Psalms 57

  0 G1519 To G3588 the G5056 director; G3361 do not G1311 utterly destroy; G3588 to G* David; G1519 for G4739.2 an inscription on a monument; G1722 in G3588   G1473 his G590.2 running away G575 from G4383 the face G* of Saul G1519 into G3588 the G4693 cave.
  1 G1653 Show mercy G1473 on me, G3588 O G2316 God, G1653 show mercy G1473 on me! G3754 For G1909 [3upon G1473 4you G3982 2yielded G3588   G5590 1my soul]. G1473   G2532 And G1722 in G3588 the G4639 shadow G3588   G4420 of your wings G1473   G1679 I shall hope, G2193 until G3739 of which time G3928 [2should go by G3588   G458 1lawlessness].
  2 G2896 I shall cry out G4314 to G3588   G2316 God G3588 the G5310 highest; G3588 the G2316 God G3588   G2109 benefiting G1473 me.
  3 G1821 He sent out G1537 from G3772 heaven, G2532 and G4982 he delivered G1473 me. G1325 He put G1519 [4unto G3681 5scorn G3588 1the ones G2662 2trampling G1473 3me]. G1821 [2sent out G3588   G2316 1God] G3588   G1656 his mercy G1473   G2532 and G3588   G225 his truth; G1473  
  4 G2532 and G4506 he rescued G3588   G5590 my soul G1473   G1537 from G3319 the midst G4661.1 of lion cubs. G2837 I went to bed G5015 being disturbed; G5207 the sons G444 of men -- G3588   G3599 their teeth G1473   G3696 are weapons G2532 and G956 arrows, G2532 and G3588   G1100 their tongue G1473   G3162 [2sword G3691 1a sharp].
  5 G5312 Be raised up high G1909 above G3588 the G3772 heavens, G3588 O G2316 God, G2532 and G1909 [2above G3956 3all G3588 4the G1093 5earth G3588   G1391 1your glory]! G1473  
  6 G3803 [2a snare G2090 1They prepared] G3588 for G4228 my feet, G1473   G2532 and G2619.1 bent down G3588   G5590 my soul. G1473   G3736 They dug G4253 [2before G4383 3my face G1473   G998.1 1a cesspool], G2532 and G1706 they fell G1519 into G1473 it. G1316.1 PAUSE.
  7 G2092 [2is prepared G3588   G2588 1My heart], G1473   G3588 O G2316 God, G2092 [2is prepared G3588   G2588 1my heart]. G1473   G103 I will sing G2532 and G5567 I will strum G1722 in G3588   G1391 my glory. G1473  
  8 G1825 Awaken, G3588   G1391 my glory! G1473   G1825 Awaken, G5568.1 O psaltery G2532 and G2788 harp! G1825 I shall awaken G3722 at dawn.
  9 G1843 I will make acknowledgment G1473 to you G1722 among G2992 peoples, G2962 O lord, G5567 I will strum G1473 to you G1722 among G1484 nations.
  10 G3754 For G3170 [2was magnified G2193 3unto G3588 4the G3772 5heavens G3588   G1656 1your mercy]; G1473   G2532 and G2193 [2unto G3588 3the G3507 4clouds G3588   G225 1your truth]. G1473  
  11 G5312 Be raised up high G1909 above G3588 the G3772 heavens, G3588 O G2316 God, G2532 and G1909 [2above G3956 3all G3588 4the G1093 5earth G3588   G1391 1your glory]! G1473  
  0 G1519 εις G3588 το G5056 τέλος G3361 μη G1311 διαφθείρης G3588 τω G* Δαυίδ G1519 εις G4739.2 στηλογραφίαν G1722 εν G3588 τω G1473 αυτόν G590.2 αποδιδράσκειν G575 από G4383 προσώπου G* Σαούλ G1519 εις G3588 το G4693 σπήλαιον
  1 G1653 ελέησόν G1473 με G3588 ο G2316 θεός G1653 ελέησόν G1473 με G3754 ότι G1909 επί G1473 σοι G3982 πέποιθεν G3588 η G5590 ψυχή μου G1473   G2532 και G1722 εν G3588 τη G4639 σκιά G3588 των G4420 πτερύγων σου G1473   G1679 ελπιώ G2193 έως G3739 ου G3928 παρέλθη G3588 η G458 ανομία
  2 G2896 κεκράξομαι G4314 προς G3588 τον G2316 θεόν G3588 τον G5310 ύψιστον G3588 τον G2316 θεόν G3588 τον G2109 ευεργετήσαντά G1473 με
  3 G1821 εξαπέστειλεν G1537 εξ G3772 ουρανού G2532 και G4982 έσωσέ G1473 με G1325 έδωκεν G1519 εις G3681 όνειδος G3588 τους G2662 καταπατούντάς G1473 με G1821 εξαπέστειλεν G3588 ο G2316 θεός G3588 το G1656 έλεος αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3588 την G225 αλήθειαν αυτού G1473  
  4 G2532 και G4506 ερρύσατο G3588 την G5590 ψυχήν μου G1473   G1537 εκ G3319 μέσου G4661.1 σκύμνων G2837 εκοιμήθην G5015 τεταραγμένος G5207 υιοί G444 ανθρώπων G3588 οι G3599 οδόντες αυτών G1473   G3696 όπλα G2532 και G956 βέλη G2532 και G3588 η G1100 γλώσσα αυτών G1473   G3162 μάχαιρα G3691 οξεία
  5 G5312 υψώθητι G1909 επί G3588 τους G3772 ουρανούς G3588 ο G2316 θεός G2532 και G1909 επί G3956 πάσαν G3588 την G1093 γην G3588 η G1391 δόξα σου G1473  
  6 G3803 παγίδα G2090 ητοίμασαν G3588 τοις G4228 ποσί μου G1473   G2532 και G2619.1 κατέκαμψαν G3588 την G5590 ψυχήν μου G1473   G3736 ώρυξαν G4253 προ G4383 προσώπου μου G1473   G998.1 βόθρον G2532 και G1706 ενέπεσον G1519 εις G1473 αυτόν G1316.1 διάψαλμα
  7 G2092 ετοίμη G3588 η G2588 καρδία μου G1473   G3588 ο G2316 θεός G2092 ετοίμη G3588 η G2588 καρδία μου G1473   G103 άσομαι G2532 και G5567 ψαλώ G1722 εν G3588 τη G1391 δόξη μου G1473  
  8 G1825 εξεγέρθητι G3588 η G1391 δόξα μου G1473   G1825 εξεγέρθητι G5568.1 ψαλτήριον G2532 και G2788 κιθάρα G1825 εξεγερθήσομαι G3722 όρθρου
  9 G1843 εξομολογήσομαί G1473 σοι G1722 εν G2992 λαοίς G2962 κύριε G5567 ψαλώ G1473 σοι G1722 εν G1484 έθνεσιν
  10 G3754 ότι G3170 εμεγαλύνθη G2193 έως G3588 των G3772 ουρανών G3588 το G1656 έλεός σου G1473   G2532 και G2193 έως G3588 των G3507 νεφελών G3588 η G225 αλήθειά σου G1473  
  11 G5312 υψώθητι G1909 επί G3588 τους G3772 ουρανούς G3588 ο G2316 θεός G2532 και G1909 επί G3956 πάσαν G3588 την G1093 γην G3588 η G1391 δόξα σου G1473  
    1 G1519 PREP [56:1] εις G3588 T-ASN το G5056 N-ASN τελος G3165 ADV μη G1311 V-PAS-2S διαφθειρης G3588 T-DSM τω   N-PRI δαυιδ G1519 PREP εις   N-ASF στηλογραφιαν G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G846 D-ASM αυτον   V-PAN αποδιδρασκειν G575 PREP απο G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G4549 N-PRI σαουλ G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G4693 N-ASN σπηλαιον G1653 V-AAD-2S [56:2] ελεησον G1473 P-AS με G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G1653 V-AAD-2S ελεησον G1473 P-AS με G3754 CONJ οτι G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-DS σοι G3982 V-RAI-3S πεποιθεν G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G1473 P-GS μου G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G4639 N-DSF σκια G3588 T-GPF των G4420 N-GPF πτερυγων G4771 P-GS σου G1679 V-FAI-1S ελπιω G2193 PREP εως G3739 R-GSM ου G3928 V-AAS-3S παρελθη G3588 T-NSF η G458 N-NSF ανομια
    2 G2896 V-FMI-1S [56:3] κεκραξομαι G4314 PREP προς G3588 T-ASM τον G2316 N-ASM θεον G3588 T-ASM τον G5310 A-ASM υψιστον G3588 T-ASM τον G2316 N-ASM θεον G3588 T-ASM τον G2109 V-AAPAS ευεργετησαντα G1473 P-AS με
    3 G1821 V-AAI-3S [56:4] εξαπεστειλεν G1537 PREP εξ G3772 N-GSM ουρανου G2532 CONJ και G4982 V-AAI-3S εσωσεν G1473 P-AS με G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G1519 PREP εις G3681 N-ASN ονειδος G3588 T-APM τους G2662 V-PAPAP καταπατουντας G1473 P-AS με   N-NSN διαψαλμα G1821 V-AAI-3S εξαπεστειλεν G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G3588 T-ASN το G1656 N-ASN ελεος G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G225 N-ASF αληθειαν G846 D-GSM αυτου
    4 G2532 CONJ [56:5] και   V-AMI-3S ερρυσατο G3588 T-ASF την G5590 N-ASF ψυχην G1473 P-GS μου G1537 PREP εκ G3319 A-GSM μεσου   N-GPM σκυμνων G2837 V-API-1S εκοιμηθην G5015 V-RPPNS τεταραγμενος G5207 N-NPM υιοι G444 N-GPM ανθρωπων G3588 T-NPM οι G3599 N-NPM οδοντες G846 D-GPM αυτων G3696 N-ASN οπλον G2532 CONJ και G956 N-APN βελη G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G1100 N-NSF γλωσσα G846 D-GPM αυτων G3162 N-NSF μαχαιρα G3691 A-NSF οξεια
    5 G5312 V-APD-2S [56:6] υψωθητι G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους G3772 N-APM ουρανους G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3956 A-ASF πασαν G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3588 T-NSF η G1391 N-NSF δοξα G4771 P-GS σου
    6 G3803 N-ASF [56:7] παγιδα G2090 V-AAI-3P ητοιμασαν G3588 T-DPM τοις G4228 N-DPM ποσιν G1473 P-GS μου G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3P κατεκαμψαν G3588 T-ASF την G5590 N-ASF ψυχην G1473 P-GS μου G3736 V-AAI-3P ωρυξαν G4253 PREP προ G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G1473 P-GS μου   N-ASM βοθρον G2532 CONJ και G1706 V-AAI-3P ενεπεσαν G1519 PREP εις G846 D-ASM αυτον   N-NSN διαψαλμα
    7 G2092 A-NSF [56:8] ετοιμη G3588 T-NSF η G2588 N-NSF καρδια G1473 P-GS μου G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2092 A-NSF ετοιμη G3588 T-NSF η G2588 N-NSF καρδια G1473 P-GS μου G103 V-FMI-1S ασομαι G2532 CONJ και G5567 V-FAI-1S ψαλω
    8 G1825 V-APD-2S [56:9] εξεγερθητι G3588 T-NSF η G1391 N-NSF δοξα G1473 P-GS μου G1825 V-APD-2S εξεγερθητι   N-NSN ψαλτηριον G2532 CONJ και G2788 N-NSF κιθαρα G1825 V-FPI-1S εξεγερθησομαι G3722 N-GSM ορθρου
    9 G1843 V-FMI-1S [56:10] εξομολογησομαι G4771 P-DS σοι G1722 PREP εν G2992 N-DPM λαοις G2962 N-VSM κυριε G5567 V-FAI-1S ψαλω G4771 P-DS σοι G1722 PREP εν G1484 N-DPN εθνεσιν
    10 G3754 CONJ [56:11] οτι G3170 V-API-3S εμεγαλυνθη G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GPM των G3772 N-GPM ουρανων G3588 T-NSN το G1656 N-NSN ελεος G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GPF των G3507 N-GPF νεφελων G3588 T-NSF η G225 N-NSF αληθεια G4771 P-GS σου
    11 G5312 V-APD-2S [56:12] υψωθητι G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους G3772 N-APM ουρανους G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3956 A-ASF πασαν G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3588 T-NSF η G1391 N-NSF δοξα G4771 P-GS σου
HOT(i) 1 למנצח אל תשׁחת לדוד מכתם בברחו מפני שׁאול במערה׃ (57:2) חנני אלהים חנני כי בך חסיה נפשׁי ובצל כנפיך אחסה עד יעבר הוות׃ 2 (57:3) אקרא לאלהים עליון לאל גמר עלי׃ 3 (57:4) ישׁלח משׁמים ויושׁיעני חרף שׁאפי סלה ישׁלח אלהים חסדו ואמתו׃ 4 (57:5) נפשׁי בתוך לבאם אשׁכבה להטים בני אדם שׁניהם חנית וחצים ולשׁונם חרב חדה׃ 5 (57:6) רומה על השׁמים אלהים על כל הארץ כבודך׃ 6 (57:7) רשׁת הכינו לפעמי כפף נפשׁי כרו לפני שׁיחה נפלו בתוכה סלה׃ 7 (57:8) נכון לבי אלהים נכון לבי אשׁירה ואזמרה׃ 8 (57:9) עורה כבודי עורה הנבל וכנור אעירה שׁחר׃ 9 (57:10) אודך בעמים אדני אזמרך בל אמים׃ 10 (57:11) כי גדל עד שׁמים חסדך ועד שׁחקים אמתך׃ 11 (57:12) רומה על שׁמים אלהים על כל הארץ כבודך׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H5329 למנצח To the chief Musician, H516 אל תשׁחת Al-taschith, H1732 לדוד of David, H4387 מכתם Michtam H1272 בברחו when he fled H6440 מפני from H7586 שׁאול Saul H4631 במערה׃ in the cave. H2603 חנני Be merciful H430 אלהים unto me, O God, H2603 חנני be merciful H3588 כי unto me: for H2620 בך חסיה trusteth H5315 נפשׁי my soul H6738 ובצל in thee: yea, in the shadow H3671 כנפיך of thy wings H2620 אחסה will I make my refuge, H5704 עד until H5674 יעבר be overpast. H1942 הוות׃ calamities
  2 H7121 אקרא I will cry H430 לאלהים unto God H5945 עליון most high; H410 לאל unto God H1584 גמר that performeth H5921 עלי׃ for
  3 H7971 ישׁלח He shall send H8064 משׁמים from heaven, H3467 ויושׁיעני and save H2778 חרף me the reproach H7602 שׁאפי of him that would swallow me up. H5542 סלה Selah. H7971 ישׁלח shall send forth H430 אלהים God H2617 חסדו his mercy H571 ואמתו׃ and his truth.
  4 H5315 נפשׁי My soul H8432 בתוך among H3833 לבאם lions: H7901 אשׁכבה I lie H3857 להטים them that are set on fire, H1121 בני the sons H120 אדם of men, H8127 שׁניהם whose teeth H2595 חנית spears H2671 וחצים and arrows, H3956 ולשׁונם and their tongue H2719 חרב sword. H2299 חדה׃ a sharp
  5 H7311 רומה Be thou exalted, H5921 על above H8064 השׁמים the heavens; H430 אלהים O God, H5921 על above H3605 כל all H776 הארץ the earth. H3519 כבודך׃ thy glory
  6 H7568 רשׁת a net H3559 הכינו They have prepared H6471 לפעמי for my steps; H3721 כפף is bowed down: H5315 נפשׁי my soul H3738 כרו they have digged H6440 לפני before H7882 שׁיחה a pit H5307 נפלו whereof they are fallen H8432 בתוכה me, into the midst H5542 סלה׃ Selah.
  7 H3559 נכון is fixed, H3820 לבי My heart H430 אלהים O God, H3559 נכון is fixed: H3820 לבי my heart H7891 אשׁירה I will sing H2167 ואזמרה׃ and give praise.
  8 H5782 עורה Awake up, H3519 כבודי my glory; H5782 עורה awake, H5035 הנבל psaltery H3658 וכנור and harp: H5782 אעירה I will awake H7837 שׁחר׃ early.
  9 H3034 אודך I will praise H5971 בעמים among the people: H136 אדני thee, O Lord, H2167 אזמרך I will sing H1077 בל   H3816 אמים׃ unto thee among the nations.
  10 H3588 כי For H1419 גדל great H5704 עד unto H8064 שׁמים the heavens, H2617 חסדך thy mercy H5704 ועד unto H7834 שׁחקים the clouds. H571 אמתך׃ and thy truth
  11 H7311 רומה Be thou exalted, H5921 על above H8064 שׁמים the heavens: H430 אלהים O God, H5921 על above H3605 כל all H776 הארץ the earth. H3519 כבודך׃ thy glory
  1 H2603 [H8798] Be favourable H430 to me, O God, H2603 [H8798] be favourable H5315 to me: for my breath H2620 [H8804] trusteth H6738 in thee: yea, in the shadow H3671 of thy wings H2620 [H8799] will I trust, H1942 until these ruins H5674 [H8799] are past by.
  2 H7121 [H8799] I will call H430 to God H5945 most high; H410 to God H1584 [H8802] that performeth all things for me.
  3 H7971 [H8799] He shall send H8064 from heaven, H3467 [H8686] and liberate H2778 [H8765] me from the reproach H7602 [H8802] of him that would swallow me up. H5542 Selah. H430 God H7971 [H8799] shall send forth H2617 his mercy H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My breath H8432 is among H3833 lions: H7901 [H8799] and I lie H3857 [H8802] even among them that are set on fire, H1121 even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 [H8798] Be thou exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens; H3519 let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
  6 H3559 [H8689] They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps; H5315 my breath H3721 [H8804] is bowed down: H3738 [H8804] they have dug H7882 a pitfall H6440 at the face of H8432 me, into the midst H5307 [H8804] of which they have fallen H5542 themselves. Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 [H8737] is fixed, H430 O God, H3820 my heart H3559 [H8737] is fixed: H7891 [H8799] I will sing H2167 [H8762] and give praise.
