Isaiah 47

  1 G2597 Go down, G2523 sit G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 ground, G3933 O virgin G2364 daughter G* of Babylon, G2523 sit G1519 on G3588 the G1093 ground! G3756 There is no G1510.2.3   G2362 throne, G2364 O daughter G* of the Chaldeans. G3754 For G3765 no longer G4369 shall you be added G2564 to be called G527 tender G2532 and G5171.1 delicate.
  2 G2983 Take G3458 a millstone! G224.1 Grind G224 flour! G601 Uncover G3588   G2618.1 your face covering! G1473   G601 Expose G3588 the G4171.1 gray hairs! G601 Uncover G3588 the G2833.1 legs! G1224 Be passed over G4215 the rivers!
  3 G343 [2shall be uncovered G3588   G152 1Your shame]; G1473   G5316 [2shall be shone forth G3588   G3680 1your scornings]; G1473   G3588 [2the G1342 3just one G1537 4from G1473 5you G2983 1I will take]; G3765 no longer G3361 shall I G3860 deliver up G444 to men.
  4 G3588 The one G4506 rescuing G1473 you -- G2962 the lord G4519 of Hosts G3686 is his name, G1473   G39 the holy one G* of Israel.
  5 G2523 Sit G2660 being vexed! G1525 Enter G1519 into G3588 the G4655 darkness, G2364 O daughter G* of the Chaldeans! G3765 No longer G3361 should G2564 you be called, G2479 the strength G932 of a kingdom.
  6 G3947 I was provoked G1909 by G3588   G2992 my people. G1473   G3392 You defiled G3588   G2817 my inheritance. G1473   G1473 I G1325 gave G1473 them G1519 into G3588   G5495 your hand, G1473   G1473 but you G1161   G3756 did not G1325 grant G1473 [2to them G1656 1mercy]. G3588 [2the G4246 3old man G925 1You oppressed] G3588 by the G2218 yoke G4970 exceedingly.
  7 G2532 And G2036 you said, G1519 [3into G3588 4the G165 5eon G1510.8.1 1I will be G756 2ruling]. G3756 You comprehended not G3539   G3778 these things G1722 in G3588   G2588 your heart, G1473   G3761 nor G3403 remembered G3588 the G2078 latter end.
  8 G3568 But now G1161   G191 hear G3778 these things! G5171.1 O delicate one, G3588 O one G2521 sitting down, G3588   G3982 O one yielding. G3588 O one G3004 saying G1722 in G3588   G2588 her heart, G1473   G1473 I G1510.2.1 am, G2532 and G3756 there is not G1510.2.3   G2087 another; G3756 I shall not G2523 sit G5503 as a widow, G3761 nor G1097 shall I know G3736.1 bereavement.
  9 G3568 But now G1161   G2240 [2shall come G1909 3upon G1473 4you G3588   G1417 1these two things] G3778   G1810 suddenly G1722 in G2250 [2day G1520 1one]; G814.3 childlessness G2532 and G5503.1 widowhood G2240 shall come G1810 suddenly G1909 upon G1473 you G1722 in G3588   G5331 your sorcery, G1473   G1722 in G3588 the G2479 strength G3588   G1883.2 of your enchantments -- G1473   G4970 exceedingly.
  10 G3588 In the G1680 hope G3588   G4189 of your wickedness, G1473   G1473 for you G1063   G2036 said, G1473 I G1510.2.1 am, G2532 and G3756 there is not G1510.2.3   G2087 another. G1097 Know G3754 that G3588 the G4907 understanding G3778 of these things G2532 and G3588   G4202 your harlotry G1473   G1473 [3to you G1510.8.3 1will be G152 2shame]! G2532 For G2036 you said G1722 in G3588   G2588 your heart, G1473   G1473 I G1510.2.1 am, G2532 and G3756 there is not G1510.2.3   G2087 another.
  11 G2532 And G2240 [2shall come G1909 3upon G1473 4you G684 1destruction]. G2532 And G3766.2 in no way G1097 shall you know G999 a cesspool is there, G2532 and G1706 you shall fall G1519 into G1473 it. G2532 And G2240 [2shall come G1909 3upon G1473 4you G5004 1misery], G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G1410 shall you be able G2513 [2clean G1096 1to be]. G2532 And G2240 [2shall come G1909 3upon G1473 4you G1819.1 5suddenly G684 1destruction], G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G1097 shall you know.
  12 G2476 Stand G3568 now! G1722 with G3588   G1883.2 your enchantments, G1473   G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G4183 abundance G5331 of your sorcery! G1473   G3739 which G3129 you learned G1537 from G3503 your youth -- G1473   G1487 if G1410 you shall be able G5623 to derive benefit.
  13 G2872 You are tired G1722 in G3588   G1012 your counsels. G1473   G2476 Let [5stand G1211 6indeed G2532 7and G4982 8deliver G1473 9you G3588 1the G797.1 2astrologers G3588 3of the G3772 4heaven]! G3588 [2the ones G3708 3seeing G3588 4the G792 5stars G312 1let] announce G1473 to you G5100 what G3195 is about G2064 to come G1909 upon G1473 you!
  14 G2400 Behold, G3956 all G5613 are as G5434 sticks G1909 upon G4442 a fire, G2618 they shall be incinerated, G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G1807 shall they rescue G3588   G5590 their soul G1473   G1537 from out of G5395 the flame. G3754 For G2192 you shall have G440 coals G4442 of fire G2523 to sit G1909 by G1473 them;
  15 G3778 these G1510.8.6 shall be G1473 your G996 help. G2872 You tired G1722 in G3588 the G3328.1 revolt G575 from G3588   G3503 your youth. G1473   G444 A man G2596 [2by G1438 3himself G4105 1wanders], G1473 but to you G1161   G3756 there will be no G1510.8.3   G4991 deliverance.
