and broke downe his stronge holdes. 42 Al they that go by, spoyle him, he is become a rebuke vnto his neghbours. 43 Thou settest vp the right hade of his enemies, and makest all his aduersaryes to reioyse. 44 Thou hast taken awaye the strength of his swerde, and geuest him not victory in the battayll. 45 Thou hast put out his glory, and cast his Trone downe to the grounde.

Psalms 110:2

2 The LORDE shal sende the rodde of thy power out of Sion, be thou ruler euen in ye myddest amonge thine enemies.

Proverbs 19:12

12 The kynges disfauor is like ye roaringe of a Lyo, but his fredshpe is like the dewe vpo ye grasse.

Proverbs 28:3

3 One poore man oppressinge another by violence, is like a contynuall rayne that destroyeth ye frute.

Proverbs 28:15-16

15 Like as a roaringe lyon and an hongrie beer, euen so is an vngodly prynce ouer the poore people. 16 Where the prynce is without vnderstondinge, there is greate oppression & wronge: but yf he be soch one as hateth couetousnesse, he shal longe raigne.

Isaiah 5:1-4

1 Now well than, I will synge my beloued frende a songe of his vynyearde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyearde in a very frutefull plenteous grounde. 2 This he hedged, this he walled rounde aboute, and planted it with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a towre, and made a wyne presse therin And afterwarde when he loked yt it shulde bringe him grapes, it brought forth thornes. 3 I shewe you now my cause (o ye Citysens of Ierusalem and whole Iuda:) Iudge I praye you betwixte me: and my wynegardinge. 4 What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? 5 Well, I shall tell you how I will do wt my vynyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perish, and breake downe ye wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote. 6 I will laye it waist, that it shall nether be twysted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbyd ye cloudes, that they shal not rayne vpon it.

Isaiah 5:29

29 Their crie is as it were of a lyon, and the roaringe of them like lyons whelpes. They shal roare, and hatch vp the praye, and no man shal recouer it or get it from the.

Isaiah 9:18-19

18 For the vngodly burne, as a fyre in the bryers and thornes: And as it were out of a fyre in a wod or a redebush, so ascendeth the smoke of their pryde. 19 For this cause shal ye wrath of the LORDE of hoostes fall vpon the londe, and the people shalbe consumed, as it were with fyre, no man shal spare his brother.

Isaiah 11:1

1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote.

Isaiah 11:6-9

6 The shal ye wolfe dwel with the labe, and the leoparde shal lye downe by the gote. Bullokes, lyons and catel shal kepe company together, so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth. 7 The cowe and the Bere shal fede together, and their yongones shal lye together. The lyo shal eate strawe like the oxe, or the cowe. 8 The childe whyle he sucketh, shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest, and whe he is weened, he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne. 9 Noman shal do euel to another, no man shal destro another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shalbe ful of ye knowlege of ye LORDE, euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth.

Isaiah 27:11

11 Their haruest shal be brent, their wyues which were their bewtie when they came forth: shalbe defyled. For it is a people without vnderstodinge, and therfore he yt created them, shal not fauoure them: and he yt made them, shal not be merciful to the.

Jeremiah 4:11-12

11 Then shal it be saide to the people & to Ierusalem: there commeth a warme wynde from the north thorow the waye of my people, but nether to fanne, ner to clese. 12 After that shall there come vnto me a stronge wynde, and then wil I also geue sentence vpon them.

Jeremiah 9:1

1 O who will geue my heade water ynough, & a well of teares for myne eyes: that I maye wepe night ad daye, for the slaughter of my people?

Jeremiah 9:10

10 Vpon the mountaynes will I take vp a lamentacion and soroufull crie, and a mournynge vpon the fayre playnes of the wildernes: Namely, how they are so brente vp, that no man goeth there enymore: Yee a man shal not heare one beast crie there. Byrdes and catell are all gone from thece.

Jeremiah 9:17-18

17 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: loke that ye call for mournynge wyues, and sende for wise women: that they come shortly, 18 and singe a mournynge songe of you: that the teares maye fall out of oure eyes, and that oure eye lyddes maye gushe out of water.