  8 H5782 [H8798] Awake, H3519 my glory; H5782 [H8798] awake, H5035 psaltery H3658 and harp: H5782 [H8686] I myself will awake H7837 early.
  9 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H136 thee, O Sovereign, H5971 among the people: H2167 [H8762] I will sing H3816 to thee among the folks.
  10 H2617 For thy mercy H1419 is great H8064 to the heavens, H571 and thy truth H7834 to the clouds.
  11 H7311 [H8798] Be thou exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens: H3519 let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
Vulgate(i) 1 invocabo Deum altissimum Deum ultorem meum 2 mittet de caelo et salvabit me exprobrabit conculcantibus me semper mittet Deus misericordiam suam et veritatem suam 3 anima mea in medio leonum dormivit ferocientium filii hominum dentes eorum lancea et sagittae et lingua eorum gladius acutus 4 exaltare super caelos Deus in omni terra gloria tua 5 rete paraverunt gressibus meis ad incurvandam animam meam foderunt ante me foveam ceciderunt in medium eius semper 6 paratum cor meum Deus paratum cor meum cantabo et psallam 7 surge gloria mea surge psalterium et cithara surgam mane 8 confitebor tibi in populis Domine cantabo tibi in gentibus 9 quia magna usque ad caelos misericordia tua et usque ad nubes veritas tua 10 exaltare super caelos Deus in omni terra gloria tua 11 victori ut non disperdas David humilem et simplicem si vere utique iustitiam loquimini recta iudicate filii hominum
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 [Si vere utique justitiam loquimini, recta judicate, filii hominum. 2 3 Etenim in corde iniquitates operamini; in terra injustitias manus vestræ concinnant. 4 Alienati sunt peccatores a vulva; erraverunt ab utero: locuti sunt falsa. 5 Furor illis secundum similitudinem serpentis, sicut aspidis surdæ et obturantis aures suas, 6 quæ non exaudiet vocem incantantium, et venefici incantantis sapienter. 7 Deus conteret dentes eorum in ore ipsorum; molas leonum confringet Dominus. 8 Ad nihilum devenient tamquam aqua decurrens; intendit arcum suum donec infirmentur. 9 Sicut cera quæ fluit auferentur; supercecidit ignis, et non viderunt solem. 10 Priusquam intelligerent spinæ vestræ rhamnum, sicut viventes sic in ira absorbet eos. 11 Lætabitur justus cum viderit vindictam; manus suas lavabit in sanguine peccatoris.
Wycliffe(i) 1 The title of the seuene and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To victorie; `lese thou not the swete song, ether the semely salm, of Dauid. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomere, that thou lese not Dauid, meke and simple. 2 Forsothe if ye speken riytfulnesse verili; ye sones of men, deme riytfuli. 3 For in herte ye worchen wickidnesse in erthe; youre hondis maken redi vnriytfulnessis. 4 Synneris weren maad aliens fro the wombe; thei erriden fro the wombe, thei spaken false thingis. 5 Woodnesse is to hem, bi the licnesse of a serpent; as of a deef snake, and stoppynge hise eeris. 6 Which schal not here the vois of charmeris; and of a venym makere charmynge wiseli. 7 God schal al to-breke the teeth of hem in her mouth; the Lord schal breke togidere the greet teeth of liouns. 8 Thei schulen come to nouyt, as water rennynge awei; he bente his bouwe, til thei ben maad sijk. 9 As wexe that fletith awei, thei schulen be takun awei; fier felle aboue, and thei siyen not the sunne. 10 Bifore that youre thornes vndurstoden the ramne; he swolewith hem so in ire, as lyuynge men. 11 The iust man schal be glad, whanne he schal se veniaunce; he schal waische hise hondis in the blood of a synner. 12 And a man schal seie treuli, For fruyt is to a iust man; treuli God is demynge hem in erthe.
Coverdale(i) 1 Be mercifull vnto me (o God) be mercifull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in ye: & vnder the shadowe of thy wynges shalbe my refuge, vntill wickednesse be ouerpast. 2 I call vnto God ye most hyest, eue ye God yt shal helpe me vp agayne. 3 He shal sende fro heauen, & saue me fro the reprofe of him that wolde swalowe me vp. 4 Sela. This shal God sende, for his mercy and faithfulnesse sake. I lye with my soule amonge the cruell lyons: 5 euen amonge the children of men, whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sharpe swerde. 6 Set vp thy self (o God) aboue the heaues, and thy glory aboue all the earth. 7 They haue layed a nett for my fete, & pressed downe my soule: they haue dygged a pyt before me, and are fallen in to it them selues. 8 Sela. My hert is ready (o God) my hert is ready, to synge and geue prayse. 9 Awake (o my glory) awake lute and harpe, I my self wil awake right early. 10 I wil geue thakes vnto the (o LORDE) amonge the people, I wil synge prayses vnto the amonge the Heithe. 11 For ye greatnes of thy mercy reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes. Set vp thy self (o God) aboue the heaues, & thy glory aboue all ye earth.
MSTC(i) 1 {To the Chanter, Destroy Not, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul into the cave} Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my soul trusteth in thee: and under the shadow of thy wings shall be my refuge, until this tyranny be overpast. 2 I will call unto the Most High God, even unto the God that shall perform the cause which I have in hand. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproof of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and truth. 4 I lie with my soul among the cruel lions; even among the children of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Set up thyself, O God, above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth. 6 They have laid a net for my feet, and pressed down my soul: they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen into it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake, O my glory; awake lute and harp. I myself will awake right early. 9 I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the people; I will sing unto thee among the nations. 10 For the greatness of thy mercy reacheth unto the heavens, and thy faithfulness unto the clouds. 11 Set up thyself, O God, above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth.
Matthew(i) 1 To the Chaunter destroy not Michtam of Dauid, when he fledde from Saull into the caue. Be mercyfull vnto me, O God, be mercyfull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in the: and vnder the shadow of thy winges shal be my refuge, vntyll wyckednes be ouer past. 2 I call vnto God the moste hyest, euen the God that shal helpe me vp agayne. 3 He shal send from heauen, and saue me from the reproue of him that would swalowe my vp. Selah. This shall God sende, for his mercye and faythfulnes sake. 4 I lye wyth my soule among the cruel lions euen among the chyldren of men, whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tonge a sherpe sweard. 5 Set vp thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauens, and thy glory aboue al the earthe. 6 They haue layed a net for my fete, and pressed doune my soule: they haue dygged a pytte before me, and are fallen into it them selues. Selah. 7 My hert is redy, O God, my herte is ready to synge and geue prayse. 8 Awake, O my glorye, awake lute and harpe, I my selfe wil awake ryght early. 9 I wil geue thanckes vnto the, O Lorde, amonge the people, I wyll synge prayses vnto the among the Heithen. 10 For the greatnes of thy mercye reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy faythfulnes vnto the cloudes. 11 Set vp thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauens, and thi glory aboue al the earth.
Great(i) 1 To the chaunter destroye not: The badges or armes of Dauid, when he fled from Saul into the caue. Be mercyfull vnto me (O God) be mercyfull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in the: and vnder the shadowe of thy winges shalbe my refuge vntyll this tyrannye be ouer past. 2 I wil cal vnto the most hye God, euen to the God that shall perfourme the cause which I haue in hande. 3 He shall sende from heauen, and saue me from the reprofe of hym that wold eate me vp. Sela. God shall sende forth hys mercy & treuth. 4 My soule is among lyons and I lye euen amonge the chyldren of men (that are sett on fyre) whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sherp swearde. 5 Set vp thy self (O God) aboue the heauens, and thy glorye aboue all the earth. 6 They haue layed a nett for my fete, and pressed downe my soule: they haue dygged a pytt before me, and are fallen into the myddes of it them selues. Sela. 7 My herte is fyxed (O God) my herte is fyxed: I wyll synge and geue prayse. 8 Awake, O my glory, awake lute and harpe, I my selfe wyll a wake ryght early. 9 I wyll geue thankes vnto the (O Lorde) among the people, and I wyll synge vnto the amonge the nacyons. 10 For the greatnes of thy mercy reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy treuth vnto the cloudes. 11 Sett vp thy selfe (O God) aboue the heauens, & thy glory aboue all the earth.
Geneva(i) 1 To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalme of David on Michtam. When he fled from Saul in the cave. Have mercie vpon me, O God, haue mercie vpon me: for my soule trusteth in thee, and in the shadowe of thy wings wil I trust, till these afflictions ouerpasse. 2 I will call vnto the most high God, euen to the God, that performeth his promise toward me. 3 He will send from heauen, and saue me from the reproofe of him that would swallowe me. Selah. God wil send his mercy, and his trueth. 4 My soule is among lions: I lie among the children of men, that are set on fire: whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tongue a sharpe sworde. 5 Exalt thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauen, and let thy glory be vpon all the earth. 6 They haue layd a net for my steps: my soule is pressed downe: they haue digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the mids of it. Selah. 7 Mine heart is prepared, O God, mine heart is prepared: I will sing and giue prayse. 8 Awake my tongue, awake viole and harpe: I wil awake early. 9 I will prayse thee, O Lord, among the people, and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations. 10 For thy mercie is great vnto the heauens, and thy trueth vnto the cloudes. 11 Exalt thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauens, and let thy glory be vpon all the earth.
Bishops(i) 1 Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde, be mercifull vnto me: for my soule trusteth in thee, and vnder the shadowe of thy wynges wyll I trust, vntyll this tiranny be ouerpast 2 I wyll call vnto the most high Lorde: euen vnto the Lord that wil perfourme the cause which I haue in hande 3 He wyll sende from heauen, and saue me from the reproofe of him that woulde deuour me vp, Selah: the Lorde wyll sende foorth his mercie and trueth 4 My soule is among Lions, and I lye among those that are set on fire: among the children of men whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tongue a sharpe sword 5 Exalt thy selfe O God aboue the heauen: thy glory is aboue all the earth 6 They haue prepared a net for my feete, that some man might presse downe my soule: they haue digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the midst of it them selues. Selah 7 My heart is redy O Lorde, my heart is redy: I wyll sing, and prayse thee in singing of psalmes 8 Bestirre thee O my glory, bestirre thee O Lute and Harpe: I my selfe wil bestirre me right early in the morning 9 I wyll prayse thee O Lorde among the people: and I wyll sing psalmes vnto thee among the nations 10 For the greatnes of thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens: and thy trueth vnto the cloudes 11 Exalt thy selfe O Lord aboue the heauens: let thy glory be aboue al the earth
DouayRheims(i) 1 Unto the end, destroy not, for David, for an inscription of a title, when he fled from Saul into the cave. [1 Samuel 24] (57:2) Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee. And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away. 2 (57:3) I will cry to God the most high; to God who hath done good to me. 3 (57:4) He hath sent from heaven and delivered me: he hath made them a reproach that trod upon me. God hath sent his mercy and his truth, 4 (57:5) And he hath delivered my soul from the midst of the young lions. I slept troubled. The sons of men, whose teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 (57:6) Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth. 6 (57:7) They prepared a snare for my feet; and they bowed down my soul. They dug a pit before my face, and they are fallen into it. 7 (57:8) My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready: I will sing, and rehearse a psalm. 8 (57:9) Arise, O my glory, arise psaltery and harp: I will arise early. 9 (57:10) I will give praise to thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing a psalm to thee among the nations. 10 (57:11) For thy mercy is magnified even to the heavens: and thy truth unto the clouds. 11 (57:12) Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth.
KJV(i) 1 Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. 2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations. 10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave.
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. 2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations. 10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
  1 H5329 To the chief Musician [H8764]   H516 , Altaschith [H8686]   H4387 , Michtam H1732 of David H1272 , when he fled [H8800]   H6440 from H7586 Saul H4631 in the cave H2603 . Be merciful [H8798]   H430 unto me, O God H2603 , be merciful [H8798]   H5315 unto me: for my soul H2620 trusteth [H8804]   H6738 in thee: yea, in the shadow H3671 of thy wings H2620 will I make my refuge [H8799]   H1942 , until these calamities H5674 be overpast [H8799]  .
  2 H7121 I will cry [H8799]   H430 unto God H5945 most high H410 ; unto God H1584 that performeth [H8802]   all things for me.
  3 H7971 He shall send [H8799]   H8064 from heaven H3467 , and save [H8686]   H2778 me from the reproach [H8765]   H7602 of him that would swallow me up [H8802]   H5542 . Selah H430 . God H7971 shall send forth [H8799]   H2617 his mercy H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions H7901 : and I lie [H8799]   H3857 even among them that are set on fire [H8802]   H1121 , even the sons H120 of men H8127 , whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows H3956 , and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 Be thou exalted [H8798]   H430 , O God H8064 , above the heavens H3519 ; let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
  6 H3559 They have prepared [H8689]   H7568 a net H6471 for my steps H5315 ; my soul H3721 is bowed down [H8804]   H3738 : they have digged [H8804]   H7882 a pit H6440 before H8432 me, into the midst H5307 whereof they are fallen [H8804]   H5542 themselves . Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 is fixed [H8737]   H430 , O God H3820 , my heart H3559 is fixed [H8737]   H7891 : I will sing [H8799]   H2167 and give praise [H8762]  .
  8 H5782 Awake up [H8798]   H3519 , my glory H5782 ; awake [H8798]   H5035 , psaltery H3658 and harp H5782 : I myself will awake [H8686]   H7837 early.
  9 H3034 I will praise [H8686]   H136 thee, O Lord H5971 , among the people H2167 : I will sing [H8762]   H3816 unto thee among the nations.
  10 H2617 For thy mercy H1419 is great H8064 unto the heavens H571 , and thy truth H7834 unto the clouds.
  11 H7311 Be thou exalted [H8798]   H430 , O God H8064 , above the heavens H3519 : let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
Thomson(i) 1 For the conclusion. Destroy not. By David for a monumental inscription, when he fled to the cave from the presence of Saul. Be merciful to me, O God; be merciful to me. For in thee my soul hath trusted: and in the shadow of thy wings I will put my trust, until this iniquity pass away. 2 I will cry to God the Most high; to God who to me hath been kind. 3 He sent from heaven and saved me. He delivered up to reproach them who were treading me down. God sent forth his mercy and his truth; 4 and delivered my soul from the midst of lions. I laid me down to sleep, troubled as I was. As for the sons of men, their teeth are weapons and darts; and their tongue is a sharp sword. 5 Be thou, God, exalted above the heavens; and thy glory over all the earth. 6 They had prepared snares for my feet; and had caused my soul to bow down. They dug a pit before me: but into it they themselves have fallen. 7 My heart is prepared, God; my heart is prepared I will sing and to vocal join instrumental musick. 8 Awake my glory; awake psaltery and kithara: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise thee, Lord, among peoples: among nations I will hymn thy praise. 10 For thy mercy is magnified up to heaven and thy truth up to the clouds. 11 Be thou, God, exalted above the heavens, and thy glory over all the earth.
Webster(i) 1 + 2 (57:1)To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yes, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities are overpast. 3 (57:2)I will cry to God most high; to God that performeth all things for me. 4 (57:3)He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 5 (57:4)My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 6 (57:5)Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. 7 (57:6)They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst of which they have fallen themselves. Selah. 8 (57:7)My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 9 (57:8)Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 10 (57:9)I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing to thee among the nations. 11 (57:10)For thy mercy is great to the heavens, and thy truth to the clouds. 12 (57:11)Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
  1 H2603 [H8798] Be merciful H430 to me, O God H2603 [H8798] , be merciful H5315 to me: for my soul H2620 [H8804] trusteth H6738 in thee: yea, in the shadow H3671 of thy wings H2620 [H8799] will I make my refuge H1942 , until these calamities H5674 [H8799] are past by.
  2 H7121 [H8799] I will cry H430 to God H5945 most high H410 ; to God H1584 [H8802] that performeth all things for me.
  3 H7971 [H8799] He shall send H8064 from heaven H3467 [H8686] , and save H2778 [H8765] me from the reproach H7602 [H8802] of him that would swallow me up H5542 . Selah H430 . God H7971 [H8799] shall send forth H2617 his mercy H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions H7901 [H8799] : and I lie H3857 [H8802] even among them that are set on fire H1121 , even the sons H120 of men H8127 , whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows H3956 , and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 [H8798] Be thou exalted H430 , O God H8064 , above the heavens H3519 ; let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
  6 H3559 [H8689] They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps H5315 ; my soul H3721 [H8804] is bowed down H3738 [H8804] : they have dug H7882 a pit H6440 before H8432 me, into the midst H5307 [H8804] of which they have fallen H5542 themselves. Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 [H8737] is fixed H430 , O God H3820 , my heart H3559 [H8737] is fixed H7891 [H8799] : I will sing H2167 [H8762] and give praise.
  8 H5782 [H8798] Awake H3519 , my glory H5782 [H8798] ; awake H5035 , psaltery H3658 and harp H5782 [H8686] : I myself will awake H7837 early.
  9 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H136 thee, O Lord H5971 , among the people H2167 [H8762] : I will sing H3816 to thee among the nations.