  1 G2597 κατάβηθι G2523 κάθισον G1909 επί G3588 την G1093 γην G3933 παρθένος G2364 θύγατερ G* Βαβυλώνος G2523 κάθισον G1519 εις G3588 την G1093 γην G3756 ουκ έστι G1510.2.3   G2362 θρόνος G2364 θυγάτηρ G* Χαλδαίων G3754 ότι G3765 ουκέτι G4369 προσθήση G2564 κληθήναι G527 απαλή G2532 και G5171.1 τρυφερά
  2 G2983 λάβε G3458 μύλον G224.1 άλεσον G224 άλευρον G601 αποκάλυψαι G3588 το G2618.1 κατακάλυμμά σου G1473   G601 αποκάλυψαι G3588 τας G4171.1 πολιάς G601 αποκάλυψαι G3588 τας G2833.1 κνήμας G1224 διάβηθι G4215 ποταμούς
  3 G343 ανακαλυφθήσεται G3588 η G152 αισχύνη σου G1473   G5316 φανήσονται G3588 οι G3680 ονειδισμοί σου G1473   G3588 το G1342 δίκαιον G1537 εκ G1473 σου G2983 λήψομαι G3765 ουκέτι G3361 μη G3860 παραδώ G444 ανθρώποις
  4 G3588 ο G4506 ρυσάμενός G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G4519 σαβαώθ G3686 όνομα αυτώ G1473   G39 άγιος G* Ισραήλ
  5 G2523 κάθισον G2660 κατανενυγμένη G1525 είσελθε G1519 εις G3588 το G4655 σκότος G2364 θύγατερ G* Χαλδαίων G3765 ουκέτι G3361 μη G2564 κληθής G2479 ισχύς G932 βασιλείας
  6 G3947 παρωξύνθην G1909 επί G3588 τω G2992 λαώ μου G1473   G3392 εμίανας G3588 την G2817 κληρονομίαν μου G1473   G1473 εγώ G1325 έδωκα G1473 αυτούς G1519 εις G3588 την G5495 χείρα σου G1473   G1473 συ δε G1161   G3756 ουκ G1325 έδωκας G1473 αυτοίς G1656 έλεος G3588 του G4246 πρεσβύτου G925 εβάρυνας G3588 τον G2218 ζύγον G4970 σφόδρα
  7 G2532 και G2036 είπας G1519 εις G3588 τον G165 αιώνα G1510.8.1 έσομαι G756 άρχουσα G3756 ουκ ενόησας G3539   G3778 ταύτα G1722 εν G3588 τη G2588 καρδία σου G1473   G3761 ουδέ G3403 εμνήσθης G3588 τα G2078 έσχατα
  8 G3568 νυν δε G1161   G191 άκουε G3778 ταύτα G5171.1 τρυφερά G3588 η G2521 καθημένη G3588 η G3982 πεποιθύια G3588 η G3004 λέγουσα G1722 εν G3588 τη G2588 καρδία αυτής G1473   G1473 εγώ G1510.2.1 ειμι G2532 και G3756 ουκ έστιν G1510.2.3   G2087 ετέρα G3756 ου G2523 καθίσω G5503 χήρα G3761 ουδέ G1097 γνώσομαι G3736.1 ορφανίαν
  9 G3568 νυν δε G1161   G2240 ήξει G1909 επί G1473 σε G3588 τα G1417 δύο ταύτα G3778   G1810 εξαίφνης G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G1520 μία G814.3 ατεκνία G2532 και G5503.1 χηρεία G2240 ήξει G1810 εξαίφνης G1909 επί G1473 σε G1722 εν G3588 τη G5331 φαρμακεία σου G1473   G1722 εν G3588 τη G2479 ισχύϊ G3588 των G1883.2 επαοιδών σου G1473   G4970 σφόδρα
  10 G3588 τη G1680 ελπίδι G3588 της G4189 πονηρίας σου G1473   G1473 συ γαρ G1063   G2036 είπας G1473 εγώ G1510.2.1 ειμι G2532 και G3756 ουκ έστιν G1510.2.3   G2087 ετέρα G1097 γνώθι G3754 ότι G3588 η G4907 σύνεσις G3778 τούτων G2532 και G3588 η G4202 πορνεία σου G1473   G1473 σοι G1510.8.3 έσται G152 αισχύνη G2532 και G2036 είπας G1722 εν G3588 τη G2588 καρδία σου G1473   G1473 εγώ G1510.2.1 ειμι G2532 και G3756 ουκ έστιν G1510.2.3   G2087 ετέρα
  11 G2532 και G2240 ήξει G1909 επί G1473 σε G684 απώλεια G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1097 γνως G999 βόθυνον G2532 και G1706 εμπεσή G1519 εις G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G2240 ήξει G1909 επί G1473 σε G5004 ταλαιπωρία G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1410 δυνήση G2513 καθαρά G1096 γενέσθαι G2532 και G2240 ήξει G1909 επί G1473 σε G1819.1 εξαπίνης G684 απώλεια G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1097 γνώση
  12 G2476 στήθι G3568 νυν G1722 εν G3588 ταις G1883.2 επαοιδαίς σου G1473   G2532 και G1722 εν G3588 τη G4183 πολλή G5331 φαρμακεία σου G1473   G3739 α G3129 εμάνθανες G1537 εκ G3503 νεότητός σου G1473   G1487 ει G1410 δυνήση G5623 ωφεληθήναι
  13 G2872 κεκοπίακας G1722 εν G3588 ταις G1012 βουλαίς σου G1473   G2476 στήτωσαν G1211 δη G2532 και G4982 σωσάτωσάν G1473 σε G3588 οι G797.1 αστρολόγοι G3588 του G3772 ουρανού G3588 οι G3708 ορώντες G3588 τους G792 αστέρας G312 αναγγειλάτωσάν G1473 σοι G5100 τι G3195 μέλλει G2064 έρχεσθαι G1909 επί G1473 σε
  14 G2400 ιδού G3956 πάντες G5613 ως G5434 φρύγανα G1909 επί G4442 πυρί G2618 κατακαυθήσονται G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1807 εξέλωνται G3588 την G5590 ψυχήν αυτών G1473   G1537 εκ G5395 φλογός G3754 ότι G2192 έχεις G440 άνθρακας G4442 πυρός G2523 κάθισαι G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτούς
  15 G3778 ούτοι G1510.8.6 έσονταί G1473 σοι G996 βοήθεια G2872 εκοπίασας G1722 εν G3588 τη G3328.1 μεταβολή G575 απο G3588 της G3503 νεότητός σου G1473   G444 άνθρωπος G2596 καθ΄ G1438 εαυτόν G4105 επλανήθη G1473 σοι δε G1161   G3756 ουκ έσται G1510.8.3   G4991 σωτηρία
    1 G2597 V-APD-2S καταβηθι G2523 V-AAD-2S καθισον G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3933 N-NSF παρθενος G2364 N-NSF θυγατηρ G897 N-GSF βαβυλωνος G1525 V-AAD-2S εισελθε G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G4655 N-ASN σκοτος G2364 N-NSF θυγατηρ G5466 N-GPM χαλδαιων G3754 CONJ οτι G3765 ADV ουκετι G4369 V-FPI-2S προστεθηση G2564 V-APN κληθηναι G527 A-NSF απαλη G2532 CONJ και   A-NSF τρυφερα
    2 G2983 V-AAD-2S λαβε G3458 N-ASM μυλον   V-AAD-2S αλεσον G224 N-ASN αλευρον G601 V-AMD-2S αποκαλυψαι G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN κατακαλυμμα G4771 P-GS σου G343 V-AAD-2S ανακαλυψαι G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF πολιας   V-AAD-2S ανασυραι G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF κνημας G1224 V-APD-2S διαβηθι G4215 N-APM ποταμους