Jeremiah 13:17-18

17 But yf ye wil not heare me, that geue you secrete warnynge, I will mourne fro my whole herte for youre stubburnesse. Piteously will I wepe, and the teares shall gushe out of myne eyes. For the LORDES flocke shal be caried awaye captiue. 18 Tell the kinge & the rulers: Humble yor selues, set you downe lowe, for ye crowne of yor glory shal fall from youre heade.

Jeremiah 22:10-12

10 Mourne not ouer the deed, and be not wo for them, but be sory for him that departeth awaye: for he commeth not agayne, ad seeth his natyue countre no more.

Jeremiah 22:10-11

10 Mourne not ouer the deed, and be not wo for them, but be sory for him that departeth awaye: for he commeth not agayne, ad seeth his natyue countre no more. 11 For thus saieth the LORDE, as touchinge Sellum the sonne of Iosias kinge of Iuda, which reygned after his father, and is caried out off this place: He shal neuer come hither agayne,

Jeremiah 22:11-11

11 For thus saieth the LORDE, as touchinge Sellum the sonne of Iosias kinge of Iuda, which reygned after his father, and is caried out off this place: He shal neuer come hither agayne, 12 for he shal dye in the place, where vnto he is led captyue, and shall se this londe nomore. 13 Wo worth him, that buyldeth his house with vnrightuousnes, ad his perlers with the good, that he hath gotten by violence: which neuer recompenseth his neghburs laboure, ner payeth him his hyre. 14 He thinketh in himself: I wil buylde me a wyde house, ad gorgeous perlers: He causeth wyndowes to be hewen there in, and the sylinges and geastes maketh he off Cedre, and paynteth them with Zenober. 15 Thinkest thou to reigne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath with yi Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drynke, and prospere well, as loge as he dealt with equite ad rightuousnesse? 16 Yee when he helped ye oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well. From whence came this, but only because he had me before his eyes? saieth the LORDE. 17 Neuertheles, as for thine eyes and thine herte, they loke vpon covetousnesse, to shed innocent bloude, to do wronge and violence. 18 And therfore, thus saieth the LORDE agaynst Ioachim, ye sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda: They shall not mourne for him (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster: Nether shall they saye vnto him: Alas syr, alas for that noble prynce.

Jeremiah 22:18

18 And therfore, thus saieth the LORDE agaynst Ioachim, ye sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda: They shall not mourne for him (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster: Nether shall they saye vnto him: Alas syr, alas for that noble prynce. 19 But as an Asse shall he be buried, corrupte and be cast without the gates of Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 22:25-27

25 And I wil geue the in to ye power off the that seke to slaye the, and in to the power off them that thou fearest: in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kinge off Babilon, and in to the power of the Caldees. 26 Morouer, I will sende the, and thy mother that bare the, in to a straunge londe, where ye were not borne, ad there shall ye dye. 27 But as for the londe that ye will desyre to returne vnto, ye shall neuer come at it agayne. 28 This ma Iechonias shalbe like an ymage robbed and torne in peces, which pleaseth no man, for all his apparell. Wherfore both he and his sede shalbe sent awaye, and cast out into a lode, that they knowe not.

Jeremiah 22:30

30 Wryte this man amonge the outlawes, for no prosperite shall this man haue all his life longe. Nether shall eny of his sede be so happie, as to syt vpon the seate of Dauid, and to beare rule in Iuda.

Jeremiah 24:1

1 The LORDE shewed me a visio: Beholde, there stode two maundes of figes before ye Teple of the LORDE, after yt Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilo had led awaye captyue Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim kinge of Iuda, the mightie men also of Iuda, with the workemasters and conynge men of Ierusalem, vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 24:8

8 And like as thou knowest the naughtie fyges, which maye not be eate, they are so euel: Euen so wil I (saieth the LORDE) let Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, (ye and all his prynces, & the residue of Ierusalem that remayne ouer in this londe, & them also that dwell in Egipte) to be vexed & plaged in all kingdomes & londes.

