Isaiah 44:24 Cross References - Bishops

24 Thus saith the Lorde thy redeemer, euen he that fassioned thee from thy mothers wombe: I the Lorde do all thinges my selfe alone, I only spreade out the heauens, and I only haue laide abrode the earth by my owne selfe

Job 9:8

8 He hym selfe alone spreadeth out the heauens, and goeth vpon the waues of the sea

Job 26:7

7 He stretcheth out the noorth ouer the emptie place, and hangeth the earth vpon nothing

Job 31:15

15 He that fashioned me in my mothers wombe, made he not him also? were we not both shapen a like in our mothers bodies

Psalms 71:6

6 (71:5) Through thee haue I ben mayntayned euer since I was borne: thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe, my praise shalbe alway of thee

Psalms 78:35

35 Neuerthelesse they dyd but flatter him with their mouth: and they made hym a lye with their tongue

Psalms 104:2

2 Who is decked with light as it were with a garment: spreadyng out the heauens like a curtayne

Psalms 139:13-16

13 For thou hast my reynes in thy possession: thou didst couer me in my mothers wombe 14 I wyll confesse it vnto thee, for that thy [doynges] are to be dreaded, I am made after a marueylous sort: thy workes be marueylous, and that my soule knoweth ryght well 15 The substaunce of my [body] was not hyd from thee: when I was made in secrete and fashioned with distinct members in my mothers wombe 16 Thyne eyes dyd see me when I was most imperfect: and in thy booke were written euery day of them [wherin the partes of my body] were shaped, and no one of them were knowen vnto thee

Isaiah 40:22

22 It is he that sitteth vpon the circle of the world, whose inhabiters are [in comparison of him] but as grashoppers: he spreadeth out the heauens as a couering, he stretcheth them out as a tent to dwell in

Isaiah 42:5

5 For thus saith God the Lorde vnto hym, euen he that made the heauens and spread them abroade, and set foorth the earth with her increase, whiche geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, and spirite to them that dwell therein

Isaiah 43:1

1 But nowe the Lorde that made thee O Iacob, and he that fashioned thee O Israel saith thus: feare not, for I haue redeemed thee, I haue called thee by thy name, thou art mine owne

Isaiah 43:7

7 [namely] all those that be called after my name: For them haue I created, fashioned, and made for mine honour

Isaiah 43:14

14 Thus saith the Lorde the holy one of Israel your redeemer: for your sake I haue sent to Babylo, & brought it down: al they are fugitiue with the Chaldees, whose sorowfull crie is in their shippes

Isaiah 44:2

2 For thus saith the Lorde that made thee, fassioned thee, and helped thee euen from thy mothers wombe: Be not afraide O Iacob my seruaunt, thou righteous whom I haue chosen

Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus hath the Lorde spoken, euen the kyng of Israel, and his redeemer the Lorde of hoastes: I am the first and the last, and besides me there is no God

Isaiah 45:12

12 I haue made the earth, and created man vpon it: With my handes haue I spread foorth heauen, and geuen a commaundement for all the hoast thereof

Isaiah 45:18

18 For thus saith the Lorde, Euen he that created heauen, the God that made the earth & fassioned it, and set it foorth, he dyd not make it for naught, but to be inhabited, euen I the Lorde, without whom there is none other

Isaiah 46:3-4

3 Hearken vnto me O house Iacob, and all ye that remaine yet of the house of Israel, whom I haue borne from your mothers wombe, and brought you vp from your byrth 4 It is euen I whiche shall beare you vnto your last age: I haue made you, I wyll also norishe you, beare you, and saue you

Isaiah 48:13

13 My hande hath layde the foundation of the earth, and my ryght hande hath spanned ouer the heauens: assoone as I call them, they stande together

Isaiah 48:17

17 And thus saith the Lorde God thy redeemer, the holy one of Israel: I am the Lorde thy God which teache thee profitable thynges, and leade thee the way that thou shouldest go

Isaiah 49:1

1 Ye Isles hearken vnto me, and take heede ye people from farre: The Lord hath called me from my birth, and made mention of my name from my mothers wombe

Isaiah 49:7

7 Moreouer, thus saith the Lorde the redeemer and holy one of Israel, concernyng the abhorred & dispised among the gentiles, the seruaunt of them that beare rule, kynges and princes shall see and arise, and worship because of the Lorde that is faythfull, and because of the holy one of Israel that hath chosen thee

Isaiah 49:26

26 And I wyll feede thine enemies with their owne fleshe, & make them drunken with their owne blood, as with sweete wine: And all fleshe shall knowe O Iacob that I am the Lorde thy sauiour, thy noble redeemer

Isaiah 51:13

13 And forgettest the Lorde that made thee, that spread out the heauens, and layde the foundation of the earth: but thou art euer afrayde for the syght of thyne oppressour, which is redy to do harme: where is the wrath of the oppressour

Isaiah 54:5

5 For he that made thee shalbe thy Lorde and husbande (whose name is the Lord of hoastes) and thy redeemer shalbe euen the holy one of Israel, the Lorde of the whole worlde

Isaiah 54:8

8 When I was angry I hyd my face from thee for a litle season: but through euerlastyng goodnesse haue I pardoned thee, saith the Lorde thy redeemer

Isaiah 59:20

20 But vnto Sion there shall come a redeemer, and vnto them in Iacob that turne from wickednesse, saith the Lord

Isaiah 60:16

16 Thou shalt sucke the milke of the gentiles, and kinges breastes shall feede thee: and thou shalt knowe that I the Lorde am thy sauiour and redeemer, the mightie one of Iacob

Isaiah 63:16

16 Yet art thou our father: for Abraham knoweth vs not, neither is Israel acquainted with vs: but thou Lorde art our father and redeemer, and thy name is euerlasting

Jeremiah 50:34

34 But their auenger and redeemer is mightie, whose name is the Lorde of hoastes, he shall maynteyne their cause, he shal make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therin, [one with another

Jeremiah 51:15

15 Yea euen the Lorde of hoastes that with his power made the earth, with his wisdome prepared the round world, and with his discretion spread out the heauens

John 1:3

3 All thynges were made by it: and without it, was made nothyng that was made

Galatians 1:15

15 But when it pleased God, which seperated me from my mothers wombe, & called [me] by his grace

Ephesians 3:9

9 And to bring to lyght to all men what the felowship of the misterie is whiche from the begynnyng of the world hath ben hid in god, which made all thinges through Iesus Christe

Colossians 1:16-17

16 For by him were all thinges created, that are in heaue and that are in earth, visible and inuisible, whether [they be] maiestie or lordeshippe, either rule or power: All thynges were created by hym and for hym 17 And he is before all thynges, and in hym all thynges consist

Hebrews 1:2

2 Hath in these last dayes, spoken vnto vs in the sonne, whom he hath appoynted heyre of all thynges, by whom also he made the worldes

Hebrews 1:10-12

10 And thou Lorde, in the begynnyng hast layde the foundation of the earth: And the heauens are the workes of thy handes 11 They shall perishe, but thou endurest, and they shall waxe olde as doth a garment 12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde the vp, and they shalbe chaunged: but thou art the same, & thy yeres shall not fayle

Revelation 5:9

9 And they song a newe song, saying: Thou art worthy to take the booke and to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood, out of al kinrede, and tongue, and people, and nation

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.