2 Samuel 24 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And the LORDE was wrothfully displeased of ye new agaynst Israel, and moued Dauid amonge them, because he saide: Go, nombre Israel and Iuda. 2 And the kynge sayde vnto Ioab ye chefe captayne of his hoost: Go aboute in all the trybes of Israel, from Dan vnto Berseba, and nombre the people, that I maye knowe how many they be. 3 Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: The LORDE thy God adde vnto this people an hundreth tymes as moch as it is now, that my lorde the kynge maye se his eyes lust theron. But why hath my lorde the kynge a desyre to this thinge? 4 Neuertheles the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab and the captaynes of the hoost.So Ioab and ye captaynes of the hoost wente forth from the kynge, to nombre the people of Israel, 5 and passed ouer Iordane, and pitched at Aroer, at the righte hande of the cite which lyeth in ye ryuer of Gad, and at Iaseer, 6 & came to Gilead, and in the lowe countre of Hadsi, and came vnto Dan Iaan, and aboute Sidon, 7 and came to the stronge cite of Tyrus, and all the cities of the Heuites and Cananites, and came forth to the south parte of Iuda vnto Berseba, 8 and wete rounde aboute that countre, and after nyne monethes and twenty daies they came to Ierusalem. 9 And Ioab delyuered vnto ye kynge the summe of the people that was nombred. And in Israel there were eight C. thousande stronge men, that drue out the swerde: and in Iuda fyue hundreth thousande men. 10 And after that the people was nombred, Dauids hert smote him selfe. And Dauid sayde vnto ye LORDE: I haue synned sore, that I haue done this. And now LORDE take awaie the trespace of thy seruaunt. For I haue done very vnwysely. 11 And whan Dauid rose vp in the mornynge, the worde of the LORDE came vnto the prophet Gad, Dauids Seer, & sayde: 12 Go & speake vnto Dauid. Thus sayeth the LORDE: I brynge the thre thinges, chose the one of them, that I maye do it vnto the. 13 Gad came vnto Dauid, and tolde him, and sayde vnto him: Wilt thou that seuen yeare derth shall come in to thy londe? Or that thou be fayne to flye before thine aduersaries thre monethes, and they to persecute the? Or that there be pestilence thre dayes in the londe? Take aduysement therfore and se, what answere I shal bringe agayne vnto him yt sent me. 14 Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. Neuertheles (yf it maye be) let me rather fall in to ye handes of the LORDE (for his mercy is greate) I wyll not fall in to the handes of men. 15 So the LORDE sent pestilece in to Israel from the morow vnto the tyme appoynted, so that there dyed of the people from Dan vnto Berseba, thre score and ten thousande men. 16 And whan the angel stretched his hande ouer Ierusalem to destroye it, the LORDE repented ouer the euell, and sayde vnto the angell: It is ynough, holde now thy hande. The angell of the LORDE was besyde the barne of Arafna the Iebusite. 17 But whan Dauid sawe the angell that smote the people, he sayde vnto the LORDE: beholde, It is I that haue synned, I haue done the trespace: As for these shepe, what haue they done? Oh let thy hade be agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house. 18 And Gad came to Dauid at the same tyme, and saide vnto him: Go vp, and set vp an altare vnto the LORDE in ye barne of Arafna the Iebusite. 19 So Dauid wete vp as Gad sayde, and as the LORDE had commaunded. 20 And wha Arafna loked aboute him, he sawe the kynge with his seruauntes goinge vnto him, and he worshipped vpon his face to the grounde, 21 and sayde: Wherfore commeth my lorde ye kynge vnto his seruaunt? Dauid sayde: To bye the barne of the, and to buylde an altare vnto the LORDE, that the plage maye ceasse from the people. 22 But Arafna sayde vnto Dauid: Let my lorde the kynge take it, and offre what pleaseth him. Beholde, there is an oxe for a burntofferynge, and sleddes, and vessels of oxen to the wodd. 23 All this gaue Arafna vnto the kynge. And Arafna sayde vnto ye kynge: The LORDE thy God make the accepted vnto him. 24 Neuertheles ye kynge sayde vnto Arafna: Not so, but I wyll bye it of the for as moch as it is worth. For I wyl not offre burntofferynges vnto ye LORDE, of yt which I haue for naughte. So Dauid boughte the barne and the oxe for fiftye Sicles of syluer, 25 and buylded an altare there vnto the LORDE, and offred burntofferynges & deedofferynges. And the LORDE was mercifull vnto ye londe, and ye plage ceassed from the people of Israel.

Genesis 6:6

6 it repented him, that he had made man vpon the earth, and he sorowed in his hert,

Genesis 6:22

22 And Noe dyd acordinge to all that God commaunded him.

Genesis 8:20

20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare.

Genesis 10:15

15 Canaa also begat Zidon his eldest sonne, & Heth, 16 Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi,

Genesis 18:2

2 And as he lift vp his eyes, and loked, beholde, there stode thre men ouer agaynst him. And whan he sawe them, he ranne to mete them from his tent dore, and bowed him self downe vpon the grounde,

Genesis 21:22-33

22 At the same tyme talked Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne with Abraham, and sayde: God is with the in all that thou doest. 23 Therfore sweare now vnto me by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, ner my children, ner my childers children: but that thou shalt shewe vnto me (and to the londe wherin thou art a straunger) the same kyndnesse that I haue done vnto the. 24 Then sayde Abraham: I wyll sweare. 25 And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for the well of water, which Abimelechs seruauntes had taken awaye by violence. 26 Then answered Abimelech: I knewe not who dyd it, nether dyddest thou tell me, and I haue not herde of it but this daye. 27 The toke Abraham shepe and oxen, and gaue them vnto Abimelech, and they both made a bonde together. 28 And Abraham set seuen lambes by them selues. 29 Then sayde Abimelech vnto Abraha: What meane those seuen lambes, which thou hast set by them selues? 30 He answered: seue lambes shalt thou take of my hande, that they maye be wytnes vnto me, that I haue dygged this well. 31 Therfore is the place called Berseba, because they sware there both together. 32 And so they made the bonde at Berseba.Then rose Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne, and departed agayne in to the londe of ye Philistynes. 33 And Abraham planted trees at Berseba, and called vpon the name of the LORDE ye euerlastinge God,

Genesis 22:9

9 And whan they came to the place which God shewed him, Abraham buylded there an altare, and layed the wodd vpon it, and bande his sonne Isaac, layed him on the altare, aboue vpo the wodd,

Genesis 23:8-16

8 And he talked with them, and sayde: Yf it be youre wyll that I burye my coarse by me, heare me the, & speake for me to Ephron the sonne of Zoar, 9 that he maye geue me the dubble caue, which he hath in ye ende of his felde. For a reasonable money let him geue it me, for a possession to burye in amoge you. 10 For Ephron dwelt amonge the Hethites.Then answered Ephron the Hethite vnto Abraham, that the Hethites might heare, before all that wente out and in at the gates of his cite, and sayde: 11 No my lorde, but heare me: As for the felde, and the caue also that is therin, I geue it the: and in the sight of my people I geue it the, to burye thy deed in.

Genesis 23:11

11 No my lorde, but heare me: As for the felde, and the caue also that is therin, I geue it the: and in the sight of my people I geue it the, to burye thy deed in. 12 Then Abraham thanked the people of the londe, 13 and talked with Ephron, that the people of the londe might heare, and sayde: Heare me then, Receaue of me the money that I geue the for the felde, and so wyll I burye my deed there.

Genesis 23:13

13 and talked with Ephron, that the people of the londe might heare, and sayde: Heare me then, Receaue of me the money that I geue the for the felde, and so wyll I burye my deed there. 14 Ephron answered Abraham, and sayde vnto him: 15 Heare me my lorde: The felde is worth foure hundreth Sycles of syluer: but what is that betwixte me and the? Burye thy deed. 16 Abraham herkened vnto Ephron, and weyed him the money which he had sayde, that the Hethites might heare: namely foure hundreth syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes.

