1 Thessalonians 5:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 But let vs which are of the daye, be sober, armed wt the brestplate of faith and loue, and with ye helmet of hope to saluacion.

Job 19:23-27

23 O that my wordes were written, O that they were put in a boke: 24 wolde God they were graue wt an yron pene in leade or in stone. 25 For I am sure, that my redemer lyueth, and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the latter daye: 26 that I shal be clothed againe with this skynne, and se God in my flesh. 27 Yee I my self shal beholde him, not with other but with these same eyes. My reynes are consumed within me,

Psalms 42:5

5 O put thy trust in God, for I wil yet geue him thankes, for the helpe of his countenauce.

Psalms 42:11

11 Why art thou so heuy (o my soule) & why art thou so disquieted within me? O put thy trust in God, for I wil yet thanke him for the helpe of his countenaunce, and because he is my God.

Psalms 43:5

5 Why art thou so heuy (o my soule) & why art thou so disquieted within me? O put thy trust in God, for I wil yet geue him thakes for ye helpe of his countenauce, and because he is my God.

Isaiah 59:17

17 He put rightuousnes vpo him for a brest plate, & set the helmet of health vpo his heade. He put on wrath in steade of clothige, & toke gelousy aboute him for a cloke:

Lamentations 3:26

26 O how good is it with stilnesse to wate and tarie, for the health of the LORDE?

Romans 5:2-5

2 by who also we haue an intraunce in faith vnto this grace, wherin we stonde, & reioyse in the hope of ye glorye for to come, which God shal geue. 3 Not onely yt, but we reioyse also i troubles, for so moch as we knowe, yt trouble bryngeth paciece, 4 paciece bryngeth experiece, experiece bryngeth hope: 5 As for hope, is letteth vs not come to cofusion, because the loue of God is shed abrode in oure hertes, by the holy goost which is geuen vnto vs.

Romans 8:24-25

24 For we are saued i dede, howbeit i hope: but ye hope that is sene, is no hope: for how can a man hope for that which he seyeth? 25 But yf we hope for that which we se not, the do we thorow pacience abyde for it.

Romans 13:12-13

12 the nighte is past, but the daye is come nye.) Let vs therfore cast awaye ye workes of darknesse, and put on the armoure of lighte. 13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge:

1 Corinthians 13:13

13 Now abydeth faith, hope, loue, these thre: but the greatest of these is loue.

2 Corinthians 6:7

7 in the worde of the trueth, in the power of God, by the armoure of righteousnes on the rightehande and on the lefte,

Galatians 5:5

5 But we wayte in the sprete off hope, to be made righteous by faith.

Ephesians 5:8-9

8 For sometyme ye were darknesse, but now are ye lighte in the LORDE. Walke as the children of lighte. 9 (For the frute of the sprete is all maner of goodnes, and righteousnes and trueth:)

Ephesians 6:11

11 put on the armor of God, that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst the craftie assautes off the deuell.

Ephesians 6:13-18

13 For this cause take ye the armoure of God, yt ye maye be able to resiste in the euell daye, and stonde perfecte in all thinges. 14 Stonde therfore, and youre loynes gyrde aboute with the trueth, hauynge on the brest plate of righteousnes, 15 and shod vpo yor fete with the gospell of peace, that ye maye be prepared: 16 Aboue all thinges take holde of the shylde of faith, wherwith ye maye quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of saluacion, & the swerde of the sprete, which is the worde of God. 18 And praye allwayes with all maner of prayer and supplicacion in the sprete, and watch there vnto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sayntes

Ephesians 6:23

23 Peace be vnto the brethre, and loue with faith, from God the father, & from the LORDE Iesu Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:5

5 Ye are alltogether children of lighte, and children of the daye. We are not of the night, nether of darknesse.

2 Thessalonians 2:16

16 But oure LORDE Iesus Christ himselfe, and God oure father, which hath loued vs and geuen vs euerlastinge consolacion, and a good hope thorow grace,

Hebrews 6:19

19 which (hope) we haue as a sure and stedfast anker of oure soule. Which (hope) also entreth in, in to those thinges that are within ye vayle,

Hebrews 10:35-36

35 Cast not awaye therfore yor confidence, which hath so greate a rewarde. 36 For ye haue nede of pacience, that after ye haue done the wil of God, ye mighte receaue the promes.

1 Peter 1:3-5

3 Blessed be God and the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which acordinge to his greate mercy hath begotten vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ from the deed, 4 to an vncorruptible and vndefyled inheritaunce, which neuer shal fade awaye, but is reserued in heauen for you 5 that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion, which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme:

1 Peter 1:13

13 Wherfore gyrde op the loynes off youre mynde, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christ,

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte:

1 John 1:7

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

1 John 3:1-3

1 Beholde what loue the father hath shewed on vs, yt we shulde be called the childre of God. Therfore ye worlde knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him. 2 Dearly beloued, we are now ye childre of God, and yet hath it not appeared what we shalbe. But we knowe yt when he shal appeare, we shal be like him: for we shal se him as he is. 3 And euery man yt hath this hope in him, pourgeth him selfe, euen as he is pure.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.