Acts 6:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 But we wil geue oure selues vnto prayer, and to the mynistracion of the worde of God.

Acts 1:14

14 These all contynued with one acorde in prayer and supplicacion, with the wemen and Mary the mother of Iesu and with his brethren.

Acts 2:42

42 They contynued in the Apostles doctryne, and in the felashippe, and in breakynge of bred, and in prayer.

Acts 13:2-3

2 As they serued ye LORDE, and fasted, the holy goost sayde: Separate me out Barnabas and Saul for the worke, where vnto I haue called them. 3 Then fasted they and prayed, and layed the handes on them, and let them go.

Acts 20:19-31

19 and serued ye LORDE with all humblenesse of mynde, and with many teares and tentacions, which happened vnto me by ye layenges of wayte of the Iewes, 20 how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house. 21 And haue testifyed both vnto the Iewes & to the Grekes the repentaunce towarde God, and faith towarde oure LORDE Iesus. 22 And now beholde, I go bounde in ye sprete vnto Ierusale, not knowinge what shal happen there vnto me, 23 but yt the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite, and sayeth, that bondes and troubles abyde me there. 24 But I regarde none of them, nether counte I my life dearer then my selfe, that I maye fulfyll my course with ioye, and the office yt I haue receaued of the LORDE Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God. 25 And now beholde, I knowe that ye shal se my face nomore, all ye, thorow whom I haue gone, and preached the kyngdome of God. 26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this daye, that I am pure from the bloude of all men: 27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God. 28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude. 29 For this I knowe, that after my departinge there shal enter in amonge you greuous wolues, which shal not spare the flocke. 30 Yee eue from amonge youre awne selues shal men aryse, speakynge peruerse doctryne, to drawe disciples after them. 31 Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.

Romans 1:9

9 For God is my witnesse ( whom I serue in my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne) that without ceassynge I make mencion of you besekinge allwayes in my prayers,

Romans 12:6-8

6 and haue dyuers giftes, acordinge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs Yf eny man haue the gifte of prophecienge, let it be acordinge to the faith. 7 Let him that hath an office, wayte vpo the office: let him that teacheth, take hede to the doctryne: 8 Let him that exhorteth, geue attedaunce to the exhortacion. Yf eny ma geueth, let hi geue with synglenesse. Let him that ruleth, be diligent. Yf eny man shewe mercy, let him do it with chearfulnesse.

1 Corinthians 9:16

16 For in that I preach the Gospell, I neade not boost my selfe, for I must nedes do it. And wo vnto me, yff I preach not the Gospell.

Ephesians 1:15-17

15 Wherfore I also, (in so moch as I haue herde of the faith which ye haue in ye LORDE Iesu, and of youre loue vnto all ye sayntes) 16 ceasse not to geue thankes for you, and make mencion of you in my prayers, 17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe,

Ephesians 3:14-21

14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 15 which is the true father, ouer all that is called father in heauen and in earth, 16 that he graunte you (acordinge to ye riches of his glory) to be strengthed with power by his sprete in ye inwarde ma, 17 that Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by faith, that ye beynge roted and grounded in loue, 18 maye be able to coprehende with all sayntes, what is the bredth, and the length, and the deepth, and the heyth: 19 and to knowe the loue of Christ, which loue yet passeth all knowlege: that ye maye be fylled with all maner of fulnesse of God. 20 Vnto him that is able to do exceadinge abundauntly, aboue all that we axe or vnderstonde (acordinge to ye power that worketh in vs) 21 be prayse in the congregacion, which is in Christ Iesu, at all tymes for euer and euer, Amen.

Philippians 1:4

4 (which I allwayes do in all my prayers for you all, and praye with gladnesse)

Philippians 1:9-11

9 And for the same I praye, yt yor loue maye increace more & more in all maner of knowlege and in all experience, 10 yt ye maye proue what is best, that ye maye be pure, & soch as hurte no mans conscience, vnto the daye of Christ: 11 fylled with the frutes of righteousnes, which come by Iesus Christ vnto the glorye and prayse of God.

Colossians 1:9-13

9 For this cause we also, sence the daye yt we herde of it, ceasse not to praye for you, & desyre that ye mighte be fulfylled with the knowlege of his will, in all wyssdome and spirituall vnderstondinge, 10 that ye mighte walke worthy off the LORDE, to please him in all thinges, and to be frutefull in all good workes, and growe in the knowlege of God: 11 & to be strengthed wt all power acordinge to the mighte of his glory, to all pacience and longsufferynge with ioyfulnes, 12 and geue thankes vnto the father, which hath made vs mete for the enheritaunce of sayntes in lighte. 13 Which hath delyuered vs fro the power of darknesse, & translated vs in to the kyngdome of his deare sonne

Colossians 2:1

1 I wolde ye knewe what fightinge I haue for youre sakes, and for them of Laodicea, and for as many as haue not sene my personne in the flesh,

Colossians 4:12

12 Epaphras a seruaunt of Christ, which is one of you, saluteth you, & allwaye laboureth feruently for you in prayers, yt ye maye stonde perfecte and full, in all that is the wil of God.

Colossians 4:17

17 And saye to Archippus: Take hede to the office which thou hast receaued in the LORDE, that thou fulfyll it.

1 Timothy 4:13-16

13 Geue attendaunce to readynge, to exhortacion, to doctryne, vntyll I come. 14 Be not necligent in the gifte that is geuen the thorow prophecye, with layege on of the handes of the Elders. 15 These thinges exercyse, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that thine increase maye be manifest vnto euery man. 16 Take hede vnto thy selfe, and to learnynge, cotynue in these thinges. For yf thou so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, and them that heare the.

2 Timothy 4:2

2 Preach thou the worde, be feruent, be it in season or out of season: Improue, rebuke, exhorte with all longe sufferynge and doctryne.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.