    3 G343 V-FPI-3S ανακαλυφθησεται G3588 T-NSF η G152 N-NSF αισχυνη G4771 P-GS σου G5316 V-FPI-3P φανησονται G3588 T-NPM οι G3680 N-NPM ονειδισμοι G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-ASN το G1342 A-ASN δικαιον G1537 PREP εκ G4771 P-GS σου G2983 V-FMI-1S λημψομαι G3765 ADV ουκετι G3165 ADV μη G3860 V-AAS-1S παραδω G444 N-DPM ανθρωποις
    4   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G3588 T-NSM ο   V-PMPNS ρυσαμενος G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G4519 N-PRI σαβαωθ G3686 N-NSN ονομα G846 D-DSM αυτω G40 A-NSM αγιος G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ
    5 G2523 V-AAD-2S καθισον G2660 V-RPPNS κατανενυγμενη G1525 V-AAD-2S εισελθε G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G4655 N-ASN σκοτος G2364 N-NSF θυγατηρ G5466 N-GPM χαλδαιων G3765 ADV ουκετι G3165 ADV μη G2564 V-APS-2S κληθης G2479 N-NSF ισχυς G932 N-GSF βασιλειας
    6 G3947 V-API-1S παρωξυνθην G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-DSM τω G2992 N-DSM λαω G1473 P-GS μου G3392 V-AAI-2S εμιανας G3588 T-ASF την G2817 N-ASF κληρονομιαν G1473 P-GS μου G1473 P-NS εγω G1325 V-AAI-1S εδωκα G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G4771 P-GS σου G4771 P-NS συ G1161 PRT δε G3364 ADV ουκ G1325 V-AAI-2S εδωκας G846 D-DPM αυτοις G1656 N-ASN ελεος G3588 T-GSM του G4245 N-GSM πρεσβυτερου G925 V-AAI-2S εβαρυνας G3588 T-ASM τον G2218 N-ASM ζυγον G4970 ADV σφοδρα
    7 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-2S ειπας G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G165 N-ASM αιωνα G1510 V-FMI-1S εσομαι G757 V-PAPNS αρχουσα G3364 ADV ουκ G3539 V-AAI-2S ενοησας G3778 D-APN ταυτα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G4771 P-GS σου G3761 CONJ ουδε G3403 V-API-2S εμνησθης G3588 T-APN τα G2078 A-APN εσχατα
    8 G3568 ADV νυν G1161 PRT δε G191 V-AAD-2S ακουσον G3778 D-APN ταυτα G3588 T-NSF η   A-NSF τρυφερα G3588 T-NSF η G2521 V-PMPNS καθημενη G3982 V-RAPNS πεποιθυια G3588 T-NSF η G3004 V-PAPNS λεγουσα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G846 D-GSF αυτης G1473 P-NS εγω G1510 V-PAI-1S ειμι G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G2087 A-APN ετερα G3364 ADV ου G2523 V-FAI-1S καθιω G5503 N-NSF χηρα G3761 CONJ ουδε G1097 V-FMI-1S γνωσομαι   N-ASF ορφανειαν
    9 G3568 ADV νυν G1161 PRT δε G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G1810 ADV εξαιφνης G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G3588 T-NPN τα G1417 N-NUI δυο G3778 D-NPN ταυτα G1722 PREP εν G1519 A-DSF μια G2250 N-DSF ημερα   N-NSF χηρεια G2532 CONJ και   N-NSF ατεκνια G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G1810 ADV εξαιφνης G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη   N-DSF φαρμακεια G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2479 N-DSF ισχυι G3588 T-GPM των   N-GPM επαοιδων G4771 P-GS σου G4970 ADV σφοδρα
    10 G3588 T-DSF τη G1680 N-DSF ελπιδι G3588 T-GSF της G4189 N-GSF πονηριας G4771 P-GS σου G4771 P-NS συ G1063 PRT γαρ   V-AAI-2S ειπας G1473 P-NS εγω G1510 V-PAI-1S ειμι G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G2087 A-APN ετερα G1097 V-AAD-2S γνωθι G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-NSF η G4907 N-NSF συνεσις G3778 D-GPN τουτων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G4202 N-NSF πορνεια G4771 P-GS σου G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DS σοι G152 N-NSF αισχυνη G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-2S ειπας G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G4771 P-GS σου G1473 P-NS εγω G1510 V-PAI-1S ειμι G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G2087 A-APN ετερα
    11 G2532 CONJ και G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G684 N-NSF απωλεια G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1097 V-AAS-2S γνως G999 N-NSM βοθυνος G2532 CONJ και G1706 V-FMI-2S εμπεση G1519 PREP εις G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G5004 N-NSF ταλαιπωρια G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1410 V-FMI-2S δυνηση G2513 A-APN καθαρα G1096 V-AMN γενεσθαι G2532 CONJ και G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε   ADV εξαπινης G684 N-NSF απωλεια G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1097 V-AAS-2S γνως
    12 G2476 V-AAD-2S στηθι G3568 ADV νυν G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις   N-DPF επαοιδαις G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSF τη G4183 A-DSF πολλη   N-DSF φαρμακεια G4771 P-GS σου G3739 R-APN α G3129 V-IAI-2S εμανθανες G1537 PREP εκ G3503 N-GSF νεοτητος G4771 P-GS σου G1487 PRT ει G1410 V-FMI-2S δυνηση G5623 V-APN ωφεληθηναι
    13 G2872 V-RAI-2S κεκοπιακας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G1012 N-DPF βουλαις G4771 P-GS σου G2476 V-AAD-3P στητωσαν G2532 CONJ και G4982 V-AAD-3P σωσατωσαν G4771 P-AS σε G3588 T-NPM οι   N-NPM αστρολογοι G3588 T-GSM του G3772 N-GSM ουρανου G3588 T-NPM οι G3708 V-PAPNP ορωντες G3588 T-APM τους G792 N-APM αστερας G312 V-AAD-3P αναγγειλατωσαν G4771 P-DS σοι G5100 I-ASN τι G3195 V-PAI-3S μελλει G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G2064 V-PMN ερχεσθαι
    14 G2400 INJ ιδου G3956 A-NPM παντες G3739 ADV ως G5434 N-APN φρυγανα G1909 PREP επι G4442 N-DSN πυρι   V-FPI-3P κατακαησονται G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1807 V-AMS-3P εξελωνται G3588 T-ASF την G5590 N-ASF ψυχην G846 D-GPM αυτων G1537 PREP εκ G5395 N-GSF φλογος G3754 CONJ οτι G2192 V-PAI-2S εχεις G440 N-APM ανθρακας G4442 N-GSN πυρος G2523 V-AAN καθισαι G1909 PREP επ G846 D-APM αυτους
