1 Peter 2:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Vnto whom ye are come, as to the lyuynge stone, which is disalowed of men, but chosen of God and precious.

Psalms 118:22-23

22 The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner. 23 This was the LORDES doinge, & it is maruelous in or eyes.

Isaiah 8:14-15

14 For he is the sanctifienge, and stone to stomble at, ye rock to fall vpon, a snare and net to both the houses: to Israel, and the inhabitours of Ierusalem. 15 And many shal stomble, fall, and be broke vpon him: yee they shalbe snared and taken.

Isaiah 28:16

16 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil laye a stone in Sion, a greate stone, a costly corner stone for a sure foundacion: yt who so putteth his trust in him, shal not be confouded.

Isaiah 42:1

1 Beholde now therfore, this is my seruaunt whom I will kepe to my self: my electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I will geue him my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgment & equyte amonge the Gentiles.

Isaiah 55:3

3 Enclyne youre eares, & come vnto me, take hede & youre soule shal lyue. For I will make an euerlastinge couenaunt with you, eue the sure mercies of Dauid.

Jeremiah 3:22

22 O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, (saynge: lo, we are thine, for thou art the LORDE oure God:) And so shal I heale youre bacturnynges.

Daniel 2:34

34 This thou sawest, till the tyme that (with out eny hondes) there was hewen off a stone which smote the ymage vpon the fete, that were both off yron and earth, and brake the to poulder:

Daniel 2:45

45 And where as thou sawest, that without eny hondes there was cut out of the mount a stone, which brake the yron, the copper ye earth, the syluer and golde in peces: by that hath ye greate God shewed the kynge, what wyl come after this. This is a true dreame, and the interpretacion of it is sure.

Zechariah 3:9

9 for lo, the stone that I haue layed before Iesua: vpon one stone shalbe vij. eyes. Beholde, I will hewe him out (saieth the LORDE of hoostes) and take awaye the synne of that londe in one daye.

Zechariah 4:7

7 What art thou (thou greate mountayne) before Zorobabel? thou must be made eauen. And he shal bringe vp the first stone, so that men shall crie vnto him: good lucke, good lucke.

Matthew 11:28

28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden, and I wil ease you.

Matthew 12:18

18 Beholde, this is my seruaunt, whom I haue chosen: and my beloued, in whom my soule delyteth: I wil put my sprete vpon hi, and he shal shewe iudgment vnto the Heithe.

Matthew 21:42

42 Iesus sayde vnto the: Dyd ye neuer rede in the scriptures: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner? This was the LORDES doynge, & it is maruelous i oure eyes

Mark 12:10-11

10 Haue ye not red this scripture: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the headstone in the corner? 11 This was the LORDES doynge, and it is maruelous in oure eyes.

Luke 20:17-18

17 But he behelde the, and sayde: What is this then that is wrytten: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the head corner stone? 18 Who so euer falleth vpon this stone, shalbe broken in sunder: but vpo who so euer he falleth, he shall grynde him to poulder.

John 5:26

26 For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in himself:

John 5:40

40 and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life.

John 6:37

37 All that my father geueth me, cometh vnto me: and who so cometh vnto me, him wyl not I cast out:

John 6:57

57 As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake.

John 11:25-26

25 Iesus saide vnto her: I am the resurreccion & the life He yt beleueth on me, shal lyue, though he were deed allready: 26 & whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth on me, shal neuer dye. Beleuest thou this?

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayde vnto him: I am the waye, and the trueth, and the life. Noman cometh to the father but by me.

John 14:19

19 It is yet a litle whyle, the shal the worlde se me nomore, but ye shal se me: for I lyue, and ye shal lyue also.

Acts 4:11-12

11 This is the stone refused of you buylders, which is become the heade corner stone, 12 nether is there saluacion in eny other: Ner yet also is there geue vnto me eny other name, wherin we must be saued.

Romans 5:10

10 For yf we were recocyled vnto God by ye death of his sone, wha we were yet enemies: moch more shal we be saued by him, now yt we are reconcyled.

Colossians 3:4

4 But whan Christ or life shal shewe himselfe, the shal ye also appeare with him in glory.

1 Peter 1:7

7 that youre faith once tryed (beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre) might be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ:

1 Peter 1:19

19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

1 Peter 2:7

7 Vnto you therfore which beleue, he is precious: but vnto them that beleue not, is ye same stone which the buylders refused, made the heade stone in the corner,

2 Peter 1:1

1 Symon Peter a seruaut and an Apostle of Iesus Christ.Vnto the which haue optayned like faith with vs in the righteousnes that commeth of oure God, and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

2 Peter 1:4

4 wherby the excellent and most greate promyses are geue vnto vs: namely, that ye by the same shulde be partakers of the godly nature, yf ye flye the corrupte lust of the worlde:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.