  10 H2617 For thy mercy H1419 is great H8064 to the heavens H571 , and thy truth H7834 to the clouds.
  11 H7311 [H8798] Be thou exalted H430 , O God H8064 , above the heavens H3519 : let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
Brenton(i) 1 (56:1) For the end. Destroy not: by David, for a memorial, when he fled from the presence of Saul to the cave. Have mercy, upon me, O God, have mercy upon me: for my soul has trusted in thee: and in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until the iniquity have passed away. 2 (56:2) I will cry to God most high; the God who has benefited me. Pause. 3 (56:3) He sent from heaven and saved me; he gave to reproach them that trampled on me: God has sent forth his mercy and his truth; 4 (56:4) and he has delivered my soul from the midst of lions' whelps: I lay down to sleep, though troubled. As for the sons of men, their teeth are arms and missile weapons, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 (56:5) Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and thy glory above all the earth. 6 (56:6) They have prepared snares for my feet, and have bowed down my soul: they have dug a pit before my face, and fallen into it themselves. Pause. 7 (56:7) My heart, O God, is ready, my heart is ready: I will sing, yea will sing psalms. 8 (56:8) Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I will awake early. 9 (56:9) O Lord, I will give thanks to thee among the nations: I will sing to thee among the Gentiles. 10 (56:10) For thy mercy has been magnified even to the heavens, and thy truth to the clouds. 11 (56:11) Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and thy glory above all the earth.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Εἰς τὸ τέλος, μὴ διαφθείρῃς, τῷ Δαυὶδ εἰς στηλογραφίαν, ἐν τῷ αὐτὸν ἀποδιδράσκειν ἀπὸ προσώπου Σαοὺλ εἰς τὸ σπήλαιον.
Ἐλέησον με ὁ Θεὸς, ἐλέησόν με, ὅτι ἐπὶ σοὶ πέποιθεν ἡ ψυχή μου, καὶ ἐν τῇ σκιᾷ τῶν πτερύγων σου ἐλπιῶ, ἕως οὗ παρέλθῃ ἡ ἀνομία. 2 Κεκράξομαι πρὸς τὸν Θεὸν τὸν ὕψιστον τὸν Θεὸν τὸν εὐεργετήσαντά με· διάψαλμα. 3 Ἐξαπέστειλεν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ καὶ ἔσωσέ με, ἔδωκεν εἰς ὄνειδος τοὺς καταπατοῦντάς με· ἐξαπέστειλεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ καὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν αὐτοῦ, 4 καὶ ἐῤῥύσατο τὴν ψυχήν μου ἐκ μέσου σκύμνων· ἐκοιμήθην τεταραγμένος· υἱοὶ ἀνθρώπων, οἱ ὀδόντες αὐτῶν, ὅπλον καὶ βέλη, καὶ ἡ γλῶσσα αὐτῶν, μάχαιρα ὀξεῖα.
5 Ὑψώθητι ἐπὶ τοὺς οὐρανούς ὁ Θεὸς, καὶ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν ἡ δόξα σου. 6 Παγίδα ἡτοίμασαν τοῖς ποσί μου, καὶ κατέκαμψαν τὴν ψυχήν μου· ὤρυξαν πρὸ προσώπου μου βόθρον, καὶ ἐνέπεσαν εἰς αὐτόν· διάψαλμα. 7 Ἑτοίμη ἡ καρδία μου, ὁ Θεὸς, ἑτοίμη ἡ καρδία μου, ᾄσομαι καὶ ψαλῶ. 8 Ἐξεγέρθητι ἡ δόξα μου, ἐξεγέρθητι ψαλτήριον καὶ κιθάρα, ἐξεγερθήσομαι ὄρθρου. 9 Ἐξομολογήσομαί σοι ἐν λαοῖς Κύριε, ψαλῶ σοι ἐν ἔθνεσι. 10 Ὅτι ἐμεγαλύνθη ἕως τῶν οὐρανῶν τὸ ἔλεός σου, καὶ ἕως τῶν νεφελῶν ἡ ἀλήθειά σου. 11 Ὑψώθητι ἐπὶ τοὺς οὐρανοὺς ὁ Θεὸς, καὶ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν ἡ δόξα σου.
Leeser(i) 1 To the chief musician, Al-tashcheth, by David, a Michtham, when he fled from Saul, in the cave. (57:2) Be gracious unto me, O God, be gracious unto me; for in thee my soul seeketh protection, and under the shadow of thy wings will I seek protection, until the mischief be passed away. 2 (57:3) I will call unto God, the Most High; unto God that accomplisheth his kindness on me. 3 (57:4) He will send from heaven, and save me, though he that longeth to swallow me up utter reproach. Selah. God will send forth his kindness and his truth. 4 (57:5) My soul is in the midst of lions; I lie down in the midst of those that send out flames, those sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharpened sword. 5 (57:6) Be thou exalted above the heavens, O God: above all the earth let thy glory be. 6 (57:7) A net have they prepared for my steps; my soul hath been bent down; they have dug before me a pit; they are fallen into the midst thereof. Selah. 7 (57:8) Firm is my heart, O God, firm is my heart: I will sing and play. 8 (57:9) Awake, my spirit; awake, psaltery and harp: I will wake up the morning-dawn. 9 (57:10) I will thank thee among the people, O Lord: I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. 10 (57:11) For great, even unto the heavens, is thy kindness, and even unto the skies extendeth thy truth. 11 (57:12) Be thou exalted above the heavens, O God: above all the earth let thy glory be.
YLT(i) 1 To the Overseer. —`Destroy not.' —A secret treasure of David, in his fleeing from the face of Saul into a cave. Favour me, O God, favour me, For in Thee is my soul trusting, And in the shadow of Thy wings I trust, Until the calamities pass over. 2 I call to God Most High, To God who is perfecting for me. 3 He sendeth from the heaven, and saveth me, He reproached—who is panting after me. Selah. God sendeth forth His kindness and His truth. 4 My soul is in the midst of lions, I lie down among flames—sons of men, Their teeth are a spear and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be Thou exalted above the heavens, O God, Above all the earth Thine honour. 6 A net they have prepared for my steps, Bowed down hath my soul, They have digged before me a pit, They have fallen into its midst. Selah.
7 Prepared is my heart, O God, Prepared is my heart, I sing and praise. 8 Awake, mine honour, awake, psaltery and harp, I awake the morning dawn. 9 I thank Thee among the peoples, O Lord, I praise Thee among the nations. 10 For great unto the heavens is Thy kindness, And unto the clouds Thy truth. 11 Be thou exalted above the heavens, O God. Above all the earth Thine honour!
JuliaSmith(i) 1 To the overseer, Thou wilt not destroy, to David a poem in his fleeing from the face of Saul in the cave. Compassionate me, O God, compassionate me: for in thee my soul put trust, and in the shadow of thy wings I will put my trust till calamity shall pass by. 2 I will call to God the Most High; to God he completed for me. 3 He will send from the heavens and he will save me; he rebuked him panting after me. Silence. God will send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is in the midst of lions: I shall lie down with the flaming, the sons of man, their teeth spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted above the heavens, O God; above all the earth thy glory. 6 They prepared a net for my steps; my soul was bent down: they dug a pit before me, they fell into the midst of it. Silence. 7 My heart was prepared, O God, my heart was prepared: I will sing and play on the harp. 8 Awake, my glory; awake, lyre and harp: I shall awake early. 9 I will praise thee, O Jehovah, among the peoples: I will play on the harp to thee among the nations. 10 For great even to the heavens thy mercy, and even to the clouds, thy truth. 11 Be thou exalted over the heavens, O God: over all the earth, thy glory.
Darby(i) 1 {To the chief Musician. `Destroy not.` Of David. Michtam; when he fled from Saul in the cave.} Be gracious unto me, O God, be gracious unto me; for my soul taketh refuge in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings do I take refuge, until the calamities be overpast. 2 I will call unto God, the Most High; unto ?God that performeth [all] for me. 3 He will send from the heavens and save me; he hath covered with reproach him that would swallow me up. Selah. God hath sent forth his loving-kindness and his truth. 4 My soul is in the midst of lions; I lie down [among] them that breathe out flames, the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let thy glory be above all the earth! 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down: they have digged a pit before me; they are fallen into the midst thereof. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing, yea, I will sing psalms. 8 Awake, my glory; awake, lute and harp: I will wake the dawn. 9 I will give thee thanks among the peoples, O Lord; of thee will I sing psalms among the nations: 10 For thy loving-kindness is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 11 Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let thy glory be above all the earth!
ERV(i) 1 For the Chief Musician; [set to] Al-tashheth. [A Psalm] of David: Michtam: when he fled from Saul, in the cave. Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me; for my soul taketh refuge in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I take refuge, until [these] calamities be overpast. 2 I will cry unto God Most High; unto God that performeth [all things] for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me, [when] he that would swallow me up reproacheth; Selah God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions; I lie among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; [let] thy glory [be] above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; thy soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me; they are fallen into the midst thereof themselves. Selah 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing, yea, I will sing praises. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake right early. 9 I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the peoples: I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. 10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the skies. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; [let] thy glory [be] above all the earth.
ASV(i) 1 For the Chief Musician; [set to] Al-tashheth. [A Psalm] of David. Michtam; when he fled from Saul, in the cave.

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me;
For my soul taketh refuge in thee:
Yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I take refuge,
Until [these] calamities be overpast. 2 I will cry unto God Most High,
Unto God that performeth [all things] for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me,
[When] he that would swallow me up reproacheth; [Selah
God will send forth his lovingkindness and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions;
I lie among them that are set on fire,
Even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows,
And their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens;
[Let] thy glory [be] above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps;
My soul is bowed down:
They have digged a pit before me;
They are fallen into the midst thereof themselves. [Selah 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:
I will sing, yea, I will sing praises. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp:
I myself will awake right early. 9 I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the peoples:
I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. 10 For thy lovingkindness is great unto the heavens,
And thy truth unto the skies. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens;
[Let] thy glory [be] above all the earth.
  1 H2603 For the Chief Musician; set to Al-tashheth. A Psalm of David. Michtam; when he fled from Saul, in the cave.

Be merciful
H430 unto me, O God, H2603 be merciful H5315 unto me; For my soul H2620 taketh refuge H6738 in thee: Yea, in the shadow H3671 of thy wings H2620 will I take refuge, H1942 Until these calamities H5674 be overpast.
  2 H7121 I will cry H430 unto God H5945 Most High, H410 Unto God H1584 that performeth all things for me.
  3 H7971 He will send H8064 from heaven, H3467 and save H7602 me, When he that would swallow me up H2778 reproacheth; H5542 [[Selah H430 God H7971 will send forth H2617 his lovingkindness H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions; H7901 I lie H3857 among them that are set on fire, H1121 Even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 And their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 Be thou exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens; H3519 Let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
  6 H3559 They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps; H5315 My soul H3721 is bowed down: H3738 They have digged H7882 a pit H6440 before H5307 me; They are fallen H8432 into the midst H5542 thereof themselves. [[Selah
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 is fixed, H430 O God, H3820 my heart H3559 is fixed: H7891 I will sing, H2167 yea, I will sing praises.
  8 H5782 Awake up, H3519 my glory; H5782 Awake, H5035 psaltery H3658 and harp: H5782 I myself will awake H7837 right early.
  9 H3034 I will give thanks H136 unto thee, O Lord, H5971 among the peoples: H2167 I will sing H3816 praises unto thee among the nations.
  10 H2617 For thy lovingkindness H1419 is great H8064 unto the heavens, H571 And thy truth H7834 unto the skies.
  11 H7311 Be thou exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens; H3519 Let thy glory H776 be above all the earth.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 (57:1) For the Leader; Al-tashheth. A Psalm of David; Michtam; when he fled from Saul, in the cave. (57:2) Be gracious unto me, O God, be gracious unto me, for in Thee hath my soul taken refuge; yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I take refuge, until calamities be overpast. 2 (57:3) I will cry unto God Most high; unto God that accomplisheth it for me. 3 (57:4) He will send from heaven, and save me, when he that would swallow me up taunteth; Selah; God shall send forth His mercy and His truth. 4 (57:5) My soul is among lions, I do lie down among them that are aflame; even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 (57:6) Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; Thy glory be above all the earth. 6 (57:7) They have prepared a net for my steps, my soul is bowed down; they have digged a pit before me, they are fallen into the midst thereof themselves. Selah 7 (57:8) My heart is stedfast, O God, my heart is stedfast; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises. 8 (57:9) Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp; I will awake the dawn. 9 (57:10) I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises unto Thee among the nations. 10 (57:11) For Thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and Thy truth unto the skies. 11 (57:12) Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; Thy glory be above all the earth.
Rotherham(i) 1 [To the Chief Musician. "Do not destroy." A precious Psalm, of David. When he fled from the face of Saul into the Cave.]
Show me favour, O God, Show me favour, For, in thee, hath my soul sought refuge,––And, in the shadow of thy wings, will I seek refuge, Until the storm of ruin pass by. 2 I will cry unto God Most High, Unto GOD, who accomplisheth on my behalf: 3 He will send out of heaven, that he may save me, He who is panting for me, hath reproached. [Selah.] God will send out his lovingkindness and his faithfulness. 4 My soul, is in the midst of lions, I lie down amidst flames, As for the sons of men, Their teeth, are spear and arrows, And, their tongue, is a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted Above the Heavens, O God, Above all the earth, thy glory! 6 A net, did they fix for my steps, My soul was bowed down,––They digged before me a pit, They fell into the midst thereof! [Selah.]
7 Fixed is my heart, O God, Fixed is my heart, I will sing, and touch the strings. 8 Awake, mine honour, Awake, harp and lyre, I will awaken the dawn; 9 I will thank thee, among the peoples, O My Lord, I will praise thee in song, among the races of men. 10 For, great, unto the heavens, is thy lovingkindness, And, unto the skies, thy faithfulness. 11 Be exalted Above the heavens, O God, Above all the earth, thy glory!
CLV(i) 1 {A Davidic Inscribed Psalm{ {When he ran away from the face of Saul into the cave.{ Be gracious to me, O Elohim, be gracious to me; For in You my soul takes refuge, And in the shadow of Your wings shall I take refuge Until the woes pass away." 2 I am calling to Elohim Supreme, To El Who is perfecting for me." 3 He shall send from the heavens and save me; He will reproach the one gasping after me; {Interlude{ Elohim shall send His benignity and His faithfulness. 4 My soul is in the midst of parent-lions; Let me confidently lie among flaming foes, even sons of humanity; Their teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword." 5 O be exalted over the heavens, O Elohim; Let Your glory be over the entire earth!" 6 They have prepared a net for my footsteps; My soul is bent down; They have dug a pit before me, Yet they have fallen into its midst. {Interlude{ " 7 My heart is established, O Elohim, my heart is established; I will sing and make melody." 8 Do rouse, O my glory; Do rouse, O zither and harp. I will rouse the dawn." 9 I shall acclaim You among the peoples, O Yahweh; I shall make melody among the national groups." 10 For Your benignity is great unto the heavens, And Your faithfulness unto the skies." 11 O be exalted over the heavens, O Elohim, Let Your glory be over the entire earth! {Permanent{ {O Do Not Bring Ruin!{ "
BBE(i) 1 To the chief music-maker; put to Al-tashheth. Michtam. Of David. When he went in flight from Saul, in the hole of the rock. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me; for the hope of my soul is in you: I will keep myself safely under the shade of your wings, till these troubles are past. 2 I will send up my cry to the Most High God; to God who does all things for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and take me from the power of him whose desire is for my destruction. God will send out his mercy and his good faith. 4 My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword. 5 O God, be lifted up higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. 6 They have made ready a net for my steps; my soul is bent down; they have made a great hole before me, and have gone down into it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will make songs, and give praise. 8 You are my glory; let the instruments of music be awake; I myself will be awake with the dawn. 9 I will give you praise, O Lord, among the peoples; I will make songs to you among the nations. 10 For your mercy is great, stretching up to the heavens, and your righteousness goes up to the clouds. 11 Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth.
MKJV(i) 1 To the Chief Musician. Do not destroy. A secret treasure of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me; for my soul trusts in You; yea, in the shadow of Your wings I will make my hiding-place, until these great troubles pass by. 2 I will cry to God most high, to God who does all things for me. 3 He shall send from Heaven, and save me from the scorn of him who would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth His mercy and His truth. 4 My soul is among lions; I lie among those on fire, the sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be praised above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; they have dug a pit before me, they have fallen into it. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise. 8 Wake up, my soul! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn. 9 I will praise You, O Jehovah, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations. 10 For Your mercy is great to the heavens, and Your truth to the clouds. 11 Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be above all the earth.
LITV(i) 1 To the chief musician. Do not destroy. A secret treasure of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for my soul trusts in You; yea, in the shadow of Your wings I will make my hiding place, until the great destruction passes by. 2 I will cry to God most High, to God who works for me. 3 He shall send from Heaven and save me; He will shame the one who crushes me. Selah. God shall send His mercy and His truth. 4 My soul is among lions; I lie among those on fire, the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be praised above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be over the whole earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; they have dug a pit before me; they have fallen into it. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise. 8 Wake up my glory! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will stir the morning dawn with praise. 9 I will praise You among the peoples, O Lord, I will sing to You among the nations. 10 For Your mercy is great to the heavens, and Your truth to the clouds. 11 Be exalted above the heavens, O God; Your glory over the whole earth.
ECB(i) 1 To His Eminence; Al Tashcheth/Ruin Not: A Poem by David, as he flees the face of Shaul in the cave. Grant me charism, O Elohim; grant me charism; for my soul seeks refuge in you: yes, in the shadow of your wings I seek refuge until these calamities overpass. 2 I call to Elohim Elyon - to El who consummates all for me. 3 He sends from the heavens and saves me from the reproach of him who swallows after me. Selah. Elohim sends his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among roaring lions; and I lie among the inflamed - the sons of humanity whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be lofted, O Elohim, above the heavens; your honor above all the earth. 6 They prepare a net for my steps; I bow my soul: they dug a pit at my face; they fall into its midst. Selah. 7 My heart is prepared, O Elohim; my heart is prepared: I sing and psalm. 8 Waken, my honor! Waken, bagpipe and harp! I waken early. 9 I spread hands to you, O Adonay, among the people; I psalm to you among the nations. 10 For your mercy is great to the heavens and your truth to the vapours. 11 Be lofted, O Elohim, above the heavens; your honor above all the earth.