    15 G3778 D-NPM ουτοι G1510 V-FMI-3P εσονται G4771 P-DS σοι G996 N-NSF βοηθεια G2872 V-AAI-2S εκοπιασας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη   N-DSF μεταβολη G4771 P-GS σου G1537 PREP εκ G3503 N-GSF νεοτητος G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G2596 PREP καθ G1438 D-ASM εαυτον G4105 V-API-3S επλανηθη G4771 P-DS σοι G1161 PRT δε G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4991 N-NSF σωτηρια
HOT(i) 1 רדי ושׁבי על עפר בתולת בת בבל שׁבי לארץ אין כסא בת כשׂדים כי לא תוסיפי יקראו לך רכה וענגה׃ 2 קחי רחים וטחני קמח גלי צמתך חשׂפי שׁבל גלי שׁוק עברי נהרות׃ 3 תגל ערותך גם תראה חרפתך נקם אקח ולא אפגע אדם׃ 4 גאלנו יהוה צבאות שׁמו קדושׁ ישׂראל׃ 5 שׁבי דומם ובאי בחשׁך בת כשׂדים כי לא תוסיפי יקראו לך גברת ממלכות׃ 6 קצפתי על עמי חללתי נחלתי ואתנם בידך לא שׂמת להם רחמים על זקן הכבדת עלך מאד׃ 7 ותאמרי לעולם אהיה גברת עד לא שׂמת אלה על לבך לא זכרת אחריתה׃ 8 ועתה שׁמעי זאת עדינה היושׁבת לבטח האמרה בלבבה אני ואפסי עוד לא אשׁב אלמנה ולא אדע שׁכול׃ 9 ותבאנה לך שׁתי אלה רגע ביום אחד שׁכול ואלמן כתמם באו עליך ברב כשׁפיך בעצמת חבריך מאד׃ 10 ותבטחי ברעתך אמרת אין ראני חכמתך ודעתך היא שׁובבתך ותאמרי בלבך אני ואפסי עוד׃ 11 ובא עליך רעה לא תדעי שׁחרה ותפל עליך הוה לא תוכלי כפרה ותבא עליך פתאם שׁואה לא תדעי׃ 12 עמדי נא בחבריך וברב כשׁפיך באשׁר יגעת מנעוריך אולי תוכלי הועיל אולי תערוצי׃ 13 נלאית ברב עצתיך יעמדו נא ויושׁיעך הברו שׁמים החזים בכוכבים מודיעם לחדשׁים מאשׁר יבאו עליך׃ 14 הנה היו כקשׁ אשׁ שׂרפתם לא יצילו את נפשׁם מיד להבה אין גחלת לחמם אור לשׁבת נגדו׃ 15 כן היו לך אשׁר יגעת סחריך מנעוריך אישׁ לעברו תעו אין מושׁיעך׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H3381 רדי Come down, H3427 ושׁבי and sit H5921 על in H6083 עפר the dust, H1330 בתולת O virgin H1323 בת daughter H894 בבל of Babylon, H3427 שׁבי sit H776 לארץ on the ground: H369 אין no H3678 כסא throne, H1323 בת O daughter H3778 כשׂדים of the Chaldeans: H3588 כי for H3808 לא thou shalt no H3254 תוסיפי more H7121 יקראו be called H7390 לך רכה tender H6028 וענגה׃ and delicate.
  2 H3947 קחי Take H7347 רחים the millstones, H2912 וטחני and grind H7058 קמח meal: H1540 גלי uncover H6777 צמתך thy locks, H2834 חשׂפי make bare H7640 שׁבל the leg, H1540 גלי uncover H7785 שׁוק the thigh, H5674 עברי pass over H5104 נהרות׃ the rivers.
  3 H1540 תגל shall be uncovered, H6172 ערותך Thy nakedness H1571 גם yea, H7200 תראה shall be seen: H2781 חרפתך thy shame H5359 נקם vengeance, H3947 אקח I will take H3808 ולא and I will not H6293 אפגע meet H120 אדם׃ a man.
  4 H1350 גאלנו our redeemer, H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts H8034 שׁמו his name, H6918 קדושׁ the Holy One H3478 ישׂראל׃ of Israel.
  5 H3427 שׁבי Sit H1748 דומם thou silent, H935 ובאי and get H2822 בחשׁך thee into darkness, H1323 בת O daughter H3778 כשׂדים of the Chaldeans: H3588 כי for H3808 לא thou shalt no H3254 תוסיפי more H7121 יקראו be called, H1404 לך גברת The lady H4467 ממלכות׃ of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 קצפתי I was wroth H5921 על with H5971 עמי my people, H2490 חללתי I have polluted H5159 נחלתי mine inheritance, H5414 ואתנם and given H3027 בידך them into thine hand: H3808 לא them no H7760 שׂמת thou didst show H1992 להם   H7356 רחמים mercy; H5921 על upon H2205 זקן the ancient H3513 הכבדת heavily laid H5923 עלך thy yoke. H3966 מאד׃ hast thou very
  7 H559 ותאמרי And thou saidst, H5769 לעולם forever: H1961 אהיה I shall be H1404 גברת a lady H5704 עד that H3808 לא thou didst not H7760 שׂמת lay H428 אלה these H5921 על to H3820 לבך thy heart, H3808 לא neither H2142 זכרת didst remember H319 אחריתה׃ the latter end
  8 H6258 ועתה now H8085 שׁמעי Therefore hear H2063 זאת this, H5719 עדינה given to pleasures, H3427 היושׁבת that dwellest H983 לבטח carelessly, H559 האמרה that sayest H3824 בלבבה in thine heart, H589 אני I H657 ואפסי and none else beside H5750 עוד , and none else beside H3808 לא me; I shall not H3427 אשׁב sit H490 אלמנה a widow, H3808 ולא neither H3045 אדע shall I know H7908 שׁכול׃ the loss of children:
  9 H935 ותבאנה shall come H8147 לך שׁתי two H428 אלה But these H7281 רגע to thee in a moment H3117 ביום day, H259 אחד in one H7908 שׁכול the loss of children, H489 ואלמן and widowhood: H8537 כתמם thee in their perfection H935 באו they shall come H5921 עליך upon H7230 ברב for the multitude H3785 כשׁפיך of thy sorceries, H6109 בעצמת abundance H2267 חבריך of thine enchantments. H3966 מאד׃ for the great
  10 H982 ותבטחי For thou hast trusted H7451 ברעתך in thy wickedness: H559 אמרת thou hast said, H369 אין None H7200 ראני seeth H2451 חכמתך me. Thy wisdom H1847 ודעתך and thy knowledge, H1931 היא it H7725 שׁובבתך hath perverted H559 ותאמרי thee; and thou hast said H3820 בלבך in thine heart, H589 אני I H657 ואפסי and none else beside H5750 עוד׃ , and none else beside
  11 H935 ובא come H5921 עליך upon H7451 רעה Therefore shall evil H3808 לא thee; thou shalt not H3045 תדעי know H7837 שׁחרה from whence it riseth: H5307 ותפל shall fall H5921 עליך upon H1943 הוה and mischief H3808 לא thee; thou shalt not H3201 תוכלי be able H3722 כפרה to put it off: H935 ותבא shall come H5921 עליך upon H6597 פתאם thee suddenly, H7722 שׁואה and desolation H3808 לא thou shalt not H3045 תדעי׃ know.
  12 H5975 עמדי Stand H4994 נא now H2267 בחבריך with thine enchantments, H7230 וברב and with the multitude H3785 כשׁפיך of thy sorceries, H834 באשׁר wherein H3021 יגעת thou hast labored H5271 מנעוריך from thy youth; H194 אולי if so be H3201 תוכלי thou shalt be able H3276 הועיל to profit, H194 אולי if so be H6206 תערוצי׃ thou mayest prevail.