Jeremiah 26:1-24

1 In the begynnynge of the reigne of Ioachim the sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda, came this worde from the LORDE, sayenge: 2 Thus saieth the LORDE: Stonde in the courte of the LORDES house, and speake vnto all them which (out of the cities of Iuda) come to do worshippe in the LORDES house, all the wordes yt I commaunde the to saye. Loke that thou kepe not one worde backe, 3 yf (perauenture) they will herke, and turne euery man from his wicked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, which I haue determed to brynge vpon them, because of their wicked invencions. 4 And after this maner shalt thou speake vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE: yf ye will not obeye me, to walke in my lawes, which I haue geuen you, 5 and to heare the wordes of my seruauntes the prophetes, whom I sent vnto you, rysynge vp tymely, and still sendinge: Yf ye will not folowe the (I saye) 6 then will I do to this house, as I dyd vnto Silo, and will make this cite to be abhorred of all the people of the earth. 7 And the prestes, the prophetes and all the people herde Ieremy preach these wordes, in the house of the LORDE. 8 Now when he had spoken out all the wordes, that the LORDE commaunded him to preach vnto all the people, then the prestes, the prophetes and all the people toke holde vpon him, and sayde: thou shalt dye. 9 How darrest thou be so bolde, as to saye in the name of the LORDE: it shal happen to this house as it dyd vnto Silo? and this cite shalbe so waist, that no man shal dwell there in? 10 And when all the people were gathered aboute Ieremy in the house of the LORDE, the prynces of Iuda herde of this rumoure, & they came soone out of the kinges Palace in to the house of the LORDE, and sat them downe before the new dore of the LORDE. 11 Then spake the prestes and the prophetes vnto the rulers & to all the people, these wordes: This man is worthy to dye, for he hath preached agaynst this cite, as ye youre selues haue herde with youre eares. 12 Then sayde Ieremy vnto the rulers and to all the people: The LORDE hath sente me to preach agaynst this house & agaynst this cite all the wordes that ye haue herde. 13 Therfore amende youre wayes, and youre advysementes, and be obedient vnto the voyce of the LORDE youre God: so shal the LORDE repet of the plage, yt he had deuysed agaynst you. 14 Now as for me: I am in youre hondes, do with me, as ye thinke expediet and good. 15 But this shall ye knowe: yf ye put me to death, ye shal make youre selues, this cite & all the inhabitours there of, giltie of innocent bloude. For this is of a treuth: that the LORDE hath sente me vnto you, to speake all these wordes in youre eares. 16 Then sayde the rulers and the people vn the prestes and prophetes: This man maye not be condemned to death, for he hath preached vnto vs in the name of the LORDE oure God. 17 The Elders also of the londe stode vp, & sayde thus vnto all the people: 18 Micheas the Morascite, which was a prophet vnder Ezechias kinge of Iuda, spake to all the people of Iuda: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: Sion shalbe plowed like a felde, Ierusale shalbe an heape of stones, & the hill of the LORDES house shalbe turned to an hie wod. 19 Dyd Ezechias ye kinge of Iuda & the people of Iuda put him to deeth for this? No verely, but rather feared ye LORDE, & made their praier vnto him. For the which cause also ye LORDE repented of the plage, yt he had deuysed agaynst them. Shulde we then do soch a shamefull dede agaynst oure soules? 20 There was a prophet also, that preached stiffly in the name of the LORDE, called Vrias the sonne of Semeia of Cariathiarim: this ma preached also agaynst this cite & agaynst this lode, acordinge to all as Ieremy saieth. 21 Now when Ioachim the kinge with all the estates & prynces had herde his wordes, the kinge went aboute to slaye him. When Vrias perceaued that, he was afrayed, & fled, & departed in to Egipte. 22 Then Ioachim the kinge sent seruauntes into the lode of Egipte, Namely: Elnatha the sonne of Achbor, & certayne men wt him into Egipte, 23 which fetched Vrias out of Egipte, & brought him vnto kinge Ioachim that slewe him with the swearde, & cast his deed body into ye como peoples graue. 24 But Ahicam the sonne of Saphan helped Ieremy, that he came not in to the hondes of the people to be slayne.