Genesis 31:21

21 So he fled, & all that was his, gat vp, and passed ouer the water, & wente straight towarde the mount Gilead.

Genesis 31:47-48

47 And Laba called it Iegar Sahadutha, but Iacob called it Gilead: (either of them after the properte of his language.) 48 Then sayde Laban: This heape be wytnesse betwene me and the this daye (therfore is it called Gilead)

Genesis 44:33

33 Therfore let thy seruaunt byde here in steade of ye lad, to be my lordes bonde man, and let the lad go vp with his brethren.

Genesis 45:5

5 And now vexe not youre selues, & thinke not yt there is eny wrath, because ye solde me hither. For God sent me hither before you, for yor lyues sake.

Genesis 50:20

20 Ye thought euell ouer me, but God hath turned it vnto good, to do as it is come to passe this daye, for the sauynge of moch people.

Exodus 1:17

17 Neuertheles the mydwyues feared God, & dyd not as the kinge of Egipte commaunded them, but let the children lyue.

Exodus 7:3

3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 9:28

28 Yet praye ye vnto the LORDE, that the thonder & hayle of God maye ceasse, then wyl I let you go, that ye shal tary here no longer.

Exodus 12:13

13 Euen I the LORDE. And the bloude shal be youre token, vpon the houses wherin ye are: yt whan I se the bloude, I maye passe ouer, and that the plage happen not vnto you, to destroye you, whan I smyte the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 12:23

23 for the LORDE wyll go aboute and plage the Egipcians. And whan he seyth the bloude vpo the vpperposte, and vpon the two syde postes, he wyl passe ouer by the dore, and not suffre the destroyer to come in to youre houses to plage.

Exodus 32:14

14 Thus the LORDE repented of the euell, which he sayde he wolde do vnto his people.

Exodus 34:6-7

6 And whan ye LORDE passed by before his face, he cryed: LORDE LORDE, God, mercifull & gracious, & longe sufferinge, and of greate mercy and trueth, 7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.

Leviticus 26:16-17

16 then wyll I do this agayne vnto you. I wyl vyset you shortly with swellynges and feuers, which shal destroye ye eyes, & consume awaie ye hert. Ye shal sowe youre sede in vayne, and youre enemies shal eate it vp. 17 And I wyl set my face agaynst you, and ye shal be slayne before youre enemies. And they that hate you, shal haue dominion ouer And ye shall flye, wha no man chaseth you.

Leviticus 26:20

20 and youre trauaile and labor shal be but lost, so that youre londe shall not geue hir increase, and the trees in the londe shal not brynge forth their frute.

Leviticus 26:25

25 And I wyl brynge vpon you a swerde of vengeaunce, which shall auenge my Testament. And though ye gather you together in to youre cities, yet wyll I sende the pestilence amonge you, and wyll delyuer you in to the handes of youre enemies.

Leviticus 26:36-37

36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them. 37 And they shall fall one vpon another (as it were before the swerde) and noman yet chacynge them. And ye shall not be so bolde, as to withstonde youre enemies,

Leviticus 26:41

41 Therfore wyll I also walke contrary vnto the, and wyll brynge them in to the enemies londe. Then shal their vncircumcysed herte be tamed. And then shall they ende their mysdedes.

Leviticus 26:43

43 As for the londe, whan it shalbe left of them, it shal reioyse in hir Sabbathes, euen then, whan it lyeth waist, and they tylle it not. And they shall make attonement for their mysdedes, because they despysed my lawes, & their soules refused my statutes.

Numbers 1:44-46

44 These are they whom Moses and Aaron nombred with ye twolue prynces of Israel, wherof euery one was ouer ye house of their fathers. 45 And the summe of the children of Israel after their fathers houses, from twentye yeare and aboue (what so euer was able to go forth to the warre in Israel) 46 was sixe C. thousande, thre thousande, fyue C. & fiftie.

Numbers 16:44-50

44 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & sayde: 45 Get you out of this cogregacion, I wil shortly consume the. And they fell vpon their faces. 46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Take the ceser & put fyre therin fro of the altare, & laye incese theron, & go soone to the cogregacion, & make an attonement for them. For the wrath is gone out from the LORDE, and the plage is begone amonge the people.

Numbers 16:46-50

46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Take the ceser & put fyre therin fro of the altare, & laye incese theron, & go soone to the cogregacion, & make an attonement for them. For the wrath is gone out from the LORDE, and the plage is begone amonge the people. 47 And Aaron dyd as Moses sayde, & ranne in the myddest amonge ye congregacio. And beholde, ye plage was begone. And he burnt incese & made an attonemet for the people,

Numbers 16:47-50

47 And Aaron dyd as Moses sayde, & ranne in the myddest amonge ye congregacio. And beholde, ye plage was begone. And he burnt incese & made an attonemet for the people, 48 & stode betwene the deed & the lyuynge, and the plage ceassed.

Numbers 16:48-50

48 & stode betwene the deed & the lyuynge, and the plage ceassed. 49 But there were fourtene thousande, and seue hundreth deed in the plage, besydes them that dyed aboute the busynesse of Corah.

Numbers 16:49-50

49 But there were fourtene thousande, and seue hundreth deed in the plage, besydes them that dyed aboute the busynesse of Corah. 50 And Aaron came agayne vnto Moses before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. And the plage ceassed.

Numbers 21:32

32 And Moses sent out spyes vnto Iahesar, & they toke the townes belongynge therto, & coquered the Amorites yt were therin.

Numbers 25:8

8 & wente after the man of Israel in to the whore house, & thrust the thorow, both the man of Israel and the woman, eue thorow the bely of her. Then ceassed the plage from the children of Israel, 9 and there were slayne in the plage foure and twentye thousande.

Numbers 32:1

1 The children of Ruben and the children of Gad had an exceadinge greate multitude of catell, and sawe the londe of Iaeser and Gilead yt it was a mete place for catell,

Numbers 32:3

3 The londe of Atroth, Dibon, Iaesar, Nimra, He?bo, Eleale, Seban, Nebo, & Beon,

Numbers 32:35

35 Sophan, Iaeser, & Iegabeha,

Numbers 32:39

39 And ye children of Machir the sonne of Manasse wente in to Gilead, & conquered it, and droue out the Amorites yt were therin.

Deuteronomy 1:11

11 (The LORDE God of yor fathers make you yet many thousande tymes mo, & blesse you, as he hath promysed you.)

Deuteronomy 2:36

36 from Aroer, which lyeth vpon the ryuer syde of Arnon, and from the cite on the ryuer vnto Gilead. There was no cite that coulde defende it selfe from vs: the LORDE oure God delyuered vs all before vs.

Deuteronomy 8:13-14

13 and whan thy beestes and shepe, and syluer, and golde, and all yt thou hast, increaseth) 14 thine hert ryse not then, and thou forget the LORDE thy God (which brought the out of the londe of Egipte, fro ye house of bondage,

Deuteronomy 28:22

22 The LORDE shall smyte the with swellynge, feuers, heate, burnynge, venome, drouth, and palenesse, & shall persecute the, tyll he haue destroyed the.

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 The LORDE shall cause the be smytten before thine enemyes. Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and seuen wayes shalt thou flye before them, and shalt be scatered amoge all the kyngdomes vpon earth.

Deuteronomy 28:27

27 The LORDE shal smyte the with ye botches of Egipte, with the Emorodes, with scalle, and maungynesse, that thou shalt not be healed therof.

Deuteronomy 28:35

35 The LORDE shal smyte the with a myscheuous botch in ye knees & legges, so that thou canst not be healed, euen from the sole of thy fote vnto the crowne of thy heade.