  13 H3811 נלאית Thou art wearied H7230 ברב in the multitude H6098 עצתיך of thy counsels. H5975 יעמדו stand up, H4994 נא Let now H3467 ויושׁיעך and save H1895 הברו the astrologers, H8064 שׁמים the astrologers, H2374 החזים   H3556 בכוכבים the stargazers, H3045 מודיעם prognosticators, H2320 לחדשׁים the monthly H834 מאשׁר thee from that H935 יבאו shall come H5921 עליך׃ upon
  14 H2009 הנה Behold, H1961 היו they shall be H7179 כקשׁ as stubble; H784 אשׁ the fire H8313 שׂרפתם shall burn H3808 לא them; they shall not H5337 יצילו deliver H853 את   H5315 נפשׁם themselves H3027 מיד from the power H3852 להבה of the flame: H369 אין not H1513 גחלת a coal H2552 לחמם to warm H217 אור at, fire H3427 לשׁבת to sit H5048 נגדו׃ before
  15 H3651 כן Thus H1961 היו shall they be H834 לך אשׁר unto thee with whom H3021 יגעת thou hast labored, H5503 סחריך thy merchants, H5271 מנעוריך from thy youth: H376 אישׁ every one H5676 לעברו to his quarter; H8582 תעו they shall wander H369 אין none H3467 מושׁיעך׃ shall save
  1 H3381 [H8798] Come down, H3427 [H8798] and sit H6083 in the dust, H1330 O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon, H3427 [H8798] sit H776 on the earth: H3678 there is no throne, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 [H8686] for thou shalt no more H7121 [H8799] be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 [H8798] Take H7347 the millstones, H2912 [H8798] and grind H7058 meal: H1540 [H8761] uncover H6777 thy locks, H2834 [H8798] make bare H7640 the leg, H1540 [H8761] uncover H7785 the thigh, H5674 [H8798] pass over H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Thy nakedness H1540 [H8735] shall be uncovered, H2781 yea, thy shame H7200 [H8735] shall be seen: H3947 [H8799] I will take H5359 vengeance, H6293 [H8799] and I will not meet H120 thee as a man.
  4 H1350 [H8802] As for our redeemer, H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name, H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 [H8798] Sit H1748 thou silent, H935 [H8798] and get H2822 thee into darkness, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 [H8686] for thou shalt no more H7121 [H8799] be called, H1404 The lady H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 [H8804] I burst out in rage H5971 with my people, H2490 [H8765] I have polluted H5159 mine inheritance, H5414 [H8799] and given H3027 them into thine hand: H7760 [H8804] thou didst show H7356 them no compassions; H2205 upon the ancient H3966 hast thou very H3513 [H8689] heavily H5923 laid thine yoke.
  7 H559 [H8799] And thou saidst, H1404 I shall be a lady H5769 to the age: H7760 [H8804] so that thou didst not lay H3820 these things to thine heart, H2142 [H8804] neither didst remember H319 its latter end.
  8 H8085 [H8798] Therefore hear H5719 now this, thou that art given to pleasures, H3427 [H8802] that dwellest H983 securely, H559 [H8802] that sayest H3824 in thy heart, H657 I am, and none else H3427 [H8799] besides me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow, H3045 [H8799] neither shall I know H7908 the loss of children:
  9 H8147 But these two H935 [H8799] things shall come H7281 to thee in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7908 the loss of children, H489 and widowhood: H935 [H8804] they shall come H8537 upon thee in their perfection H7230 for the abundance H3785 of thy sorceries, H3966 and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of thy enchantments.
  10 H982 [H8799] For thou hast trusted H7451 in thy evil: H559 [H8804] thou hast said, H7200 [H8802] None seeth H2451 me. Thy wisdom H1847 and thy knowledge, H7725 [H8790] it hath perverted H559 [H8799] thee; and thou hast said H3820 in thine heart, H657 I am, and none else besides me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 [H8804] come H3045 [H8799] upon thee; thou shalt not know H7837 from where it riseth: H1943 and mischief H5307 [H8799] shall fall H3201 [H8799] upon thee; thou shalt not be able H3722 [H8763] to put it off: H7722 and desolation H935 [H8799] shall come H6597 upon thee suddenly, H3045 [H8799] which thou shalt not know.
  12 H5975 [H8798] Stand H2267 now with thy enchantments, H7230 and with the abundance H3785 of thy sorceries, H834 in which H3021 [H8804] thou hast laboured H5271 from thy youth; H3201 [H8799] if thou shalt be able H3276 [H8687] to profit, H6206 [H8799] if thou mayest terrify.
  13 H3811 [H8738] Thou art wearied H9003 in H7230 the abundance H9022 of thy H6098 counsels. H4994 Let now H1895 [H8802] the dividers H8064 of the heavens, H9009 the H2374 envisioners H9003 of H3556 the stars, H9005 the H2320 monthly H3045 [H8688] prognosticators, H5975 [H8799] stand up, H9001 and H3467 [H8686] liberate H9032 thee H9006 from H834 these things that H935 [H8799] shall come H5921 upon H9032 thee.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble; H784 the fire H8313 [H8804] shall burn H5337 [H8686] them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the hand H3852 of the flame: H1513 there shall not be a coal H2552 [H8800] to warm H217 at, nor fire H3427 [H8800] to sit before it.
  15 H3021 [H8804] Thus shall they be to thee with whom thou hast laboured, H5503 [H8802] even thy merchants, H5271 from thy youth: H8582 [H8804] they shall wander H376 every one H5676 to his quarter; H3467 [H8688] none shall liberate thee.