ACV(i) 1 Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in thee. Yea, in the shadow of thy wings I will take refuge until calamities be passed by. 2 I will cry to God Most High, to God who performs for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him who would swallow me up. Selah. God will send forth his loving kindness and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, thy glory above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They have dug a pit before me. They are fallen into the midst of it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed. I will sing, yea, I will sing praises. 8 Awake up, my glory. Awake, psaltery and harp. I myself will awake right early. 9 I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to thee among the nations. 10 For thy loving kindness is great to the heavens, and thy truth to the skies. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, thy glory above all the earth.
WEB(i) 1 For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A poem by David, when he fled from Saul, in the cave. Be merciful to me, God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, until disaster has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me, he rebukes the one who is pursuing me. Selah. God will send out his loving kindness and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens! Let your glory be above all the earth! 6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They dig a pit before me. They fall into the middle of it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is steadfast, God. My heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. 8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, lute and harp! I will wake up the dawn. 9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, and your truth to the skies. 11 Be exalted, God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.
  1 H2603 Be merciful H430 to me, God, H2603 be merciful H5315 to me, for my soul H2620 takes refuge H6738 in you. Yes, in the shadow H3671 of your wings, H2620 I will take refuge, H1942 until disaster H5674 has passed.
  2 H7121 I cry H430 out to God H5945 Most High, H410 to God H1584 who accomplishes my requests for me.
  3 H7971 He will send H8064 from heaven, H3467 and save H2778 me, he rebukes H7602 the one who is pursuing H5542 me. Selah. H430 God H7971 will send out H2617 his loving kindness H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions. H7901 I lie H3857 among those who are set on fire, H1121 even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 Be exalted, H430 God, H8064 above the heavens! H3519 Let your glory H776 be above all the earth!
  6 H3559 They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps. H5315 My soul H3721 is bowed down. H3738 They dig H7882 a pit H6440 before H5307 me. They fall H8432 into its midst H5542 themselves. Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 is steadfast, H430 God, H3820 my heart H3559 is steadfast. H7891 I will sing, H2167 yes, I will sing praises.
  8 H5782 Wake H5782 up, H3519 my glory! H5782 Wake H5035 up, psaltery H5035 and harp! H5782 I will wake up the dawn.
  9 H3034 I will give thanks H136 to you, Lord, H5971 among the peoples. H2167 I will sing H3816 praises to you among the nations.
  10 H1419 For your great H2617 loving kindness H8064 reaches to the heavens, H571 and your truth H7834 to the skies.
  11 H7311 Be exalted, H430 God, H8064 above the heavens. H3519 Let your glory H776 be over all the earth.
NHEB(i) 1 [For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A poem by David, when he fled from Saul, in the cave.] Be merciful to me, God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, until disaster has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me, he rebukes the one who is pursuing me. Selah. God will send out his loving kindness and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens. Let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They dig a pit before me. They fall into its midst themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is steadfast, God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. 8 Wake up, my glory. Wake up, psaltery and harp. I will wake up the dawn. 9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, and your truth to the skies. 11 Be exalted, God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.
AKJV(i) 1 Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me: for my soul trusts in you: yes, in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over. 2 I will cry to God most high; to God that performes all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have dig a pit before me, into the middle whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise you, O Lord, among the people: I will sing to you among the nations. 10 For your mercy is great to the heavens, and your truth to the clouds. 11 Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens: let your glory be above all the earth.
  1 H5329 To the chief H5329 Musician, H516 Altaschith, H4387 Michtam H1732 of David, H1272 when he fled H7586 from Saul H4631 in the cave. H2603 Be merciful H430 to me, O God, H2603 be merciful H5315 to me: for my soul H2620 trusts H6738 in you: yes, in the shadow H3671 of your wings H2620 will I make my refuge, H5704 until H1942 these calamities H5674 be over.
  2 H7121 I will cry H430 to God H5945 most H5945 high; H410 to God H1584 that performes H3605 all things for me.
  3 H7971 He shall send H8064 from heaven, H3467 and save H2778 me from the reproach H7602 of him that would swallow H5542 me up. Selah. H430 God H7971 shall send H2617 forth his mercy H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions: H7901 and I lie H3857 even among them that are set on fire, H1121 even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 Be you exalted, H430 O God, H5921 above H8064 the heavens; H3519 let your glory H5921 be above H3605 all H776 the earth.
  6 H3559 They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps; H5315 my soul H3721 is bowed H3738 down: they have dig H7882 a pit H6440 before H8432 me, into the middle H5307 whereof they are fallen H5542 themselves. Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 is fixed, H430 O God, H3820 my heart H3559 is fixed: H7891 I will sing H2167 and give praise.
  8 H5782 Awake H3519 up, my glory; H5782 awake, H5035 psaltery H3658 and harp: H5782 I myself will awake H7837 early.
  9 H3034 I will praise H136 you, O Lord, H5971 among the people: H2167 I will sing H3816 to you among the nations.
  10 H2617 For your mercy H1419 is great H8064 to the heavens, H571 and your truth H7834 to the clouds.
  11 H7311 Be you exalted, H430 O God, H5921 above H8064 the heavens: H3519 let your glory H5921 be above H3605 all H776 the earth.
KJ2000(i) 1 [To the Chief Musician, altaschith. A michtam of David, when he fled from Saul into the cave.] Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusts in you: yea, in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities have passed. 2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God who performs all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have dug a pit before me, into the midst of which they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise you, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto you among the nations. 10 For your mercy is great unto the heavens, and your truth unto the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens: let your glory be above all the earth.
UKJV(i) 1 Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusts in you: yea, in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities pass over. 2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performs all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have dug a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. 9 I will praise you, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto you among the nations. 10 For your mercy is great unto the heavens, and your truth unto the clouds. 11 Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens: let your glory be above all the earth.
  1 H2603 Be merciful H430 unto me, O God, H2603 be merciful H5315 unto me: for my soul H2620 trusts H6738 in you: Yes, in the shadow H3671 of your wings H2620 will I make my refuge, H1942 until these calamities H5674 be overpast.
  2 H7121 I will cry H430 unto God H5945 most high; H410 unto God H1584 that performs all things for me.
  3 H7971 He shall send H8064 from heaven, H3467 and save H2778 me from the reproach H7602 of him that would swallow me up. H5542 Selah. H430 God H7971 shall send forth H2617 his mercy H571 and his truth.
  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions: H7901 and I lie H3857 even among them that are set on fire, H1121 even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.
  5 H7311 Be you exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens; H3519 let your glory H776 be above all the earth.
  6 H3559 They have prepared H7568 a net H6471 for my steps; H5315 my soul H3721 is bowed down: H3738 they have dug H7882 a pit H6440 before H8432 me, into the middle H5307 whereof they are fallen H5542 themselves. Selah.
  7 H3820 My heart H3559 is fixed, H430 O God, H3820 my heart H3559 is fixed: H7891 I will sing H2167 and give praise.
  8 H5782 Awake up, H3519 my glory; H5782 awake, H5035 psaltery H3658 and harp: H5782 I myself will awake H7837 early.
  9 H3034 I will praise H136 you, O Lord, H5971 among the people: H2167 I will sing H3816 unto you among the nations.
  10 H2617 For your mercy H1419 is great H8064 unto the heavens, H571 and your truth H7834 unto the clouds.
  11 H7311 Be you exalted, H430 O God, H8064 above the heavens: H3519 let your glory H776 be above all the earth.
EJ2000(i) 1 To the Overcomer upon,
Do not destroy, Michtam of David, when he fled from the presence of Saul in the cave.
¶ Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusts in thee; and in the shadow of thy wings I will make my refuge until these calamities are overpast. 2 I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performs all things for me. 3 He shall send from the heavens and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. 4 My soul is among lions, and I lie even among those that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; they have dug a pit before me, into the midst of which they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 ¶ My heart is ready, O God, my heart is willing; I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp; I myself will arise early. 9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing unto thee among the nations. 10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.
CAB(i) 1 For the end. Destroy not; by David, for a memorial, when he fled from the presence of Saul, to the cave. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me; for my soul has trusted in You; and in the shadow of Your wings will I hope, until the iniquity has passed away. 2 I will cry to God Most High; the God who has benefited me. Pause. 3 He sent from heaven and saved me; He reproached them that trampled on me; God has sent forth His mercy and His truth; 4 and He has delivered my soul from the midst of the lion's whelps; I lay down to sleep, though troubled. As for the sons of men, their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; and Your glory above all the earth. 6 They have prepared snares for my feet, and have bowed down my soul; they have dug a pit before my face, and fallen into it themselves. Pause. 7 My heart, O God, is ready, my heart is ready; I will sing; yes, I will sing psalms. 8 Awake, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp; I will awake early. 9 O Lord, I will give thanks to You among the nations; I will sing to You among the Gentiles. 10 For Your mercy has been magnified, even to the heavens, and Your truth to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; and Your glory above all the earth.
LXX2012(i) 1 (58) For the end. Destroy not: by David, for a memorial. If you⌃ do indeed speak righteousness, [then] do you⌃ judge rightly, you⌃ sons of men. 2 For you⌃ work iniquities in [your] hearts in the earth: your hands plot unrighteousness. 3 Sinners have gone astray from the womb: they go astray from the belly: they speak lies. 4 Their venom is like [that] of a serpent; as [that] of a deaf asp, and that stops her ears; 5 which will not hear the voice of charmers, nor [heed] the charm prepared skillfully by the wise. 6 God has crushed their teeth in their mouth: God has broken the cheek-teeth of the lions. 7 They shall utterly pass away like water running through: he shall bend his bow till they shall fail. 8 They shall be destroyed as melted wax: the fire has fallen and they have not seen the sun. 9 Before your thorns feel the white thorn, he shall swallow you up as living, as in his wrath. 10 The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance of the ungodly: he shall wash his hands in the blood of the sinner. 11 And a man shall say, Verily then there is a reward for the righteous: verily there is a God that judges them in the earth.
NSB(i) 1 ([Psalm of David]) Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me for I take refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge until disaster has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, To God who works for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me, He rebukes the one who is pursuing me. God will send out his loving kindness and his truth. 4 I am among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows. Their tongue is a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be above all the earth! 6 They have prepared a net for my steps. I am bowed down. They dig a pit before me. But they have fallen into it. 7 My heart is steadfast O God. Yes my heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing and make melody. 8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, stringed instrument and harp! I will wake up the dawn. 9 I will give thanks to you among the peoples, O Jehovah. I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, and your truth to the skies. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.
ISV(i) 1 To the Director: A special Davidic psalm to the tune of “Do Not Destroy,” when he fled from Saul into a cave.
A Prayer for Deliverance Have mercy on me, God, have mercy, for in you I have placed my trust. Even in the shadow of your wings will I find my refuge until this calamity passes. 2 I call upon the God Most High; to the God who completes what he began in me. 3 He will send help from heaven to deliver me from those who harass and despise me. Interlude God will send his gracious love and truth. 4 I am surrounded by lions. I lie down with those who burn with fire— that is, with people whose teeth are like spears and arrows— whose tongues are like sharp swords. 5 Be exalted above the heavens, God! May your glory cover the earth! 6 They have set a snare for my feet, which makes me depressed. They dug a pit in front of me, but they are the ones who fell into it! Interlude 7 My heart is committed, God, my heart is committed, so I will sing and play music. 8 Wake up, my soul, wake up, lyre and harp! I will awaken at dawn. 9 I will exalt you among the peoples, Lord. I will play music among the nations. 10 For your gracious love is great, extending even to the heavens, and your truth even to the skies. 11 Be exalted above the heavens, God! May your glory cover the earth!
LEB(i) 1 For the music director, according to Do Not Destroy. Of David. A miktam. When he fled from Saul into the cave.*
Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, because in you my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by. 2 I will call to God Most High, to God who accomplishes things concerning me. 3 He will send from heaven and save me; he will reproach the one who tramples me. Selah God will send his loyal love and his faithfulness. 4 My soul is among lions. I lie down among those who devour— the children* of humankind whose teeth are spears and arrows and whose tongues are sharp swords. 5 Be exalted above the heavens, O God. Let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have set a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down. They have dug a pit before me; they have fallen into the midst of it. Selah 7 My heart is steadfast, O God; My heart is steadfast. I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake, my glory; Awake, harp and lyre. I will awake the dawn.* 9 I will give you thanks among the peoples, O Lord; I will give you praise among the nations. 10 Because your loyal love is high to the heavens, and your faithfulness to the clouds. 11 Be exalted above the heavens, O God. Let your glory be above all the earth.
BSB(i) 1 For the choirmaster. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A Miktam of David, when he fled from Saul into the cave. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy, for in You my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of Your wings I will take shelter until the danger has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me. 3 He reaches down from heaven and saves me; He rebukes those who trample me. Selah God sends forth His loving devotion and His truth. 4 My soul is among the lions; I lie down with ravenous beasts—with men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth. 6 They spread a net for my feet; my soul was despondent. They dug a pit before me, but they themselves have fallen into it! Selah 7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing and make music. 8 Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. 9 I will praise You, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing Your praises among the peoples. 10 For Your loving devotion reaches to the heavens, and Your faithfulness to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth.
MSB(i) 1 For the choirmaster. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A Miktam of David, when he fled from Saul into the cave. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy, for in You my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of Your wings I will take shelter until the danger has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me. 3 He reaches down from heaven and saves me; He rebukes those who trample me. Selah God sends forth His loving devotion and His truth. 4 My soul is among the lions; I lie down with ravenous beasts—with men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth. 6 They spread a net for my feet; my soul was despondent. They dug a pit before me, but they themselves have fallen into it! Selah 7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing and make music. 8 Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. 9 I will praise You, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing Your praises among the peoples. 10 For Your loving devotion reaches to the heavens, and Your faithfulness to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth.
MLV(i) 1 Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, because my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge until calamities have passed by. 2 I will cry to God Most High, to God who performs for me.
3 He will send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him who would swallow me up. Selah. God will send forth his loving kindness and his truth.
4 My soul is among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue is a sharp sword.
5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, your glory above all the earth.
6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They have dug a pit before me. They are fallen into the midst of it themselves. Selah.
7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. 8 Awake up, my glory. Awake, psaltery and harp. I myself will awake right early.
9 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 Because your loving kindness is great to the heavens and your truth to the skies.
11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, your glory above all the earth.

VIN(i) 1 Be merciful to me, God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, until disaster has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me. 3 He will send from heaven and save me; he will reproach the one who tramples me. Selah God will send his loyal love and his faithfulness. 4 My soul is among lions; I lie among those on fire, the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be above all the earth. 6 They have laid a net for my feet, and pressed down my soul: they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen into it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is steadfast, O God; My heart is steadfast. I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake, my glory; Awake, harp and lyre. I will awake the dawn. 9 I will praise you, O Lord, among the people: I will sing to you among the nations. 10 For Your benignity is great unto the heavens, And Your faithfulness unto the skies." 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.
Luther1545(i) 1 Ein gülden Kleinod Davids, vorzusingen, daß er nicht umkäme, da er vor Saul floh in die Höhle. 2 Sei mir gnädig, Gott, sei mir gnädig! Denn auf dich trauet meine Seele und unter dem Schatten deiner Flügel habe ich Zuflucht, bis daß das Unglück vorübergehe. 3 Ich rufe zu Gott, dem Allerhöchsten, zu Gott, der meines Jammers ein Ende macht. 4 Er sendet vom Himmel und hilft mir von der Schmach meines Versenkers. Sela. Gott sendet seine Güte und Treue. 5 Ich liege mit meiner Seele unter den Löwen. Die Menschenkinder sind Flammen; ihre Zähne sind Spieße und Pfeile und ihre Zungen scharfe Schwerter. 6 Erhebe dich, Gott, über den Himmel und deine Ehre über alle Welt! 7 Sie stellen meinem Gange Netze und drücken meine Seele nieder; sie graben vor mir eine Grube und fallen selbst drein. Sela. 8 Mein Herz ist bereit, Gott, mein Herz ist bereit, daß ich singe und lobe. 9 Wach auf, meine Ehre, wach auf, Psalter und Harfe! Frühe wille ich aufwachen. 10 HERR, ich will dir danken unter den Völkern, ich will dir lobsingen unter den Leuten. 11 Denn deine Güte ist, soweit der Himmel ist, und deine Wahrheit, soweit die Wolken gehen.
  1 H4387 Ein gülden Kleinod H1732 Davids H5329 , vorzusingen H430 , daß er H516 nicht umkäme H6440 , da er vor H7586 Saul H1272 floh H5674 in H4631 die Höhle .
  2 H430 Sei mir gnädig, GOtt H5945 , sei mir gnädig! Denn auf dich trauet meine SeeLE und H7121 unter dem Schatten deiner Flügel habe ich Zuflucht, bis daß das Unglück vorübergehe.
  3 H430 Ich rufe zu GOtt H571 , dem Allerhöchsten, zu GOtt, der meines Jammers ein Ende macht.
  4 H1121 Er sendet vom Himmel und H8432 hilft mir von H5315 der Schmach meines Versenkers. Sela. GOtt sendet seine Güte und Treue.
  5 H430 Ich liege mit meiner SeeLE unter den Löwen. Die Menschenkinder sind Flammen; ihre Zähne sind Spieße und H776 Pfeile und ihre Zungen scharfe Schwerter.
  6 H3559 Erhebe dich H5315 , GOtt, über den H6440 Himmel und deine Ehre über alle Welt!
  7 H3820 Sie H430 stellen meinem Gange Netze und H3820 drücken meine SeeLE nieder; sie graben vor mir eine Grube und fallen selbst drein. Sela.