Deuteronomy 28:52

52 and shal laye sege vnto the wt in all thy gates, tyll they cast downe thy hye and stronge walles, wherin thou trustest thorow out all thy londe. And thou shalt be beseged within all thy portes, thorow out all thy londe which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the.

Deuteronomy 32:6

6 Thankest thou the LORDE yi God so, thou foolish and vnwyse people? Is not he thy father and thy LORDE? Hath he not made the, and prepared the?

Joshua 11:3

3 and to the Cananites towarde ye east and west, to ye Amorites, Hethites, Pheresites, and Iebusites, vpon the mountaynes and to the Heuites, vnder mount Hermon in the londe of Mispa.

Joshua 11:8

8 And the LORDE delyuered them in to ye handes of Israel, and they smote them, and chaced them vnto greate Sido and to the warme water, and to the playne of Mispa towarde ye east: and smote them, vntyll there remayned not one.

Joshua 13:9

9 from Aroer which lieth vp by the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the water, & all the coastes of Medba vnto Dibon,

Joshua 13:16

16 so that their border was Aroer, which lyeth vpon the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the same water, with all the playne felde vnto Medba:

Joshua 15:63

63 But the Iebusites dwelt at Ierusalem, and the children of Iuda coude not dryue them awaye. So the Iebusites remayne with the children of Iuda at Ierusalem vnto this daye.

Joshua 19:28

28 of Ebron, Rehob, Hamon and Cana, vnto greate Sidon. 29 And turneth towarde Rama, vnto the stronge cite of Zor, and turneth towarde Hossa, and goeth out vnto the see, after ye meetlyne towarde Achsib,

Joshua 19:47

47 and on the same goeth the border of the children of Dan out. And the children of Da wente vp, and foughte agaynst Lesem, and wanne it, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and toke it in possession, & dwelt therin, and called it Dan, after ye name of their father.

Judges 1:21

21 Howbeit ye children of Ben Iamin droue not out ye Iebusites which dwelt at Ierusalem, but ye Iebusites dwelt amonge the children of Ben Iamin at Ierusalem vnto this daye.

Judges 1:31

31 Asser droue not out ye inhabiters of Aco, & ye inhabiters of Sidon, of Ahelab, of Achsib, of Helba, of Aphik & of Rehob,

Judges 3:3

3 namely: The fyue lordes of ye Philistynes, & all the Cananites, & Sidonians, & the Hethites yt dwelt vpon mount Libanus, fro mount Baal Hermon, vntyll a man come vnto Hemath.

Judges 18:28-29

28 and there was no man to delyuer them: for they laye farre fro Sidon, and had to do with no man. And they laye in the valley, which is besyde Beth Rehob. Then buylded they the cite, & dwelt therin, 29 & called it Dan, after name of their father Dan, whom Israel begat. And ye cite was called Lais afore tyme.

Judges 19:11

11 Now whan they were come nye vnto Iebus, the daye fell fast awaye. And ye seruaut saide vnto his master: I praie you go on, and let vs turne in to this cite of the Iebusites, and tarye therin allnight.

Judges 20:1

1 Then wente the children of Israel out and gathered a congregacion together as one man, fro Dan vntill Bersaba, and from the londe of Gilead vnto the LORDE to Mispa:

Ruth 2:10

10 Then fell she downe vpon hir face, and bowed hir self downe to the earth, and sayde vnto him: How haue I founde this fauoure in yi sighte, that thou woldest knowe me, which am yet a straunger?

1 Samuel 6:14

14 The cart came in to the felde of Iosua the BethSemite, and there it stode styll. And there was a greate stone, and they claue the tymber of the cart, and offred the kyne vnto the LORDE for a burntofferynge.

1 Samuel 6:19

19 And certaine of BethSames were slaine because they had sene ye Arke of the LORDE, and he slewe fyftye thousande and seuentye men of the people. Then mourned the people, because the LORDE had done so greate a slaughter in the people.

1 Samuel 7:9

9 Samuel toke a fat lambe, & offred an whole burntofferynge vnto the LORDE, & cried vnto the LORDE for Israel, and the LORDE herde him.

1 Samuel 7:17

17 he came agayne vnto Ramath for there was his house, & there he iudged Israel, & builded an altare there vnto ye LORDE.

1 Samuel 9:9

9 (Afore tyme in Israel, whan a man wente to axe councell at the LORDE, he sayde: Come, let vs go to the Seer: for they that now are called prophetes, were called Seers afore tyme).

1 Samuel 13:6

6 Whan the men of Israel sawe that mysfortune laye vpon the neckes of the (for the people was come therto) they crope in to caues and dennes, in to rockes, and holes and welles.

1 Samuel 13:13

13 Samuel sayde vnto Saul: Thou hast done foolishly, and not kepte the commaundement of the LORDE thy God, which he commaunded the. For (yf thou haddest not done this) he had prospered thy kyngdome vpo Israel for euer:

1 Samuel 15:11

11 It repenteth me that I made Saul kynge, for he hath turned him selfe backe fro me, and not cofirmed my wordes. Therfore was Samuel angrye, & cried vnto the LORDE all that nighte.

1 Samuel 22:5

5 Neuertheles the prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid: Abyde not in the castell, but go yi waye, and come in to the londe of Iuda. Then departed Dauid, and came into the wodd of Hareth.

1 Samuel 24:5

5 Neuertheles it smote him afterwarde in his hert, because he had cut of the typpe of Sauls garment,

1 Samuel 26:19

19 Yet let my lorde the kynge heare but the wordes of his seruaunt? Yf ye LORDE prouoke the against me, let there be smelled a meatofferynge: but yf the childre of men do it, cursed be they before the LORDE, because they haue thrust me out this daye (that I shulde not dwell in the LORDES inheritaunce) and saye: Go yi waye, and serue other goddes.

1 Samuel 26:21

21 And Saul sayde: I haue synned: Come agayne Dauid my sonne, I wil do the nomore hurte, because my soule hath bene deare in yi sighte this daye. Beholde, I haue done foolishly and very vnwysely.

1 Samuel 30:28

28 vnto them at Aroer, vnto them at Siphamoth, vnto them at Eschemoa,

2 Samuel 2:13

13 And Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia wete forth with Dauids seruauntes, and they met together by the pole at Gibeon, and these laye on the one syde of the pole, the other on the other syde.

2 Samuel 3:10

10 that the kyngdome maye be taken fro the house of Saul, and ye seate of Dauid set vp ouer Israel and Iuda, from Dan vnto Berseba.

2 Samuel 5:8

8 Then sayde Dauid the same daye: Who so euer smyteth the Iebusites, and optayneth the perquellies, the lame & the blynde, which (Iebusites) Dauids soule hateth. Herof cometh the prouerbe: Let no blynde ner lame come in to the house.

2 Samuel 8:16

16 Ioab ye sonne of Zeru Ia was captayne ouer the hoost. Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was Chaunceler.

2 Samuel 9:8

8 He worshiped and sayde: Who am I thy seruaunt, that thou turnest the to a deed dogg as I am?

2 Samuel 10:12

12 Take a good corage vnto the, and let vs be stronge for oure people, and for ye cite of oure God: neuertheles the LORDE do what pleaseth him.

2 Samuel 12:9-10

9 Wherfore hast thou then despysed the worde of the LORDE, to do soch euell in his sighte? Vrias the Hethite hast thou slayne with the swerde: His wife hast thou taken to be thy wyfe, but him hast thou slayne with ye swerde of the children of Ammon. 10 Now therfore shal not ye swerde departe from thy house for ouer, because thou hast despysed me, and taken the wife of Vrias the Hithite, to be thy wife. 11 Thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, I wyll rayse vp euell of thyne awne house, and wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and wyl geue them vnto thy neghboure, so that he shall lye with thy wyues by Sonnelighte.

