2 Chronicles 8:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 And he set the prestes in ordre to their ministracion acordynge as Dauid his father had appoynted, and the Leuites in their offyces, to geue thankes and to mynister in the presence of the prestes, euery one vpon his daye. And the dorekepers in their courses, euery one at his dore, for so had Dauid the ma of God commaunded.

Deuteronomy 33:1

1 This is the blessynge, wherwith Moses the man of God blessed ye childre of Israel before his death,

2 Samuel 23:2

2 The sprete of the LORDE hath spoken by me, and the vtteraunce therof is done thorow my tunge.

1 Kings 13:1

1 And beholde, there came a ma of God from Iuda (thorow the worde of the LORDE) vnto Bethel, and Ieroboam stode by the altar to burne incense.

1 Chronicles 6:31-48

31 These are they whom Dauid appoynted to synge in the house of the LORDE, where the Arke rested, 32 & they mynistred before the habitacion of the Tabernacle of witnes wt synginge, vntyll Salomon had buylded the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem, and they stode after their maner in their office. 33 And these are they yt stode & their children. Of ye children of Kahath was Heman ye synger, the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel, 34 the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Ieroham, ye sonne of Eliel, the sonne of Thoah, 35 the sonne of Zuph, the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Mahath, the sonne of Amasai, 36 the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Iohel, the sonne of Asaria, the sonne of Sophonias, 37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Assir, the sonne of Abijasaph, the sonne of Corah, 38 the sonne of Iezehar, the sonne of Rahath, the sonne of Leui, the sonne of Israel. 39 And his brother Assaph stode at his righte hande, and Assaph was the sonne of Barachia, the sonne of Simea, 40 the sonne of Michael, ye sonne of Maeseia, the sonne of Malchija, 41 the sonne of Athin, ye sonne of Serah, the sonne of Adaia, 42 the sonne of Ethan, the sonne of Sima, the sonne of Simei, 43 the sonne of Iahath, the sonne of Gerson, the sonne of Leui. 44 Their brethren the childre of Merari, stode on the lefte hande, namely, Ethan the sonne of Kusi, the sonne of Abdi, the sonne of Malluch, 45 the sonne of Hasabia, the sonne of Amazia, the sonne of Helchia, 46 ye sonne of Amzi, the sonne of Bani, the sonne of Samer, 47 the sonne of Maheli, the sonne of Musi, the sonne of Merari, the sonne of Leui. 48 As for their brethre the Leuites, they were geuen to all the offices in the habitacion of the house of the LORDE:

1 Chronicles 9:17

17 The porters were: Sallum, Acub, Talmon, Ahiman, with their brethren, and Sallum the chefest:

1 Chronicles 15:16-22

16 And Dauid spake vnto ye rulers of ye Leuites, that they shulde ordeyne some of their brethren to be syngers with psalteries, harpes and loude instrumentes, and Cimbales, to synge loude with ioye. 17 Then the Leuites appoynted Heman ye sonne of Ioel: and of his brethren Assaph the sonne of Barachias: and of the children of Merari their brethren, Ethan the sonne of Cusaia: 18 and with them their brethren of the seconde course, namely Zacharias, Iaesiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Vnni, Eliab, Benaia, Maeseia, Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel, the dore kepers. 19 For Heman, Assaph and Ethan were syngers, with brasen belles makynge a loude noyse: 20 but Zacharias, Iaesiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Vnni, Eliab, Maeseia & Benaia with Phalteries to Alamoth: 21 Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel & Asasia with harpes to synge aboue them on hye. 22 Chenania the ruler of the Leuites was the master of Musick to teach them for to synge, for he was a man of vnderstondinge.

1 Chronicles 16:4-6

4 And he appoynted before the Arke of ye LORDE certayne Leuites to mynister, that they shulde geue prayse, thankes and loauinges vnto the LORDE God of Israel: 5 namely Assaph the first, Zacharias the seconde, Ieiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Mathithia, Eliab, Benaia, Obed Edom and Iehiel, with psalteries and harpes. But Assaph with loude Cymbales. 6 Benaia and Iehasiel the prestes with tabrettes, allwaye before the Arke of ye couenaunt of God.

1 Chronicles 16:42

42 And with them Heman & Iedithun to stryke vpon the tabrettes and Cymbales, and the musicall instrumentes of God. As for the childre of Iedithun, he made them dorekepers.

