1 Chronicles 15:16 Cross References - Coverdale

16 And Dauid spake vnto ye rulers of ye Leuites, that they shulde ordeyne some of their brethren to be syngers with psalteries, harpes and loude instrumentes, and Cimbales, to synge loude with ioye.

1 Chronicles 6:31-38

31 These are they whom Dauid appoynted to synge in the house of the LORDE, where the Arke rested, 32 & they mynistred before the habitacion of the Tabernacle of witnes wt synginge, vntyll Salomon had buylded the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem, and they stode after their maner in their office. 33 And these are they yt stode & their children. Of ye children of Kahath was Heman ye synger, the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel, 34 the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Ieroham, ye sonne of Eliel, the sonne of Thoah, 35 the sonne of Zuph, the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Mahath, the sonne of Amasai, 36 the sonne of Elkana, the sonne of Iohel, the sonne of Asaria, the sonne of Sophonias, 37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Assir, the sonne of Abijasaph, the sonne of Corah, 38 the sonne of Iezehar, the sonne of Rahath, the sonne of Leui, the sonne of Israel.

1 Chronicles 13:8

8 As for Dauid and all Israel, they played with all their strength before God, with songes, with harpes, with psalteries, with tabrettes, with Cymbales and trompes.

1 Chronicles 15:12

12 and sayde vnto them: Ye are the heades of ye fathers amonge the Leuites: sanctifye yor selues therfore & youre brethre, yt ye maye brynge vp the Arke of the LORDE God of Israel, to the place yt I haue prepared for it.

1 Chronicles 15:27-28

27 And Dauid had a lynne garment vpo him, and so had all the Leuites yt bare the Arke, and ye syngers, and Chenania the master of Musick wt the syngers. Dauid had an ouerbody cote of lynnen vpon him also. 28 Thus all Israel brought vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE with myrth, with trompettes, tabrettes, & loude Cymbales, with psalteries and harpes.

1 Chronicles 16:42

42 And with them Heman & Iedithun to stryke vpon the tabrettes and Cymbales, and the musicall instrumentes of God. As for the childre of Iedithun, he made them dorekepers.

1 Chronicles 23:5

5 and foure thousande porters, & foure thousande that songe prayses vnto ye LORDE with instrumentes, which he had made to synge prayse with all.

1 Chronicles 25:1-6

1 And Dauid with the chefe captaynes sundered to the offices amonge ye childre of Assaph, Heman & Iedithun ye prophetes with harpes, psalteries & Cymbales, and they were nombred vnto the worke acordynge to their offyce. 2 Amonge the childre of Assaph was Sakur, Ioseph, Nethania, Asarela, childre of Assaph vnder Assaph which prophecyed besyde ye kynge. 3 Of Iedithun: The children of Iedithun were, Gedalia, Zori, Iesaia, Hasabia, Mathithia (Simei) these sixe vnder their father Iedithun wt harpes, whose prophecienge was to geue thankes and to praise the LORDE. 4 Of Heman: The children of Heman were Bukia, Mathania, Vsiel, Sebuel, Ierimoth, Hanania, Hanani, Eliatha, Gilthi, Romamthieser, Ia?baksa, Mallochi, Hothir and Mehesioth. 5 All these were the children of Hema the kynges Seer in the wordes of God to lyfte vp the horne: for God gaue Heman fourtene sonnes & thre daughters. 6 All these were vnder their fathers Assaph Iedithun and Heman, to synge in the house of the LORDE with Cymbales, Psalteries & harpes, acordynge to the office in the house of God besyde the kynge.

2 Chronicles 5:13

13 And it was, as yf one dyd trompet and synge, as though a voyce had bene herde of praysinge and geuynge thankes vnto the LORDE. And whan the voyce arose from ye trompettes, cymbales and other instrumentes of musick, and from praysinge the LORDE (because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer) the house of the LORDE was fylled on the ynsyde with a cloude,

2 Chronicles 29:28-30

28 and all the congregacion gaue praise & thankes: and the songe of the Musicians, and ye blowynge of the trompetters, endured all tyll the burntofferynge was fynished. 29 Now whan the burntofferynge was perfourmed, the kynge and all they that were with him, bowed them selues, and gaue praise and thankes. 30 And Ezechias the kynge wt the rulers commaunded the Leuites to prayse the LORDE with the songes of Dauid and Assaph the Seer. And they gaue prayse tyll they were ioyfull, and they bowed them selues, and worshipped.

2 Chronicles 30:12

12 And the hande of God came in to Iuda, so that he gaue the one hert to do after the commaundement of the kynge and the rulers at the worde of the LORDE.

Ezra 3:10-11

10 And whan the buylders layed the foundacion of the temple of the LORDE, the prestes stode in their araye, with trompettes. And the Leuites the children of Asaph with Cimbales, to prayse ye LORDE with the Dytie of Dauid kynge of Israel. 11 And they sunge together, geuynge prayse & thankes vnto ye LORDE, because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell. And all the people shouted loude in praysinge the LORDE, because the foundacion of ye house of the LORDE was layed.