2 Samuel 12:13

13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan I haue synned vnto the LORDE. Nathan sayde vnto Dauid: So hath the LORDE also taken awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye. 14 But for so moch as thou thorow this dede hast caused the enemies of the LORDE to blaspheme, ye sonne that is borne vnto the, shall dye the death.

2 Samuel 16:10

10 The kynge saide: Ye children of Zeru Ia, what haue I to do wt you? Let him curse on, for the LORDE hath commaunded him: Curse Dauid. Who can saye now: Why doest thou so?

2 Samuel 17:11

11 But this is my coucell, that thou gather together all Israel from Dan vnto Berseba in nombre as the sonde of the See, and go thou thine owne person amonge them,

2 Samuel 20:23

23 Ioab was captayne ouer all the hoost of Israel: Benaia ye sonne of Ioiada was ouer the Chrethians and Plethians:

2 Samuel 21:1-14

1 There was a derth also in Dauids tyme thre yeares together. And Dauid soughte the face of ye LORDE. And the LORDE sayde: Because of Saul and because of that bloudy housholde yt he slewe the Gibeonites.

2 Samuel 21:1

1 There was a derth also in Dauids tyme thre yeares together. And Dauid soughte the face of ye LORDE. And the LORDE sayde: Because of Saul and because of that bloudy housholde yt he slewe the Gibeonites. 2 Then the kynge caused for to call the Gibeonites, and spake vnto them. (As for the Gibeonites, they were not of ye children of Israel, but a remnaunt of the Amorites: howbeit the children of Israel had sworne vnto the, and Saul soughte for to smyte them in his gelousy, for the childre of Israel and Iuda.) 3 Then sayde Dauid to the Gibeonites: What shal I do vnto you? And where withall shal I make the attonement, that ye maye blesse ye enheritaunce of ye LORDE? 4 The Gibeonites sayde vnto him: It is not for golde and syluer that we haue to do wt Saul and his house, nether haue we oughte to do for to slaye eny ma in Israel. He sayde: What saye ye then, that I shal do vnto you? 5 They sayde vnto ye kynge: The man that hath destroyed vs and broughte vs to naughte, shulde we destroye, that nothinge be lefte him in all the coastes of Israel. 6 Let there be geuen vs seuen men of his sonnes, that we maye hange them vp vnto the LORDE at Gibea of Saul the chosen of the LORDE. The kynge sayde: I wyll geue them. 7 Howbeit the kynge spared Mephiboseth ye sonne of Ionathas ye sonne of Saul, because of the ooth of the LORDE yt was betwene them: namely, betwene Dauid & Ionathas the sonne of Saul. 8 But the two sonnes of Rispa ye doughter of Aia, whom she had borne vnto Saul, Armoni & Mephiboseth, And the fyue sonnes of Michol the doughter of Saul, whom she bare vnto Adriel the sonne of Barsillai the Mahalothite, 9 dyd the kynge take, and gaue them in to the handes of ye Gibeonites, which hanged the vp vpo the mount before the LORDE. So these seuen fell at one tyme, and dyed in the tyme of the first haruest, whan ye barly haruest begynneth. 10 Then toke Rispa the doughter of Aia a sack cloth, & spred it vpon the rock in the begynnynge of the haruest, tyll the water from the heauen dropped vpo them, and suffred not the foules of the heauen to rest on them on the daye tyme, nether the wylde beestes of the felde on the nighte season. 11 And it was tolde Dauid what Rispa the doughter of Aia Sauls concubyne had done. 12 And Dauid wente and toke the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathas his sonne from ye citesens at Iabes in Gilead (which they had stollen from ye strete at Bethsan, where ye Philistynes had hanged the, what tyme as the Philistynes had smytten Saul vpon mount Gilboa) 13 and broughte them vp from thence, and gathered them together wt the bones of them that were hanged. 14 And the bones of Saul and of his sonne Ionathas buried they in ye londe of Ben Iamin, besyde ye graue of his father Cis. So after this was God at one with the londe.

2 Samuel 21:14

14 And the bones of Saul and of his sonne Ionathas buried they in ye londe of Ben Iamin, besyde ye graue of his father Cis. So after this was God at one with the londe.

2 Samuel 23:37

37 Zeleg the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, the weapen bearer of Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia,

2 Samuel 24:2

2 And the kynge sayde vnto Ioab ye chefe captayne of his hoost: Go aboute in all the trybes of Israel, from Dan vnto Berseba, and nombre the people, that I maye knowe how many they be. 3 Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: The LORDE thy God adde vnto this people an hundreth tymes as moch as it is now, that my lorde the kynge maye se his eyes lust theron. But why hath my lorde the kynge a desyre to this thinge?

2 Samuel 24:10

10 And after that the people was nombred, Dauids hert smote him selfe. And Dauid sayde vnto ye LORDE: I haue synned sore, that I haue done this. And now LORDE take awaie the trespace of thy seruaunt. For I haue done very vnwysely. 11 And whan Dauid rose vp in the mornynge, the worde of the LORDE came vnto the prophet Gad, Dauids Seer, & sayde:

2 Samuel 24:14

14 Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. Neuertheles (yf it maye be) let me rather fall in to ye handes of the LORDE (for his mercy is greate) I wyll not fall in to the handes of men.

2 Samuel 24:18

18 And Gad came to Dauid at the same tyme, and saide vnto him: Go vp, and set vp an altare vnto the LORDE in ye barne of Arafna the Iebusite.

1 Kings 17:1-7

1 And Elias ye The?bite one of the inhabiters of Gilead, saide vnto Achab: As truly as the LORDE God of Israel lyueth, whose seruaunt I am, there shal nether rayne ner dew come this yeare, excepte I speake it. 2 And the worde of the LORDE came vnto him, and sayde: 3 Get the hence, and turne the towarde the east, and hyde the by the ryuer Crith, which is ouer agaynst Iordane, 4 and thou shalt drynke of the ryuer: and I haue commaunded the rauens, that they shal fede the there. 5 He departed, and dyd acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, and wente his waye, and sat him downe by the ryuer Crith, which is ouer agaynst Iordane. 6 And the raues broughte him bred and flesh in the mornynge and in the euenynge, and he dranke of the ryuer. 7 And it fortuned after cerayne dayes, that the riuer was dryed: vp for there was no rayne in the lode.

1 Kings 19:4

4 But he him selfe wente a daies iourney in to ye wyldernes, & came in, & sat him downe vnder a Iuniper tre, & wy?shed vnto his soule yt he mighte dye, & sayde: It is now ynough LORDE, take my soule, for I am no better then my fathers.

1 Kings 19:21

21 And he ranne agayne from him, and toke a yock of oxen, and offred it, and sod ye flesh with the wod of the oxen plowes, and gaue it vnto the people to eate, and gat him vp, & folowed Elias, and mynistred vnto him.

1 Kings 22:17

17 He sayde: I sawe all Israel scatred abrode vpon the mountaynes, as the shepe that haue no shepherde. And the LORDE saide: Haue these no lorde? Let euery one turne home agayne in peace.

1 Kings 22:20-23

20 And the LORDE saide: Who wil disceaue Achab to go vp, & fall at Ramoth in Gilead. And one sayde this, another that. 21 Then wete there forth a sprete, & stode before the LORDE, and sayde: I wyl disceaue him. 22 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherwith? He sayde vnto him: I wyll go forth, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all his prophetes. He saide: Thou shalt disceaue him, and shalt be able: go forth and do so. 23 Beholde now, the LORDE hath geue a false sprete in ye mouth of all these yi prophetes, and the LORDE hath spoken euell ouer the.

2 Kings 6:15

15 And the mynister of the ma of God arose early to get him vp. And as he wete forth, beholde, there laye an hoost of men aboute ye cite with horses and charettes. Then saide his childe vnto him: Alas syr, how wyll we now do?

