Deuteronomy 1:32 Cross References - Coverdale

32 And yet for all this ye haue not beleued on the LORDE youre God,

2 Chronicles 20:20

20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.

Psalms 78:22

22 When the LORDE herde this, he was wroth: so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob, and heuy displeasure agaynst Israel.

Psalms 106:24

24 Yee they thought scorne of yt pleasaunt londe, and gaue no credence vnto his worde.

Isaiah 7:9

9 And the chefe citie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte with you.

Hebrews 3:12

12 Take hede brethren, that there be not in eny of you an euell hert of vnbeleue, to departe from the lyuynge God:

Hebrews 3:18-19

18 To whom sware he, yt they shulde not enter in to his rest, but vnto the yt beleued not? 19 And we se yt they coulde not enter in because of vnbeleue.

Jude 1:5

5 My minde is therfore to put you in remebrauce, for as moche as ye once knowe this, how that ye LORDE (after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt) destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.