Exodus 19:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne:

Exodus 9:29

29 Moses sayde vnto him: Whan I am come out of the cite, I wyll stretch out myne handes vnto the LORDE, so shal the thonder ceasse, & there shal be nomore hayle: that thou mayest knowe, that the earth is the LORDES.

Exodus 15:26

26 and sayde: Yf thou wylt herken vnto the voyce of ye LORDE yi God, & do that which is right in his sighte, and geue eare vnto his commaundementes, & kepe all his statutes, then wyl I laye vpon ye none of the sicknesses, that I layed vpon Egipte, for I am the LORDE thy surgione.

Exodus 23:22

22 But yf thou shalt herken vnto his voyce, and do all that I shal tell the, then wyl I be enemie vnto thy enemyes, and aduersary vnto thy aduersaries.

Exodus 24:7

7 & toke the boke of ye couenaunt, & cried in the eares of the people. And whan they had sayde: All yt the LORDE hath sayde, wil we do, & herken vnto him:

Deuteronomy 4:20

20 But you hath the LORDE taken, and broughte you out of the yron fornace, namely, out of Egipte, that ye shulde be the people of his enheritaunce, as it is come to passe this daye.

Deuteronomy 5:2

2 The LORDE oure God made a couenaunt with vs at Horeb:

Deuteronomy 7:6

6 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. The hath the LORDE thy God chosen, that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people, from amonge all nacions that are vpon the earth.

Deuteronomy 10:14

14 Beholde, the heauen & the heauen of all heaues and the earth, and all yt is therin, is ye LORDES yi God.

Deuteronomy 11:27

27 The blessynge, yf ye be obedient vnto the commaundementes of the LORDE youre God, which I commaunde you this daye.

Deuteronomy 14:2

2 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. And the LORDE hath chosen the to be his awne peculier people, from amoge all the nacions that are vpon the earth.

Deuteronomy 14:21

21 Ye shall eate of nothinge yt dyeth alone: thou mayest geue it vnto ye straunger within yi gate, that he eate it, or sell it to a straunger. For thou art an holy people vnto ye LORDE thy God. Thou shalt not seeth a kydd, whyle it yet sucketh his mother.

Deuteronomy 26:18

18 And the LORDE promysed the vpo the same daye, that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people, like as he hath sayde vnto the (so yt thou kepe all his commaundementes)

Deuteronomy 28:1

1 And yf thou shalt herken vnto ye voyce of the LORDE thy God, to obserue and do all his commaundementes which I comaunde ye this daye, then shall the LORDE thy God set ye an hye aboue all nacions vpo earth,

Deuteronomy 32:8-9

8 Whan the most Hyghest deuyded ye nacions and scatred the children of men. Then set he the borders of the nacions acordinge to the nombre of the children of Israel. 9 For the LORDES parte is his folke, Iacob is the meetlyne of his enheritaunce.

Joshua 24:24

24 And the people sayde vnto Iosua: We wyll serue the LORDE oure God, and be obedient vnto his voyce.

1 Samuel 15:22

22 Samuel saide: Hath the LORDE pleasure in sacrifices and burntofferynges, as in obeynge the voyce of the LORDE? Beholde, obedience is better then offerynge, and to herken is better then the fat of rammes.

1 Kings 8:53

53 (for thou O LORDELORDE) hast sundered them out to be an inheritaunce vnto thy selfe, from amoge all the nacions vpon earth, acordinge as thou saydest by Moses thy seruaunt, whan thou broughtest oure fathers out of Egipte.

Job 41:11

11 Or, who hath geuen me eny thynge afore hande, that I am bounde to rewarde him agayne? All thinges vnder heauen are myne.

Psalms 24:1

1 The earth is the LORDES, & all that therin is: the copase of the worlde, ad all yt dwell therin.

Psalms 25:10

10 All the wayes of the LORDE are very mercy & faithfulnesse, vnto soch as kepe his testament and couenaunt.

Psalms 50:11-12

11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, and the wilde beastes of the felde are in my sight. 12 Yf I be hongrie, I wil not tell the: for ye whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is.