2 Kings 13:3-7

3 And ye wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpon Israel, & he delyuered them ouer vnder the hande of Hasael kynge of Syria, and vnder the hande of Benadad the sonne of Hasael, as longe as they lyued. 4 And Ioahas besoughte the face of the LORDE. And the LORDE herde him, for he consydered the myserie of Israel, how the kynge of Syria oppressed them. 5 And ye LORDE gaue Israel a sauioure, which broughte them out of the power of the Syrians, so yt the children of Israel dwelt in their tentes, like as afore tyme. 6 Yet lefte they not from the synnes of the house of Ieroboam, which caused Israel to synne, but walked in them. The groue at Samaria stode styll also. 7 For of the people of Ioahas there were no mo lefte, but fyftye horsmen, ten charettes, and ten thousande fote men: for the kynge of Syria had destroyed them, and made them as the dust in the barne.

2 Kings 19:35

35 And in the same nighte wente the angell of the LORDE, and smote in the hoost of the Assyrians, an hundreth and fyue and foure score thousande men. And whan they gatt them vp in the mornynge, beholde, all laye full of deed coarses.

1 Chronicles 2:19

19 But wha Asuba dyed, Caleb toke Ephrat, which bare him Hur.

1 Chronicles 21:1

1 And Sathan stode agaynst Israel, & entysed Dauid to nombre Israel. 2 And Dauid sayde vnto Ioab & to ye rulers of the people: Go yor waye, nombre Israel from Berseba vnto Dan, and brynge me the nombre of the, that I maye knowe it. 3 Ioab sayde: The LORDE make his people an hundreth tymes mo then they are now. But my lorde O kynge, are they not all my lordes seruauntes? Why doth my lorde then axe therafter? Wherfore shal there a trespace come vpon Israel? 4 Neuertheles the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab. And Ioab wente forth, and walked thorow all Israel, and came to Ierusalem,

1 Chronicles 21:4

4 Neuertheles the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab. And Ioab wente forth, and walked thorow all Israel, and came to Ierusalem, 5 and delyuered vnto Dauid ye nombre of the people that was tolde. And of all Israel there were a thousande tymes a thousande, and an hundreth thousande men, that drue out the swerde: and of Iuda foure hundreth thousande and seuetye thousande men, which drue out the swerde. 6 As for Leui and Ben Iamin, he nombred them not amonge these: for the kynges worde was abhominable vnto Ioab.

1 Chronicles 21:8

8 And Dauid sayde vnto God: I haue synned greuously, that I haue done this. But now take awaye the trespace of thy seruaunt: for I haue done very vnwysely.

1 Chronicles 21:10-11

10 Go speake to Dauid, & saye: Thus saieth the LORDE: Thre thinges laye I before the, chose ye one of them, yt I maye do it vnto the. 11 And wha Gad came to Dauid, he spake vnto him: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Chose ye 12 ether thre yeare derth, or thre monethes to flye before thine aduersaries, & before the swerde of thine enemies, yt it maye ouertake the: or thre dayes ye swerde of the LORDE, & pestilece in the londe, yt the angell of the LORDE maye destroye in all ye coastes of Israel. Loke now what answere I shal geue vnto him yt sent me. 13 Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in greate trouble: yet wyl I rather fall in to ye hande of the LORDE, for his mercy is exceadynge greate, & I wil not fall in to the handes of men. 14 Then dyd the LORDE cause pestilence to come into Israel, so that there fell of Israel thre score & ten thousande me. 15 And God sent the angell to Ierusale for to destroye it. And euen in the destruccion the LORDE considered, and he repeted of the euell, and sayde vnto the angell ye destroyer: It is ynough, holde now thy hande. The angell of the LORDE stode besyde ye barne of Arnan ye Iebusite. 16 And Dauid lifte vp his eyes, and sawe the angell of ye LORDE stondinge betwene heaue and earth, and a naked swerde in his hande stretched out ouer Ierusalem. Then Dauid and ye Elders beynge clothed with sack cloth, fell vpo their faces.

1 Chronicles 21:16-17

16 And Dauid lifte vp his eyes, and sawe the angell of ye LORDE stondinge betwene heaue and earth, and a naked swerde in his hande stretched out ouer Ierusalem. Then Dauid and ye Elders beynge clothed with sack cloth, fell vpo their faces. 17 And Dauid sayde vnto God: Am not I he that caused the people to be nombred? I am he that hath synned and done euell: as for these shepe, what haue they done? LORDE my God, let thine hande be agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house, and not agaynst thy people to plage them. 18 And the angell sayde vnto Gad, that he shulde speake vnto Dauid, that Dauid shulde shulde go vp, & set vp an altare in the barne of Arnan the Iebusite. 19 So Dauid wente vp acordinge to ye worde of Gad, which he spake in the name of the LORDE.

1 Chronicles 21:19

19 So Dauid wente vp acordinge to ye worde of Gad, which he spake in the name of the LORDE. 20 But wha Arnan turned him, and sawe the angell (and his foure sonnes with him) they hyd the selues: for Arnan thro?shed wheate.

1 Chronicles 21:20-21

20 But wha Arnan turned him, and sawe the angell (and his foure sonnes with him) they hyd the selues: for Arnan thro?shed wheate. 21 Now whan Dauid came to Arnan, Arnan loked, and was aware of Dauid, and wete forth out of the barne, and worshipped Dauid with his face to the grounde.

1 Chronicles 21:21-21

21 Now whan Dauid came to Arnan, Arnan loked, and was aware of Dauid, and wete forth out of the barne, and worshipped Dauid with his face to the grounde. 22 And Dauid sayde vnto Arnan: Geue me rowme in the barne, to buylde an altare vnto the LORDE therin: for ye full money shalt thou geue it me, that the plage maye ceasse from the people.

1 Chronicles 21:22

22 And Dauid sayde vnto Arnan: Geue me rowme in the barne, to buylde an altare vnto the LORDE therin: for ye full money shalt thou geue it me, that the plage maye ceasse from the people. 23 But Arnan sayde vnto Dauid: Take it vnto the, and let my lorde the kynge do as pleaseth him. Beholde, that oxe geue I for a burntofferynge, and those vessels to the oxe, and wheate for the meatofferynge, I geue it all. 24 Neuertheles the kynge sayde vnto Arnan: Not so, but for ye full money wyl I bye it: for that which is thine wyl not I take for the LORDE, and offre a burntofferynge for naughte.

1 Chronicles 21:24-25

24 Neuertheles the kynge sayde vnto Arnan: Not so, but for ye full money wyl I bye it: for that which is thine wyl not I take for the LORDE, and offre a burntofferynge for naughte. 25 So Dauid gaue Arnan for ye rowme, sixe hundreth Sycles of golde in weight.

1 Chronicles 21:25-25

25 So Dauid gaue Arnan for ye rowme, sixe hundreth Sycles of golde in weight. 26 And there buylded Dauid an altare vnto ye LORDE, & offred burntofferynges & slaynofferynges. And whan he called vpo the LORDE, he herde him thorow the fyre from heaue vpon ye altare of the burntofferynge.

1 Chronicles 21:26-27

26 And there buylded Dauid an altare vnto ye LORDE, & offred burntofferynges & slaynofferynges. And whan he called vpo the LORDE, he herde him thorow the fyre from heaue vpon ye altare of the burntofferynge. 27 And ye LORDE sayde vnto the angell, that he shulde put his swerde in to his sheeth.

1 Chronicles 21:27-27

27 And ye LORDE sayde vnto the angell, that he shulde put his swerde in to his sheeth. 28 At the same tyme wha Dauid sawe, that the LORDE had herde him vpon the corne floore of Arnan ye Iebusite, he dyd sacrifice there. 29 For ye habitacion of ye LORDE which Moses had made in the wyldernes, and the altare of burntofferynges, was at that tyme in the hye place at Gibeon. 30 But Dauid coulde not go thither to seke God before it, for he feared the swerde of the LORDES angell.

