Ephesians 6:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 Ye seruauntes, obey youre bodely masters, with feare and tremblynge, in synglenes of youre hert, euen as vnto Christ,

Genesis 16:9

9 And the angel of the LORDE sayde vnto her: Returne to thy mastresse agayne, and submitte thyself vnder hir hande.

Joshua 24:14

14 Feare the LORDE now therfore, and serue him perfectly and in the trueth, and let go the goddes, whom youre fathers serued beyonde the water and in Egipte, and serue ye ye LORDE.

1 Chronicles 29:17

17 I knowe my God, that thou tryest the hert, and that vnfaynednes is acceptable vnto the: therfore haue I geue all this with an vnfayned hert, eue with a good wyll, and now haue I had ioye to se thy people (which here are present) offre with a fre wyll vnto the.

Psalms 86:11

11 Lede me in thy waye (o LORDE) that I maye walke in thy trueth: O let my hert delyte in fearynge thy name.

Psalms 123:2

2 Beholde, euen as the eyes of seruautes loke vnto the handes of their masters: and as the eyes of a mayden vnto the handes of hir mastresse, euen so oure eyes wayte vpon the LORDE or God, vntill he haue mercy vpo vs.

Malachi 1:6

6 Shulde not a sonne honoure his father, and a seruaut his master? Yf I be now a father, where is myne honoure? Yf I be the LORDE, where am I feared? sayeth the LORDE of hoostes. Now to you prestes, that despise my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name?

Matthew 6:22

22 The eye is the light of the body. Yf thyne eye then be syngle, all thy body shalbe ful of light:

Matthew 6:24

24 No ma can serue two masters. For ether he shall hate the one and loue the other: or els he shall leane to the one, and despise the other: Ye can not serue God and mammon.

Matthew 8:9

9 For I myselfe also am a ma subiect to ye auctorite of another, & haue sowdiers vnder me. Yet wha I saye to one: go, he goeth, and to another: come, he commeth: & to my seruaunt: do this, he doeth it.

Acts 2:46

46 And they contynued daylie with one acorde in the teple, and brake bred in euery house: they toke their meate with ioye & synglenesse of hert,

Acts 10:7-8

7 And wha the angell which spake to Cornelius, was departed, he called two of his housholde seruauntes, & a deuoute soudyer, of the that wayted vpon him: 8 and tolde them all, and sent the to Ioppa.

1 Corinthians 2:3

3 And I was amonge you in weaknes, and in feare, and in moch tremblinge:

1 Corinthians 7:22

22 For he that is called in the LORDE beynge a seruaute, is a fre man of the LORDE. Likewyse he that is called beynge fre, is a seruaut of Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes & godly purenesse, not in fleshlye wyssdome, but in the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde, but most of all with you.

2 Corinthians 7:15

15 And his inwarde affeccion is more abundaunt towarde you, whan he remembreth the obedience of you all, how ye receaued him with feare and treblynge.

2 Corinthians 11:2-3

2 For I am gelous ouer you wt godly gelousy. For I haue maried you vnto one ma, to brynge a chaste virgin vnto Christ. 3 But I feare, lest as ye serpet begyled Eue wt his sutteltie, eue so yor wyttes shulde be corrupte from the synglenesse that is in Christ.

