Ephesians 5:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete

Genesis 9:21

21 And dranke of the wyne, and was dronken, and laye vncouered in his tente.

Genesis 19:32-35

32 Come therfore, let vs geue oure father wyne to drynke, and lye with him, that we maye saue sede of oure father. 33 So they gaue their father wyne to drynke that same night. And the elder doughter wente in, and laye with hir father: and he perceaued it not, nether when she laye downe, ner when she rose vp. 34 On the morow the elder sayde vnto the yonger: Beholde, yesternight laye I with my father: let vs geue him wyne to drynke this night also: that thou mayest go in and lye with him, that we maye saue sede of oure father. 35 So they gaue their father wyne to drynke that night also: And the yonger arose like wyse, and laye with him: & he perceaued it not, nether when she laye downe, ner when she rose vp.

Deuteronomy 21:20

20 and saye vnto the Elders of the cite: This oure sonne is stobburne and dishobediet, and herkeneth not vnto oure voyce, and is a ryoter and a dronkarde.

Psalms 63:3-5

3 Thus do I loke for the in thy Sactuary, that I might beholde yi power & glory. 4 For thy louynge kyndnesse is better then life, my lyppes shal prayse the. 5 As loge as I liue wil I magnifie the, & lift vp my hondes in thy name.

Psalms 69:12

12 They that satt in the gate, spake agaynst me, and the dronckardes made songes vpon me.

Proverbs 20:1

1 Wyne is a voluptuous thinge, & drockennes causeth sedicion: who so delyteth therin, shal neuer be wyse.

Proverbs 23:20-21

20 Kepe no company wt wyne bebbers and ryotous eaters of flesh: 21 for soch as be dronckardes and ryotous, shal come to pouerte, & he that is geuen to moch slepe, shal go wt a ragged cote.

Proverbs 23:29-35

29 Where is wo? where is sorow? where is strife? where is braulynge? where are woundes without cause? where be reed eyes? 30 Euen amonge those that be euer at the wyne, and seke out where the best is. 31 Loke not thou vpon the wyne, how reed it is, and what a color it geueth in the glasse. 32 It goeth downe softly, but at the last it byteth like a serpet, and styngeth as an Adder. 33 So shal thine eyes loke vnto straunge women, & thine herte shal muse vpon frowarde thinges. 34 Yee thou shalt be as though thou slepte, in ye myddest of ye see, or vpo ye toppe of the mast. 35 They wounded me (shalt thou saie) but it hath not hurte me, they smote me, but I felt it not. Whe I am wel wakened, I wil go to ye drynke agayne.

Song of Songs 1:4

4 yee that same moueth me also to renne after the. The kynge hath brought me into his preuy chambre. We wil be glad & reioyce in the, we thynke more of thy brestes then of wyne: well is them that loue the.

Song of Songs 7:9

9 and thy throte like the best wyne. This shalbe pure & cleare for my loue, his lippes and teth shal haue their pleasure.

Isaiah 5:11-13

11 Wo be vnto them that ryse vp early to vse them selues in dronkynnes, and yet at night are more superfluous with wyne. 12 In whose companies are harpes and lutes, tabrettes and pipes, and wyne. But they regarde not the worke of the LORDE, and cosidre not the operacio of his hondes. 13 Therfore cometh my folck also in captiuyte, because they haue no vnderstondynge. Their glory shalbe myxte with huger, and their pryde shalbe marred for thurste.

Isaiah 5:22

22 Wo vnto them, yt are connynge men to suppe out wyne, and experte to set vp drokenesse.

Isaiah 25:6

6 Morouer the LORDE of hoostes shal once prepare a feast for all people vpo the hill: A plenteous, costly, pleasaunt feast, of fat and welfed beastes, of swete and most pure thinges.