Jeremiah 31:28

28 Yee it shall come therto, that like as I haue gone aboute in tymes past to rote them out, to scatre them, to breake them downe, to destroye them and chaste them: Euen so will I also go diligently aboute, to buylde them vp agayne, and to plante them, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 36:1-32

1 In the fourth yeare of Ioachim the sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda, came ye worde of the LORDE vnto Ieremy, sayege: 2 Take a boke, & write therin all ye wordes, yt I haue spoke to the, to Israel, to Iuda & to all the people, fro the tyme yt I begane for to speake vnto the (in ye reigne of Iosias) vnto this daye. 3 That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage, which I haue deuysed for the, they maye peradueture turne, eueryman fro his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes. 4 Then dyd Ieremy call Baruch the sonne of Nerias, & Baruch wrote in the boke at ye mouth of Ieremy, all the wordes of the LORDE, which he had spoken vnto him. 5 And Ieremy commaunded Baruch sayenge: I am in preson, so that I maye not come in to the house of ye LORDE: 6 therfore go thou thither, & rede the boke, that thou hast writte at my mouth: Namely, the wordes off the LORDE, & rede the in the LORDES house vpon the fastinge daye: that the people, whole Iuda, & all they that come out of the cities, maye heare. 7 Peraduenture they will praye mekely before the face of the LORDE, and turne, euery one from his wicked waye. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the LORDE hath taken agaynst this people. 8 So Baruch the sonne of Nerias dyd, acordinge vnto all that Ieremy the prophet comauded him, readinge the wordes off the LORDE out off the boke in the LORDES house. 9 And this was done in the fyfth yeare off Ioachim ye sonne of Iosias kinge of Iuda, in the ix. moneth when it was commaunded, that all the people of Ierusalem shulde fast before the LORDE, and they also that were come from the cities of Iuda vnto Ierusalem. 10 Then red Baruch the wordes of Ieremy out of the boke within the house of the LORDE, out of ye treasury of Gamarias the sonne off Saphan the scrybe, which is besyde the hyer loffte off the new dore of the LORDES house: that all ye people might heare. 11 Now whe Micheas the sonne off Gamarias the sonne of Saphan had herde all the wordes of the LORDE out of ye boke, 12 he wete downe to the kinges palace in to ye scrybes chabre for there all ye prynces were set: Elisama the scrybe, Dalias the sonne of Semei, Elnatha the sonne off Achbor, Gamaria the sonne of Saphan, Sedechias the sonne of Hananias, with all the princes. 13 And Micheas tolde them all the wordes, yt he herde Baruch rede out of the boke before the people. 14 Then all the prynces sent Iehudi ye sonne of Nathanias the sonne of Salamia the sonne of Chusi, vnto Baruch, sayenge: Take in thine honde the boke, wherout thou hast red before all the people, and come. So Baruch the sonne of Nerias toke ye boke in his honde, and came vnto them. 15 And they sayde vnto him: Syt downe, and rede the boke, yt we maye heare also. So Baruch red, yt they might heare. 16 Now when they had herde all the wordes, they were abashed one vpon another, and sayde vnto Baruch: We wil certifie the kinge of all these wordes 17 And they examined Baruch, sayenge: Tell vs, how didest thou wryte all these wordes out off his mouth? 18 Then Baruch answered them: He spake all these wordes vnto me with his mouth, and I alone was with him, and wrote them in the boke. 19 Then sayde the prynces vnto Baruch: Go thy waye, and hyde the with Ieremy, so that no man knowe where ye be. 20 And they went in to the kinge to the courte. But they kepte the boke in the chambre off Elisama the scrybe, ad tolde the kynge all the wordes, that he might heare. 21 So the kynge sent Iehudi to fetch him ye boke, which he brought out of Elisama ye scrybes chambre. And Iehudi red it, that the kynge and all the prynces, which were aboute him, might heare. 22 Now the kynge sat in the wynter house, for it was in the ix. Moneth, and there was a good fyre before him. 23 And whe Iehudi had red thre or foure leaues therof, he cut the boke in peces with a penne knyfe, and cast it in to the fyre vpo the herth, vntil the boke was all brente in the fyre vpon the herth. 24 Yet no man was abashed therof, or rente his clothes: nether the kynge himselffe, ner his seruauntes, though they herde all these wordes. 25 Neuertheles Elnathan, Dalias ad Gamarias, besoughte the kinge, that he wolde not burne the boke: notwithstondinge ye kynge wolde not heare them, 26 but commaunded Ieramyhel the sonne off Amalech, Sarias the sonne of Esriel and Selamia ye sonne of Abdiel, to laye hondes vpon Baruch the scrybe, and vpon Ieremy the prophet: but the LORDE kepte them out of sight. 27 After now that the kynge had brente the boke, ad ye sermos which Baruch wrote at ye mouth off Ieremy: The worde of the LORDE came vnto Ieremy sayenge: 28 Take another boke, and write in it all the forsayde sermons, that were written in the first boke, which Ioachim the kynge off Iuda hath brente. 29 And tell Ioachim the kynge off Iuda, Thus saieth the LORDE: thou hast brente ye boke, and thoughtest within thy selff: Why hast thou written therin, that the kynge off Babilon shal come, & make this lode waist? so that he shall make both people and catel to be out of it? 30 Therfore thus the LORDE saieth, of Ioachim the kynge of Iuda: There shal none of his generacion syt vpon the trone of Dauid. His deed corse shalbe cast out, that the heat off the daye, and the frost of the night maye come vpon him:

Jeremiah 36:30-31

30 Therfore thus the LORDE saieth, of Ioachim the kynge of Iuda: There shal none of his generacion syt vpon the trone of Dauid. His deed corse shalbe cast out, that the heat off the daye, and the frost of the night maye come vpon him: 31 And I will vyset the wickednes of him, of his sede, and of his seruauntes. Morouer all the euell that I haue promised the (though they herde me not) will I bringe vpon them, vpon ye inhabitours of Ierusalem, and vpon all Iuda.

Jeremiah 36:31-31

31 And I will vyset the wickednes of him, of his sede, and of his seruauntes. Morouer all the euell that I haue promised the (though they herde me not) will I bringe vpon them, vpon ye inhabitours of Ierusalem, and vpon all Iuda. 32 Then toke Ieremy another boke, and gaue it Baruch the scrybe the sonne of Nerias, which wrote therin out of the mouth off Ieremy: all the sermons that were in the first boke, which Ioachim the kynge off Iuda dyd burne. And there were added vnto them many mo sermons, then before.

Jeremiah 38:23

23 Therfore all thy wyues with their children shall fle vnto the Caldees, and thou shalt not escape their hondes, but shalt be ye kynge of Babilons presoner, & this cite shall be brent.

Jeremiah 52:3

3 Wherfore the LORDE was angrie at Ierusalem & Iuda, so longe till he had cast the out of his presence. And Sedechias fel from the kynge of Babilon.

Jeremiah 52:10-11

10 The kinge of Babilo also caused Sedechias sonnes be slayne before his face, yee & put all the prynces of Iuda to death at Reblatha. 11 Morouer he put out the eyes of Sedechias, caused him be bounde with cheynes, to be caried vnto Babilon: & let him lie in preson, till he dyed.

Jeremiah 52:25-27

25 He toke out of the cite a chamberlayne which was a captayne of the souldyers, & seuen men that were the kinges seruauntes, which were founde in the cite: & Sepher a captayne that vsed to muster the men of warre: with lx men of the countre that were taken in the cite. 26 These Nabusaradan the chefe captayne toke, & caried them to the kinge of Babilon vnto Reblatha: 27 and the kinge of Babilon caused them to be put to death at Reblatha in the londe of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captyue, out of his owne londe.

Jeremiah 52:27-31

27 and the kinge of Babilon caused them to be put to death at Reblatha in the londe of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captyue, out of his owne londe. 28 This is the summe of the people, whom Nabuchodonosor ledde awaye captyue. In the seuenth yeare of his reigne, he caried awaye of ye Iewes, thre thousande thre and twenty. 29 In the xviij yeare Nabuchodonosor caried awaye from Ierusalem eight hunderth & xxxij personnes. 30 In the xxiij yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabusaradan the chefe captayne, toke awaye seuen hundreth xlv Iewes presoners. The whole summe of all the presoners, is foure thousande and sex hundreth. 31 In the xxxvij yeare after that Ioachim the kinge of Iuda was caried awaye in the xxv daye of the xij Moneth, Euilmerodach kinge of Babilon (the same yeare yt he reigned) gaue Ioachim the kinge of Iuda his pardon, and let him out of preson,

Lamentations 4:20

20 The very breth of oure mouth; euen the anoynted LORDE himself shalbe take in oure synnes, of whom we saye: Vnder his shadowe we shal be preserued amonge the Heithen.