  8 Mein Herz ist bereit, GOtt, mein Herz ist bereit, daß ich singe und lobe.
  9 Wach auf, meine Ehre, wach auf, Psalter und Harfe! Frühe wille ich aufwachen.
  10 HErr, ich will dir danken unter den Völkern, ich will dir lobsingen unter den Leuten.
  11 H7311 Denn deine Güte ist H8064 , soweit der Himmel ist, und deine Wahrheit, soweit die Wolken gehen.
  12 H430 Erhebe dich, GOtt H3519 , über den Himmel und deine Ehre H776 über alle Welt!
Luther1912(i) 1 Ein gülden Kleinod Davids, vorzusingen, daß er nicht umkäme, da er vor Saul floh in die Höhle. 2 Sei mir gnädig, Gott, sei mir gnädig! denn auf dich traut meine Seele, und unter dem Schatten deiner Flügel habe ich Zuflucht, bis daß das Unglück vorübergehe. 3 Ich rufe zu Gott, dem Allerhöchsten, zu Gott, der meines Jammers ein Ende macht. 4 Er sendet vom Himmel und hilft mir von der Schmähung des, der wider mich schnaubt. [Sela.] Gott sendet seine Güte und Treue. 5 Ich liege mit meiner Seele unter den Löwen; die Menschenkinder sind Flammen, ihre Zähne sind Spieße und Pfeile und ihre Zungen scharfe Schwerter. 6 Erhebe dich, Gott, über den Himmel, und deine Ehre über alle Welt. 7 Sie stellen meinem Gang Netze und drücken meine Seele nieder; sie graben vor mir eine Grube, und fallen selbst hinein. [Sela.] 8 Mein Herz ist bereit, Gott, mein Herz ist bereit, daß ich singe und lobe. 9 Wache auf, meine Ehre, wache auf, Psalter und Harfe! Mit der Frühe will ich aufwachen. 10 HERR, ich will dir danken unter den Völkern; ich will dir lobsingen unter den Leuten. 11 Denn deine Güte ist, soweit der Himmel ist, und deine Wahrheit, soweit die Wolken gehen. 12 Erhebe dich, Gott, über den Himmel, und deine Ehre über alle Welt.
  1 H4387 Ein gülden Kleinod H1732 Davids H5329 , vorzusingen H516 , daß er nicht umkäme H6440 , da er vor H7586 Saul H1272 floh H4631 in die Höhle .
  2 H2603 Sei mir gnädig H430 , Gott H2603 , sei mir gnädig H2620 ! denn auf dich traut H5315 meine Seele H6738 , und unter dem Schatten H3671 deiner Flügel H2620 habe ich Zuflucht H1942 , bis daß das Unglück H5674 vorübergehe .
  3 H7121 [Ich rufe H430 zu Gott H5945 , dem Allerhöchsten H410 , zu Gott H1584 , der meines Jammers ein Ende macht .
  4 H7971 [Er sendet H8064 vom Himmel H3467 und hilft H2778 mir von der Schmähung H7602 des, der wider mich schnaubt H5542 . [Sela.] H430 Gott H7971 sendet H2617 seine Güte H571 und Treue .
  5 H7901 [Ich liege H5315 mit meiner Seele H8432 unter H3833 den Löwen H120 H1121 ; die Menschenkinder H3857 sind Flammen H8127 , ihre Zähne H2595 sind Spieße H2671 und Pfeile H3956 und ihre Zungen H2299 scharfe H2719 Schwerter .
  6 H7311 [ Erhebe H430 dich, Gott H8064 , über den Himmel H3519 , und deine Ehre H776 über alle Welt .
  7 H3559 Sie stellen H6471 meinem Gange H7568 Netze H3721 und drücken H5315 meine Seele H3721 nieder H3738 ; sie graben H6440 vor H7882 mir eine Grube H5307 , und fallen H8432 selbst hinein H5542 . [Sela .]
  8 H3820 Mein Herz H3559 ist bereit H430 , Gott H3820 , mein Herz H3559 ist bereit H7891 , daß ich singe H2167 und lobe .
  9 H5782 [ Wache H5782 auf H3519 , meine Ehre H5782 , wache H5782 auf H5035 , Psalter H3658 und Harfe H7837 ! Mit der Frühe H5782 will ich aufwachen .
  10 H136 HERR H3034 , ich will dir danken H5971 unter den Völkern H2167 ; ich will dir lobsingen H3816 unter den Leuten .
  11 H2617 Denn deine Güte H1419 ist, soweit H8064 der Himmel H571 ist, und deine Wahrheit H7834 , soweit die Wolken gehen.
  12 H7311 Erhebe H430 dich, Gott H8064 , über den Himmel H3519 , und deine Ehre H776 über alle Welt .
ELB1871(i) 1 Sei mir gnädig, o Gott, sei mir gnädig! denn zu dir nimmt Zuflucht meine Seele, und ich will Zuflucht nehmen zu dem Schatten deiner Flügel, bis vorübergezogen das Verderben. 2 Zu Gott, dem Höchsten, will ich rufen, zu dem Gott, der es für mich vollendet. 3 Vom Himmel wird er senden und mich retten; er macht zum Hohn den, der nach mir schnaubt. (Sela.) Senden wird Gott seine Güte und seine Wahrheit. 4 Mitten unter Löwen ist meine Seele, unter Flammensprühenden liege ich, unter Menschenkindern, deren Zähne Speere und Pfeile, und deren Zunge ein scharfes Schwert ist. 5 Erhebe dich über die Himmel, o Gott! über der ganzen Erde sei deine Herrlichkeit! 6 Ein Netz haben sie meinen Schritten bereitet, es beugte sich nieder meine Seele; eine Grube haben sie vor mir gegraben, sie sind mitten hineingefallen. (Sela.) 7 Befestigt ist mein Herz, o Gott, befestigt ist mein Herz! ich will singen und Psalmen singen. 8 Wache auf, meine Seele! wachet auf, Harfe und Laute! ich will aufwecken die Morgenröte. 9 Ich will dich preisen, Herr, unter den Völkern, will dich besingen unter den Völkerschaften. 10 Denn groß bis zu den Himmeln ist deine Güte, und bis zu den Wolken deine Wahrheit. 11 Erhebe dich über die Himmel, o Gott! Über der ganzen Erde sei deine Herrlichkeit!
ELB1905(i) 1 Dem Vorsänger. »Verdirb nicht!« Von David, ein Gedicht, als er vor Saul in die Höhle floh. 2 Sei mir gnädig, o Gott, sei mir gnädig! Denn zu dir nimmt Zuflucht meine Seele, und ich will Zuflucht nehmen zu dem Schatten deiner Flügel, bis vorübergezogen das Verderben. 3 Zu Gott, dem Höchsten, will ich rufen, zu dem Gott, El der es für mich vollendet. 4 Vom Himmel wird er senden und mich retten; er macht zum Hohn den, der nach mir schnaubt. O. schnappt [Sela.] Senden wird Gott seine Güte und seine Wahrheit. 5 Mitten unter Löwen ist meine Seele, unter Flammensprühenden liege ich, unter Menschenkindern, deren Zähne Speere und Pfeile, und deren Zunge ein scharfes Schwert ist. 6 Erhebe dich über die Himmel, o Gott! Über der ganzen Erde sei deine Herrlichkeit! 7 Ein Netz haben sie meinen Schritten bereitet, es beugte sich nieder O. er ]der Feind] beugte nieder meine Seele; eine Grube haben sie vor mir gegraben, sie sind mitten hineingefallen. [Sela.] 8 Befestigt O. fest; vergl. [Ps 108,1-5] ist mein Herz, o Gott, befestigt O. fest; vergl. [Ps 108,1-5] ist mein Herz! Ich will singen und Psalmen singen. Eig. singspielen 9 Wache auf, meine Seele! Vergl. [Ps 7,5]; [16,9] Wachet auf, Harfe und Laute! Ich will aufwecken die Morgenröte. 10 Ich will dich preisen, Herr, unter den Völkern, will dich besingen unter den Völkerschaften. 11 Denn groß bis zu den Himmeln ist deine Güte, und bis zu den Wolken deine Wahrheit. 12 Erhebe dich über die Himmel, o Gott! Über der ganzen Erde sei deine Herrlichkeit!
  1 H6440 Dem Vorsänger. "Verdirb nicht!" Von H1732 David H7586 , ein Gedicht, als er vor Saul H5674 in H4631 die Höhle H1272 floh .
  2 H2603 Sei mir gnädig H430 , o Gott H2603 , sei mir gnädig H2620 ! Denn zu dir nimmt Zuflucht H5315 meine Seele H2620 , und ich will Zuflucht H6738 nehmen zu dem Schatten H3671 deiner Flügel, bis vorübergezogen das Verderben.
  3 H430 Zu Gott H5945 , dem Höchsten H7121 , will ich rufen H410 , zu dem Gott, der es für mich vollendet.
  4 H8064 Vom Himmel H3467 wird er H7971 senden H7602 und mich retten; er macht zum Hohn den, der nach mir schnaubt H5542 . [ Sela H7971 .] Senden H430 wird Gott H2617 seine Güte H571 und seine Wahrheit .
  5 H8432 Mitten unter H3833 Löwen H5315 ist meine Seele H7901 , unter Flammensprühenden liege H1121 ich, unter Menschenkindern H8127 , deren Zähne H2595 Speere und H2671 Pfeile H3956 , und deren Zunge H2299 ein scharfes H2719 Schwert ist.
  6 H7311 Erhebe dich H8064 über die Himmel H430 , o Gott H776 ! Über der ganzen Erde H3519 sei deine Herrlichkeit!
  7 H7568 Ein Netz H3559 haben sie meinen Schritten bereitet H5307 , es beugte sich nieder H5315 meine Seele H7882 ; eine Grube H6440 haben sie vor mir H3738 gegraben H8432 , sie sind mitten H5542 hineingefallen. [ Sela .]
  8 H3559 Befestigt H3820 ist mein Herz H430 , o Gott H3559 , befestigt H3820 ist mein Herz H7891 ! Ich will singen und Psalmen singen.
  9 H5782 Wache auf H5782 , meine Seele! Wachet auf H3658 , Harfe H7837 und Laute! Ich will aufwecken die Morgenröte .
  10 H3034 Ich H136 will dich preisen, Herr H5971 , unter den Völkern, will dich besingen unter den Völkerschaften.
  11 H1419 Denn groß H2617 bis zu den Himmeln ist deine Güte H7834 , und bis zu den Wolken H571 deine Wahrheit .
  12 H7311 Erhebe dich H8064 über die Himmel H430 , o Gott H776 ! Über der ganzen Erde H3519 sei deine Herrlichkeit!
DSV(i) 1 Een gouden kleinood van David, voor den opperzangmeester, Al-tascheth; als hij voor Sauls aangezicht vlood in de spelonk. 2 Wees mij genadig, o God! Wees mij genadig, want mijn ziel betrouwt op U, en ik neem mijn toevlucht onder de schaduw Uwer vleugelen, totdat de verdervingen zullen voorbij zijn gegaan. 3 Ik zal roepen tot God, den Allerhoogste, tot God, Die het aan mij voleinden zal. 4 Hij zal van den hemel zenden, en mij verlossen, te schande makende dengene, die mij zoekt op te slokken. Sela. God zal Zijn goedertierenheid en Zijn waarheid zenden. 5 Mijn ziel is in het midden der leeuwen, ik lig onder stokebranden, mensenkinderen, welker tanden spiesen en pijlen zijn, en hun tong een scherp zwaard. 6 Verhef U boven de hemelen, o God! Uw eer zij over de ganse aarde. 7 Zij hebben een net bereid voor mijn gangen, mijn ziel was nedergebukt; zij hebben een kuil voor mijn aangezicht gegraven; zij zijn er midden ingevallen. Sela. 8 Mijn hart is bereid, o God! mijn hart is bereid; ik zal zingen, en psalmzingen. 9 Waak op, mijn eer! waak op, gij, luit en harp! ik zal in den dageraad opwaken. 10 Ik zal U loven onder de volken, o Heere! ik zal U psalmzingen onder de natiën. 11 Want Uw goedertierenheid is groot tot aan de hemelen, en Uw waarheid tot aan de bovenste wolken. Verhef U boven de hemelen, o God! Uw eer zij over de ganse aarde.
  1 H4387 Een gouden kleinood H1732 van David H5329 H8764 , voor den opperzangmeester H516 H8686 , Altascheth H7586 ; als hij voor Sauls H6440 aangezicht H1272 H8800 vlood H4631 in de spelonk H2603 H8798 . [057:2] Wees mij genadig H430 , o God H2603 H8798 ! Wees mij genadig H5315 , want mijn ziel H2620 H8804 betrouwt H2620 H8799 op U, en ik neem mijn toevlucht H6738 onder de schaduw H3671 Uwer vleugelen H1942 , totdat de verdervingen H5674 H8799 zullen voorbij zijn gegaan.
  2 H7121 H8799 [057:3] Ik zal roepen H430 tot God H5945 , den Allerhoogste H410 , tot God H1584 H8802 , Die het aan mij voleinden zal.
  3 H8064 [057:4] Hij zal van den hemel H7971 H8799 zenden H3467 H8686 , en mij verlossen H2778 H8765 , te schande makende H7602 H8802 dengene, die mij zoekt op te slokken H5542 . Sela H430 . God H2617 zal Zijn goedertierenheid H571 en Zijn waarheid H7971 H8799 zenden.
  4 H5315 [057:5] Mijn ziel H8432 is in het midden H3833 der leeuwen H7901 H8799 , ik lig H3857 H8802 [onder] stokebranden H1121 H120 , mensenkinderen H8127 , welker tanden H2595 spiesen H2671 en pijlen H3956 zijn, en hun tong H2299 een scherp H2719 zwaard.
  5 H7311 H8798 [057:6] Verhef U H8064 boven de hemelen H430 , o God H3519 ! Uw eer H776 zij over de ganse aarde.
  6 H7568 [057:7] Zij hebben een net H3559 H8689 bereid H6471 voor mijn gangen H5315 , mijn ziel H3721 H8804 was nedergebukt H7882 ; zij hebben een kuil H6440 voor mijn aangezicht H3738 H8804 gegraven H8432 ; zij zijn er midden H5307 H8804 ingevallen H5542 . Sela.
  7 H3820 [057:8] Mijn hart H3559 H8737 is bereid H430 , o God H3820 ! mijn hart H3559 H8737 is bereid H7891 H8799 ; ik zal zingen H2167 H8762 , en psalmzingen.
  8 H5782 H8798 [057:9] Waak op H3519 , mijn eer H5782 H8798 ! waak op H5035 , gij, luit H3658 en harp H7837 ! ik zal in den dageraad H5782 H8686 opwaken.
  9 H3034 H8686 [057:10] Ik zal U loven H5971 onder de volken H136 , o Heere H2167 H8762 ! ik zal U psalmzingen H3816 onder de natien.
  10 H2617 [057:11] Want Uw goedertierenheid H1419 is groot H8064 tot aan de hemelen H571 , en Uw waarheid H7834 tot aan de bovenste wolken.
  11 H7311 H8798 [057:12] Verhef U H8064 boven de hemelen H430 , o God H3519 ! Uw eer H776 zij over de ganse aarde.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Pour la fin, avec cette inscription de David: Ne détruisez pas; lorsqu’il se réfugia dans la caverne pour se soustraire aux recherches de Saül. Ayez pitié de moi, ô mon Dieu, ayez pitié de moi, car mon âme s’est confiée en vous; j’espérerai à l’ombre de vos ailes, jusqu’à ce que l’iniquité soit passée. 2 Je crierai vers le Seigneur très-haut, vers Dieu mon bienfaiteur. 3 Il a envoyé son secours du ciel, et il m’a sauvé; il a livré aux outrages ceux qui me foulaient aux pieds; Dieu m’a envoyé sa miséricorde et sa vérité. 4 Il a tiré mon âme du milieu des lionceaux. J’ai dormi au milieu du trouble. Les fils des hommes ont leurs dents pour armes et pour traits, et leur langue est un glaive aiguisé. 5 Dieu, soyez exalté au-dessus des cieux, et que votre gloire soit sur toute la terre. 6 Ils avaient préparé des pièges sur mon passage, et ils avaient fait fléchir mon âme; ils avaient creusé devant mes pas une fosse, et ils y sont tombés. 7 ¶ Mon coeur est prêt, ô mon Dieu, mon coeur est prêt; je chanterai, je chanterai des psaumes. 8 Réveille-toi, ô ma gloire; réveillez-vous, ma harpe et ma cithare; je m’éveillerai dès l’aurore. 9 Seigneur, je vous confesserai parmi les peuples; je vous chanterai parmi les nations. 10 Car votre miséricorde s’élève jusque au-dessus des cieux, et votre vérité jusqu’aux nues. 11 Dieu, soyez exalté au-dessus des cieux, et que votre gloire soit sur toute la terre!
DarbyFR(i) 1
Use de grâce envers moi, ô Dieu! use de grâce envers moi; car en toi mon âme se réfugie, et sous l'ombre de tes ailes je me réfugie, jusqu'à ce que les calamités soient passées. 2 Je crierai au Dieu Très-haut, à *Dieu qui mène tout à bonne fin pour moi. 3 a envoyé des cieux, et m'a sauvé; il a couvert de honte celui qui veut m'engloutir. Sélah. Dieu a envoyé sa bonté et sa vérité. 4 Mon âme est au milieu de lions; je suis couché parmi ceux qui soufflent des flammes, -les fils des hommes, dont les dents sont des lances et des flèches, et la langue une épée aiguë. 5 Elève-toi, ô Dieu! au-dessus des cieux; que ta gloire soit au-dessus de toute la terre! 6 Ils ont préparé un filet pour mes pas, mon âme se courbait; ils ont creusé devant moi une fosse, ils sont tombés dedans. Sélah. 7
Mon coeur est affermi, ô Dieu! mon coeur est affermi; je chanterai et je psalmodierai. 8 Éveille-toi, mon âme! Éveillez-vous, luth et harpe! Je m'éveillerai à l'aube du jour. 9 Je te célébrerai parmi les peuples, ô Seigneur! je chanterai tes louanges parmi les peuplades; 10 Car ta bonté est grande jusqu'aux cieux, et ta vérité jusqu'aux nues. 11 Elève-toi, ô Dieu! au-dessus des cieux; que ta gloire soit au-dessus de toute la terre!
