2 Chronicles 36:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 But wha the yeare came aboute, Nabuchodonosor sent thither, and caused him be fetched vnto Babilon with the costly vessels and Iewels of the house of the LORDE, and made Sedechias his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

2 Samuel 11:1

1 And whan ye yeare came aboute what tyme as ye kynges vse to go forth, Dauid sent Ioab and his seruautes with him, and all Israel, to destroye the children of Ammon, and to laye sege vnto Rabba: but Dauid abode at Ierusalem.

2 Kings 24:10-17

10 At the same tyme wente the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon vp to Ierusalem, and came vpon the cyte with ordinaunce of warre. 11 And whan Nabuchodonosor and his seruauntes came to the cite they layed sege vnto it. 12 But Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda wente forth to the kynge of Babilon with his mother, with his seruauntes, with his rulers and chamberlaynes. And the kynge of Babilon receaued him in the eight yeare of his reigne. 13 And he toke forth fro thence all the treasure in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kynges house, and brake all the golden vessell yt Salomon the kynge of Israel had made in the house of the LORDE (acordynge as the LORDE had sayde) 14 and caryed awaye all Ierusalem, all the rulers, all the mightie men, euen ten thousande presoners, and all the carpenters, and all the smithes, and lefte none behynde but the poore people of the londe. 15 And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon, 16 and seuen thousande of the best men, and a thousande carpenters and smythes, and all the stronge men of warre. 17 And the kynge of Babilon made Matania his vncle kynge in his steade, and turned his name Sedechias.

2 Kings 25:27-30

27 Howbeit in the seuen and thirtieth yeare after that Ioachim the kynge of Iuda was caried awaye on the seuen and twenty daye of the twolueth moneth, Euilmerodach the kynge of Babilon in the first yeare of his reigne, lifte vp the heade of Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda out of preson, 28 and spake louyngly vnto him, and set his trone aboue ye trones of ye kynges that were with him at Babilon, 29 and chaunged the clothes of his captiuyte. And he ate allwaye before him as longe as he lyued. 30 And he appoynted him his porcion, which was euer geue him daylie of the kynge, as longe as he lyued.

1 Chronicles 3:15-16

15 The sonnes of Iosias were: ye first, Iohanna: the seconde, Ioachim: the thirde, Sedechias: the fourth, Sallum. 16 The childre of Ioachim were, Iechonias, whose sonne was Sedechias.

2 Chronicles 36:7

7 And Nabuchodonosor broughte certayne vessels of ye house of the LORDE vnto Babilon, and put them in his temple at Babilon.

2 Chronicles 36:18

18 And all the vessels in the house of God, greate and small, the treasures in the house of ye LORDE, and the treasures of the kynge and of his prynces, all this caused he to be caried vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 22:25

25 And I wil geue the in to ye power off the that seke to slaye the, and in to the power off them that thou fearest: in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kinge off Babilon, and in to the power of the Caldees.

Jeremiah 24:1

1 The LORDE shewed me a visio: Beholde, there stode two maundes of figes before ye Teple of the LORDE, after yt Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilo had led awaye captyue Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim kinge of Iuda, the mightie men also of Iuda, with the workemasters and conynge men of Ierusalem, vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 27:18-22

18 But yf they be true prophetes in very dede, and yf the worde of the LORDE be commytted vnto them, then let them praye the LORDE of hoostes, that the remnaunt of the ornamentes (which are in the house of the LORDE, and remayne yet in the house of the kinge of Iuda and at Ierusalem) be not caried to Babilon also. 19 For thus hath the LORDE of hoostes spoken concernynge the pylers, the lauer, the seate and the residue of the ornamentes that yet remayne in this citie, 20 which Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon toke not, when he caried awaye Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim kinge of Iuda, with all the power of Iuda and Ierusalem, from Ierusalem vnto Babilon, captyue. 21 Yee thus hath the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel spoken, as touchinge the residue of the ornamentes of the LORDES house, of the kinge of Iudaes house, and of Ierusalem: 22 They shalbe caried vnto Babilon, and there they shall remayne, vntil I vyset them, saieth the LORDE. Then wil I bringe them hither agayne.

Jeremiah 29:1-2

1 This is the Copie of the lettre, yt Ieremy the prophet sent from Ierusalem vnto the presoners: the Senatours, prestes, prophetes, & all the people, whom Nabuchodonosor had led vnto Babilo: 2 after ye tyme yt kinge Iechonias & his Quene, his chambrelaynes, the prynces of Iuda & Ierusale & the workmasters of Ierusale were departed thither.

Jeremiah 37:1

1 Sedechias ye sonne of Iosias (which was made kynge thorow Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon) reigned in the londe of Iuda, in the steade off Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim.

Ezekiel 1:2

2 Now the fifth daye off the Moneth made out the fyfth yeare off kynge Ioachims captiuyte.

Ezekiel 17:12

12 Speake to that frauwarde housholde: knowe ye not, what these thinges do signifie? Tell them: Beholde, the kinge of Babilon came to Ierusalem, and toke the kinge & his prynces, and ledde them to Babilon.

Daniel 1:1-2

1 In ye thirde yeare of ye raigne of Ioachim kynge off Iuda, came Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon vnto Ierusalem, & beseged it: 2 and the LORDE delyuered Ioachim the kynge off Iuda in to his honde, with certayne ornamentes of the house off God, which he caried awaye vnto the londe of Sennar, to the house of his god and there brought them in to his gods treasury.

Daniel 5:2

2 and when he was dronken wt wyne, he commaunded to brynge him ye golden and syluer vessel, which his father Nabuchodonosor had taken out of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge and his lordes (with his quene and concubynes) might drike therout.

Daniel 5:23

23 but hast magnified thy selff aboue the LORDE off heauen, so that the vessels off his house were brought before the: that thou, and thy lordes, with thy quene and concubynes, might drynke wyne therout: And hast praysed the Idols of syluer and golde, copper and yron, off wodde & stone: As for the God, in whose honde consisteth thy breth ad all thy wayes: thou hast not loaued him.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.