1 Chronicles 22:1

1 And Dauid sayde: Here shal be ye house of God ye LORDE, and this the altare of burntofferynges for Israel.

1 Chronicles 27:4

4 Ouer the course of the seconde moneth was Dodai the Ahohite, and Mikloth was the prynce ouer his course. And vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande.

1 Chronicles 27:23-24

23 But Dauid toke not the nombre of them that were twentye yeare olde and there vnder: for the LORDE had promysed to multiplye Israel as the starres of the ?kie. 24 Howbeit Ioab the sonne of Zeruia had begonne to nombre them, and perfourmed it not: for there came wrath vpon Israel for the same cause, therfore came not the nombre in to ye Cronicles of kynge Dauid.

1 Chronicles 27:24

24 Howbeit Ioab the sonne of Zeruia had begonne to nombre them, and perfourmed it not: for there came wrath vpon Israel for the same cause, therfore came not the nombre in to ye Cronicles of kynge Dauid.

1 Chronicles 29:29

29 These actes of kynge Dauid (both ye first and last) beholde, they are wrytten amonge the actes of Samuel the Seer, and amonge the actes of the prophet Nathan, and amoge the actes of Gad the Seer,

2 Chronicles 3:1

1 And Salomon beganne to buylde the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem vpon the mount Moria, that was shewed vnto Dauid his father, which Dauid had prepared for the rowme, vpon the corne floore of Arnan the Iebusite.

2 Chronicles 16:9

9 for the eyes of the LORDE loke rounde aboute all londes, to strength them yt are in him with all their hert. Thou hast done vnwysely, therfore shalt thou haue warre from hece forth.

2 Chronicles 20:20

20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.

2 Chronicles 28:5-9

5 Therfore dyd the LORDE his God delyuer him in to the hande of the kynge of Syria, so that they smote him, and caryed awaye a greate multitude of his men presoners, and broughte them to Damascon. He was geuen also vnder the hande of the kynge of Israel, so yt he dyd a greate slaughter vpon him. 6 For Pecah the sonne of Romelia smote in Iuda an hundreth & twentye thousande in one daye (which all were valeaunt men) eue because they had forsaken ye LORDE God of their fathers. 7 And Sichri a mightie ma of Ephraim slewe Maeseia ye kinges sonne, & Asrikam the prynce of the house, & Elkana the nexte vnto the kynge. 8 And the children of Israel caried of their brethren presoners two hundreth thousande, wemen, sonnes and doughters, and toke a greate spoyle from them, and broughte the spoyle vnto Samaria. 9 But eue there was there a prophet of ye LORDE, whose name was Obed, which wete out to mete ye hoost that came to Samaria, and sayde vnto them: Beholde, because the LORDE God of youre fathers is wroth at Iuda, therfore hath he geuen them ouer in to youre handes: but ye haue slayne them so abhominably, that it is come vnto heaue.

2 Chronicles 32:21

21 And the LORDE sent an angell, which destroyed all the mightie men of the hoost, and the prynces and rulers in ye tentes of the kynge of Assur, so that he departed agayne with shame in to his owne londe. And whan he wente in to his gods house, they yt came of his owne body, slewe him there with the swerde.

2 Chronicles 32:25-26

25 But Ezechias recopensed not acordinde as was geuen vnto him, for his hert was lifted vp: therfore came the wrath vpon him, and vpon Iuda and Ierusalem. 26 Neuertheles Ezechias humbled him selfe because his hert had bene exalted, with them at Ierusalem: therfore came not the wrath of the LORDE vpon them, whyle Ezechias lyued.

2 Chronicles 32:26

26 Neuertheles Ezechias humbled him selfe because his hert had bene exalted, with them at Ierusalem: therfore came not the wrath of the LORDE vpon them, whyle Ezechias lyued.

2 Chronicles 32:31

31 But whan the interpreters the chefe of Babilon were sent vnto him, to axe question at him (concernynge the wondertoke that had happened in the londe) God lefte him to be tempted, that it mighte be knowne what soeuer was in his hert.

2 Chronicles 36:16

16 but they laughed the messaungers of God to scorne, and despysed his wordes, and had his prophetes in derision, so loge tyll the indignacion of the LORDE increased ouer his people, and there was no remedye of healinge.

Nehemiah 9:26

26 Neuertheles they were disobedient, and rebelled agaynst the, and cast thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestly, that they shulde couerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemies.

Job 5:17-18

17 Beholde, happie is the man, whom God punysheth: therfore, despyse not thou ye chastenynge of the Allmighty. 18 For though he make a wounde, he geueth a medicyne agayne: though he smyte, his honde maketh whole agayne.

Job 7:20

20 I haue offended, what shal I do vnto ye, O thou preseruer off men? Why hast thou made me to stonde in thy waye, and am so heuy a burden vnto myself? 21 Why doest thou not forgeue me my synne? Wherfore takest thou not awaye my wickednesse? Beholde, now must I slepe in the dust: and yff thou sekest me tomorow in the mornynge, I shalbe gone.

Job 33:27-28

27 Soch a respecte hath he vnto me. Therfore let a man cofesse, (& saye:) I offended, but he hath chastened & refourmed me: I dyd vnrightuously, neuerthelesse he hath not recopensed me therafter. 28 Yee he hath delyuered my soule from destruccion, & my life, that it seyth ye light.

Job 42:6

6 Wherfore I geue myne owne self ye blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes.

Job 42:8-9

8 Therfore take vij. oxen and seuen rammes, and go to my seruaunt Iob, offre vp also for youre selues a brentofferynge, and lat my seruaunt Iob praye for you. Him will I accepte, and not deale with you after youre foolishnesse: in that ye haue not spoke ye thinge which is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done. 9 So Eliphas the Themanite, Baldad ye Suhite and Sophar the Naamathite wete their waye, and did acordynge as the LORDE commaunded them. The LORDE also accepted the personne off Iob,

Psalms 20:3-4

3 Remembre all thy offerynges, and accepte thy brent sacrifice. 4 Sela. Graunte the thy hertes desyre, & fulfill all thy mynde.

Psalms 32:5

5 Therfore I confessed my synne vnto the, and hyd not myne vnrightuousnesse.

Psalms 35:6

6 Let their waye be darcke and slippery, and the angell of the LORDE to persecute them.

Psalms 44:11

11 Thou makest vs to turne oure backes vpon oure enemies, so that they which hate vs, spoile oure goodes.

Psalms 45:16

16 With ioye and gladnesse shal they be brought, and go in to the kynges palace.

Psalms 51:1

1 Haue mercy vpon me (o God) after thy goodnes, & acordinge vnto thy greate mercies, do awaye myne offences. 2 Wash me well fro my wickednesse, & clense me fro my synne. 3 For I knowlege my fautes, and my synne is euer before me. 4 Agaynst the only, agaynst the haue I synned, and done euell in thy sight: that thou mightest be iustified in thy saynges, and shuldest ouercome when thou art iudged. 5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me.

Psalms 74:1

1 O God, wherfore doest thou cast vs so cleane awaye? why is yi wrath so hote agaynst ye shepe of yi pasture?

Psalms 78:38

38 But he was so mercifull, that he forgaue their mysdedes, and destroyed them not:

Psalms 86:5

5 For thou LORDE art good and gracious, & of greate mercy vnto all them that call vpon the.

Psalms 86:15

15 But thou (o LORDE God) art full of compassion and mercy, longesuffrynge, greate in goodnesse & trueth.

Psalms 90:13

13 Turne the agayne (o LORDE) at the last, and be gracious vnto thy seruauntes.

Psalms 91:6

6 For the pestilece that crepeth in ye darcknesse, ner for the sicknesse yt destroyeth in the noone daye.

Psalms 103:8-14

8 The LORDE is full of compassion and mercy, longe sufferinge, and of greate goodnesse. 9 He wil not allwaye be chydinge, nether wil he kepe his anger for euer. 10 He hath not dealt with vs after oure synnes, ner rewarded vs acordinge to oure wickednesses. 11 For loke how hye the heaue is in comparison of the earth, so greate is his mercy also towarde them that feare him. 12 Loke how wyde the east is from the west, so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. 13 Yee like as a father pitieth his owne children, euen so is the LORDE mercifull vnto the that feare him. 14 For he knoweth wherof we be made, he remembreth that we are but dust.