Lamentations 5:12

12 The prynces are hanged vp with the honde of the enemies, they haue not spared the olde sage men,

Ezekiel 2:10

10 and the hande opened it before me, and it was written within and without, full off carefull mourninges: alas, and wo.

Ezekiel 6:2

2 Thou sonne off man, turne thy face to the mountaynes of Israel, that thou mayest prophecie vnto them,

Ezekiel 12:13

13 My lyne will I sprede out vpon him, and catch him in my net, and carie him to Babilon, in the lode of the Caldees: which he shal not se, & yet shal he dye there.

Ezekiel 12:19

19 And vnto the people of the londe, speake thou on this maner: Thus saieth the LORDE God, to them that dwell in Ierusalem, and to the londe of Israel: Ye shall eate youre bred with sorowe, and drynke youre water with heuynesse: Yee the londe with the fulnesse therof shalbe layde waist, for ye wickednesse of them that dwell therin.

Ezekiel 15:2-8

2 Thou sonne of man: What commeth of the vyne amonge all other trees? and of the wyne stocke, amoge all other tymbre of the groaue? 3 Do me take wodd of it, to make eny worke withall? Or maye there a nale be made of it, to hange eny thinge vpon? 4 Beholde, it is cast in the fyre to be brent, the fyre consumeth both the endes of it, the myddest is brent to a?shes. Is it mete then for eny worke? No.

Ezekiel 15:4

4 Beholde, it is cast in the fyre to be brent, the fyre consumeth both the endes of it, the myddest is brent to a?shes. Is it mete then for eny worke? No. 5 Seinge then, that it was mete for no worke, beinge whole: moch lesse maye there eny thinge be made of it, when the fyre hath consumed and brent it. 6 And therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Like as I cast the vyne in to the fyre for to be brent, as other trees of the wod: Euen so wil I do with them that dwell in Ierusalem, 7 and set my face agaynst them: they shall go out from the fyre, and yet the fyre shall consume them. Then shal ye knowe, that I am the LORDE, when I set my face agaynst them, 8 and make the londe waist: because they haue so sore offended, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 17:6

6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate wyne stocke, but lowe by the grounde: thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches.

Ezekiel 17:10

10 Beholde, it was planted: shall it prospere therfore? Shall it not be dryed vp and withered, yee euen in the shutinge out of his blossomes, as soone as ye east wynde bloweth?

Ezekiel 17:18-20

18 For seinge he hath despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his honde thervpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape. 19 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, I will bringe myne ooth that he hath despysed, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne heade. 20 I wil cast my net aboute him, and catch him in my yarne. To Babilon will I cary him, there will I punysh him, because of the greate offence that he made me.

Ezekiel 17:20-20

20 I wil cast my net aboute him, and catch him in my yarne. To Babilon will I cary him, there will I punysh him, because of the greate offence that he made me.

Ezekiel 19:1

1 Bvt mourne thou for the prynces off Israel, 2 & saye: Wherfore laye thy mother that lyonesse, amoge the lyons? & norished hir yonge ones amoge the lyons whelpes? 3 to spoyle, and to deuoure folke. 4 The Heithen herde of him, & toke him in their nettes, & brought him in chaynes vnto the londe of Egipte.

Ezekiel 19:6

6 which wente amonge the lyons, & became a fearce lyon: lerned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke: 7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waist: In so moch that the whole londe and euery thinge therin, were vtterly desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roaringe.

Ezekiel 19:10

10 As for thy mother, she is like a vyne in thy bloude, planted by the watersyde: hir frutes and braunches are growen out of many waters: 11 hir stalkes were so stronge, that men might haue made staues therof for officers: she grew so hie in hir stalkes. So when men sawe that she exceaded ye heith and multitude of hir braunches, 12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre.

Ezekiel 19:14

14 And there is a fyre gone out of hir stalkes, which hath bret vp hir braunches and hir frute: so that she hath no mo stronge stalkes, to be staues for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thinge.

Ezekiel 20:35

35 & wil bringe you in to the wildernesse of the people, & there I will reason with you face to face.

