Ecclesiastes 7:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 It is better to be sory then to laugh, for whe the countenaunce is heuy, the herte is ioyfull.

Psalms 119:67

67 Before I was troubled, I wente wronge, but now I kepe thy worde.

Psalms 119:71

71 It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble, that I maye lerne thy statutes.

Psalms 126:5-6

5 Turne oure captiuyte (o LORDE) as the ryuers in the south. 6 They that sowe in teeres, shal reape in ioye. He yt now goeth his waye wepige & beareth forth good sede, shal come agayne with ioye, and brynge his sheaues with him.

Jeremiah 31:8-9

8 Beholde, I will bringe them agayne from out of the north lode, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, with the blynde and lame that are amonge them, with the women that be greate with childe, and soch as be also delyuered: and the company of them that come agayne, shal be greate. 9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but with ioye will I bringe them hither agayne. I will lede them by the ryuers of water in a straight waye, where they shall not stomble: For I will be Israels father, and Epraim shalbe my firstborne.

Jeremiah 31:15-20

15 Thus saieth the LORDE: The voyce of heuynes, wepynge and lamentacion came vp in to heauen: euen of Rachel mournynge for hir children, and wolde not be comforted, because they were awaye. 16 But now saieth the LORDE: leaue of from wepynge and crienge, witholde thyne eyes from teares, for thy laboure shalbe rewarded, saieth the LORDE. And they shall come agayne out of the londe of their enemies: 17 Yee euen thy posterite shall haue consolacion in this (saieth the LORDE) that thy children shall come agayne in to their owne londe. 18 Morouer I herde Ephraim, (that was led awaye captyue) complayne on this maner: O LORDE, thou hast correcte me, and thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou art my LORDE God. 19 Yee as soone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstonde, I shall smyte vpon my thee. For verely I haue comitted shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confucion. 20 Vpon this complaynte, I thought thus by myself: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I first comoned with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my very herte dryueth me vnto him: gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 50:4-5

4 In those dayes & at that tyme (saieth the LORDE) the childre of Israel shall come, they & the children of Iuda, wepinge & makinge haist, & shal seke the LORDE their God. 5 They shall axe the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, & come, and hange vpon the, in a couenaunt that neuer shal be broken.

Daniel 9:3-19

3 ad I turned me vnto God the LORDE, for to praye and make myne intercessio, with fastinge, sackcloth ad ashes 4 I prayed before the LORDE my God, and knowleged, sayenge: O LORDE, thou greate & fearfull God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy with them, which loue the, and do thy commaundementes: 5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue bene disobedient and gone backe: yee we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgmentes. 6 We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the prophetes, that spake in thy name to oure kynges and prynces to oure forefathers, and to all the people off the londe. 7 O LORDE, rightuousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame: as it is come to passe this daye vnto euery man of Iuda, and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yee vnto all Israel, whether they be farre or nye: thorow out all londes, wherin thou hast strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the. 8 Yee o LORDE, vnto vs, to oure kinges & prynces, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame. 9 But vnto the o LORDE oure God, pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from him, 10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes: 11 yee all Israel haue transgressed, and gone backe from thy lawe, so that they haue not herkened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the curse and ooth, that is written in the law of Moses the seruaut of God (against whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs. 12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, which he spake agaynst vs, & agaynst oure iudges that iudged vs: to bringe vpon vs soch a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, like as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem. 13 Yee all this plage, as it is written in the lawe of Moses, is come vpon vs. Yet made we not oure prayer before the LORDE oure God, that we might turne agayne from oure wickednesse, and to be lerned in thy verite. 14 Therfore hath ye LORDE made haist, to bringe this plage vpon vs: for the LORDE oure God is rightuous, in all his workes which he doth: for why, we wolde not harken vnto his voyce. 15 And now, o LORDE oure God, thou that with a mightie honde hast brought thy people out of Egipte, to get thy self a name, which remayneth this daye: we haue synned 16 (o LORDE) & done wickedly agaynst all thy rightuousnes: yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye (I beseke the) from thy cite Ierusalem thy holy hill. And why? for oure synnes sake and for the wickednesse of oure forefathers: is Ierusalem and thy people abhorred, of all them that are aboute vs. 17 Now therfore (O oure God) heare the prayer of thy seruaunt, and his intercession: O let thy face shyne ouer thy sanctuary, that lieth waist. 18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leest for thine owne sake) open thine eyes: beholde how we be desolated, yee and the cite also, which is called after thy name: For we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne rightuousnesse, no: but only in thy greate mercies. 19 O LORDE, heare: O forgeue LORDE: O LORDE considre, tary not ouer longe: but for thine owne sake do it, O my God: for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name.