Psalms 106:30

30 Then stode vp Phineas and excuted iustice, & so the plage ceased.

Psalms 106:41-42

41 And gaue them ouer in to the honde of the Heithe, and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemies oppressed the, and had them in subieccion.

Psalms 115:14

14 The LORDE encrease you more & more: you, and youre childre.

Psalms 119:156

156 Greate is thy mercy (o LORDE) quycken me as thou art wont.

Psalms 130:4

4 But there is mercy with the, that thou mayest be feared.

Psalms 135:14

14 For the LORDE wil auege his people, & be gracious vnto his seruautes.

Psalms 145:9

9 The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man, and his mercy is ouer all his workes.

Proverbs 3:12

12 For who the LORDE loueth, him he chasteneth: and yet delyteth in him euen as a father in his owne sonne.

Proverbs 12:10

10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his catell, but the vngodly haue cruell hertes.

Proverbs 14:28

28 The increase and prosperite of the comons is the kynges honoure, but the decaye of the people is the confucio of the prynce.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowlegeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Proverbs 29:23

23 After pryde commeth a fall, but a lowly sprete bryngeth greate worshipe.

Ecclesiastes 8:4

4 Like as when a kynge geueth a charge, his commaundement is mightie: Euen so who maye saye vnto him: what doest thou?

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then I sayde: O wo is me. For I was astonished: that I (which am a man of vnclene lippes, and dwell amonge people yt hath vnclene lippes also:) Shulde se ye Kynge and LORDE of hoostes with myne eyes.

Isaiah 16:8-9

8 The suburbes also of Hesebon were made waist, & the princes of the Gentyles hewed downe ye vynyardes of Sibma, which were planted with noble grapes, and spred vnto Iazer, and went vnto the ende of the deserte, whose braunches stretched their selues forth beyonde the see. 9 Therfore I mourned for Iazer, & for ye vynyardes of Sibma wt greate sorow. I poured my teares vpon Hesebon & Eleale, for all their songes were layde downe, in their haruest & gatheringe of their grapes:

Isaiah 17:2

2 The cities of Aroer shalbe waist, The catel shal lie there, & noma shal fraye the awaye.

Isaiah 27:8

8 Euery ma recopenseth wt ye measure yt he receaueth: He museth vpo his sore wynde, as vpo the dayes of extreme heate.

Isaiah 32:8

8 But the liberall person ymagineth honest thinges, and commeth vp with honesty.

Isaiah 37:36

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies.

Isaiah 40:1-2

1 Be of good chere my people, be of good chere (saieth youre God) 2 Conforte Ierusalem, and tell her: that hir trauale is at an ende, that hir offence is pardoned, that she hath receaued of the LORDES honde sufficient correction for all hir synnes.

Isaiah 47:6

6 I was so wroth with my people, yt I punyshed myne enheritaunce, and gaue them in to thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewdest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of the, didest thou oppresse right sore with thy yock,

Isaiah 55:7

7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Isaiah 57:16

16 For I chide not euer, & am not wroth wt out ende. But ye blastinge goeth fro me, though I make the breath.

Isaiah 60:5

5 When thou seist this, thou shalt maruel exceadingly, and thine hert shalbe opened: when the power of the see shalbe couerted vnto the (that is) whe the strength of the Gentiles shal come vnto the.

Isaiah 60:7

7 All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished.

Jeremiah 17:5

5 Thus saieth the LORDE: Cursed be the man that putteth his trust in man, ad that taketh flesh for his arme: and he, whose herte departeth from ye LORDE.

Jeremiah 18:7-10

7 When I take in honde to rote out, to destroye, or to waist awaye eny people or kigdome: 8 yff that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) couerte from their wickednes: Immediatly, I repente off the plage, that I deuysed to bringe vpon the. 9 Agayne: Whe I take in honde, to buylde, or to plante a people or a kingdome: 10 yff the same people do euell before me, and heare not my voyce: Immediatly, I repente of the good, that I deuysed to do for them.

Jeremiah 32:6-14

6 And Ieremy sayde: Thus hath the LORDE spoken vnto me: 7 Beholde, Hananeel the sonne of Sellum thine Vncles sonne shall come vnto the, and requyre the to redeme ye londe, that lieth in Anathot vnto thy self: for by reason of kynred it is thy parte to redeme it, and to bye it out. 8 And so Hananeel myne Vncles sonne came to me in the courte of the preson, (acordinge to the worde of the LORDE,) and sayde vnto me: Bye my londe (I praye the) that lieth in Anothot in the countre of Ben Iamyn: for by heretage thou hast right to lowse it out for thy self, therfore redeme it. Then I preceaued, that this was the commaundement of the LORDE, 9 and so I lowsed the londe from Hananeel of Anathot, myne Vncles sonne, and weyed him there the moneye: euen seuen sycles, and ten syluer pens. 10 I caused him also to make me a writinge, and to seale it, and called recorde there by, and weyed him there the money vpon the waightes. 11 So I toke the euydence with the copie (when it was orderly sealed and red ouer) 12 and I gaue the euydence vnto Baruch the sonne of Nerias the sonne of Maasia in the sight of Hananeel my cosen, and in the presence of the witnesses, that be named in the euydence, and before all the Iewes that were therby in the courte of the preson. 13 I charged Baruch also before them, saienge: 14 The LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel commaundeth the, to take this sealed euydence with the copie, and to laye it in an erthen vessell, that it maye longe continue.

Lamentations 3:32-33

32 But though he do cast of, yet (acordinge to ye multitude of his mercies) he receaueth to grace agayne. 33 For he doth not plage, & cast out the children of men from his herte.

Ezekiel 14:9

9 And yf that prophet be disceaued, when he telleth him a worde: then I the LORDE myself haue disceaued that prophet, and wil stretch forth myne honde vpon him, to rote him out of my people of Israel:

Ezekiel 14:13

13 Thou sonne of man, when the londe synneth agaynst me, and goeth forth in wickednesse: I will stretch out myne hode vpon it, and destroye all the prouysion of their bred, and sende derth vpon them, to destroye man & beest in the londe.

Ezekiel 14:19-21

19 Yf I sende a pestilence in to the londe, and poure out my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote out of it both man and beest, 20 and yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but saue their owne soules in their rightuousnesse. 21 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: Though I sende my foure trublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous beestes and pestilence, to destroye man and beest out of it:

Ezekiel 20:25

25 Wherfore I gaue them also commaundementes not good, & lawes thorow the which they shulde not lyue,

Ezekiel 20:40-41

40 But vpon my holy hill, eue vpon the hie hill of Israel shal all the house of Israel and all that is in the londe, worshipe me: and in the same place will I fauoure them, and there will I requyre youre heaueoffringes, and the firstlinges of youre oblacions, with all youre holy thinges. 41 I wil accepte youre swete sauoure, when I bringe you from the nacions, and gather you together out of the londes, wherin ye be scatred: that I maye be halowed in you before the Heithen,

Ezekiel 34:2-6

2 Thou sonne off ma, prophecye agaynst the shepherdes of Israel, prophecy, and speake vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Wo be vnto the shepherdes off Israel, that fede them selues. Shulde not the shepherdes fede ye flockes? 3 Ye haue eaten vp the fatte, ye haue clothed you with the woll: the best fedde haue ye slayne, but ye flocke haue ye not norished: 4 The weake haue ye not holden vp, the sicke haue ye not healed: the broken haue ye not bounde together, the outcastes haue ye not brought agayne: ye lost haue ye not sought, but churlishly and cruelly haue ye ruled the. 5 Thus are they scatred here and there without a shepherde: yee all the beastes off the felde deuoure them, and they go astraye. 6 My shepe go wandringe vpon all moutaynes and vpon euery hye hill, yee they be scatred abrode in all feldes, and there is no man, that careth for them, or seketh after them.