Ephesians 1:1-23

1 Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the will of God. To ye sayntes which are Ephesus, & to the that beleue on Iesus Christ. 2 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, & fro the LORDE Iesus Christ. 3 Blessed be God the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs wt all maner of spirituall blessynge in heauenly thynges by Christ 4 acordinge as he had chosen vs by him, or euer the foundacion of the worlde was layed, that we shulde be holy and without blame before him in loue, 5 & ordeyned vs before, to receaue vs as children thorow Iesus Christ, acordinge to the pleasure of his will, 6 vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued, 7 in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace, 8 which he hath shed vpon vs abundauntly in all wyssdome and prudece: 9 and hath opened vnto vs the mystery of his wil acordinge to his pleasure, which he had purposed in himselfe, 10 yt it shulde be preached wha the tyme was full come, that all thinges shulde be gathered together by Christ, both the thinges which are in heauen, and also the thinges that are vpon earth, 11 euen by him, by whom also we are come to the inheritaunce we that were therto predestinate before, acordinge to ye purpose of him, which worketh all thinges after ye councell of his owne wyll, 12 that we mighte be to the prayse of his glory, euen we that before beleued on Christ, 13 on who also ye beleued, after that ye herde the worde of trueth, namely ye Gospell of youre saluacion: wherin whan ye beleued, ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promes, 14 which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce to oure redempcion, that we mighte be his owne to the prayse off his glory. 15 Wherfore I also, (in so moch as I haue herde of the faith which ye haue in ye LORDE Iesu, and of youre loue vnto all ye sayntes) 16 ceasse not to geue thankes for you, and make mencion of you in my prayers, 17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe, 18 and lighten the eyes of youre vnderstondinge, that ye maye knowe what is the hope of youre callynge, and what the riches of his glorious enheritaunce is vpon the sayntes, 19 & what is the exceadinge greatnesse of his power towarde vs, which beleue acordinge to ye workynge of his mightie power, 20 which he wroughte in Christ, whan he raysed him vp fro the deed, and set him on his righte hade i heauely thinges, 21 aboue all rule, power, and mighte, and dominacio, and aboue all that maye be named, not onely in this worlde, but also in ye worlde to come. 22 And hath put all thinges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heade of the cogregacion, 23 which is his body, and the fulnesse of him that fylleth all in all.

Ephesians 5:22

22 Let the wemen submytte them selues vnto their hussbandes, as vnto the LORDE.

Ephesians 6:24

24 Grace be with all them that loue oure LORDE Iesus Christ vnfaynedly. Amen.

Philippians 2:12

12 Wherfore my dearly beloued, as ye haue allwayes obeyed (not onely in my presence, but now also moch more in my absence) euen so worke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblynge.

Colossians 3:17-24

17 And what soeuer ye do in worde or worke, do all in the name of the LORDE Iesu, and geue thankes vnto God the father by him. 18 Ye wyues, submytte youre selues vnto youre hussbandes, as it is comly in the LORDE. 19 Ye hussbandes, loue youre wyues, and be not bytter vnto them. 20 Ye children, obeye youre elders in all thinges, for that is well pleasynge vnto the LORDE. 21 Ye fathers, rate not yor children, lest they be of a desperate mynde. 22 Ye seruauntes, be obedient vnto youre bodely masters in all thinges, not with eye seruyce as men pleasers, but in synglenes of hert, fearinge God. 23 What so euer ye do, do it hertely, euen as vnto the LORDE and not vnto men. 24 And be sure, that of the LORDE ye shal receaue the rewarde of ye enheritaunce: For ye serue the LORDE Christ.

1 Timothy 6:1-3

1 Let as many seruauntes as are vnder the yocke, counte their masters worthy of all honoure, that the name of God and his doctrine be not euell spoken of. 2 Se that they which haue beleuynge masters, despyse them not because they are brethre, but rather do seruyce, for so moch as they are beleuynge, and beloued, and partakers of the benefite. 3 These thinges teach and exhorte. Yf eny ma teach otherwyse, and agreeth not vnto the wholsome wordes of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, and to the doctryne of godlynes,

Titus 2:9-10

9 Exhorte the seruauntes, to be obedient vnto their masters, to please in all thinges, not answeringe agayne, 10 nether to be pykers, but to shewe all good faithfulnes, that in all thinges they maye do worshippe vnto the doctryne off God oure Sauioure.

Philemon 1:16

16 not now as a seruaunt, but aboue a seruaunt, euen a brother beloued, specially to me, but how moch more vnto ye, both in ye flesh and in the LORDE?

1 Peter 2:18-21

18 Ye seruautes, obey youre masters with all feare: not onely yf they be good and curteous, but also though they be frowarde. 19 For that is grace, yf a man for conscience towarde God endure grefe, and suffre wronge. 20 For what prayse is it, yf wha ye be buffeted for yor fautes, ye take it paciently? But yf whan ye do well, ye suffre wronge, and take it paciently, that is grace with God. 21 For here vnto are ye called, for so moch as Christ also suffred for vs, leauynge vs an ensample, that ye shulde folowe his fotesteppes,

1 Peter 3:2

2 whan they beholde yor pure conuersacion in feare.

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