1 Chronicles 28:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 and for the altare of incense his weighte, of the most pure golde. And a patrone of the charett of the golden Cherubins, that they mighte sprede out them selues, and couer the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE.

Exodus 25:18-22

18 And thou shalt make two Cherubyns of beaten golde vpo both ye endes of the Mercyseate, 19 yt the one Cherub maye be vpon the one ende, & the other vpon the other ende, & so to be two Cherubyns vpon the endes of the Mercyseate. 20 And the Cherubyns shall sprede out their wynges ouer an hye, yt they maye couer ye Mercyseate wt their wynges: & yt either their faces maye be right ouer one agaynst another, and their faces shal loke vnto the Mercyseate. 21 And thou shalt set ye Mercyseate aboue vpon the Arke. And in the Arke thou shalt laye the wytnesse, yt I shal geue the. 22 From yt place wyll I testifie vnto ye, and talke with the, namely, from ye Mercyseate (betwixte the two Cherubyns) which is vpon the Arke of wytnesse, of all that I wyl comaunde ye vnto the children of Israel.

Exodus 30:1-10

1 Thou shalt make also an incense altare to burne incense, of Fyrre tre, 2 a cubyte longe & brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with his hornes, 3 & shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, the rofe & the walles of it rounde aboute, and the hornes therof, & a crowne of golde shalt thou make rounde aboute it, 4 and two golde rynges on ether syde vnder the crowne, that there maie be staues put therin, to beare it withall. 5 The staues shalt thou make of Fyrre tre also, and ouerlaye the with golde: 6 and shalt set it before the vayle, that hangeth before the Arke of wytnesse, and before the Mercyseate yt is vpon the wytnesse, from whence I wyl proteste vnto the. 7 And Aaron shal burne swete incense theron euery morninge, wha he dresseth the lampes. 8 In like maner whan he lighteth the lampes at euen, he shall burne soch incense also. This shal be the daylie incense before the LORDE amonge youre posterities. 9 Ye shall put no straunge incense therin, & offer no burntofferynge, ner meatofferynge, nether drynkofferynge theron. 10 And vpon ye hornes of it shall Aaron reconcyle once in a yeare, with ye bloude of the synneofferynge, which they shall offer that are reconcyled. This shal be done amonge youre posterities for this is the most holy vnto the LORDE.

1 Samuel 4:4

4 And the people sent vnto Silo, & caused to fet thece the Arke of ye couenaunt of the LORDE Zebaoth, that sytteth vpon the Cherubins. And with the Arke of the couenaunt of God there were the two sonnes of Eli, Ophni and Phineas.

1 Kings 6:23-30

23 He made also in the quere two Cherubins ten cubites hye of Olyue tre. 24 One wynge of ether of the Cherubs had fyue cubytes, so that from the edge of his one wynge to the edge of his other wynge there were ten cubytes. 25 Euen so had the other Cherub ten cubites also, and both the Cherubs were of one measure and of one quantitie 26 so yt ether Cherub was ten cubites hye. And he put the Cherubins within in the house. 27 And the Cherubins spred forth their wynges, so that the wynge of the one touched the one wall, and the other Cherubs wynge touched the other wall. But in the myddes of ye house the one wynge touched another. 28 And he ouerlayed the Cherubins with golde. 29 And on all the walles of the house rounde aboute, he caused to make carued worke, with carued Cherubins, palme trees, and floures. 30 And the pauement of the house ouerlayed he also with golde plates.

1 Kings 7:48

48 Morouer Salomon made all the apperell that belonged vnto the house of the LORDE: namely a golden altare, a golden table that the shewbred laye on,

Psalms 18:10

10 He rode vpo the Cherubins & dyd fle: he came flyenge with the wynges of the wynde.

Psalms 68:17

17 The charettes of God are many M. tymes a thousande, the LORDE is amoge them in the holy Sinai.

Psalms 80:1

1 Heare o thou shepherde of Israel, thou yt ledest Iacob like a flocke of shepe: shewe yi self, thou yt syttest vpo ye Cherubins.

