Acts 20:31 Cross References - Coverdale

31 Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.

Ezekiel 3:17-20

17 Thou sonne off man, I haue made the a watch man vnto the house of Israel: therfore take good hede to the wordes, and geue them warnynge at my commaundement. 18 Yff I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly ma, that (without doute) he must dye, and thou geuest him not warnynge, ner speakest vnto him, that he maye turne from his euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrightuosnes: but his bloude will I requyre off thyne honde. 19 Neuertheles, yff thou geue warnynge vnto the wicked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule. 20 Now yf a rightuous ma go fro his rightuousnesse, and do the thinge that is euell: I will laye a stomblinge blocke before him, and he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warninge: Yee dye shall he in his owne synne, so that the vertue, which he did before, shall not be thought vpon: but his bloude will I requyre of thine honde.

Matthew 3:7

7 Now when he sawe many of the Pharises and of ye Saduces come to hys baptim, he sayde vnto them: ye generacio of vipers, who hath certified you, that ye shal escape ye vengeaunce to come?

Matthew 13:25

25 But whyle me slepte, there came an enemye, and sowed tares amonge ye wheate, & wente his waye.

Mark 13:34-37

34 Like as a man that wente in to a straunge countre, and left his house, and gaue his seruauntes auctorite, vnto euery one his worke, and commaunded ye porter, that he shulde watch. 35 Watch ye therfore, for ye knowe not wha the master of ye house cometh, whether he cometh in the euenynge, or at mydnight, or aboute the cock crowynge, or in the mornynge 36 that he come not sodenly, and fynde you slepynge. 37 Loke what I saye vnto you, that saye I vnto all. Watch.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch therfore cotynually, and praye, that ye maye be worthy to escape all this that shal come, & to stode before ye sonne of man.

Acts 19:8

8 He wete in to ye synagoge, and preached boldly thre monethes longe, teachinge, and geuynge them exortacions of the kyngdome of God.

Acts 19:10

10 And this was done two yeares loge, so that all they which dwelt in Asia, herde the worde of the LORDE Iesu, both Iewes & Grekes.

Acts 20:7

7 Vpon one of the Sabbathes, whan the disciples came together to breake bred, Paul preached vnto them, wyllinge to departe on the morow, and contynued the preachinge vnto mydnight.

Acts 20:11

11 Then wente he vp, and brake the bred, and ate, and talked moch with the, tyll the daye brake, and so departed.

Acts 20:19

19 and serued ye LORDE with all humblenesse of mynde, and with many teares and tentacions, which happened vnto me by ye layenges of wayte of the Iewes,

Acts 24:17

17 But after many yeares I came and broughte allmesse vnto my people, and offeringes:

1 Corinthians 4:14

14 I wryte not this to shame you, but as my deare childre I warne you.

Colossians 1:28

28 who we preach, and warne all men, and teach all men in all wyssdome, to make euery man parfecte in Christ Iesu:

1 Thessalonians 2:9-10

9 Ye remembre brethren oure laboure and trauayle. For daye and nighte wroughte we (because we wolde not be chargeable vnto eny of you) and preached the Gospell of God amonge you. 10 Ye are witnesses, and so is God, how holyly and iustly and vnblameable we behaued oure selues amoge you that beleue:

1 Thessalonians 5:14

14 We desyre you brethre, warne them that are vnruly, coforte the feble mynded, forbeare the weake, be pacient towarde all men.

2 Thessalonians 3:8

8 nether toke we bred of eny man for naughte but wrought wt laboure and trauayle night and daye, lest we shulde be chargeable to eny of you.

2 Timothy 4:5

5 But watch thou in all thinges, suffre aduersite, do the worke of a preacher of the Gospell, fulfyll thine office vnto the vttemost.

Hebrews 13:17

17 Obey them that haue the ouersighte off you, and submytte youre selues vnto them: for they watch for youre soules, euen as they that must geue accoptes therfore, that they maye do it with ioye, and not with grefe: for that is an vnprofitable thinge for you.

Revelation 16:15

15 Beholde, I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes, lest he be founde naked, and men se his filthynes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.