Martin(i) 1 Mictam de David, donné au maître chantre, pour le chanter sur Al-tasheth : touchant ce qu'il s'enfuit de devant Saül en la caverne. 2 Aie pitié de moi; ô Dieu! Aie pitié de moi; car mon âme se retire vers toi, et je me retire sous l'ombre de tes ailes, jusqu'à ce que les calamités soient passées. 3 Je crierai au Dieu souverain, au Dieu Fort, qui accomplit son oeuvre pour moi. 4 Il enverra des cieux, et me délivrera; il rendra honteux celui qui me veut dévorer; Sélah. Dieu enverra sa gratuité et sa vérité. 5 Mon âme est parmi des lions; je demeure parmi des boutefeux; parmi des hommes dont les dents sont des hallebardes et des flèches, et dont la langue est une épée aiguë. 6 Ô Dieu! élève-toi sur les cieux, et que ta gloire soit sur toute la terre. 7 Ils avaient préparé le rets à mes pas; mon âme penchait déjà. Ils avaient creusé une fosse devant moi, mais ils sont tombés au milieu d'elle; Sélah. 8 Mon coeur est disposé, ô Dieu! mon coeur est disposé, je chanterai et psalmodierai. 9 Réveille-toi ma gloire, réveille-toi musette et violon, je me réveillerai à l'aube du jour. 10 Seigneur, je te célébrerai parmi les peuples, je te psalmodierai parmi les nations. 11 Car ta gratuité est grande jusqu'aux cieux, et ta vérité jusqu'aux nues. Ô Dieu! élève-toi sur les cieux, et que ta gloire soit sur toute la terre!
Segond(i) 1 Au chef des chantres. Ne détruis pas. Hymne de David. Lorsqu'il se réfugia dans la caverne, poursuivi par Saül. Aie pitié de moi, ô Dieu, aie pitié de moi! Car en toi mon âme cherche un refuge; Je cherche un refuge à l'ombre de tes ailes, Jusqu'à ce que les calamités soient passées. 2 Je crie au Dieu Très-Haut, Au Dieu qui agit en ma faveur. 3 Il m'enverra du ciel le salut, Tandis que mon persécuteur se répand en outrages; -Pause. Dieu enverra sa bonté et sa fidélité. 4 Mon âme est parmi des lions; Je suis couché au milieu de gens qui vomissent la flamme, Au milieu d'hommes qui ont pour dents la lance et les flèches, Et dont la langue est un glaive tranchant. 5 Elève-toi sur les cieux, ô Dieu! Que ta gloire soit sur toute la terre! 6 Ils avaient tendu un filet sous mes pas: Mon âme se courbait; Ils avaient creusé une fosse devant moi: Ils y sont tombés. -Pause. 7 Mon coeur est affermi, ô Dieu! mon coeur est affermi; Je chanterai, je ferai retentir mes instruments. 8 Réveille-toi, mon âme! réveillez-vous, mon luth et ma harpe! Je réveillerai l'aurore. 9 Je te louerai parmi les peuples, Seigneur! Je te chanterai parmi les nations. 10 Car ta bonté atteint jusqu'aux cieux, Et ta fidélité jusqu'aux nues. 11 Elève-toi sur les cieux, ô Dieu! Que ta gloire soit sur toute la terre!
  1 H5329 ¶ (57-1) Au chef des chantres H8764   H516 . Ne détruis pas H8686   H4387 . Hymne H1732 de David H1272 . Lorsqu’il se réfugia H8800   H4631 dans la caverne H6440 , poursuivi par H7586 Saül H2603 . (57-2) Aie pitié H8798   H430 de moi, ô Dieu H2603 , aie pitié H8798   H5315 de moi ! Car en toi mon âme H2620 cherche un refuge H8804   H2620  ; Je cherche un refuge H8799   H6738 à l’ombre H3671 de tes ailes H1942 , Jusqu’à ce que les calamités H5674 soient passées H8799  .
  2 H7121 (57-3) Je crie H8799   H430 au Dieu H5945 Très-Haut H410 , Au Dieu H1584 qui agit H8802   en ma faveur.
  3 H7971 (57-4) Il m’enverra H8799   H8064 du ciel H3467 le salut H8686   H7602 , Tandis que mon persécuteur H8802   H2778 se répand en outrages H8765   H5542  ;  — Pause H430 . Dieu H7971 enverra H8799   H2617 sa bonté H571 et sa fidélité.
  4 H5315 (57-5) Mon âme H8432 est parmi H3833 des lions H7901  ; Je suis couché H8799   H3857 au milieu de gens qui vomissent la flamme H8802   H1121 , Au milieu d’hommes H120   H8127 qui ont pour dents H2595 la lance H2671 et les flèches H3956 , Et dont la langue H2719 est un glaive H2299 tranchant.
  5 H7311 (57-6) Elève H8798   H8064 -toi sur les cieux H430 , ô Dieu H3519  ! Que ta gloire H776 soit sur toute la terre !
  6 H3559 (57-7) Ils avaient tendu H8689   H7568 un filet H6471 sous mes pas H5315  : Mon âme H3721 se courbait H8804   H3738  ; Ils avaient creusé H8804   H7882 une fosse H6440 devant H8432 moi : Ils y H5307 sont tombés H8804   H5542 . — Pause.
  7 H3820 ¶ (57-8) Mon cœur H3559 est affermi H8737   H430 , ô Dieu H3820  ! mon cœur H3559 est affermi H8737   H7891  ; Je chanterai H8799   H2167 , je ferai retentir mes instruments H8762  .
  8 H5782 (57-9) Réveille H8798   H3519 -toi, mon âme H5782  ! réveillez H8798   H5035 -vous, mon luth H3658 et ma harpe H5782  ! Je réveillerai H8686   H7837 l’aurore.
  9 H3034 (57-10) Je te louerai H8686   H5971 parmi les peuples H136 , Seigneur H2167  ! Je te chanterai H8762   H3816 parmi les nations.
  10 H2617 (57-11) Car ta bonté H1419 atteint H8064 jusqu’aux cieux H571 , Et ta fidélité H7834 jusqu’aux nues.
  11 H7311 (57-12) Elève H8798   H8064 -toi sur les cieux H430 , ô Dieu H3519  ! Que ta gloire H776 soit sur toute la terre !
SE(i) 1 Al Vencedor: sobre No destruyas: Mictam de David, cuando huyó de delante de Saúl a la cueva. Ten misericordia de mí, oh Dios, ten misericordia de mí; porque en ti ha confiado mi alma, y en la sombra de tus alas me ampararé, hasta que pasen los quebrantos. 2 Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, al Dios que me galardona. 3 El enviará desde los cielos, y me salvará de la infamia del que me devora; (Selah) Dios enviará su misericordia y su verdad. 4 Mi vida está entre leones; estoy echado entre hijos de hombres que echan llamas; sus dientes son lanzas y saetas, y su lengua cuchillo agudo. 5 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; sobre toda la tierra se ensalze tu gloria. 6 Red han armado a mis pasos; mi alma se ha abatido; hoyo han cavado delante de mí; caigan en medio de él. (Selah.) 7 Pronto está mi corazón, oh Dios, mi corazón está dispuesto; cantaré, y diré salmos. 8 Despierta, oh gloria mía; despierta, salterio y arpa; me levantaré de mañana. 9 Te alabaré en los pueblos, oh Señor; cantaré de ti en las naciones. 10 Porque grande es hasta los cielos tu misericordia, y hasta las nubes tu verdad. 11 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; sobre toda la tierra se ensalze tu gloria.
ReinaValera(i) 1 Al Músico principal: sobre No destruyas: Michtam de David, cuando huyó de delante de Saúl á la cueva. 2 Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, Al Dios que me favorece. 3 El enviará desde los cielos, y me salvará De la infamia del que me apura; (Selah) Dios enviará su misericordia y su verdad. 4 Mi vida está entre leones; Estoy echado entre hijos de hombres encendidos: Sus dientes son lanzas y saetas, Y su lengua cuchillo agudo. 5 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; Sobre toda la tierra tu gloria. 6 Red han armado á mis pasos; Hase abatido mi alma: Hoyo han cavado delante de mí; En medio de él han caído. (Selah.) 7 Pronto está mi corazón, oh Dios, mi corazón está dispuesto: Cantaré, y trovaré salmos. 8 Despierta, oh gloria mía; despierta, salterio y arpa: Levantaréme de mañana. 9 Alabarte he en los pueblos, oh Señor; Cantaré de ti en las naciones. 10 Porque grande es hasta los cielos tu misericordia, Y hasta las nubes tu verdad. 11 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; Sobre toda la tierra tu gloria.
JBS(i) 1 Al Vencedor:
sobre No destruyas:
Mictam de David,
cuando huyó de delante
de Saúl a la cueva.
Ten misericordia de mí, oh Dios, ten misericordia de mí; porque en ti ha confiado mi alma, y en la sombra de tus alas me ampararé, hasta que pasen los quebrantos. 2 Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, al Dios que me galardona. 3 El enviará desde los cielos, y me salvará de la infamia del que me devora; (Selah) Dios enviará su misericordia y su verdad. 4 Mi vida está entre leones; estoy echado entre hijos de hombres que echan llamas; sus dientes son lanzas y saetas, y su lengua espada aguda. 5 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; sobre toda la tierra se ensalze tu gloria. 6 Red han armado a mis pasos; mi alma se ha abatido; hoyo han cavado delante de mí; cayeron en medio de él. (Selah.) 7 ¶ Pronto está mi corazón, oh Dios, mi corazón está dispuesto; cantaré, y diré salmos. 8 Despierta, oh gloria mía; despierta, salterio y arpa; me levantaré de mañana. 9 Te alabaré en los pueblos, oh Señor; cantaré de ti en las naciones. 10 Porque grande es hasta los cielos tu misericordia, y hasta las nubes tu verdad. 11 Ensálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; sobre toda la tierra se ensalze tu gloria.
Albanian(i) 1 Ki mëshirë për mua, o Perëndi, ki mëshirë për mua, sepse shpirti im gjen strehë te ti; gjej strehë në hijen e krahëve të tu deri sa të kalojnë fatkeqësitë. 2 Unë do t'i thërras Perëndisë, Shumë të Lartit, Perëndisë që kryen çdo gjë për mua. 3 Ai do të dërgojë nga qielli për të më shpëtuar, ai qorton ashpër atë që dëshiron të më përpijë. (Sela) Perëndia do të dërgoj mirësinë e tij dhe të vërtetën e tij. 4 Shpirti im është si në mes të luanëve; banoj midis njerëzve që vjellin zjarr, midis njerëzve dhëmbët e të cilëve janë shtiza dhe shigjeta, dhe gjuha e tyre është një shpatë e mprehur mirë. 5 U lartofsh mbi qiejtë, o Perëndi; shkëlqeftë lavdia jote mbi të gjithë tokën. 6 Ata kanë shtrirë një rrjetë mbi hapat e mia; unë jam i tëri i kërrusur; kanë hapur një gropë para meje, por ata vetë ranë brenda. (Sela) 7 Zemra ime është e prirur mirë, o Perëndi, zemra ime është e prirur mirë; unë do të këndoj dhe do të lëvdoj. 8 Rizgjohu, fryma ime; rizgjohuni, psaltir dhe qeste; unë do të rizgjoj agimin. 9 Do të të kremtoj midis popujve, o Zot, do të këndoj lavdet e tua midis kombeve, 10 sepse e madhe deri në qiell është mirësia jote, dhe e vërteta jote arrin deri në retë. 11 U lartofsh mbi qiejtë, o Perëndi; lavdia jote shkëlqeftë mbi të gjithë tokën.
RST(i) 1 (56:1) Начальнику хора. Не погуби. Писание Давида, когда он убежал от Саула в пещеру. (56:2) Помилуй меня, Боже,помилуй меня, ибо на Тебя уповает душа моя, и в тени крыл Твоих я укроюсь, доколе не пройдут беды. 2 (56:3) Воззову к Богу Всевышнему, Богу, благодетельствующему мне; 3 (56:4) Он пошлет с небес и спасет меня; посрамит ищущего поглотить меня; пошлет Бог милость Свою и истину Свою. 4 (56:5) Душа моя среди львов; я лежу среди дышущихпламенем, среди сынов человеческих, у которых зубы – копья и стрелы, и у которых язык - острый меч. 5 (56:6) Будь превознесен выше небес, Боже, и над всею землею да будет слава Твоя! 6 (56:7) Приготовили сеть ногам моим; душа моя поникла; выкопали предо мною яму, и сами упали в нее. 7 (56:8) Готово сердце мое, Боже, готово сердце мое: буду петь и славить. 8 (56:9) Воспрянь, слава моя, воспрянь, псалтирь и гусли! Я встану рано. 9 (56:10) Буду славить Тебя, Господи, между народами; буду воспевать Тебя среди племен, 10 (56:11) ибо до небес велика милость Твоя и до облаков истина Твоя. 11 (56:12) Будь превознесен выше небес, Боже, и над всеюземлею да будет слава Твоя!
Arabic(i) 1 لامام المغنين. على لا تهلك. مذهبة لداود عندما هرب من قدام‏ شاول في المغارة‎. ‎ارحمني يا الله ارحمني لانه بك احتمت نفسي وبظل جناحيك احتمي الى ان تعبر المصائب‎. 2 ‎اصرخ الى الله العلي الى الله المحامي عني‎. 3 ‎يرسل من السماء ويخلصني. عيّر الذي يتهممني. سلاه. يرسل الله رحمته وحقه‎. 4 ‎نفسي بين الاشبال. اضطجع بين المتقدين بني آدم اسنانهم أسنّة وسهام ولسانهم سيف ماض‎. 5 ‎ارتفع اللهم على السموات. ليرتفع على كل الارض مجدك‎. 6 ‎هيأوا شبكة لخطواتي. انحنت نفسي. حفروا قدامي حفرة. سقطوا في وسطها. سلاه 7 ثابت قلبي يا الله ثابت قلبي. اغني وارنم‏‎. 8 ‎استيقظ يا مجدي. استيقظي يا رباب ويا عود انا استيقظ سحرا‎. 9 ‎احمدك بين الشعوب يا رب. ارنم لك بين الامم‎. 10 ‎لان رحمتك قد عظمت الى السموات والى الغمام حقك‎. 11 ‎ارتفع اللهم على السموات ليرتفع على كل الارض مجدك
Bulgarian(i) 1 (По слав. 56) За първия певец. По музиката на Не унищожавай. Миктам на Давид, когато избяга от Саул в пещерата. Бъди милостив към мен, Боже, бъди милостив към мен! Защото на Теб се уповава душата ми и в сянката на Твоите криле ще намеря убежище, докато преминат бедствията. 2 Ще викам към Всевишния Бог, към Бога, моя благодетел. 3 Ще изпрати от небето и ще ме спаси; ще направи за присмех онзи, който иска да ме погълне. (Села.) Бог ще изпрати милостта Си и истината Си. 4 Душата ми е сред лъвове, лежа между огнедишащи хора, чиито зъби са копия и стрели, а езикът им — остър меч. 5 Възвиси се, Боже, над небесата; славата Ти да бъде над цялата земя! 6 Разпростряха мрежа за стъпките ми; душата ми е сведена; изкопаха яма пред мен, но те паднаха в нея. (Села.) 7 Утвърдено е сърцето ми, Боже, утвърдено е сърцето ми. Ще пея, ще пея псалми! 8 Събуди се, славо моя, събудете се, лиро и арфо; аз ще се събудя на зазоряване! 9 Ще те прославям, Господи, между народите; ще Те възпявам между племената. 10 Защото Твоята милост се възвеличи до небесата и Твоята истина — до облаците. 11 Възвиси се, Боже, над небесата; славата Ти да бъде над цялата земя!