Ezra 7:24-28

24 And knowne be it vnto you, that ye shall haue no auctorite to requyre taxinge & custome, and yearly rentes vpon eny of the prestes, Leuites, syngers, porters, Nethinims and mynisters in ye house of this God. 25 But thou E?dras (after the wy?dome of yi God that is in thy hande) set thou iudges and arbiters, to iudge all the people that is beyonde Iordane, euen all soch as knowe the lawe of thy God: and them that knowe it not, those se that ye teache. 26 And who so euer wyl not diligently fulfyll the lawe of thy God, and the kynges lawe, shall haue his iudgmet for the dede, whether it be vnto death, or to be banyshed, or to be condemned in good, or to be put in preson. 27 Praysed be the LORDE God of oure fathers, which so hath inspyred ye kynges hert to garnysh the house of God at Ierusalem: 28 and hath enclyned his mercy vnto me in the presence of the kynge, and his councelers, and before all the kynges hye estates. And I was comforted (acordinge to the hade of the LORDE my God ouer me) and so gathered I the heades of Israel together, yt they mighte go vp with me.

Nehemiah 12:36

36 and his brethren, Semaia, Asareel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nathaneel and Iuda and Hanani, with the musicall instrumentes of Dauid ye man of God. And E?dras ye scrybe before the

Nehemiah 12:43

43 And the same daye were there greate sacrifices offred, & they reioysed: for God had geue them greate gladnesse, so that both the wyues and children were ioyfull, & the myrth of Ierusalem was herde farre of.

Nehemiah 12:46

46 for in the tyme of Dauid and Assaph, were the chefe syngers founded, and the songes of prayse and thankesgeuynge vnto God.

Psalms 81:1

1 Synge merely vnto God which is or stregth make a chearful noyse vnto ye God of Iacob.

Psalms 87:7

7 Sela. Therfore the dwellinge of all syngers & daunsers is in the.

Psalms 92:1-3

1 It is a good thinge to geue thankes vnto the LORDE, and to synge prayses vnto yi name, o most hyest. 2 To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse early in the mornynge, and of thy trueth in the night season. 3 Vpon an instrumet of ten strynges, vpon the lute and with a songe vpon the harpe.

Psalms 95:1

1 O come, let vs prayse the LORDE, let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of oure saluacion.

Psalms 100:1

1 O be ioyfull in God (all ye lodes) serue the LORDE wt gladnes, come before his presence wt ioye.

Psalms 149:3

3 Let them prayse his name in the dauce, let them synge prayses vnto him with tabrettes and harpes.

Psalms 150:3-4

3 Prayse him in the sounde of the trompet, prayse him vpo the lute and harpe. 4 Prayse him in the cymbals and daunse, prayse him vpon the strynges and pype.

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kinges shalbe thy noursinge fathers, and Quenes shalbe thy noursinge mothers. They shal fall before the wt their faces flat vpon the earth, and lick vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayest knowe, how that I am the LORDE. And who so putteth his trust in me, shal not be confounded.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 Shal the voyce of gladnesse be herde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall synge: (Prayse the LORDE of hoostes, for he is louynge, and his mercy endureth for euer) and the voyce of them that shall offre vp giftes in the house of the LORDE. For I will restore the captiuyte of this londe, as it was afore, saieth the LORDE.

Acts 14:23

23 And wha they had ordeyned them Elders by eleccion thorow all the congregacions, they prayed and fasted, and comended them vnto the LORDE, on whom they beleued.

1 Timothy 3:1-15

1 This is a true sayege: Yf a ma covet ye office of a Bisshoppe, he desyreth a good worke. 2 But a Bisshoppe must be blamelesse, the hussbade of one wife, sober, discrete, manerly, harberous, apte to teach: 3 Not geuen to moch wyne, no fighter, not geuen to filthy lucre: but gentle, abhorrynge stryfe, abhorrynge couetousnes: 4 & one that ruleth his awne house honestly, hauynge obedient children with all honestye. 5 (But yf a man can not rule his owne house, how shal he care for the congregacion of God?) 6 He maye not be a yoge scolar, lest he be puft vp, and fall in to the iudgment of ye euell speaker. 7 He must also haue a good reporte of them which are without, lest he fall in to the rebuke and snare of the euell speaker. 8 Likewyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen to moch wyne, nether vnto fylthie lucre, 9 but hauynge the mystery of faith in pure conscience. 10 And let them first be proued, and then let them mynister, yf they be blamelesse. 11 Euen so must their wyues be honest, not euell speakers, but sober and faithfull in all thinges. 12 Let the mynisters be, euery one the hussbade of one wyfe, and soch as rule their children well, and their owne housholdes. 13 For they that mynister well, get them selues a good degree and greate libertye in the faith which is in Christ Iesu. 14 These thinges wryte I vnto the, trustinge shortly to come vnto the: 15 but yf I tary loge, that then thou mayest yet haue knowlege, how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in Gods house, which is the congregacion of the lyuynge God, the piler and grounde of trueth:

2 Timothy 2:2

2 And what thinges thou hast herde of me by many witnesses, the same commytte thou vnto faithfull men, which are apte to teach other.

Titus 1:5

5 For this cause left I the in Creta, that thou shuldest perfourme that which was lackynge, and shuldest ordeyne Elders in euery cite, as I appoynted ye.

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