Ezekiel 20:47-48

47 and saye to the wodde towarde the souht: Heare the worde of the LORDE, thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil kyndle a fyre in the, yt shal cosume the grene trees wt the drye. No man shal be able to quench his flame, but all that loketh from the south to the north, shal be brent therin:

Ezekiel 20:47

47 and saye to the wodde towarde the souht: Heare the worde of the LORDE, thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil kyndle a fyre in the, yt shal cosume the grene trees wt the drye. No man shal be able to quench his flame, but all that loketh from the south to the north, shal be brent therin: 48 & all flesh shal se, that I the LORDE haue kyndled it, so that no man maye quench it.

Ezekiel 21:10

10 Sharpened is it for the slaughter, & scoured yt it maye be bright. O, the destroyenge staff of my sonne, shal bringe downe all wodde.

Ezekiel 21:13

13 Smyte thou vpo thy thee, for, wherfore shulde not the plage & staff of iudgmet come?

Ezekiel 21:25-27

25 O thou shameful wicked gyde of Israel, whose daye is come: euen the tyme that wickednesse shall haue an ende: 26 Thus saieth the LORDE God: take awaye the mytre, and put of the crowne, and so is it awaye: the humble is exalted, and the proude brought lowe. 27 Punysh, punysh, yee punysh them will I, and destroye them: and that shall not be fulfilled, vntill he come, to whom the iudgment belongeth, and to whom I haue geue it.

Ezekiel 22:25

25 thy prophetes that are in the, are sworne together to deuoure soules, like as a roaringe Lyon, that lyueth by his pray. They receaue riches and good, and make many wyddowes in ye.

Ezekiel 26:17

17 They shal mourne for the, and saye vnto the: O thou noble cite, yt hast bene so greatly occupyed off olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see wt thine inhabitours off whom all men stode in feare: How art thou now so vtterly destroyed?

Ezekiel 27:2

2 O thou sonne off ma, make a lamentable coplaynte vpon Tyre,

Ezekiel 27:32

32 and heuy lamentacion, yee their children also shall wepe for the: Alas, what cite hath so bene destroyed in the see, as Tyre is?

Ezekiel 28:17

17 Thy hert was proude in yi fayre beuty, & thorow thy beuty thou hast destroyed thy wi?dome. I will cast ye downe to the grounde, & yt in ye sight of kynges.

Ezekiel 30:12

12 I will drye vp their floudes of water, ad sell the lode in to the hondes of wicked people. The lode and all yt is therin, wil I destroye thorow the enemies. Eue I the LORDE haue sayde it.

Ezekiel 31:3

3 Beholde, Assur was like a Cedre tre vpo the mount of Libanus, with fayre brauches: so thicke, that he gaue shadowes, and shot out very hye. His toppe reached vnto the cloudes.

Ezekiel 32:16

16 This is the mournynge, that the doughters off the Heithen shall make: Yee a sorow and lamentacio shal they take vp, vpon Egipte and all hir people, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 32:18

18 Thou sonne of man. Take vp a lamentacion vpon the people of Egipte, and cast them downe, yee ad the mightie people of the Heithe also, euen with the that dwell beneth: and with them that go downe in to the graue.

Ezekiel 36:1

1 Thou sonne of man, prophecie vpon the mountaynes of Israel, & speake: Heare the worde of the LORDE, o ye mountaynes of Israel:

Daniel 4:11

11 which was very hye, greate and mightie: ye heyth reached vnto the heaue, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earth:

Daniel 4:20-21

20 As for the tre that thou sawest which was so greate & mightie, whose heyth reached vnto the heauen, and his bredth in to all the worlde: 21 whose leaues were fayre, ad the frute moch: vnder the which the beastes of the felde had their habitacion, and vpon whose braunches the foules of the ayre dyd syt:

Hosea 2:2

2 As for youre mother, ye shal chyde with her, and reproue her: for she is not my wife, nether am I hir hu?bode: vnlesse she put awaye hir whordome out of my sight, and hir aduoutry from hir brestes. 3 Yf no, I shal strype her naked, & set her, euen as she came in to ye worlde: Yee I shal laye hir waist, and make her like a wildernesse, and slaye her for thyrste.

