Acts 2:36 Cross References - Coverdale

36 So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ.

Psalms 2:1-8

1 Why do the Heithe grudge? why do the people ymagyn vayne thinges? 2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted. 3 Let vs breake their bondes a sunder, and cast awaye their yocke from vs. 4 Neuerthelesse, he that dwelleth in heauen, shall laugh the to scorne: yee euen the LORDE himselff shall haue them in derision. 5 Then shal he speake vnto them in his wrath, and vexe them in his sore dispeasure. 6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion. 7 As for me I will preach the lawe, wherof the LORDE hath sayde vnto me: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the. 8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession.

Jeremiah 2:4

4 Heare therfore the worde of the LORDE, O thou house of Iacob, and all the generacion of the house of Israel.

Jeremiah 9:26

26 The Egipcians, the Iewes, the Edomites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the shauen Madianites, that dwel in the wildernes. For all ye Gentiles are vncircumcised in the flesh, but all the house of Israel, are vncircumcised in the herte.

Jeremiah 31:31

31 Beholde, the dayes come (saieth the LORDE) yt I will make a new couenaunt with ye house of Israel & with ye house of Iuda:

Jeremiah 33:14

14 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil perfourme that good thinge, which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel and to the house of Iuda.

Ezekiel 34:30

30 Thus shal they vnderstonde, that I the LORDE their God am wt them, & yt they (euen the house of Israel) are my people, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 39:25-29

25 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: Now will I bringe agayne the captyues of Iacob, and haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sake. 26 All their confucion and offence that they haue done agaynst me, shal be taken awaye: and so safely shal they dwell in their londe, that no man shal make them afrayed. 27 And when I haue brought the agayne from amonge the people, when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies londes, and am praysed in them before many Heithen: 28 then shall they knowe, that I am the LORDE their God, which suffred them to be led in to captiuyte amonge the Heithen, but now haue brought them agayne in to their owne londe, and not left one of them yonder. 29 After that, will I hyde my face nomore from them, but will poure out my sprete vpon the house of Israel, saieth the LORDE God.

Zechariah 13:1

1 In that tyme shall the house off Dauid and the citesyns off Ierusalem haue an open well, to wash of synne and vnclennesse.

Matthew 28:18-20

18 And Iesus came vnto them, talked with them, and sayde: Vnto me is geue all power in heauen and in earth. 19 Go ye youre waye therfore, and teach all nacions, and baptyse them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goost: 20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.

Luke 2:11

11 for vnto you this daye is borne ye Sauioure, eue Christ ye LORDE, in the cite of Dauid.

John 3:35-36

35 The father loueth the sonne, and hath geuen him all thinges in to his hande. 36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastinge life: he that beleueth not the sonne, shal not se the life, but ye wrath of God abydeth vpon him.

John 5:22-29

22 For the father iudgeth no man, but hath geuen all iudgmet vnto the sonne, 23 that they all might honoure the sonne, euen as they honoure ye father. Who so honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father, which hath sent him. 24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so heareth my worde, and beleueth him that sent me, hath euerlastinge life, and cometh not in to damnacion, but is passed thorow from death vnto life. 25 Verely verely I saye vnto you: The houre cometh, & is now allready, yt the deed shal heare ye voyce of ye sonne of God: and they that heare it, shal lyue. 26 For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in himself: 27 & hath geue hi power also to execute iudgmet because he is the sonne of ma. 28 Maruayle not ye at this: for ye houre cometh, in ye which all that are in ye graues, shal heare his voyce, 29 and shal go forth, they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of life: but they that haue done euell, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.

Acts 2:22-23

22 Ye men of Israel, heare these wordes: Iesus of Nazareth, ye man approued of God amonge you with miracles, and wonders and tokens, which God dyd by him in the myddes amonge you, as ye yor selues knowe also, 23 him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him,

Acts 4:11-12

11 This is the stone refused of you buylders, which is become the heade corner stone, 12 nether is there saluacion in eny other: Ner yet also is there geue vnto me eny other name, wherin we must be saued.

Acts 5:30-31

30 The God of oure fathers hath raysed vp Iesus, who ye slewe, and hanged on tre. 31 Him hath the righte hande of God exalted, to be a prynce and Sauioure, to geue repentaunce and forgeuenesse of synnes vnto Israel.

Acts 10:36-42

36 Ye knowe of ye preachinge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachinge thorow Iesus Christ (which is LORDE ouer all) 37 which preachinge was published thorow out all Iewry, and begane in Galile after ye baptyme that Ihon preached, 38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him. 39 And we are witnesses of all that he dyd in the londe of the Iewes, & at Ierusalem. Whom they slewe, and hanged on tre. 40 Him God raysed vp on the thirde daye, and caused him be openly shewed, 41 not to all the people, but to ye chosen witnesses of God euen vnto vs, which ate & dronke with him, after he was rysen vp from the deed. 42 And he commaunded vs to preach vnto the people, and to testifye, that it is he which is ordeyned of God a iudge of the lyuynge and of the deed.

Romans 9:3-6

3 I haue wysshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ for my brethren, that are my kynsmen after the flesh, 4 which are off Israel: vnto whom pertayneth the childshippe, and the glory, and the couenauntes and lawe, and the seruyce of God, and the promyses: 5 whose are also the fathers, off whom (after the flesh) commeth Christ, which is God ouer all, blessed for euer, Ame. 6 But I speake not these thinges, as though the worde of God were of none effecte: for they are not all Israelites, which are of Israel:

Romans 14:8-12

8 For none of vs lyueth to himselfe, and none dyeth to him selfe. Yf we lyue, we lyue vnto the LORDE: Yf we dye, we dye vnto the LORDE. Therfore, whether we lyue or dye, we are the LORDES. 9 For therto dyed Christ, and rose agayne, and reuyued, that he mighte be LORDE both of deed and quycke. 10 But why iudgest thou yi brother? Or thou other, why despysest thou yi brother? We shal all be broughte before ye iudgmet seate of Christ. 11 For it is wrytte: As truly as I lyue, (sayeth the LORDE) all knees shal bowe vnto me, & all tuges shal knowlege vnto God. 12 Thus shal euery one of vs geue acomptes for himselfe vnto God.

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we must all appeare before the iudgment seate of Christ, yt euery one maye receaue in his body, acordinge to yt he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

7 but vnto you which are troubled, rest with vs, wha the LORDE Iesus shal shewe himselfe from heauen, with the angels of his power, 8 and with flammynge fyre, to geue vengeauce vnto them that knowe not God, and to them that obeye not the Gospell of oure LORDE Iesus Christ. 9 Which shalbe punyshed with euerlastinge damnacion, from ye presence of the LORDE, and from the glory of his power, 10 whan he shal come to be glorified in his sayntes, and to become maruelous in all them that beleue: because ye haue beleued oure testimony vnto you of the same daye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.