Vulgate(i) 1 descende sede in pulverem virgo filia Babylon sede in terra non est solium filiae Chaldeorum quia ultra non vocaberis mollis et tenera 2 tolle molam et mole farinam denuda turpitudinem tuam discoperi umerum revela crus transi flumina 3 revelabitur ignominia tua et videbitur obprobrium tuum ultionem capiam et non resistet mihi homo 4 redemptor noster Dominus exercituum nomen illius Sanctus Israhel 5 sede tace et intra in tenebras filia Chaldeorum quia non vocaberis ultra domina regnorum 6 iratus sum super populum meum contaminavi hereditatem meam et dedi eos in manu tua non posuisti eis misericordias super senem adgravasti iugum tuum valde 7 et dixisti in sempiternum ero domina non posuisti haec super cor tuum neque recordata es novissimi tui 8 et nunc audi haec delicata et habitans confidenter quae dicis in corde tuo ego sum et non est praeter me amplius non sedebo vidua et ignorabo sterilitatem 9 venient tibi duo haec subito in die una sterilitas et viduitas universa venerunt super te propter multitudinem maleficiorum tuorum et propter duritiam incantatorum tuorum vehementem 10 et fiduciam habuisti in malitia tua et dixisti non est qui videat me sapientia tua et scientia tua haec decepit te et dixisti in corde tuo ego sum et praeter me non est altera 11 veniet super te malum et nescies ortum eius et inruet super te calamitas quam non poteris expiare veniet super te repente miseria quam nescies 12 sta cum incantatoribus tuis et cum multitudine maleficiorum tuorum in quibus laborasti ab adulescentia tua si forte quid prosit tibi aut si possis fieri fortior 13 defecisti in multitudine consiliorum tuorum stent et salvent te augures caeli qui contemplabantur sidera et supputabant menses ut ex eis adnuntiarent ventura tibi 14 ecce facti sunt quasi stipula ignis conbusit eos non liberabunt animam suam de manu flammae non sunt prunae quibus calefiant nec focus ut sedeant ad eum 15 sic facta sunt tibi in quibuscumque laboraveras negotiatores tui ab adulescentia tua unusquisque in via sua erraverunt non est qui salvet te
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 [Descende, sede in pulvere, virgo filia Babylon: sede in terra; non est solium filiæ Chaldæorum, quia ultra non vocaberis mollis et tenera. 2 Tolle molam, et mole farinam; denuda turpitudinem tuam; discooperi humerum, revela crura, transi flumina. 3 Revelabitur ignominia tua, et videbitur opprobrium tuum; ultionem capiam, et non resistet mihi homo. 4 Redemptor noster, Dominus exercituum nomen illius, Sanctus Israël. 5 Sede tacens, et intra in tenebras, filia Chaldæorum, quia non vocaberis ultra domina regnorum. 6 Iratus sum super populum meum: contaminavi hæreditatem meam, et dedi eos in manu tua: non posuisti eis misericordias; super senem aggravasti jugum tuum valde. 7 Et dixisti: In sempiternum ero domina. Non posuisti hæc super cor tuum, neque recordata es novissimi tui. 8 Et nunc audi hæc delicata, et habitans confidenter, quæ dicis in corde tuo: Ego sum, et non est præter me amplius; non sedebo vidua, et ignorabo sterilitatem. 9 Venient tibi duo hæc subito in die una, sterilitas et viduitas: universa venerunt super te, propter multitudinem maleficiorum tuorum, et propter duritiam incantatorum tuorum vehementem. 10 Et fiduciam habuisti in malitia tua, et dixisti: Non est qui videat me. Sapientia tua et scientia tua, hæc decepit te. Et dixisti in corde tuo: Ego sum, et præter me non est altera. 11 Veniet super te malum, et nescies ortum ejus; et irruet super te calamitas quam non poteris expiare; veniet super te repente miseria quam nescies. 12 Sta cum incantatoribus tuis et cum multitudine maleficiorum tuorum, in quibus laborasti ab adolescentia tua, si forte quod prosit tibi, aut si possis fieri fortior. 13 Defecisti in multitudine consiliorum tuorum. Stent, et salvent te augures cæli, qui contemplabantur sidera, et supputabant menses, ut ex eis annuntiarent ventura tibi. 14 Ecce facti sunt quasi stipula, ignis combussit eos; non liberabunt animam suam de manu flammæ; non sunt prunæ quibus calefiant, nec focus ut sedeant ad eum. 15 Sic facta sunt tibi in quibuscumque laboraveras: negotiatores tui ab adolescentia tua, unusquisque in via sua erraverunt; non est qui salvet te.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 Thou virgyn, the douytir Babiloyne, go doun, sitte thou in dust, sitte thou in erthe; a kyngis seete is not to the douyter of Caldeis, for thou schalt no more be clepid soft and tendir. 2 Take thou a queerne stoon, and grynde thou mele; make thou nakid thi filthe, diskeuere the schuldur, schewe the hippis, passe thou floodis. 3 Thi schame schal be schewid, and thi schenschipe schal be seen; Y schal take veniaunce, and no man schal ayenstonde me. 4 Oure ayen biere, the Lord of oostis is his name, the hooli of Israel. 5 Douyter of Caldeis, sitte thou, be thou stille, and entre in to derknessis, for thou schalt no more be clepid the ladi of rewmes. 6 I was wrooth on my puple, Y defoulid myn eritage, and Y yaf hem in thin hond, and thou settidist not mercies to hem; thou madist greuouse the yok greetli on an eld man, 7 and thou seidist, With outen ende Y schal be ladi; thou puttidist not these thingis on thin herte, nether thou bithouytist on thi laste thing. 8 And now, thou delicat, and dwellynge tristili, here these thingis, which seist in thin herte, Y am, and outakun me ther is no more; Y schal not sitte widewe, and Y schal not knowe bareynesse. 9 These twei thingis, bareynesse and widewhod schulen come to thee sudenli in o dai; alle thingis camen on thee for the multitude of thi witchecraftis, and for the greet hardnesse of thin enchauntours, ether tregetours. 10 And thou haddist trist in thi malice, and seidist, Noon is that seeth me; this thi wisdom and thi kunnyng disseyuede thee; and thou seidist in thin herte, 11 Y am, and outakun me ther is noon other. Yuel schal come on thee, and thou schalt not knowe the bigynning therof; and wrecchidnesse schal falle on thee, which thou schalt not mowe clense; wretchidnesse which thou knowist not, schal come on thee sudenly. 12 Stonde thou with thin enchauntours, and with the multitude of thi witchis, in whiche thou trauelidist fro thi yongthe; if in hap thei profiten ony thing to thee, ether if thou maist be maad the strongere. 13 Thou failidist in the multitude of thi councels; the false dyuynours of heuene stonde, and saue thee, whiche bihelden staris, and noumbriden monethis, that thei schulden telle bi tho thingis to comynge to thee. 14 Lo! thei ben maad as stobil, the fier hath brent hem; thei schulen not delyuere her lijf fro the power of flawme; colis ben not, bi whiche thei schulen be warmed, nether fier, that thei sitte at it. 15 So tho thingis ben maad to thee in whiche euere thou trauelidist; thi marchauntis fro thi yongthe erriden, ech man in his weie; noon is, that schal saue thee.
Coverdale(i) 1 But as for the (O doughter, thou virgin Babilon) thou shalt syt in the dust. Thou shalt syt vpon the groude, and not in a trone (o thou mayden of Chaldea). Thou shalt nomore be called tender, and pleasaut. 2 Thou shalt bringe forth the querne, & grynede meel, put downe thy stomacher, make bare thy knees, and shalt wade thorow the water ryuers. 3 Thy shame shalbe discouered, ad thy preuyties shal be sene. For I wil auenge me of the, and no man shal let me: 4 saieth oure redemer, which is called the LORDE of hoostes, the holy one of Israel. 5 Syt still, holde thy tunge, and get the in to some darcke corner (O doughter Caldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6 I was so wroth with my people, yt I punyshed myne enheritaunce, and gaue them in to thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewdest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of the, didest thou oppresse right sore with thy yock, 7 & thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, nether cast, what shulde come after. 8 Heare now therfore, thou wilful, that syttest so carelesse, & speakest thus in thine herte: I am alone, and without me is there none: I shal neuer be wydow, ner desolate agayne. 9 And yet both these thiges shal come to the vpo one daye in the twincklinge of an eye: Namely, wyddowhead, and desolacion. They shal mightely fall vpon the, for ye multitude of thy witches, and for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast conforted thy self in thy disceatfulnes, and hast sayde: No ma seith me. Thyne owne wisdome & connynge haue disceaued the, In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11 Therfore shal trouble come vpo ye, & thou shalt not knowe, from whece it shal arise. Myschefe shal fall vpo ye, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane misery shal come vpon the, or euer thou be awarre. 12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, (whom thou hast bene acquanted withal from thi youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthe the. 13 Thou hast hither to had many councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres, come on now and delyuer the: yee and let the shewe, when these new thinges shall come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe like strawe, which yf it be kindled with fyre, no man maye rydde it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it geueth no zynders to warme a ma by, ner cleare fyre to syt by. 15 Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.