1 Chronicles 23:1-26:19

1 So Dauid made Salomon his sonne kynge ouer Israel, whan he himselfe was olde, and had lyued ynough. 2 And Dauid gathered all the rulers in Israel together, and the prestes & Leuites, 3 to nombre ye Leuites from thirtie yeare olde & aboue. And ye nombre of the (which were stroge men) fro heade to heade, was eight and thirtie thousande: 4 of whom there were foure & twentie thousande, which dyd their diligence in the worke ouer ye house of the LORDE, and sixe thousande officers and Iudges, 5 and foure thousande porters, & foure thousande that songe prayses vnto ye LORDE with instrumentes, which he had made to synge prayse with all. 6 And Dauid made the ordinaunce amonge the children of Leui, namely amoge Gerson, Kahath & Merari. 7 The Gersonites were: Laedan and Simei. 8 The children of Laedan: the first, Iehiel, Sethan, and Ioel, these thre. 9 The children of Simei were: Salomith, Hasiel and Haran, these thre. These were the chefe amonge the fathers of Laedan. 10 These also were the children of Simei: Iahath, Sina, Ieus and Bria, these foure were Simeis children also. 11 Iahath was the first, Sina the seconde. As for Ieus and Bria, they had not many childre, therfore were they couted but for one fathers house. 12 The childre of Kahath were: Amram, Iezehar, Hebron and Vsiel, these foure. 13 The childre of Amram were: Aaron and Moses. As for Aaron, he was separated, to be sanctified for the Most holy, he & his sonnes for euer, to burne incense before the LORDE, & to mynister and blesse in ye name of the LORDE for euermore. 14 And the children of Moses the man of God were named amonge ye trybe of the Leuites. 15 The childre of Moses were Gerson and Elieser. 16 The children of Gerson, the fyrst was Sebuel. 17 The children of Elieser, the fyrst was Rehabia & Elieser had none other children. But ye childre of Rehabia were many ther ouer. 18 The children of Iezehar were: Salomith the fyrst. 19 The children of Hebron were: Ieria the fyrst, Amaria the seconde, Iahasiel the thirde and Iakmeam ye fourth.

1 Chronicles 24:1-26:19

1 This was ye ordinaunce of the childre of Aaron. The children of Aaron were, Nadab, Abihu, Eleasar and Ithamar. 2 But Nadab and Abihu dyed before their fathers, and had no children. And Eleasar and Ithamar were prestes. 3 And Dauid ordred them after his maner: Sadoc out of the children of Eleasar, and Ahimelech out of the children of Ithamar, acordinge to their nombre and office. 4 And there were mo chefe stronge men founde amonge the children of Eleasar, then the children of Ithamar. And he ordeyned them after this maner: namely, sixtene out of ye childre of Eleasar to be rulers thorow out their fathers house: & eight of the children of Ithamar thorow out their fathers house. 5 Neuertheles he ordeyned them by lot, because that both the pryncipall of the children of Eleasar and of Ithamar were in ye Sanctuary, and chefe before God. 6 And the Scrybe Semeia the sonne of Nethaneel one of the Leuites, wrote them vp before ye kynge and before the rulers, and before Sadoc the prest, & before Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar, & before the chefe of the fathers amonge the prestes & Leuites: namely one fathers house for Eleasar, and the other for Ithamar. 7 And the first lot fell vpon Ioiarib, the seconde vpon Iedana, 8 the thirde vpo Harim, the fourth vpon Seorim, 9 the fifth vpo Malchia, the sixte vpon Meiamin, 10 the seuenth vpon Hakoz, the eight vpon Abia, 11 the nyenth vpon Iesua, the tenth vpon Sechania, 12 the eleuenth vpon Eliasib, the twolueth vpon Iakim, 13 the thirtenth vpon Hupa, the fourtenth vpon Iesebeab, 14 the fiftenth vpon Bilga, the sixtenth vpon Immer, 15 the seuententh vpon Hesir, the eightenth vpon Hapizez, 16 the nyententh vpon Pethahia, the twentieth vpon Iehe?kel, 17 the one and twentieth vpon Iachin, the two & twentieth vpon Samul, 18 the thre & twentieth vpo Dalaia, ye foure and twentieth vpo Maasia. 19 This is their course after their office, to go in to the house of the LORDE, acordinge to their maner vnder their father Aaron, as the LORDE God of Israel commaunded him.

1 Chronicles 25:1-26:19

1 And Dauid with the chefe captaynes sundered to the offices amonge ye childre of Assaph, Heman & Iedithun ye prophetes with harpes, psalteries & Cymbales, and they were nombred vnto the worke acordynge to their offyce. 2 Amonge the childre of Assaph was Sakur, Ioseph, Nethania, Asarela, childre of Assaph vnder Assaph which prophecyed besyde ye kynge. 3 Of Iedithun: The children of Iedithun were, Gedalia, Zori, Iesaia, Hasabia, Mathithia (Simei) these sixe vnder their father Iedithun wt harpes, whose prophecienge was to geue thankes and to praise the LORDE. 4 Of Heman: The children of Heman were Bukia, Mathania, Vsiel, Sebuel, Ierimoth, Hanania, Hanani, Eliatha, Gilthi, Romamthieser, Ia?baksa, Mallochi, Hothir and Mehesioth. 5 All these were the children of Hema the kynges Seer in the wordes of God to lyfte vp the horne: for God gaue Heman fourtene sonnes & thre daughters. 6 All these were vnder their fathers Assaph Iedithun and Heman, to synge in the house of the LORDE with Cymbales, Psalteries & harpes, acordynge to the office in the house of God besyde the kynge. 7 And their nombre with their brethren, which were taughte in the songe of the LORDE (euery one hauynge vnderstondinge) was two hundreth & eight and foure score. 8 And they cast the lottes ouer their offyce, for the leest as for the greatest, for the master as for the scolar. 9 And the first Lot fell vpo Ioseph which was of Assaph: the seconde vpo Gedolia wt his brethre and sonnes, of whom there were twolue. 10 The thirde vpo Sacur with his sonnes & brethre, of who there were twolue. 11 The fourth vpon Iezri with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 12 The fyfth vpo Nethania with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 13 The syxte vpon Bukia with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 14 The seuenth vpon Iesreela with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 15 The eighte vpon Iesaia with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 16 The nyenth vpon Mathania with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 17 The tenth vpon Simei with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 18 The eleuenth vpon Asraeel with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 19 The twolueth vpon Hasabia with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue.