Daniel 10:2-3

2 At the same tyme, I Daniel mourned for the space of thre wekes, 3 so that I had no lust to eate bred: as for flesh and wyne, there came none within my mouth: No, I dyd not ones anoynte my self, till the whole thre wekes were out.

Daniel 10:19

19 sayenge: O thou man so wel beloued, feare not: be content, take a good herte vnto the, and be stronge. So when he had spoken vnto me, I recouered, & sayde: Speake on my lorde, for thou hast refre?shed me.

Zechariah 12:10-14

10 Morouer, vpon the house off Dauid and vpon the citesyns off Ierusalem, will I poure out the sprete of grace and prayer: so that they shal loke vpon me, whom they haue pearsed: and they shall bewepe him, as men mourne for their only begotten sonne: Yee and be sory for him, as men are sory for their first childe. 11 Then shall there be a greate mournynge at Ierusalem, like as the lamentacion at Adremnon in the felde off Maggadon. 12 And the londe shall bewayle, euery kynred by the selues: The kynred off the house of Dauid them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues: 13 The kynred off the house of Nathan them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues: The kynred off the house of Leui the selues alone, and their wiues by them selues: The kynred of the house of Semei them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues: 14 In like maner, all the other generacios, euerychone by them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues.

Luke 6:21

21 Blessed are ye that honger here, for ye shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye yt wepe here, for ye shal laugh.

Luke 6:25

25 Wo vnto you that are full, for ye shal honger. Wo vnto you that laugh here, for ye shal wepe and wayle.

John 16:20-22

20 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Ye shal wepe and lamente, but the worlde shal reioyse: Ye shal be sory, but youre sorowe shal be turned in to ioye. 21 A woman whan she trauayleth, hath sorowe, for hir houre is come. But whan she is delyuered of the childe, she thinketh nomore of the anguyshe, for ioye that a man is borne in to the worlde. 22 And now haue ye sorowe also: but I wil se you agayne, and youre hert shal reioyse, and youre ioye shal noman take from you.

Romans 5:3-4

3 Not onely yt, but we reioyse also i troubles, for so moch as we knowe, yt trouble bryngeth paciece, 4 paciece bryngeth experiece, experiece bryngeth hope:

2 Corinthians 4:17

17 For oure trouble, which is but temporall and lighte, worketh an exceadinge and an eternall weighte of glorye

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

9 But now I reioyce, not that ye were sory, but that ye were sory to repentaunce. For ye sorowed godly, so that in nothinge ye were hurte by vs. 10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacion, not to be repented of: but worldly sorowe causeth death. 11 Beholde, where as ye haue had godly sorowe, what diligence hath it wrought in you? Yee a sufficiet answere, displeasure, feare, desyre, a feruet mynde, punyshment. For in all poyntes ye haue shewed youre selues, that ye are cleare in that matter.

Hebrews 12:10-11

10 And they verely for a few dayes nurtred vs after their awne pleasure: but he lerneth vs vnto yt which is profitable, that we mighte receaue of his holynes. 11 No maner chastisynge for the present tyme semeth to be ioyous, but greuous: neuertheles afterwarde it bringeth the quyete frute of righteousnes, vnto them which are exercysed therby.

James 1:2-4

2 My brethren, counte it exceadynge ioye whe ye fall in to diuers temptacions, 3 for as moche as ye knowe, how yt the tryinge of youre faith bringeth pacience: 4 and let pacience haue her parfect worke, yt ye maye be parfecte aud sounde, lakinge nothinge.

James 4:8-10

8 Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. 9 Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge, and youre ioye to heuynes. 10 Cast downe youre selues before the LORDE, and he shal lift you vp.

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