Psalms 103:17-18

17 But the mercifull goodnesse of ye LORDE endureth for euer and euer, vpon them yt feare him, and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children. 18 Soch as kepe his couenaunt, and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them.

Psalms 135:4

4 For why, the LORDE hath chosen Iacob vnto him self, & Israel for his owne possessio.

Song of Songs 8:12

12 But my vynyarde (o Salomon) geueth the a thousande, and two hundreth to ye kepers of the frute.

Isaiah 1:19

19 Is it not so? Yf ye be louynge & obedient, ye shal enioye the best thinge that groweth in the londe.

Isaiah 41:8

8 And thou Israel my seruaunt: Iacob my electe sede of Abraha my beloued,

Isaiah 43:1

1 Bvt now, the LORDE that made the (o Iacob) and he that fashioned the (o Israel) saieth thus: Feare not, for I will defende ye. I haue called ye by thy name, thou art myne owne.

Isaiah 56:4

4 For thus saieth the LORDE, first vnto the gelded yt kepeth my Sabbath: Namely: that holdeth greatly of the thinge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaut:

Jeremiah 7:23

23 but this I commaunded them, sayenge: herken and obeye my voyce, and I shalbe youre God and ye shal be my people: so that ye walke in all the wayes, which I haue comaunded you, that ye maye prospere.

Jeremiah 10:16

16 Neuertheles, Iacobs porcio is not soch: but it is he, that hath made all thinges, and Israel is the rodd of his inheritauce: The LORDE of hoostes is his name.

Jeremiah 11:4-7

4 which I commaunded vnto youre fathers, what tyme as I brought them out of Egipte, from the yron fornace, sayenge: Be obedient vnto my voyce, and do accordinge to all that I commaunde you: so shal ye be my people, and I wil be youre God, 5 and will kepe my promyse, yt I haue sworne vnto youre fathers: Namely, that I wolde geue them a londe which floweth with mylke and hony, as ye se, it is come to passe vnto this daye. Then answered I, and sayde: Amen. It is euen so LORDE, as thou sayest. 6 Then the LORDE sayde vnto me agayne: Preach this in ye cities off Iuda and rounde aboute Ierusalem, and saye: Heare the wordes off this couenaunt, that ye maye kepe them. 7 For I haue diligently exorted youre fathers, euer sence the tyme that I brought them out off the Londe off Egipte, vnto this daye. I gaue them warnynge by tymes, sayenge: herken vnto my voyce:

Jeremiah 31:31-33

31 Beholde, the dayes come (saieth the LORDE) yt I will make a new couenaunt with ye house of Israel & with ye house of Iuda: 32 not after the couenaunt that I made with their fathers, when I toke them by the honde, & led them out of the londe of Egipte: which couenaunt they brake, wherfore I punyshed them sore, saieth the LORDE: 33 But this shalbe the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes, saieth the LORDE: I will plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, and write it in their hertes, and wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people.

Daniel 4:34-35

34 When this tyme was past, I Nabuchodonosor lift vp myne eyes vnto heauen, and myne vnderstondinge was restored vnto me agayne. Then gaue I thankes vnto the hyest. I magnified and praysed him that lyueth for euermore, whose power endureth allwaye, and his kyngdome from one generacion to another: 35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?

Malachi 3:17

17 And in the daye that I wil make (saieth ye LORDE of hoostes) they shalbe myne owne possession: and I will fauoure them, like as a man fauoureth his owne sonne, that doth him seruyce.

1 Corinthians 10:26

26 For the earth is the LORDES, and all yt therin is.

1 Corinthians 10:28

28 But yf eny man saye vnto you: This is offred vnto Idols, the eate not of it, for his sake that shewed it, and for hurtinge of conscience. (The earth is the LORDES and all that therin is.)

Titus 2:14

14 which gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs fro all vnrighteousnes, and to pourge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe, to be feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 11:8

8 By faith Abraham (wha he was called) obeyed, to go out in to the place, which he shulde afterwarde receaue to inheritaunce: and he wente out, not knowynge whither he shulde go.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.