2 Kings 25:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And it fortuned, that in ye nyenth yeare of his reigne, vpon the tenth daye of the tenth moneth, Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon came with all his power agaynst Ierusalem. And they laied sege vnto it, and buylded stronge holdes rounde aboute it.

2 Kings 24:1

1 In his tyme came vp Nabuchodonosor ye kynge of Babilon, & Ioachim was in subieccion vnto him iij. yeare. And he turned back, & rebelled agaynst him.

2 Kings 24:10

10 At the same tyme wente the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon vp to Ierusalem, and came vpon the cyte with ordinaunce of warre.

1 Chronicles 6:15

15 But Iosedec was caried awaie wha the LORDE caused Iuda & Ierusale to be led awaye captyue by Nabuchodonosor.

2 Chronicles 36:17-21

17 For he broughte the kynge of the Caldees vpon them, and caused for to slaye all their yonge men with the swerde in the house of their Sanctuary, and spared nether yonge ma ner virgin, nether aged ner graudfather, but gaue them all in to his hande. 18 And all the vessels in the house of God, greate and small, the treasures in the house of ye LORDE, and the treasures of the kynge and of his prynces, all this caused he to be caried vnto Babilon. 19 And they brent the house of God, and brake downe the wall of Ierusale, and all the palaces therof brent they with fyre, so that all the costly ornamentes of it were destroyed. 20 And loke who escaped ye swerde, hi caried he awaye vnto Babilon, & they became his seruautes, & the seruauntes of his sonnes, tyll the Persians had the empyre: 21 that ye worde of the LORDE by the mouth of Ieremy mighte be perfourmed, euen vntyll the londe had ynough of hir Sabbathes: for all the tyme of the desolacion was it Sabbath, vntyll the seuentye yeares were fulfylled.

Isaiah 29:3

3 For I wil laye sege to the rounde aboute, and kepe ye in with towers, and graue vp dykes agaynst ye.

Jeremiah 27:8

8 Morouer, that people & kingdome which wil not serue Nabuchodonosor, and that wil not put their neckes vnder ye yock of the kinge of Babilon: the same people will I viset with swearde, with honger, with pestilence, vntill I haue consumed them in his hondes, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 32:24

24 Beholde, there are bulworckes made now agaynst the cite, to take it: and it shalbe wonne of the Caldees that besege it, with swearde, with honger and death, and loke what thou hast spoken, that same shal come vpon them. For lo, all thinges are present vnto the:

Jeremiah 32:28

28 Therfore thus sayde the LORDE: beholde, I shal delyuer this cite in to the power of the Caldees, and in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, they shall take it in:

Jeremiah 34:1-6

1 These are the wordes which the LORDE spake vnto Ieremy, what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, & all his hoostes (out of all the kingdomes yt were vnder his power) and all his people, fought agaynst Ierusalem and all the cities therof. 2 Thus saieth the LORDE God of Israel: Go, & speake to Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, & tell him: The LORDE sendeth the this worde: Beholde, I will delyuer this cite in to the hode of the kinge of Babilon, he shal burne it, 3 and thou shalt not escape his hondes, but shalt be led awaye presoner, and delyuered into his power. Thou shalt loke the kinge of Babilon in the face, and he shal speake with the mouth to mouth, and then shalt thou go to Babilon. 4 Yet heare the worde of the LORDE, o Sedechias thou kinge of Iuda: Thus saieth the LORDE vnto the: Thou shalt not be slayne with the swearde, 5 but shalt die in peace. Like as yi fore fathers, the kinges, thy progenitours were brente: so shalt thou be brente also, & in the mournynge they shal saye: oh lorde. For thus haue I determed, saieth the LORDE. 6 Then spake Ieremy the prophet all these wordes vnto Sedechias kinge of Iuda in Ierusalem:

Jeremiah 39:1-10

1 Now when the cite off Ierusale was taken (for in the ix. yeare of Sedechias kynge of Iuda in the tenth Moneth, came Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon and all his hooste, and beseged Ierusalem. 2 And in the xi. yeare of Sedechias in the fourth Moneth ye ix. daye of ye Moneth, he brake in to the cite). 3 Then all the kynge of Babilons prynces came in, & sat the downe vnder the porte: Nergall, Sarezer, Samgarnebo, Sarsechim, Rabsaris, Nergal, Sarezer, Rabmag, with all the other prynces of the kynge of Babilon. 4 And when Sedechias the kynge of Iuda with his soudyers sawe them, they fled, and departed out of ye cite by night thorow the kynges garde, and thorow the porte that is betwene the two walles, and so they wente towarde the wildernesse. 5 But the Caldees hooste folowed fast after them, and toke Sedechias in the felde of Iericho, and brought him presoner to Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilo vnto Reblatha, that lieth in the londe off Hemath where he gaue iugdment vpon him. 6 So the kynge of Babilon caused the children of Sedechias and all the nobles off Iuda be slayne, before his face at Reblatha 7 And made Sedechias eyes be put out, and boude him with chaynes, and sent him to Babilon. 8 Morouer, the Caldees bret vp the kynges palace, with ye other houses of the people, and brake downe the walles off Ierusalem. 9 As for the remnaunt of the people that were in the cite, and soch as were come to helpe them (what so euer was left of the come sorte) Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caried them to Babilon. 10 But Nabuzarada the chefe captayne let the rascall people (and those that had nothinge) dwell still in the lode off Iuda, and gaue them vynyardes and corne feldes at the same tyme.