Isaiah 55:1

1 Come to the waters all ye, yt be thurstie, & ye that haue no moneye. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne & mylck, without eny money, or moneye worth,

Zechariah 9:15-17

15 The LORDE of hoostes shall defende the, they shall consume and deuoure, and subdue them with slynge stones. They shal drynke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled like ye basens, & as ye hornes of ye aulter. 16 The LORDE their God shal delyuer the in ye daye, as the flock off his people: for the stones off his Sanctuary shalbe set vp in his lade. 17 O how prosperous and goodly a thynge shall that be? The corne shall make the yongemen chearefull, and the new wyne the maydens.

Matthew 23:25

25 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye Ypocrytes, which make cleane the vttersyde of the cuppe and platter, but within are ye full of robbery and excesse.

Matthew 24:49

49 and begynne to smyte his felowes, yee and to eate and drynke with the dronken:

Luke 1:15

15 for he shal be greate before the LORDE. Wyne and stronge drynke shal he not drynke. And he shalbe fylled wt the holy goost, euen in his mothers wombe.

Luke 11:13

13 Yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre children good giftes, how moch more shal the father of heauen geue the holy sprete vnto them that axe him?

Luke 12:45

45 But yf the same seruaut shal saye in his hert: Tush, it wil be longe or my lorde come, and shal begynne to smyte ye seruauntes and maydens, yee & to eate and drynke,& to be dronke:

Luke 21:34

34 But take hede vnto youre selues, that yor hertes be not ouerlade with excesse of eatinge and with dronkennes, and with takinge of thought for lyuynge, and so this daye come vpo you vnawares.

Acts 2:13-18

13 But other mocked them, and sayde: They are full of swete wyne. 14 Then stode Peter vp with the eleuen, and lift vp his voyce, and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewry, and all ye that dwell at Ierusale, be this knowne vnto you, and let my wordes entre in at youre eares. 15 For these are not dronken, as ye suppose, for it is yet but the thirde houre of ye daye: 16 but this is it, that was spoke before by the prophet Ioel: 17 And it shal come to passe in the last dayes, sayeth God, I will poure out of my sprete vpon all flesh, and youre sonnes and youre doughters shal prophecye, and youre yonge men shal se visions and youre olde men shall dreame dreames, 18 and on my seruauntes and on my handmaydens wyll I poure out of my sprete in those dayes, & they shal prophecye.

Acts 11:24

24 For he was a good man, full of the holy goost and faith. And there was a greate multitude of people added vnto the LORDE.

Romans 13:13

13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge:

1 Corinthians 5:11

11 But now haue I wrytte vnto you, yt ye shulde haue nothinge to do with them: (Namely,) yf there be eny man that is called a brother, and is an whoremonger, or couetous, or a worshipper of ymages, ether a raylar, or a dronkarde, or an extorcioner, with soch shal ye not eate.

1 Corinthians 6:10

10 ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drokardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God.

1 Corinthians 11:21

21 And one is hogrie, another is dronke. Haue ye not houses to eate and drynke in?

Galatians 5:21-25

21 envyenge, murthur, dronkennes, glotony, and soch like: of the which I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which commytte soch, shal not inheret the kyngdome of God. 22 But the frute of the sprete, is loue, ioye, peace, longe sufferinge, getlenes, goodnesse, faithfulnes, 23 mekenesse, teperaunce, Agaynst soch is not ye lawe: 24 But they that are Christes, haue crucified their flesh, with the lustes and desyres. 25 Yf we lyue in the sprete, let vs walke also in the sprete.

1 Thessalonians 5:7

7 For they that slepe, slepe in the nighte: and they that be dronken, are dronken in the nighte.

Titus 1:6

6 Yf eny be blamelesse, the hussbande of one wife, hauynge faithfull children, which are not slaundred or ryote, nether are dishobedient.

1 Peter 4:3-4

3 For it is ynough, yt we haue spent ye tyme past of the life, after the will of ye Heythen, wha we walked in wantannesse, lustes, dronkenes, glotony, ryotous drynkynge, & i abhominable Idolatrye. 4 And it semeth to the a straunge thinge, yt ye runne not also wt them vnto the same excesse of ryote, & speake euell of you.

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