1 Chronicles 26:1-19

1 Of the ordinauces of the dorekepers Amonge the Korahytes was Meselemia of the children of Assaph. 2 The children of Meselemia were these: the fyrstborne Zacharias, the seconde Iediael, ye thirde Sebadia, the fourth Iathniel, 3 ye fifth Elam, the sixte Iohanan, the seuenth Elioenai. 4 The children of ObedEdom were these: the firstborne Semaia, the seconde Iosabad the thirde Ioah, the fourth Sachur, ye fyfth Nethaneel, 5 the sixte Ammiel, the seuenth Isachar, the eight Pegulthai: for God had blessed him. 6 And vnto Semaia his sonne there were sonnes borne also, which bare rule in the house of their fathers: for they were mightie valeaunt men. 7 The children of Semaia were, Athni, Rephael, Obed and Elsabad, whose brethren were valeaunt men, Elihu and Semachia: 8 all these were of the children of ObedEdom. 9 Meselemia had children and brethren which were stronge men, euen eightene. 10 Hossa of the children of Merari had children, Simri the chefest: for ye fyrstborne was not there, therfore dyd his father appoynte him to be chefest, 11 the secode Helchias, ye thirde Tebalia, ye fourth Zacharias. All the children and brethren of Hossa were thirtene. 12 This is the ordinaunce of the dorekepers amonge the heades of the valeaunt men in the offyce besyde their brethren, to mynister in the house of the LORDE. 13 And the lot was cast for the small as for ye greate thorow out the house of their fathers at euery dore. 14 The lot towarde the East fell vpon Meselemia. And the lot was cast for Zacharias his sonne, which was a man of prudent councell, & vnto him it fell towarde the North: 15 But vnto ObedEdom towarde the South, and to his sonnes besyde the house of Esupim. 16 And vnto Supim and Hossa towarde the West by the gate of Salechet in the strete of the burntofferinges, where the tabernacles stonde together. 17 Towarde the East were there sixe of the Leuites. Towarde the north foure on ye daie tyme. Towarde the south foure on the daye season likewyse. Besyde Esupim two & two. 18 By Parbar westwarde were there foure in in the strete, and two besyde Parbar. 19 These are the ordinaunces of the dorekepers amonge the children of the Korahites, and the children of Merari.

1 Chronicles 28:19

19 All this is geuen me in wrytinge of the hande of the LORDE, to make me vnderstonde all the workes of the patrone.

2 Chronicles 5:11

11 And whan the prestes wente out of the Sanctuary (for all ye prestes that were founde, sanctified them selues, because the courses were not kepte)

2 Chronicles 23:4

4 This is it therfore yt ye shal do: The thirde parte of you that entre on the Sabbath, shalbe amonge the prestes & Leuites, which are dorekepers at the thresholdes:

2 Chronicles 31:2

2 But Ezechias set the prestes and Leuites in their ordinaunces, euery one after his office, both the prestes and Leuites, for the burntsacrifices and thankofferynges, to mynister, to geue thankes and prayse in the gates of the hoost of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 35:10

10 Thus was the Gods seruyce prepared, and the prestes stode in their place, and the Leuites in their courses acordinge to the kynges commaundement.

Ezra 6:18

18 and set the prestes in their courses, and ye Leuites in their offices, to mynister vnto God which is at Ierusale, as it is wrytten in the boke of Moses.

Nehemiah 12:24

24 And these were the chefe amoge the Leuites, Hasabia, Serebia and Iesua the sonne of Cadmiel, & their brethren ouer agaynst them, to geue prayse and thankes, acordinge as Dauid ye ma of God had ordeyned it, one watch ouer agaynst another.

Nehemiah 12:36

36 and his brethren, Semaia, Asareel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nathaneel and Iuda and Hanani, with the musicall instrumentes of Dauid ye man of God. And E?dras ye scrybe before the

Luke 1:5

5 In the tyme of Herode kynge of Iewry, there was a prest named Zachary of the course of Abia: and his wife of the doughters of Aaron, & hir name Elizabeth.

Luke 1:8

8 And it came to passe as he executed the prestes office before God whan his course came

Acts 13:22

22 And whan he had put him downe, he set vp Dauid to be their kynge, of whom he reported, sayenge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after my hert, he shal fulfyll all my wyll.

Acts 13:36

36 For Dauid, whan he in his tyme had serued the wyll of God, he fell a slepe, and was layed by his fathers, & sawe corrupcion.

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