Jeremiah 43:10

10 and saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will sende and call for Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon my seruaunt, and will set his seate vpon these stones that I haue hyd, and he shall sprede his tente ouer them.

Jeremiah 51:34

34 Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon hath deuoured and distroyed me, he hath made me an emptie vessell. He swalowed me vp like a Dragon, and fylled his bely with my delicates: he hath cast me out,

Jeremiah 52:4-11

4 But in ye ix. yeare of his raigne, In the teth Moneth, the tenth daye of the Moneth it happened, that Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon with all his hooste came before Ierusalem, & beseged it, & made them bulworkes rounde aboute it. 5 And this beseginge of the cite endured vnto the xj yeare of kynge Sedechias. 6 And in the fourth Moneth, the ix daye of the Moneth, there was so greate honger in the cite: that there were no more vitayles for the people of the londe. 7 So all the souldyers brake awaye, and fled out of the cite by night, thorow the waye of the porte betwene the two walles by the kynges garden. Now ye Caldees had copassed the cite rounde aboute, yet wente these men their waye towarde the wildernesse. 8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, and toke Sedechias the kinge in the felde of Iericho, when his hoost was runne from him. 9 So they caried the kynge awaye presoner to Reblatha, vnto the kinge of Babilon in the londe of Hemath, where he gaue iudgment vpon him. 10 The kinge of Babilo also caused Sedechias sonnes be slayne before his face, yee & put all the prynces of Iuda to death at Reblatha. 11 Morouer he put out the eyes of Sedechias, caused him be bounde with cheynes, to be caried vnto Babilon: & let him lie in preson, till he dyed.

Ezekiel 4:1-8

1 Thou sonne off man: take a tyle stone, and laye it before the, and descrybe vpon it the cite off Ierusalem: 2 how it is beseged, how bulworkes and stroge diches are grauen on euery syde off it: descrybe also tentes, and an hoost off men rounde aboute it. 3 Morouer, take an yron panne, and set it betwixte the & ye cite in steade off an yron wall, Then set thy face towarde it, besege it, and laye ordinaunce agaynst it, to wynne it. This shal be a token vnto the house off Israel. 4 But thou shalt slepe vpon thy left syde, and laye the synne of the house off Israel vpon the. Certayne dayes apoynted, thou shalt slepe vpon that syde, and beare their synnes. 5 Neuertheles I will apoynte the a tyme (to put off their synnes) and the nombre off the daies: Thre hundreth & xc. dayes must thou beare the wickednesse off the house of Israel. 6 When thou hast fulfilled these dayes, lye downe agayne, and slepe vpon thy right syde xl. dayes, and beare the synnes off the house of Iuda. A daye for a yeare, a daye (I saye) for a yeare, will I euer laye vpon the. 7 Therfore set now thy face agaynst that beseged Ierusalem, and discouer thine arme, that thou mayest prophecie agaynst it. 8 Beholde, I will laye chaynes vpon the, that thou shalt not turne the from one syde to another, till thou hast ended the dayes of thy sege.

Ezekiel 21:22-24

22 But the soythsayenge shall poynte to the right syde vpon Ierusalem, that he maye set men of warre, to smyte it with a greate noyse, to crie out Alarum, to set batellrammes agaynst the gates, to graue vp dyches, & to make bulworkes. 23 Neuertheles, as for ye soythsayenge, they shall holde it but for vanite, euen as though a iest were tolde them: Yee and they them selues remembre their wickednesse, so that by right they must be take and wonne. 24 Therfore saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as ye youre selues shewe your offence, and haue opened youre wickednesse, so that in all youre workes men maye se youre synnes: Yee in so moch (I saye) that ye youre selues haue made mencion therof, ye shalbe taken by violence.