MSTC(i) 1 But as for thee O daughter, thou virgin Babylon, thou shalt sit in the dust. Thou shalt sit upon the ground, and not in a throne, O thou maiden of Chaldea. Thou shalt no more be called tender and pleasant. 2 Thou shalt bring forth the quern and grind meal, put down thy stomacher, make bare thy knees, and shalt wade through the water rivers. 3 Thy shame shall be discovered, and thy privities shall be seen. For I will avenge me of thee, and will show no mercy to thee as I do to other men, 4 sayeth our redeemer, which is called the LORD of Hosts, the holy one of Israel. 5 Sit still, hold thy tongue, and get thee into some dark corner, O daughter Chaldea, for thou shalt no more be called lady of kingdoms. 6 I was so wroth with my people, that I punished mine inheritance, and gave them into thy power. Nevertheless, thou showedest them no mercy, but even the very aged men of them, didst thou oppress right sore with thy yoke. 7 And thou thoughtest thus, "I shall be lady forever." And beside all that, thou hast not regarded these things, neither cast, what should come after. 8 Hear now therefore, thou willful, that sittest so careless, and speakest thus in thine heart, "I am alone, and without me is there none; I shall never be widow, nor desolate again." 9 And yet both these things shall come to thee upon one day, in the twinkling of an eye: Namely widowhood, and desolation. They shall mightily fall upon thee, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the great heap of thy conjurers. 10 For thou hast comforted thyself in thy deceitfulness, and hast said, "No man seeth me." Thine own wisdom and cunning hath deceived thee, in that thou hast said, "I am alone, and without me there is none." 11 Therefore shall trouble come upon thee, and thou shalt not know, from whence it shall arise. Mischief shalt fall upon thee, which thou shalt not be able to put off. A sudden misery shall come upon thee, before thou be aware. 12 Now go to thy conjurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, whom thou hast been acquainted with from thy youth, if they may help thee, or strengthen thee. 13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsels of them; so let the heaven gazers and the beholders of stars come on now and deliver thee: yea, and let them show when these new things shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be like straw, which if it be kindled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it giveth no cinders to warm a man by, nor clear fire to sit by. 15 Even so shall they be unto thee whom thou hast used and occupied from thy youth. Every one shall show thee his erroneous way, yet shall none of them defend thee.
Matthew(i) 1 Bvt as for the (O daughter thou virgin Babylon) Thou shalt syt in the dust thou shalt sit vpon the grounde, & not in a trone (O thou mayden of Chaldea.) Thou shalt no more be called tender and pleasaunt. 2 Thou shalt bringe forth the querne and grind meele, put downe thy stomacher make bare thy knees & shalt wade thorow the water ryuers. 3 Thy shame shalbe discouered, & thy preuyties shalbe sene. For I wyll auenge me of the, and no man shall lett me: 4 sayeth oure redemer, which is called the Lorde of Hostes the holy one of Israel. 5 Syt styll, holde thy tunge, & get the in to some darcke corner, O daughter Chaldea, for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6 I was so wroth with my people, that I punished myne enheritaunce, & gaue them into thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewedeste them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of them, didest thou oppresse ryght sore wyth thy yock, 7 & thou thoughtest thus. I shalbe lady for euer. And desyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, nether cast, what shuld come after. 8 Heare now therfore, thou wylful, that syttest so carelesse, & speakest thus in thine herte: I am alone, & without me is there none I shall neuer be wydowe, ner desolate agayne. 9 And yet both these thinges shall come to the vpon one daye in the twyncklyng of an eye: Namely wyddowhead, & desolacyon. They shall mightely fall vpon the, for the multitude of thy witches, & for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast comforted thy selfe in thy dysceitfulnes, and hast sayde: No man seyth me. Thyne owne wysdome & connyng hath disceueyd the. In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, & thou shalt not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shal fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane myserye shall come vpon the, or euer thou be a warre. 12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches (whom thou haste bene acquainted withall from thy youthe) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthen the. 13 Thou haste hytherto had manye councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres come on now and delyuer the: yea & let them shewe, when these new thynges shal come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche yf it be kindled with fyre, no man may rydde it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it geueth no synners to warme a man by, nor cleare fyre to sit by. 15 Euen so shall they be vnto the whome thou haste vsed and occupied from thy youthe. Euery one shall shewe the hys erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.
Great(i) 1 But as for the (O daughter, thou vyrgyn Babilon) sytt thou downe in the dust syt vpon the grounde, & not in a throne (O thou mayden of Caldea.) Thou shalt nomore be called tender & pleasaunt. 2 Bring forth the querne, & grinde meele, vntrusse thy broyded heare, put of thy shoes, make bare thy knees: & wade thorowe the water ryuers. 3 Thy shame shalbe discouered and thy pryuityes shalbe sene. For I wyll auenge me of the & wyll shewe no mercy to the as, I do to other men 4 sayeth oure redemer, which is called the Lorde of Hostes the holy one of Israel. 5 Syt styll, holde thy tunge, and get the into some darck corner (O daughter Chaldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6 I was so wroth wt my people, that I punished myne enheritaunce, and gaue them into thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewedest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of them, dydest thou oppresse ryght sore with thy yock, 7 and thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thynges, nether remembred what was the ende of that cytie Ierusalem. 8 Heare now therfore, thou wyllfull, that syttest so careles, and speakest thus in thyne herte: I am alone, and without me is there none: I shall neuer be wydowe, ner desolate agayne. 9 And yet both these thynges shall come to the vpon one daye in the twynclinge of an eye: Namely, wyddowhead, and desolacyon. They shall myghtely fall vpon the, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednes, and hast sayd. No man seyth me. Thyne awne wysdome and connyng hath deceaued the. In that thou hast sayde: I am alone and without me ther is none. 11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, and thou shall not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shall fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodayne vtter destruction, shall come vpon the or euer thou be aware. 12 Nowe go to thy coniurers, & to the multitude of thy wytches (with whom thou hast weried thy selfe from thy youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthen the. 13 Thou hast hytherto had many councels of them, so let the heauen gasers and the beholders of starres and mone prophetes come on nowe and delyuer the: yee, and lett them shewe, when these newe thinges shall come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whith yf it be kyndled with fyre, no man maye rydde it for the vehemencye of the flame. And yet it geueth no synders to warme a man by, ner cleare fyre to syt by. 15 Thus are they with whom thou hast weryed thy selfe, and thus are thy marchauntes that haue bene with the from thy youth. Euery one hath taken his awne waye and shall none of them defende the.