Croatian(i) 1 Zborovođi. Po napjevu "Ne pogubi!" Davidov. Miktam. Kad je ispred Šaula pobjegao u pećinu. 2 Smiluj mi se, Bože, o smiluj se meni jer mi se duša utječe tebi! U sjenu tvojih krila zaklanjam se dok pogibao ne mine. 3 Vapijem Bogu višnjemu, Bogu koji mi čini dobro. 4 Nek' pošalje s nebesa i spasi me, nek' postidi one što me progone: neka Bog pošalje dobrotu svoju i vjernost! 5 Ležim usred lavova koji proždiru ljudske sinove. Zubi su im koplja i strijele, a jezik im mač je naoštren. 6 Uzvisi se, Bože, nad nebesa, slava tvoja nek' je nad svom zemljom! 7 Mrežu namjestiše stopama mojim, stisnuše dušu moju; iskopaše preda mnom jamu: sami nek' u nju padnu! 8 Postojano je srce moje, Bože, postojano je srce moje; pjevat ću i svirati. 9 Probudi se, dušo moja! Probudi se, harfo i citaro! Probudit ću zoru jutarnju. 10 Hvalit ću te, Gospode, među narodima, među pucima pjevat ću tebi: 11 jer do neba je dobrota tvoja, do oblaka vjernost tvoja. [ (Psalms 57:12) Uzvisi se, Bože, nad nebesa, slava tvoja nek' je nad svom zemljom! ]
BKR(i) 1 Přednímu kantoru, jako: Nevyhlazuj, zlatý žalm Davidův, když utekl před Saulem do jeskyně. 2 Smiluj se nade mnou, ó Bože, smiluj se nade mnou; neboť v tebe doufá duše má, a v stínu křídel tvých schráním se, až přejde ssoužení. 3 Volati budu k Bohu nejvyššímu, k Bohu silnému, kterýž dokonává za mne. 4 Onť pošle s nebe, a zachová mne od potupy usilujícího mne sehltiti. Sélah. Pošle Bůh milosrdenství své a pravdu svou. 5 Duše má jest u prostřed lvů, bydlím mezi paliči, mezi lidmi, jejichž zubové kopí a střely, a jazyk jejich jako ostrý meč. 6 Vyvyšiž se nad nebesa, ó Bože, a nade všecku zemi sláva tvá. 7 Tenata roztáhli nohám mým, sklíčili duši mou, vykopali přede mnou jámu, ale sami upadli do ní. Sélah. 8 Hotovo jest srdce mé, Bože, hotovo jest srdce mé, zpívati a oslavovati tě budu. 9 Probuď se, slávo má, probuď se, loutno a harfo, když v svitání povstávám. 10 Slaviti tě budu mezi lidmi, Pane, žalmy prozpěvovati tobě budu mezi národy. 11 Nebo veliké jest až k nebi milosrdenství tvé, a až k nejvyšším oblakům pravda tvá. [ (Psalms 57:12) Vyvyšiž se nad nebesa, ó Bože, a nade všecku zemi sláva tvá. ]
Danish(i) 1 Til Sangmesteren; "fordærv ikke"; af David; "et gyldent Smykke" der han flyede fra Sauls Ansigt i Hulen. 2 Gud! vær mig naadig, vær mig naadig; thi min Sjæl forlader sig paa dig, og under dine Vinger: Skygge søger jeg Ly, indtil al Ulykken er gaaet over. 3 Jeg vil raabe til Gud, den Højeste, til den Gud som udfører min Sag. 4 Han skal sende fra Himmelen og frelse mig den, som vilde opsluge mig, haaner: Sela. Gud skal sende sin Miskundhed og sin Sandhed. 5 Mig Sjæl er iblandt øver, jeg maa ligge imellem dem, som sprude Ild Menneskens Børn, hvis Tænder er Spyd og Pile, og hvis Tunge er et skarpt Sværd. 6 Gud! ophøj dig over Himlene, din Ære være over al Jorden! 7 De stilled Garn for mine Trin, min Sjæl nedbøjede sig de grove en Grav for mit Ansigt, de faldt selv midt i den. Sela. 8 Gud! mit Hjerte er trøstigt, mit Hjerte er trøstigt; jeg vil synge og lege paa Harpe. 9 Vaagn op, min Ære! vaagn op, Psalter og Harpe! jeg vil vække Morgenrøden. 10 Herre! jeg vil takke dig iblandt Folkene; jeg vil lege paa Harpe for dig iblandt Folkestammer. 11 Thi din Miskundhed er stor indtil Himlene og din Sandhed indtil Skyerne. Gud! ophøj dig over Himlene, din Ære være over al Jorden.
CUV(i) 1 ( 大 衛 逃 避 掃 羅 , 藏 在 洞 裡 。 那 時 , 他 作 這 金 詩 , 交 與 伶 長 。 調 用 休 要 毀 壞 。 )   神 啊 , 求 你 憐 憫 我 , 憐 憫 我 ! 因 為 我 的 心 投 靠 你 。 我 要 投 靠 在 你 翅 膀 的 蔭 下 , 等 到 災 害 過 去 。 2 我 要 求 告 至 高 的   神 , 就 是 為 我 成 全 諸 事 的   神 。 3 那 要 吞 我 的 人 辱 罵 我 的 時 候 ,   神 從 天 上 必 施 恩 救 我 , 也 必 向 我 發 出 慈 愛 和 誠 實 。 4 我 的 性 命 在 獅 子 中 間 ; 我 躺 臥 在 性 如 烈 火 的 世 人 當 中 。 他 們 的 牙 齒 是 槍 、 箭 ; 他 們 的 舌 頭 是 快 刀 。 5 神 啊 , 願 你 崇 高 過 於 諸 天 ! 願 你 的 榮 耀 高 過 全 地 ! 6 他 們 為 我 的 腳 設 下 網 羅 , 壓 制 我 的 心 ; 他 們 在 我 面 前 挖 了 坑 , 自 己 反 掉 在 其 中 。 ( 細 拉 ) 7 神 啊 , 我 心 堅 定 , 我 心 堅 定 ; 我 要 唱 詩 , 我 要 歌 頌 ! 8 我 的 靈 ( 原 文 是 榮 耀 ) 啊 , 你 當 醒 起 ! 琴 瑟 啊 , 你 們 當 醒 起 ! 我 自 己 要 極 早 醒 起 ! 9 主 啊 , 我 要 在 萬 民 中 稱 謝 你 , 在 列 邦 中 歌 頌 你 ! 10 因 為 , 你 的 慈 愛 高 及 諸 天 ; 你 的 誠 實 達 到 穹 蒼 。 11 神 啊 , 願 你 崇 高 過 於 諸 天 ! 願 你 的 榮 耀 高 過 全 地 !
  1 H1732 (大衛 H1272 逃避 H7586 掃羅 H4631 ,藏在洞裡 H4387 。那時,他作這金詩 H5329 ,交與伶長 H516 。調用休要毀壞 H430 。) 神 H2603 啊,求你憐憫 H2603 我,憐憫 H5315 我!因為我的心 H2620 投靠 H2620 你。我要投靠 H3671 在你翅膀 H6738 的蔭 H1942 下,等到災害 H5674 過去。
  2 H7121 我要求告 H5945 至高的 H430  神 H1584 ,就是為我成全 H430 諸事的 神。
  3 H7602 那要吞 H2778 我的人辱罵 H430 我的時候, 神 H8064 從天上 H7971 必施 H3467 恩救 H7971 我,也必向我發出 H2617 慈愛 H571 和誠實。
  4 H5315 我的性命 H3833 在獅子 H8432 中間 H7901 ;我躺臥 H3857 在性如烈火 H120 H1121 的世人 H8127 當中。他們的牙齒 H2595 是槍 H2671 、箭 H3956 ;他們的舌頭 H2299 是快 H2719 刀。
  5 H430 H7311 啊,願你崇高 H8064 過於諸天 H3519 !願你的榮耀 H776 高過全地!
  6 H6471 他們為我的腳 H3559 設下 H7568 網羅 H3721 ,壓制 H5315 我的心 H6440 ;他們在我面前 H3738 挖了 H7882 H5307 ,自己反掉在 H8432 其中。(細拉)
  7 H430 H3820 啊,我心 H3559 堅定 H3820 ,我心 H3559 堅定 H7891 ;我要唱詩 H2167 ,我要歌頌!
  8 H3519 我的靈(原文是榮耀 H5782 )啊,你當醒起 H5035 H3658 !琴瑟 H5782 啊,你們當醒起 H7837 !我自己要極早 H5782 醒起!
  9 H5971 主啊,我要在萬民 H3034 中稱謝 H3816 你,在列邦 H2167 中歌頌你!
  10 H2617 因為,你的慈愛 H1419 H8064 及諸天 H571 ;你的誠實 H7834 達到穹蒼。
  11 H430 H7311 啊,願你崇高 H8064 過於諸天 H3519 !願你的榮耀 H776 高過全地!
CUVS(i) 1 ( 大 卫 逃 避 扫 罗 , 藏 在 洞 里 。 那 时 , 他 作 这 金 诗 , 交 与 伶 长 。 调 用 休 要 毁 坏 。 )   神 啊 , 求 你 怜 悯 我 , 怜 悯 我 ! 因 为 我 的 心 投 靠 你 。 我 要 投 靠 在 你 翅 膀 的 荫 下 , 等 到 灾 害 过 去 。 2 我 要 求 告 至 高 的   神 , 就 是 为 我 成 全 诸 事 的   神 。 3 那 要 吞 我 的 人 辱 骂 我 的 时 候 ,   神 从 天 上 必 施 恩 救 我 , 也 必 向 我 发 出 慈 爱 和 诚 实 。 4 我 的 性 命 在 狮 子 中 间 ; 我 躺 卧 在 性 如 烈 火 的 世 人 当 中 。 他 们 的 牙 齿 是 枪 、 箭 ; 他 们 的 舌 头 是 快 刀 。 5 神 啊 , 愿 你 崇 高 过 于 诸 天 ! 愿 你 的 荣 耀 高 过 全 地 ! 6 他 们 为 我 的 脚 设 下 网 罗 , 压 制 我 的 心 ; 他 们 在 我 面 前 挖 了 坑 , 自 己 反 掉 在 其 中 。 ( 细 拉 ) 7 神 啊 , 我 心 坚 定 , 我 心 坚 定 ; 我 要 唱 诗 , 我 要 歌 颂 ! 8 我 的 灵 ( 原 文 是 荣 耀 ) 啊 , 你 当 醒 起 ! 琴 瑟 啊 , 你 们 当 醒 起 ! 我 自 己 要 极 早 醒 起 ! 9 主 啊 , 我 要 在 万 民 中 称 谢 你 , 在 列 邦 中 歌 颂 你 ! 10 因 为 , 你 的 慈 爱 高 及 诸 天 ; 你 的 诚 实 达 到 穹 苍 。 11 神 啊 , 愿 你 崇 高 过 于 诸 天 ! 愿 你 的 荣 耀 高 过 全 地 !
  1 H1732 (大卫 H1272 逃避 H7586 扫罗 H4631 ,藏在洞里 H4387 。那时,他作这金诗 H5329 ,交与伶长 H516 。调用休要毁坏 H430 。) 神 H2603 啊,求你怜悯 H2603 我,怜悯 H5315 我!因为我的心 H2620 投靠 H2620 你。我要投靠 H3671 在你翅膀 H6738 的荫 H1942 下,等到灾害 H5674 过去。
  2 H7121 我要求告 H5945 至高的 H430  神 H1584 ,就是为我成全 H430 诸事的 神。
  3 H7602 那要吞 H2778 我的人辱骂 H430 我的时候, 神 H8064 从天上 H7971 必施 H3467 恩救 H7971 我,也必向我发出 H2617 慈爱 H571 和诚实。
  4 H5315 我的性命 H3833 在狮子 H8432 中间 H7901 ;我躺卧 H3857 在性如烈火 H120 H1121 的世人 H8127 当中。他们的牙齿 H2595 是枪 H2671 、箭 H3956 ;他们的舌头 H2299 是快 H2719 刀。
  5 H430 H7311 啊,愿你崇高 H8064 过于诸天 H3519 !愿你的荣耀 H776 高过全地!
  6 H6471 他们为我的脚 H3559 设下 H7568 网罗 H3721 ,压制 H5315 我的心 H6440 ;他们在我面前 H3738 挖了 H7882 H5307 ,自己反掉在 H8432 其中。(细拉)
  7 H430 H3820 啊,我心 H3559 坚定 H3820 ,我心 H3559 坚定 H7891 ;我要唱诗 H2167 ,我要歌颂!
  8 H3519 我的灵(原文是荣耀 H5782 )啊,你当醒起 H5035 H3658 !琴瑟 H5782 啊,你们当醒起 H7837 !我自己要极早 H5782 醒起!
  9 H5971 主啊,我要在万民 H3034 中称谢 H3816 你,在列邦 H2167 中歌颂你!
  10 H2617 因为,你的慈爱 H1419 H8064 及诸天 H571 ;你的诚实 H7834 达到穹苍。
  11 H430 H7311 啊,愿你崇高 H8064 过于诸天 H3519 !愿你的荣耀 H776 高过全地!
Esperanto(i) 1 Al la hxorestro. Por Al-tasxhxet. Verko de David, kiam li forkuris de Saul en la kavernon. Korfavoru min, ho Dio, korfavoru min; CXar cxe Vi rifugxas mia animo, Kaj sub la ombro de Viaj flugiloj mi min kasxas, GXis pasos la mizeroj. 2 Mi vokas al Dio Plejalta, Al Dio, kiu decidas pri mi. 3 Li sendu el la cxielo kaj helpu min, Li, kiu hontigas miajn persekutanton; Sela. Dio sendu Sian favoron kaj Sian veron. 4 Mia animo estas inter leonoj; Mi kusxas inter homidoj avidaj, kies dentoj estas ponardegoj kaj sagoj, Kaj kies lango estas akra glavo. 5 Altigxu super la cxielo, ho Dio; Via gloro estu super la tuta tero. 6 Reton ili metis antaux miaj piedoj; Ili premis mian animon; Ili fosis antaux mi foson, Sed ili mem falis en gxin. Sela. 7 Fortika estas mia koro, ho Dio, fortika estas mia koro; Mi kantos kaj gloros. 8 Vekigxu, mia honoro, vekigxu, psaltero kaj harpo; Mi vekos la matenan cxielrugxon. 9 Mi gloros Vin, ho mia Sinjoro, inter la popoloj; Mi prikantos Vin inter la gentoj. 10 CXar granda gxis la cxielo estas Via boneco, Kaj gxis la nuboj estas Via vero. 11 Altigxu super la cxielo, ho Dio; Via gloro estu super la tuta tero.
Finnish(i) 1 Davidin kultainen kappale, edelläveisaajalle, ettei hän hukkunut, kuin hän Saulin edestä pakeni luolaan. (H57:2) Jumala, ole minulle armollinen, ole minulle armollinen; sillä sinuun minun sieluni uskaltaa, ja sinun siipeis varjon alle minä turvaan siihenasti, että ahdistukset ohitse käyvät. 2 Minä huudan korkeimman Jumalan tykö, sen Jumalan tykö, joka minun vaivani päälle lopun tekee. 3 Hän lähettää taivaasta, ja varjelee minua, ja antaa ne häpiään tulla, jotka minua tahtovat niellä ylös, Sela! lähettäköön Jumala armonsa ja totuutensa. 4 Minun sieluni makaa jalopeurain keskellä, jotka ovat niinkuin tulen liekki; ihmisten lapset, joiden hampaat ovat keihäs ja nuolet, ja heidän kielensä terävä miekka. 5 Korota itses, Jumala, taivasten ylitse ja sinun kunnias ylitse kaiken maan. 6 Verkon he virittivät minun käymiseni eteen, ja minun sieluni vältti: kuopan he kaivoivat minun eteeni, ja siihen he itse lankesivat, Sela! 7 Valmis on sydämeni, Jumala, valmis on sydämeni veisaamaan ja kiittämään. 8 Herää kunniani, herää psaltari ja kantele, varhain minä tahdon herätä. 9 Herra, sinua minä tahdon kiittää kansain seassa, ja veisata pakanain seassa. 10 Sillä sinun armos on suuri hamaan taivaisiin asti, ja sinun totuutes pilviin asti. 11 Korota itses, Jumala, taivasten ylitse, ja sinun kunnias ylitse kaiken maan.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Veisuunjohtajalle; veisataan kuin: "Älä turmele"; Daavidin laulu, kun hän pakeni Saulia luolaan. (H57:2) Jumala, ole minulle armollinen, ole minulle armollinen; sillä sinuun minun sieluni turvaa. Minä turvaan sinun siipiesi suojaan, kunnes onnettomuudet ovat ohitse. 2 (H57:3) Minä huudan Jumalaa, Korkeinta, avukseni, Jumalaa, joka vie minun asiani päätökseen. 3 (H57:4) Hän lähettää taivaasta minulle pelastuksen, kun minua herjaavat minun polkijani. Sela. Jumala lähettää armonsa ja totuutensa. 4 (H57:5) Minun sieluni on jalopeurain keskellä, minun täytyy maata tultasuitsevaisten seassa, ihmisten, joiden hampaat ovat keihäitä ja nuolia ja joiden kieli on terävä miekka. 5 (H57:6) Korota itsesi yli taivasten, Jumala, ja kunniasi yli kaiken maan. 6 (H57:7) Verkon he virittivät minun askelteni tielle, painoivat minun sieluni maahan, kaivoivat eteeni kuopan, mutta itse he siihen suistuivat. Sela. 7 (H57:8) Jumala, minun sydämeni on valmis, minun sydämeni on valmis: minä tahdon veisata ja soittaa. 8 (H57:9) Heräjä, minun sieluni; heräjä, harppu ja kannel. Minä tahdon herättää aamuruskon. 9 (H57:10) Herra, sinua minä kiitän kansojen joukossa, veisaan sinun kiitostasi kansakuntien keskellä. 10 (H57:11) Sillä suuri on sinun armosi ja ulottuu hamaan taivaisiin, ja sinun totuutesi pilviin asti. 11 (H57:12) Korota itsesi yli taivasten, Jumala, ja kunniasi yli kaiken maan.
Haitian(i) 1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se pou yo chante sou lè chante ki di: Pa detwi. Se yon chante David te ekri lè li te al kache nan gwòt la pou Sayil ki t'ap kouri dèyè l'. 2 Gen pitye pou mwen, Bondye! -Gen pitye pou mwen! Paske, se bò kote ou m'ap chache pwoteksyon. Se anba zèl ou m'ap kache jouk lè danje a fin pase. 3 M'ap kriye nan pye Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la, nan pye Bondye ki fè anpil byen pou mwen an. 4 L'ap rete nan syèl la, l'ap delivre m' anba men moun k'ap pèsekite m' yo. Bondye va fè m' wè jan li renmen mwen, jan li toujou kenbe pawòl li. 5 Mwen kouche nan mitan yon bann lyon ki prèt pou devore mwen. Dan yo pwenti tankou flèch, tankou frenn, lang yo tankou yon ponya byen file. 6 Bondye, fè wè nan syèl la jan ou gen pouvwa non! Fè wè pouvwa ou sou tout latè! 7 Lènmi m' yo tann yon pèlen sou wout kote pou m' pase a. Kè m' sere anpil. Yo fouye yon twou sou wout mwen. Men, se yo menm ki tonbe ladan li. 8 Bondye, mwen pare, wi, mwen pare. Mwen pral chante, mwen pral fè lwanj ou. 9 M'ap souke kò mwen, m'ap leve. M'ap pran gita mwen, m'ap pran bandjo mwen. Mwen pral fè solèy leve! 10 Seyè, m'a fè lwanj ou nan mitan pèp yo! M'a chante pou ou nan mitan tout nasyon yo! 11 Ou renmen nou anpil anpil, ou toujou kenbe pawòl ou. Bondye, fè wè nan syèl la jan ou gen pouvwa non! Fè wè pouvwa ou sou tout latè!