Ezekiel 24:1-14

1 In the ix. yeare, in the x. Moneth. the x. daye off the Moneth, came the worde off the LORDE vnto me, sayenge: 2 O thou sonne off man, wryte vp the name off this daye, yee eue ye houre of this present daye: when the kynge of Babilon set himself agaynst Ierusale. 3 Shewe yt obstinate housholde a parable, & speake vnto the: Thus sayet the LORDE God: Get the a pot, set it on, & poure water in to it: 4 put all the peces together in it, all the good peces: the loyne and the shulder, & fyll it with the best bones. 5 Take one off the best shepe, & an heape off bones withall: let it boyle well, & let the bones seyth well therin. 6 With that, sayde the LORDE God on this maner: Wo be vnto the bloudy cite of ye pot, whervpon the rustynesse hageth, and is not yet scoured awaye. Take out the peces that are in it, one after another: there nede no lottes be cast therfore, 7 for the bloude is yet in it Vpon a playne drye stone hath she poured it, and not vpon the grounde, that it might be couered with dust. 8 And therfore haue I letten her poure hir bloude vpon a playne drye stony rocke, because it shulde not be hid, and that I might bringe my wrothfull indignacion and vengeaunce vpon her. 9 Wherfore, thus saieth ye LORDE God: O, wo be vnto that bloudthurstie cite, for who I wil prepare a heape off wodde: 10 beare thou ye bones together, kyndle thou the fyre, seeth the flesh, let all be well sodde, that the bones maye be suckte out. 11 Morouer, set the pot emptye vpon the coales, that it maye be warme and the metall hote: that the fylth and rustynesse maye be consumed. 12 But it will not go off, there is so moch off it: the rustinesse must be brent out. 13 Thy filthinesse is abhominable, for I wolde haue clensed the, but thou woldest not be clensed. Thou canst not be pourged from thine vnclennesse, till I haue poured my wrothfull indignacion vpon the. 14 Euen I the LORDE haue so deuysed: Yee it is come therto allredy, that I will do it. I will not go backe, I will not spare, I wil not be intreated: but acordinge to thy wayes ad ymaginacions, thou shalt be punyshed, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 26:7

7 For thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I will brynge hither Nabuchodonosor (which is the kynge off Babilon & a kynge of kynges) from the North, vpo Tyre, with horses, charettes, horsmen and with a greate multitude of people.

Daniel 4:1-18

1 Nabuchodonosor kynge, vnto all people, kynreddes and tunges that dwell vpon the whole earth: peace be multiplied amoge you 2 I thought it good to shewe the tokes & maruelous workes, yt ye hye God hath wrought vpon me. 3 O how greate are his tokes, & how mightie are his wonders? His kyngdome is an euerlastinge kyngdome, and his power lasteth for euer and euer. 4 I Nabuchodonosor beynge at rest in myne house, ad florishinge in my palace, 5 sawe a dreame, which made me afrayed: ad thoughtes that I had vpo my bed, with the visions of myne heade, troubled me. 6 Then sent I out a commission, that all they which were of wi?dome at Babilo shulde be brought before me, to tell me the interpretacion of the dreame. 7 So there came the soythsayers, charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels: to whom I tolde the dreame, but what it betokened, they coude not shewe me: 8 till at the last, there came one Daniel (otherwyse called Balthasar, acordinge to the name of my God) which hath the sprete of the holy goddes in him: to whom I tolde the dreame, sayenge: 9 O Balthasar, thou prynce of saythsayers: For so moch as I knowe, that thou hast the sprete of the holy goddes, and no secrete is hyd from the: tel me therfore, what ye visio of my dreame (yt I haue sene) maye signifie. 10 I sawe a vision in my heade vpon my bed: and beholde, there stode a tre vpon the grounde, 11 which was very hye, greate and mightie: ye heyth reached vnto the heaue, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earth: 12 his leaues were fayre, he had very moch frute, so yt euery ma had ynough to eate therin. The beastes of the felde had shadowes vnder it, and the foules off the ayre dwelt in the bowes therof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it. 13 I sawe in my heade a vision vpon my bed: & beholde, a watcher (eue an holy angel) came downe from heauen, 14 and cryed mightely, sayenge: Hew downe the tre, breake off his braunches, shake of his leaues, and scatre his frute abrode: that all the beestes maye get them awaye from vnder him, and the foules from his braunches. 15 Neuertheles leaue the grounde of his rote still in the earth, and bynde him vpon the playne felde, with cheynes of yron and stele. With the dew of heauen shall he be wet, and he shall haue his parte in the herbes of the grounde with other wylde beastes. 16 That mans herte off his shall be taken from him, and a beastes herte shall be geuen him, till seuen yeares be come and gone vpon him. 17 This erande of the watcher, is a comaundemet grounded and sought out in the councel off him, that is most holy: to lerne men for to vnderstonde, that the hyest hath power ouer the kyngdomes off men, ad geueth them, to whom it liketh him, and bryngeth the very outcastes off men ouer them. 18 This is the dreame, yt I kynge Nabuchodonosor haue sene. Therfore o Balthasar, tell thou me what it signifieth: for so moch as all the wyse men off my kyngdome are not able to shewe me, what it meaneth. But thou canst do it, for ye sprete of the holy Goddes is in the.

Luke 19:43-44

43 For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bake aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde, 44 and make the eauen with the grounde, and shal not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou hast not knowne ye tyme, wherin thou hast bene visited.

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