Ecclesiastes 2:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 for so moch as a man shulde weery him self with wy?dome, with vnderstondinge and opportunite, and yet be fayne to leaue his labours vnto another, yt neuer swett for them. This is also a vayne thinge and a greate misery.

2 Chronicles 31:20-21

20 Thus dyd Ezechias in all Iuda, and dyd that which was good, righte and true in the sighte of the LORDE his God. 21 And in all the busynes that he toke in hade concernynge the seruyce of the house of God, acordinge to the lawe and commaundement, to seke his God, that dyd he with all his hert, and therfore prospered he well.

2 Chronicles 33:2-9

2 and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE (euen after the abominacions of the Heythen, whom the LORDE expelled before the children of Israel) and turned backe, 3 and buylded the hye places, ( which his father Ezechies had broken downe) and set vp altares vnto Baalim, and made groues, and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, and serued them. 4 He buylded altares also in ye LORDES house, wherof the LORDE had sayde: At Ierusalem shal my name be for euer. 5 And vnto all the hoost of heauen buylded he altares in both the courtes of ye house of the LORDE. 6 And in the valley of the sonne of Hennon caused he his awne sonnes to go thorow the fyre, and chosed dayes, & regarded byrdescryenge, and witches, and founded soythsayers and expounders of tokens, and dyd moch that was euell in the sighte of the LORDE to prouoke him vnto wrath. 7 Carued ymages also and Idols (which he caused to make) set he vp in Gods house, wherof the LORDE saide vnto Dauid and to Salomon his sonne: In this house at Ierusalem which I haue chosen out of all the trybes of Israel, wyl I set my name for euer 8 and wyl nomore let the fote of Israel remoue fro the londe that I appoynted for their fathers, so farre as they obserue to do all yt I haue commaunded them, in all the lawe, statutes and ordinaunces by Moses. 9 But Manasses disceaued Iuda and them of Ierusale, so that they dyd worse then the Heythen, whom the LORDE destroyed before the children of Israel.

2 Chronicles 34:2

2 and dyd that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE, and walked in the wayes of Dauid his father, and turned not asyde, nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte.

2 Chronicles 35:18

18 Sence ye tyme of Samuel the prophet, was no Passeouer kepte in Israel like this: and no kynge of Israel had holde soch a Passeouer as Iosias dyd, and the prestes, Leuites, all Iuda, and soch as were founde of Israel, and the inhabiters of Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 36:5-10

5 Fyue and twentye yeare olde was Ioachim wha he was made kynge, and reigned eleue yeare at Ierusale, and dyd that which was euell in the siighte of the LORDE his God. 6 And Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon wente vp agaynst him, and bounde him with cheynes, to cary him vnto Babilon. 7 And Nabuchodonosor broughte certayne vessels of ye house of the LORDE vnto Babilon, and put them in his temple at Babilon. 8 What more there is to saye of Ioachim, and off his abhominacions which he dyd, and that were founde in him, beholde, they are wrytten in the boke of the kynges of Israel and Iuda. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade. 9 Eight yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes and ten dayes at Ierusale, and dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE. 10 But wha the yeare came aboute, Nabuchodonosor sent thither, and caused him be fetched vnto Babilon with the costly vessels and Iewels of the house of the LORDE, and made Sedechias his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

Ecclesiastes 2:17-18

17 Thus begane I to be weery of my life, in so moch that I coude awaye with nothinge that is done vnder the Sonne, for all was but vanite & vexacion of mynde: 18 Yee I was weery of all my laboure, which I had taken vnder the Sonne, because I shulde be fayne to leaue them vnto another man, that cometh after me:

Ecclesiastes 9:18

18 For wy?dome is better then harnesse: but one vnthrift alone destroyeth moch good.

Jeremiah 22:15

15 Thinkest thou to reigne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath with yi Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drynke, and prospere well, as loge as he dealt with equite ad rightuousnesse?

Jeremiah 22:17

17 Neuertheles, as for thine eyes and thine herte, they loke vpon covetousnesse, to shed innocent bloude, to do wronge and violence.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.