Ecclesiastes 6:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 when God geueth a man riches, goodes & honoure, so that he wanteth nothinge of all that his herte can desyre: and yet God geueth him not leue to enioye the same, but another man spedeth them. This is a vayne thinge & a miserable plage.

Deuteronomy 8:7-10

7 For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe: A londe where in are ryuers of water, fountaynes and sprynges, which flowe by the hilles and valleys: 8 A londe wherin is wheate, barlye, vines, fygge trees, and pomgranates: A londe wherin growe Olyue trees and honye: 9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles: 10 That wha thou hast eaten and art fylled, thou mayest praise the LORDE thy God, for that good londe, which he hath geuen the.

Deuteronomy 28:33

33 The frute of yi londe and all yi laboure, shall a nacion eate, which thou knowest not: and thou shalt but onely be he that shalbe oppressed and suffre wronge, all the dayes of thy life.

Deuteronomy 28:43

43 The straunger that is with ye, shal clymme vp ouer the, and be allwaye aboue the: but thou shalt come downe alowe, and lye euer beneth.

Judges 18:10

10 Whan ye come, ye shall come to a carelesse people, and the londe is wyde: for God hath delyuered this place in to yor hande, where nothinge wanteth of all yt is vpon earth.

1 Kings 3:13

13 Yee and that thou hast not prayed for, haue I geuen the also, namely, ryches, and honoure, so that amonge the kynges in yi tyme there is not soch one as thou.

1 Chronicles 29:25

25 And ye LORDE made Salomon excellent & greate in ye sighte of all Israel, and gaue him soch a glorious kyngdome, as none had before him ouer Israel.

1 Chronicles 29:28

28 & dyed in a good age, full of dayes, riches and honoure. And Salomon his sonne was kynge in his steade.

2 Chronicles 1:11

11 Then sayde God vnto Salomon: For so moch as thou art so mynded, and hast not desyred riches ner good, ner honor, ner the soules of thine enemies, ner longe life, but hast requyred wy?dome and knowlege, to iudge my people, ouer whom I haue made the kynge,

Job 21:9-15

9 Their houses are safe from all feare, for the rodd of God doth not smyte the. 10 Their bullocke gendreth, and that not out of tyme: their cow calueth, and is not vnfrutefull. 11 They sende forth their children by flockes, and their sonnes lede the daunce. 12 They beare with them tabrettes and harpes, and haue instrumentes of musick at their pleasure. 13 They spende their dayes in welthynesse: but sodenly they go downe to hell. 14 They saye vnto God: go from vs, we desyre not the knowlege of thy wayes. 15 What maner of felowe is the Allmightie, that we shulde serue him? What profit shulde we haue, to submitte oure selues vnto him?

Psalms 17:14

14 Fro the men of thy honde (o LORDE) from the men off the worlde, which haue their porcion in this life: whose belies thou fyllest with thy treasure.

Psalms 39:6

6 Beholde, thou hast made my dayes a spanne longe, and my life is as it were nothinge before the. O how vayne are all men lyuynge?

Psalms 73:7

7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, they do euen what they lyst.

Ecclesiastes 2:4-10

4 I made gorgious fayre workes, I buylded me houses, and planted vynyardes: 5 I made me ortchardes and gardens of pleasure, and planted trees in them of all maner frutes. 6 I made poles of water, to water ye grene and frutefull trees withall. 7 I bought seruauntes and maydes, and had a greate housholde. As for catell and shepe, I had more substaunce of them, then all they yt were before me in Ierusalem. 8 I gathered syluer & golde together, euen a treasure of kynges & londes. I prouided me syngers and wome which coude playe of instrumentes, to make men myrth and pastime. I gat me drynkynge cuppes also and glasses. 9 (Shortly) I was greater & in more worshipe, then all my predecessours in Ierusale. For wy?dome remayned with me: 10 & loke what so euer myne eyes desyred, I let them haue it: & wherin so euer my herte delyted or had eny pleasure, I with helde it not fro it. Thus my hert reioysed in all yt I dyd, and this I toke for the porcion of all my trauayle.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle and diligence of laboure was hated of euery man. This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 4:8

8 There is one man, no mo but himself alone, hauynge nether childe ner brother: yet is there no ende of his carefull trauayle, his eyes can not be satisfied with riches, (yet doth he not remembre himself, & saye:) For whom do I take soch trauayle? For whose pleasure do I thus consume awaye my lyfe? This is also a vayne and miserable thinge.

Ecclesiastes 5:16

16 This is a miserable plage, yt he shal go awaye euen as he came. What helpeth it him then, yt he hath labored in the wynde?

Ecclesiastes 5:19

19 For vnto whom so euer God geueth riches, goodes and power, he geueth it him to enioye it, to take it for his porcion, and to be refreshed of his laboure: this is now the gifte of God.

Lamentations 5:2

2 Oure enheritaunce is turned to the straungers, & oure houses to the aleauntes.

Daniel 5:18

18 therof O kinge, God the hyest gaue vnto Nabuchodonosor thy father, ye dignite of a kynge, wt worshipe & honor:

Hosea 7:9

9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth ful of gray haires, yet wil he not knowe it:

Luke 12:19-20

19 & wil saye vnto my soule: Soule, thou hast moch goodes layed vp in stoare for many yeares, take now thine ease, eate, drinke, and be mery. 20 But God sayde vnto him: Thou foole, this night shal they requyre thy soule from the, and whose shal it be that thou hast prepared?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.