Hungarian(i) 1 Az éneklõmesternek az altashétre; Dávid miktámja; mikor Saul elõl a barlangba menekült. 2 Könyörülj rajtam, oh Isten könyörülj rajtam, mert benned bízik az én lelkem; és szárnyaid árnyékába menekülök, a míg elvonulnak a veszedelmek. 3 A magasságos Istenhez kiáltok; Istenhez, a ki jót végez felõlem. 4 Elküld a mennybõl és megtart engem: meggyalázza az engem elnyelõt. Szela. Elküldi Isten az õ kegyelmét és hûségét. 5 Az én lelkem oroszlánok között van, tûzokádók között fekszem; emberek között, a kiknek foguk dárda és nyilak, nyelvök pedig éles szablya. 6 Magasztaltassál fel az egek felett, oh Isten! Mind az egész földön legyen a te dicsõséged! 7 Hálót készítettek lábaimnak, lelkem meggörnyedett; vermet ástak én elõttem, de õk estek abba. Szela. 8 Kész az én szívem, oh Isten, kész az én szívem; hadd énekeljek és zengedezzek! 9 Serkenj fel én dicsõségem, serkenj fel te lant és hárfa, hadd költsem fel a hajnalt! 10 Hálát adok néked, én Uram, a népek között, és zengedezek néked a nemzetek között. 11 Mert nagy az egekig a te kegyelmed, és a felhõkig a te hûséged. [ (Psalms 57:12) Magasztaltassál fel az egek felett, oh Isten! Mind az egész földön legyen a te dicsõséged! ]
Indonesian(i) 1 Untuk pemimpin kor. Menurut lagu: Jangan memusnahkan. Mazmur dari Daud, ketika ia lari ke dalam gua untuk menghindari Saul. (57-2) Kasihanilah aku, ya Allah, kasihanilah aku, sebab pada-Mulah aku berlindung. Dalam naungan sayap-Mu aku bersembunyi, sampai badai yang mengamuk berhenti. 2 (57-3) Aku berseru kepada Allah Yang Mahatinggi, kepada Allah yang bertindak untukku. 3 (57-4) Dari surga Ia menjawab dan menyelamatkan aku; Ia mengalahkan orang-orang yang menindas aku. Allah akan menunjukkan bahwa Ia setia kepadaku, dan selalu mengasihi aku. 4 (57-5) Aku dikepung oleh musuh, mereka seperti singa pemakan manusia. Gigi mereka seperti tombak dan panah, lidah mereka seperti pedang yang tajam. 5 (57-6) Ya Allah, tunjukkanlah keagungan-Mu di langit, dan kemuliaan-Mu di seluruh bumi. 6 (57-7) Musuhku memasang jerat bagiku, dan mematahkan semangatku. Mereka menggali lubang di jalanku, tetapi mereka sendiri jatuh ke dalamnya. 7 (57-8) Aku percaya teguh, ya Allah, aku percaya teguh, aku mau menyanyi dan memuji-Mu. 8 (57-9) Hai bangunlah, jiwaku! Hai bangunlah, gambus dan kecapi! Aku mau membangunkan fajar. 9 (57-10) TUHAN, aku mau bersyukur kepada-Mu di antara bangsa-bangsa. Kuingin menyanyikan pujian bagi-Mu di antara umat manusia. 10 (57-11) Sebab kasih-Mu besar sampai ke langit, dan kesetiaan-Mu sampai ke awan-awan. 11 (57-12) Ya Allah, tunjukkanlah keagungan-Mu di langit, dan kemuliaan-Mu di seluruh bumi.
Italian(i) 1 Mictam di Davide, intorno a ciò ch’egli se ne fuggi’ nella spelonca, d’innanzi a Saulle; dato al capo de’ Musici sopra Al-tashet. ABBI pietà di me, o Dio; abbi pietà di me; Perciocchè l’anima mia si confida in te, Ed io ho la mia speranza nell’ombra delle tue ale, Finchè sieno passate le calamità. 2 Io griderò all’Iddio altissimo; A Dio che dà compimento a’ fatti miei. 3 Egli manderà dal cielo a salvarmi; Egli renderà confuso colui ch’è dietro a me a gola aperta. Sela. Iddio manderà la sua benignità, e la sua verità. 4 L’anima mia è in mezzo a’ leoni; Io giaccio fra uomini incendiari, I cui denti son lance, e saette, E la cui lingua è spada acuta. 5 Innalzati, o Dio, sopra i cieli; Innalzisi la tua gloria sopra tutta la terra. 6 Essi avevano apparecchiata una rete a’ miei passi, Già tiravano a basso l’anima mia; Avevano cavata una fossa davanti a me; Ma essi vi sono caduti dentro. Sela. 7 Il mio cuore è disposto, o Dio; il mio cuore è disposto; Io canterò, e salmeggerò. 8 Gloria mia, destati; destati, saltero, e cetera; Io mi risveglierò all’alba. 9 Io ti celebrerò, o Signore, fra i popoli; Io ti salmeggerò fra le nazioni; 10 Perciocchè la tua benignità è grande infino al cielo, E la tua verità infino alle nuvole. 11 Innalzati, o Dio, sopra i cieli; Innalzisi la tua gloria sopra tutta la terra.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Per il Capo de’ musici. "Non distruggere". Inno di Davide, quando, perseguitato da Saul, fuggì nella spelonca. Abbi pietà di me, o Dio, abbi pietà di me, perché l’anima mia cerca rifugio in te; e all’ombra delle tue ali io mi rifugio, finché le calamità siano passate. 2 Io griderò all’Iddio altissimo: a Dio, che compie i suoi disegni su me. 3 Egli manderà dal cielo a salvarmi. Mentre colui che anela a divorarmi m’oltraggia, Sela. Iddio manderà la sua grazia e la sua fedeltà. 4 L’anima mia è in mezzo a leoni; dimoro tra gente che vomita fiamme, in mezzo ad uomini, i cui denti son lance e saette, e la cui lingua è una spada acuta. 5 Innalzati, o Dio, al disopra de’ cieli, risplenda su tutta la terra la tua gloria! 6 Essi avevano teso una rete ai miei passi; l’anima mia era accasciata; avevano scavata una fossa dinanzi a me, ma essi vi son caduti dentro. Sela. 7 Il mio cuore è ben disposto, o Dio, il mio cuore è ben disposto; io canterò e salmeggerò. 8 Dèstati, o gloria mia, destatevi, saltèro e cetra, io voglio risvegliare l’alba. 9 Io ti celebrerò fra i popoli, o Signore, a te salmeggerò fra le nazioni, 10 perché grande fino al cielo e la tua benignità, e la tua fedeltà fino alle nuvole. 11 Innalzati, o Dio, al di sopra de’ cieli, risplenda su tutta la terra la tua gloria!
Korean(i) 1 (다윗의 믹담 시. 영장으로 알다스헷에 맞춘 노래. 다윗이 사울을 피하여 굴에 있던 때에) 하나님이여, 나를 긍휼히 여기시고 나를 긍휼히 여기소서 내 영혼이 주께로 피하되 주의 날개 그늘 아래서 이 재앙이 지나기까지 피하리이다 2 내가 지극히 높으신 하나님께 부르짖음이여, 곧 나를 위하여 모든 것을 이루시는 하나님께로다 3 저가 하늘에서 보내사 나를 삼키려는 자의 비방에서 나를 구원하실지라 (셀라) 하나님이 그 인자와 진리를 보내시리로다 4 내 혼이 사자 중에 처하며 내가 불사르는 자 중에 누웠으니 곧 인생 중에라 저희 이는 창과 살이요 저희 혀는 날카로운 칼 같도다 5 하나님이여, 주는 하늘 위에 높이 들리시며 주의 영광은 온 세계 위에 높아지기를 원하나이다 6 저희가 내 걸음을 장애하려고 그물을 예비하였으니 내 영혼이 억울하도다 저희가 내 앞에 웅덩이를 팠으나 스스로 그 중에 빠졌도다 (셀라) 7 하나님이여, 내 마음이 확정되었고 내 마음이 확정되었사오니 내가 노래하고 내가 찬송하리이다 8 내 영광아 깰지어다 ! 비파야 수금아 깰지어다 ! 내가 새벽을 깨우리로다 ! 9 주여, 내가 만민 중에서 주께 감사하오며 열방 중에서 주를 찬송하리이다 10 대저 주의 인자는 커서 하늘에 미치고 주의 진리는 궁창에 이르나이다 11 하나님이여, 주는 하늘 위에 높이 들리시며 주의 영광은 온 세계위에 높아지기를 원하나이다
Lithuanian(i) 1 Pasigailėk manęs, Dieve, pasigailėk. Mano siela pasitiki Tavimi. Tavo sparnų pavėsyje slepiuos, kol praeis nelaimė. 2 Šauksiuosi aukščiausiojo Dievo, kuris man gera daro. 3 Jis pasiųs iš dangaus ir išgelbės mane, Jis paniekins mano prispaudėjus, Dievas pasiųs savo gailestingumą ir tiesą! 4 Turiu gyventi tarp liūtų, tarp žmonių, kvėpuojančių ugnimi. Jų dantys yra ietys ir strėlės, jų liežuviai­aštrūs kardai. 5 Dieve, būk išaukštintas virš dangų! Tavo šlovė teišplinta visoje žemėje! 6 Jie spendė pinkles mano kojoms, mano siela sugniužo. Jie kasė man duobę, tačiau patys įpuolė į ją. 7 Dieve, mano širdis tvirta. Taip, mano širdis tvirta. Aš giedosiu ir girsiu. 8 Pabusk, mano šlove! Pabuskite, arfa ir psalteri! Aš atsikelsiu anksti. 9 Viešpatie, girsiu Tave tautose, giedosiu Tau pagonių būry. 10 Tavo gailestingumas siekia dangų, ir Tavo tiesa­debesis. 11 Dieve, būk išaukštintas virš dangų! Teišplinta Tavo šlovė visoje žemėje!
PBG(i) 1 Przedniejszemu śpiewakowi, jako: Nie zatracaj, złoty psalm Dawidowy, kiedy uciekał przed Saulem do jaskini. 2 Zmiłuj się nademną, o Boże! zmiłuj się nademną; albowiem w tobie ufa dusza moja, a do cienia skrzydeł twoich uciekam się; aż przeminie utrapienie. 3 Będę wołał do Boga najwyższego, do Boga, który wykonywa sprawę moję. 4 On pośle z nieba, i wybawi mię od pohańbienia tego, który mię chce pochłonąć. Sela. Pośle mi Bóg miłosierdzie swoje i prawdę swą. 5 Dusza moja jest w pośród lwów; leżę miedzy palącymi, między synami ludzkimi, których zęby jako włócznie i strzały, i język ich miecz ostry. 6 Wywyżże się nad niebiosa, o Boże! a nade wszystką ziemią chwała twoja. 7 Sieci zastawili na nogi moje, nachylili duszę moję, wykopali dół przed obliczem mojem; ale sami wpadli weń. Sela. 8 Gotowe jest serce moje, Boże! gotowe jest serce moje; śpiewać i wychwalać cię będę. 9 Ocuć się chwało moja! ocuć się, lutnio i harfo! gdy na świtaniu powstaję. 10 Będę cię wysławiał między ludem, Panie! a będęć śpiewał między narodami. 11 Albowiem wielkie jest aż do niebios miłosierdzie twoje, i aż pod obłoki prawda twoja. Wywyżże się nad niebiosa, o Boże! a nade wszystką ziemię wywyż chwałę twoję.
Portuguese(i) 1 Compadece-te de mim, ó Deus, compadece-te de mim, pois em ti se refugia a minha alma; à sombra das tuas asas me refugiarei, até que passem as calamidades. 2 Clamarei ao Deus altíssimo, ao Deus que por mim tudo executa. 3 Ele do céu enviará seu auxílio, e me salvará, quando me ultrajar aquele que quer calçar-me aos pés. Deus enviará a sua misericórdia e a sua verdade. 4 Estou deitado no meio de leões; tenho que deitar-me no meio daqueles que respiram chamas, filhos dos homens, cujos dentes são lanças e flechas, e cuja língua é espada afiada. 5 Sê exaltado, ó Deus, acima dos céus; seja a tua glória sobre toda a terra. 6 Armaram um laço para os meus passos, a minha alma ficou abatida; cavaram uma cova diante de mim, mas foram eles que nela caíram. 7 Resoluto está o meu coração, ó Deus, resoluto está o meu coração; cantarei, sim, cantarei louvores. 8 Desperta, minha alma; despertai, alaúde e harpa; eu mesmo despertarei a aurora. 9 Louvar-te-ei, Senhor, entre os povos; cantar-te-ei louvores entre as nações. 10 Pois a tua benignidade é grande até os céus, e a tua verdade até as nuvens. 11 Sê exaltado, ó Deus, acima dos céus; e seja a tua glória sobre a terra.
Norwegian(i) 1 Til sangmesteren; "Forderv ikke"*; av David; en gyllen sang, da han flyktet for Saul og var i hulen**. / {* kanskje melodien.} / {** 1SA 22, 1; 24, 4.} 2 Vær mig nådig, Gud, vær mig nådig! For til dig tar min sjel sin tilflukt, og i dine vingers skygge søker jeg ly inntil fordervelsen går over. 3 Jeg roper til Gud, den Høieste, til den Gud som fullfører sin gjerning for mig. 4 Han sender hjelp fra himmelen og frelser mig, når den som vil opsluke mig, håner. Sela. Gud sender sin miskunnhet og sin trofasthet. 5 Min sjel er midt iblandt løver; jeg må ligge iblandt dem som spruter ild, menneskebarn hvis tenner er spyd og piler, og hvis tunge er et skarpt sverd. 6 Vis dig høi over himmelen, Gud, din ære over all jorden! 7 De stiller garn for mine trin, min sjel er nedbøiet; de graver en grav for mig, de faller selv midt i den. Sela. 8 Mitt hjerte er rolig, Gud, mitt hjerte er rolig; jeg vil synge og lovprise. 9 Våkn op, min ære*, våkn op, harpe og citar! Jeg vil vekke morgenrøden. / {* d.e. sjel.} 10 Jeg vil prise dig blandt folkene, Herre, jeg vil lovsynge dig blandt folkeslagene. 11 For din miskunnhet er stor inntil himmelen, og din trofasthet inntil skyene. 12 Vis dig høi over himmelen, Gud, din ære over all jorden!
Romanian(i) 1 (Către mai marele cîntăreţilor.,,Nu nimici``. O cîntare de laudă a lui David. Făcută cînd a fugit în peşteră, urmărit de Saul.) Ai milă de mine, Dumnezeule, ai milă de mine! Căci în Tine mi se încrede sufletul; la umbra aripilor Tale caut un loc de scăpare, pînă vor trece nenorocirile. 2 Eu strig către Dumnezeu, către Cel Prea Înalt, către Dumnezeu, care lucrează pentru mine. 3 El îmi va trimete izbăvire din cer, în timp ce prigonitorul meu îmi aruncă ocări. (Oprire). Da, Dumnezeu Îşi va trimete bunătatea şi credincioşia. 4 Sufletul meu este între nişte lei: stau culcat în mijlocul unor oameni cari varsă flacări, în mijlocul unor oameni ai căror dinţi sînt suliţe şi săgeţi, şi a căror limbă este o sabie ascuţită. 5 Înalţă-Te peste ceruri, Dumnezeule, peste tot pămîntul să se întindă slava Ta! 6 Ei întinseseră un laţ supt paşii mei; sufletul mi se încovoia, şi-mi săpaseră o groapă înainte: Dar au căzut ei în ea. - 7 Inima mea este tare, Dumnezeule, inima mea este tare; voi cînta, da, şi voi suna din instrumentele mele. 8 Trezeşte-te, suflete! Treziţi-vă, alăută şi arfă! Mă voi trezi în zori de zi. 9 Te voi lăuda printre popoare, Doamne! Te voi cînta printre neamuri. 10 Căci bunătatea Ta ajunge pînă la ceruri, şi credincioşia Ta pînă la nori. 11 Înalţă-Te peste ceruri, Dumnezeule, peste tot pămîntul să se întindă slava Ta!
Ukrainian(i) 1 Для дириґетна хору. На спів: „Не вигуби". Золотий псалом Давидів, коли він утікав від Саула в печеру. 2 Помилуй мене, Боже, помилуй мене, бо до Тебе вдається душа моя, і в тіні Твоїх крил я сховаюсь, аж поки нещастя мине! 3 Я кличу до Бога Всевишнього, до Бога, що чинить для мене добро. 4 Він пошле з небес і врятує мене, Він поганьбить того, хто чатує на мене. Села. Бог пошле Свою милість та правду Свою 5 на душу мою. Знаходжуся я серед левів, що людських синів пожирають, їхні зуби як спис той та стріли, а їхній язик гострий меч. 6 Піднесися ж, о Боже, над небо, а слава Твоя над всією землею! 7 Вороги приготовили пастку для стіп моїх, душу мою нахилили, вони викопали вовчу яму для мене, і попадали в неї самі! Села. 8 Моє серце зміцнилося, Боже, зміцнилося серце моє, я буду співати та славити Тебе! 9 Збудися ж ти, хвало моя, пробудися ж ти, арфо та цитро, я буду будити досвітню зорю! 10 Я буду Тебе вихваляти, о Господи, серед народів, я буду співати Тобі між племенами, 11 бо Твоє милосердя велике воно аж до неба, а правда Твоя аж до хмар! Піднесися ж, о Боже, над небо, а слава Твоя над всією землею!