Hosea 2:5

5 Their mother hath broken hir wedlocke, and she that bare them, is come to cofucion. For she sayde: I wil go after my louers, that geue me my water and my bred, my woll & my flax, my oyle and my drynke.

Hosea 3:4

4 Thus the childre of Israel shal syt a greate whyle without kinge and prynce, without offerynge and aulter, without prest and reuelacion.

Hosea 10:3

3 Then shal they saye: we haue no kinge, for why? we haue not feared the LORDE. And what shal then the kinge do to vs?

Hosea 13:15

15 Yet can I se no comforth, for when he is now the goodliest amonge the brethren, the east wynde (euen the wynde of the LORDE) shal come downe from the wildernesse, and drye vp his condytes, and drynke vp his welles: he shal spoyle the treasure of all pleasaunt vessels.

Amos 6:8

8 The LORDE God hath sworne euen by himself (sayeth the LORDE God of hoostes:) I hate the pryde of Iacob, and I abhorre his palaces: and I wil geue ouer the cite, wt all that is therin:

Amos 9:11

11 At that tyme wil I buylde agayne the tabernacle off Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what is broke, I shal repayre it: Yee I shal buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,

Micah 1:2

2 Heare all ye people, marcke this well o earth, and all that therin is: Yee the LORDE God himself be witnesse amonge you, euen ye LORDE from his holy temple.

Nahum 2:11-12

11 Where is now the dwellinge of the lyos, and the pasture of the lyons whelpes? where the lyon and the lyonesse wente with the whelpes, and no man frayed them awaye? 12 But the lyon spoyled ynough for his yonge ones, and deuoured for his lyonesse: he fylled his dennes with his pray, & his dwellinge place with that he had rauy?shed.

Zephaniah 3:1-4

1 Wo to the abhominable, fylthie and cruel cite: 2 which wil not heare, ner be refourmed. Hir trust is not in the LORDE, nether wil she holde her to hir God. 3 Hir rulers within her are as roaringe lyons: hir iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothinge behynde them till the morow. 4 Hir prophetes are light personnes and vn faithfull men: hir prestes vnhalowe the Sanctuary, and do wronge vnder the pretence of the lawe.

Zechariah 11:3

3 Men maye heare the shepherdes mourne, for their glory is destroyed. Me maye heare the lyons whelpes roare, for the pryde off Iordane is waisted awaye.

Matthew 3:10

10 Euen now is the axe put vnto ye rote of the trees: therfore euery tre which bringeth not forth good frute, shalbe hewe downe, and cast into the fyre.

Matthew 21:33-41

33 Heare another parable. There was a certayne houssholder which planted a vynyarde, and hedged it roude aboute, and dygged a wyne presse in it, and built a tower, and let it out vnto hussbandmen, and wente in to a straunge countre. 34 Now wha the tyme of the frute drew neare, he sent his seruautes to the hussbandmen, to receaue the frutes of it. 35 Then the hussbandmen caught his seruauntes: one they bett, another they kylled, the thirde they stoned. 36 Agayne, he sent other seruauntes, moo then the first, and they dyd vnto them in like maner. 37 At the last he sent his owne sonne vnto them, and sayde: they wyl stode in awe of my sonne. 38 But whe the hussbandme sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge the selues: This is the Heyre, come, let us kyl hym, and take his inheritauce vnto oure selues. 39 And they caught him, and thrust him out of the vynyarde, & slew him. 40 Now whe the lorde of the vynyarde commeth, what wyl he do wt those hussbandmen? 41 They sayde vnto him: He wyl cruelly destroye those euell personnes, & let out his vyniarde vnto other hussbadmen, which shal delyuer him the frute at tymes conuenyent.

Luke 19:41

41 And whan he was come neare, he behelde the cite, and wepte vpo it,

John 15:6

6 He that abydeth not in me, is cast out as a vyne braunche, and it wythereth, and men gather it vp, and cast it in to the fyre, and it burneth.

John 19:15

15 But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor.

Romans 9:2-4

2 that I haue greate heuynesse & contynuall sorowe in my hert. 3 I haue wysshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ for my brethren, that are my kynsmen after the flesh, 4 which are off Israel: vnto whom pertayneth the childshippe, and the glory, and the couenauntes and lawe, and the seruyce of God, and the promyses:

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