Psalms 99:1

1 The LORDE is kynge, be the people neuer so vnpacient: he sytteth vpon the Cherubins, be the earth neuer so vnquiete.

Ezekiel 1:15-24

15 Now whe I had well considered the beestes, I sawe a worke off wheles vpon the earth with foure faces also like the beestes. 16 The fashion & worke of the wheles was like the see. The foure wheles were ioyned and made (to loke vpon) as it had bene one whele in another. 17 When one wente forwarde, they wente all foure, and turned the not aboute i their goinge. 18 They were large, greate and horrible to loke vpon. Their bodies were full off eyes rounde aboute them all foure. Whe the beestes wete, the wheles wente also with them: 19 And when the beestes lift them selues vp from ye earth, the wheles were lift vp also. 20 Whyther so euer the sprete wente, thither wente they also, & ye wheles were lift vp & folowed the. for ye sprete of life was in the wheles. 21 When ye beestes wete forth, stode still, or lift themselues vp from the earth: then the wheles also wente, stode still, & were lift vp, for ye breth off life was in the wheles. 22 Aboue ouer ye heades of the beestes there was a firmament, which was fashioned as it had bene off the most pure Christall, & that was spred out aboue vpon their heades: 23 vnder the same firmament were their wynges layed abrode, one towarde another, and two wynges couered the body of euery beest. 24 And when thy wente forth, I herde the noyse off their wynges, like the noyse of greate waters, as it had bene the voyce off the greate God, and a russhinge together as it were off an hoost off men. And when they stode still, they let downe their

Ezekiel 10:2-22

2 Then sayde he that sat therin, to him that had the lynnynge rayment vpon him: Crepe in betwene the wheles that are vnder the Cherubins, and take thine honde full of hote coales out from betwene the Cherubins, and cast them ouer the cite. And he crepte in, that I might se. 3 Now the Cherubins stode vpo the right syde of the house, when the man wete in, and the cloude fylled the ynnermer courte. 4 But the glory of the LORDE remoued from the Cherubins, and came vpon the thresholde of the house: so that the Temple was full of cloudes, and the courte was full of the shyne of the LORDES glory. 5 Yee and the sounde of the Cherubins wynges was herde in to the forecourte, like as it had bene the voyce of the almightie God, when he speaketh. 6 Now when he had bydden the man yt was clothed in lynnynge, to go and take the hote coales from the myddest of ye wheles, which were vnder the Cherubins: he wente and stode besyde the wheles. 7 Then the one Cherub reached forth this honde from vnder the Cherubins, vnto ye fyre that was betwene the Cherubins, and toke therof, and gaue it vnto him (that had on the lynnynge rayment) in his honde: which toke it, and wente out. 8 And vnder the wynges of ye Cherubins, there apeared the licknes of a mas hode: 9 I sawe also foure wheles besyde the Cherubins, so that by euery Cherub there stode a whele. And the wheles were (to loke vpon) after ye fashion of ye precious stone of Tharsis: 10 Yet (vnto the sight) were they fashioned & like, as yf one whele had bene in another. 11 When they wente forth, they wete all iiij together, not turnynge aboute in their goinge: But where the first wente, thither wente they after also, so that they turned not aboute in their goinge. 12 Their whole bodies, their backes, their hodes & wynges, yee & the wheles also, were all full of eyes rounde aboute them all foure. 13 And I herde him call ye wheles, Galgal (that is) a rounde boull. 14 Euery one of them had foure faces: so that the one face was the face of a Cherub, the seconde of a man, the thirde of a lyon, the fourth of an Aegle, 15 & they were lifted vp aboue. This is the beest, that I sawe at the water of Cobar. 16 Now when the Cherubins wente, the wheles wente with them: & when the Cherubins shoke their wynges to lift them selues vpwarde, the wheles remayned not behynde, but were with them also. 17 Shortly, when they stode, these stode also: And when they were lift vp, ye wheles were lift vp also with the, for the sprete of life was in the wheles. 18 Then the glory of the LORDE was lift vp from the thresholde of the temple, and remayned vpon the Cherubins: 19 And the Cherubins flackred with their wynges, and lift the selues vp from the earth: so that I sawe when they went, and the wheles with them. And they stode at the east syde of the porte that is in the house of the LORDE. So the glory of the LORDE was vpon them. 20 This is the beest that I sawe vnder the God of Israel, by the water of Cobar. And I perceaued, that it was the Cherubins. 21 Euery one had foure faces, & euery one foure wynges, & vnder their winges, as it were mes hondes. 22 Now the figure of their faces was, euen as I had sene them, by the water of Cobar, & so was the countenaunce of the: Euery one in his goinge wente straight forwarde.

Hebrews 9:5

5 Aboue therin were the Cherubins off glory ouershadowynge the Mercyseate: Of which thinges it is not now to speake perticularly.

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