Ezekiel 34:23-24

23 I wil rayse vp vnto them one only shepherde: euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shal fede the, and he shal be their shepherde. 24 I the LORDE wil be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their prince: Euen I the LORDE haue spoken it.

Hosea 8:13

13 Where as they do sacrifice, offeringe the flesh and eatinge it: the LORDE will haue no pleasure therin: but will remembre their wickednes, and punysh their synnes. Israel turneth agayne in to Egipte,

Hosea 14:2

2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the LORDE, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all oure synnes, receaue vs graciously, & then wil we offre ye bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the.

Joel 2:13-14

13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes. 14 Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God?

Amos 7:3

3 So the LORDE was gracious therin, and the LORDE sayde: well, it shall not be.

Amos 7:6

6 So the LORDE was merciful therin, and the LORDE God sayde: well, it shal not be.

Jonah 4:2

2 And he prayed vnto the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE, was not this my sayenge (I praye the) when I was yet in my countre? therfore I haisted rather to fle vnto Tharsis, for I knowe well ynough that thou art a mercifull God, full of compassion, loge sufferinge, and of greate kyndnesse, and repentest when thou shuldest take punyshment.

Micah 7:8-9

8 O thou enemie of myne, reioyce not at my fall, for I shal get vp agayne: and though I syt in darcknesse, yet ye LORDE is my light. 9 I will beare the punishment of the LORDE (for why, I haue offended him) till he syt in iudgment vpon my cause, and se that I haue right. He wil bringe me forth to the light, and I shal se his rightuosnesse.

Micah 7:18

18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heretage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassion:

Habakkuk 3:2

2 O Lorde, when I herde speake of ye, I was afrayed. The worke yt thou hast taken in honde, shalt thou perfourme in his tyme, O LORDE: and when thy tyme commeth, thou shalt declare it. In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy.

Zechariah 1:15

15 and sore displeased at the carelesse Heithen: for where as I was but a litle angrie, they dyd their best that I might destroye them

Zechariah 9:7

7 Their bloude will I take awaye from their mouth, and their abhominacios from amonge their teth. Thus they shal be left for oure God, yee they shalbe as a prynce in Iuda, & Accaron like as Iebusi.

Zechariah 13:7

7 Arise (o thou swearde) vpon my shepherde, and vpon the prynce of my people, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes: Smyte the shepherde and the shepe shalbe scatred abrode, and so will I turne myne honde to the litle ones.

Malachi 1:12-14

12 But ye haue vnhalowed it, in that ye saye, the aulter of ye LORDE is not to be regarded, and the thinge that is set thervpon, not worthy to be eaten. 13 Now saye ye: It is but laboure and trauayle, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it, (sayeth the LORDE off hoostes) offerynge robbery, yee the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatofferynge, shulde I accepte it of youre honde, sayeth the LORDE? 14 Cursed be the dyssembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male, and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE. For I am a greate kynge (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen.

Matthew 24:7

7 For one people shall ryse vp agaynst another, and one realme agaynst another: and there shalbe pestilece, honger, and earthquakes here & there.

Mark 7:22

22 theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, disceate, vnclennes, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, foolishnes.

Mark 14:41

41 And he came the thirde tyme, and sayde vnto them: Slepe on now, and take youre rest, It is ynough, the houre is come: beholde, ye sonne of man shalbe delyuered in to the handes of synners:

Luke 4:25

25 Neuertheles of a trueth I saye vnto you: There were many wedowes in Israel in ye tyme of Elias, wha the heaue was shut thre yeares and sixe monethes, and whan there was a greate derth in all the lande:

John 1:29

29 The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the labe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.

John 8:9

9 But whan they herde that, they wente out, one after another: the eldest first, and left Iesus alone, and the woman stondinge before him.

John 10:11-12

11 I am a good shepherde. A good shepherde geueth his life for the shepe. 12 But an hyred seruaunt, which is not the shepherde, nether the shepe are his awne, seyth ye wolfe comynge, and leaueth ye shepe, and flyeth. And the wolfe catcheth & scatereth ye shepe.

John 12:27

27 Now is my soule heuy, and what shal I saye? Father, helpe me out of this houre. But therfore am I come in to this houre.

Acts 4:28

28 to do what soeuer thy hande and thy councell determyned before to be done.

Acts 5:29

29 But Peter and the Apostles answered, and sayde: We ought more to obeye God then men.

Acts 12:23

23 Immediatly the angell of the LORDE smote him, because he gaue not God the honoure: And he was eaten vp of wormes, and gaue vp the goost.

Romans 12:17

17 Recompese vnto no man euell for euell. Prouyde honestie afore hade towarde euery ma.

Romans 15:30-31

30 I beseke you brethren thorow oure LORDE Iesu Christ, and thorow the loue of the sprete, yt ye helpe me in my busynes with youre prayers vnto God for me, 31 that I maye be delyuered from the vnbeleuers in Iewrye and that this my seruyce which I do to Ierusalem, maye be accepted of the sayntes,

2 Corinthians 2:6

6 It is sufficient, that the same man is so rebuked of many,

2 Corinthians 12:7

7 And lest I shulde exalte my selfe out of measure because of the hye reuelacions, there is a warnynge geuen vnto my flesh, euen ye messaunger of Satan, to buffet me, that I shulde not exalte my selfe out off measure:

Philippians 1:23

23 I shal chose, for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)

2 Thessalonians 2:11

11 Therfore shal God sende them stroge delusion, that they shulde beleue lyes,

1 Timothy 2:1-2

1 I exhorte therfore, yt aboue all thinges, prayers, supplicacions, intercessions and geuynge of thakes be had for all men 2 for kynges, and for all that are in auctorite, that we maye lyue a quyete & peaceable life in all godlynes and honestie.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

Hebrews 11:8

8 By faith Abraham (wha he was called) obeyed, to go out in to the place, which he shulde afterwarde receaue to inheritaunce: and he wente out, not knowynge whither he shulde go.

Hebrews 12:6-10

6 for who the LORDE loueth, him he chasteneth, yee and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receaueth. 7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that, whom the father chasteneth not? 8 Yf ye be not vnder correccion (wherof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Morouer seyenge we haue had fathers off oure flesh which corrected vs, & we gaue them reuerence, shulde we not then moch rather be in subieccion vnto ye father of spirituall giftes, yt we mighte lyue? 10 And they verely for a few dayes nurtred vs after their awne pleasure: but he lerneth vs vnto yt which is profitable, that we mighte receaue of his holynes.

James 1:13-14

13 Let no man saye when he is tempted, yt he is tempted of God. For God tepteth not vnto euell, nether tepteth he eny man. 14 But euery ma is tepted, drawne awaye, & entysed of his awne cocupiscece.

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

1 Peter 2:24-25

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as shepe goinge astraye, but now are ye turned vnto the shepherde and Bisshoppe of youre soules.

1 John 1:9

9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

1 John 3:20-21

20 But yf oure hert condemne vs, God is greater the oure hert, and knoweth all thinges. 21 Dearly beloued, yf oure hert condemne vs not, then haue we a fre boldnes to God warde.

Revelation 3:19

19 As many as I loue, I rebuke & chasten. Be feruent therfore and repent.

Revelation 6:8

8 And I loked, and beholde a pale horsse, and his name that sat on him was deeth, and hell folowed after him, & power was geue vnto them ouer the fourthe parte of the earth, to kyll with swearde, and wt honger, and with deeth, of the vermen of the earth.

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