Geneva(i) 1 Come downe and sit in the dust: O virgine, daughter Babel, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, Tender and delicate. 2 Take the mill stones, and grinde meale: loose thy lockes: make bare the feete: vncouer the legge, and passe through the floods. 3 Thy filthinesse shall be discouered, and thy shame shall be seene: I will take vengeance, and I will not meete thee as a man. 4 Our redeemer, the Lord of hostes is his Name, the holy one of Israel. 5 Sit still, and get thee into darkenesse, O daughter of the Chaldeas: for thou shalt no more be called, The ladie of kingdomes. 6 I was wroth with my people: I haue polluted mine inheritance, and giuen them into thine had: thou diddest shew them no mercy, but thou didest lay thy very heauy yoke vpon the ancient. 7 And thou saidest, I shall be a ladie for euer, so that thou diddest not set thy mind to these things, neither diddest thou remember ye latter end therof. 8 Therefore nowe heare, thou that art giuen to pleasures, and dwellest carelesse, Shee sayeth in her heart, I am and none els: I shall not sit as a widowe, neither shall knowe the losse of children. 9 But these two thinges shall come to thee suddenly on one day, the losse of children and widowhoode: they shall come vpon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy diuinations, and for the great abundance of thine inchanters. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednesse: thou hast sayd, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, they haue caused thee to rebel, and thou hast saide in thine heart, I am, and none els. 11 Therefore shall euill come vpon thee, and thou shalt not knowe the morning thereof: destruction shall fal vpon thee, which thou shalt not be able to put away: destruction shall come vpon thee suddenly, or thou beware. 12 Stand now among thine inchanters, and in the multitude of thy southsaiers (with whome thou hast wearied thy selfe from thy youth) if so be thou maist haue profit, or if so be thou maist haue strength. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the starre gasers, and prognosticatours stand vp, and saue thee from these things, that shall come vpon thee. 14 Beholde, they shall be as stubble: the fire shall burne them: they shall not deliuer their owne liues from the power of the flame: there shalbe no coles to warme at, nor light to sit by. 15 Thus shall they serue thee, with whom thou hast wearied thee, euen thy marchants from thy youth: euery one shall wander to his owne quarter: none shall saue thee.
Bishops(i) 1 But as for thee O daughter, thou virgin Babylon, sit thou downe in the dust, sit vpo the ground, there is no throne O thou daughter of Caldea, for thou shalt no more be called tender and pleasaunt 2 Bryng foorth the querne and grinde meale, vntrusse thy broydred heere, put of thy shoes, make bare thy knees, and wade thorowe the water riuers 3 Thy filthynesse shalbe discouered, and thy priuities shalbe seene: for I wil auenge me of thee, and wyll shewe no mercy to thee, as I do to other men 4 Our redeemer is called the Lorde of hoastes, the holy one of Israel 5 Sit still, holde thy tongue; get thee into some darke corner O daughter Caldea: for thou shalt no more be called lady of kyngdomes 6 I was so wroth with my people, that I punished myne inheritaunce, and gaue them into thy power, neuerthelesse thou shewedst them no mercy, but euen the very aged of them diddest thou oppresse right sore with the yoke 7 And thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer, and beside all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, neither remembred what was the ende of that citie Hierusalem 8 Heare nowe therefore thou delicate one that sittest so carelesse, and speakest thus in thyne heart, I am alone, and without me is there none, I shal neuer be widowe nor desolate agayne 9 And yet both these thinges shal come to thee vpon one day, in the twinckeling of an eye, namely, widowhood and desolation: they mightyly fall vpon thee, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the great heape of thy coniurers 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednesse, and hast said, No man seeth me: thine owne wisdome and cunning hath deceaued thee, in that thou hast sayd in thyne heart, I am alone, and without me there is none 11 Therefore shall trouble come vpon thee, and thou shalt not knowe from whence it shall arise: Mischiefe shall fal vpon thee, which thou shalt not be able to put of, a sodayne vtter destruction shall come vpon thee or euer thou be ware 12 Nowe go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches with whom thou hast weeryed thy selfe from thy youth, if thei may helpe thee or strength thee 13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsayles of them: So let the heauen gasers, and the beholders of starres, and moone prophetes, come on now and deliuer thee, yea and let them shew when these new thinges shal come vpon thee 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche if it be kindeled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemencie of the flambe, and yet it geueth no finders to warme a man by, nor cleare fire to sit by 15 Thus are they with whom thou hast weeried thy self, and thus are thy marchauntes that haue ben with thee from thy youth: euery one hath taken his owne way, and none of them shall defende thee
DouayRheims(i) 1 Come down, sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne for the daughter of the Chaldeans, for thou shalt no more be called delicate and tender. 2 Take a millstone and grind meal: uncover thy shame, strip thy shoulder, make bare thy legs, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be discovered, and thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and no man shall resist me. 4 Our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called the lady of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and have given them into thy hand: thou hast shewn no mercy to them: upon the ancient thou hast laid thy yoke exceeding heavy. 7 And thou hast said: I shall be a lady for ever: thou hast not laid these things to thy heart, neither hast thou remembered thy latter end. 8 And now hear these things, thou that art delicate, and dwellest confidently, that sayest in thy heart: I am, and there is none else besides me: I shall not sit as a widow, and I shall not know barrenness. 9 These two things shall come upon thee suddenly in one day, barrenness and widowhood. All things are come upon thee, because of the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great hardness of thy enchanters. 10 And thou hast trusted in thy wickedness, and hast said: There is none that seeth me. Thy wisdom, and, thy knowledge, this hath deceived thee. And thou hast said in thy heart: I am, and besides me there is no other. 11 Evil shall come upon thee, and thou shalt not know the rising thereof: and calamity shall fall violently upon thee, which thou canst not keep off: misery shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thy enchanters, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, in which thou hast laboured from thy youth, if so be it may profit thee any thing, or if thou mayst become stronger. 13 Thou hast failed in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers stand and save thee, they that gazed at the stars, and counted the months, that from them they might tell the things that shall come to thee. 14 Behold they are as stubble, fire hath burnt them, they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flames: there are no coals wherewith they may be warmed, nor fire, that they may sit thereat. 15 Such are all the things become to thee, in which thou hast laboured: thy merchants from thy youth, every one hath erred in his own way, there is none that can save thee.
KJV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.
  1 H3381 Come down [H8798]   H3427 , and sit [H8798]   H6083 in the dust H1330 , O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon H3427 , sit [H8798]   H776 on the ground H3678 : there is no throne H1323 , O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans H3254 : for thou shalt no more [H8686]   H7121 be called [H8799]   H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 Take [H8798]   H7347 the millstones H2912 , and grind [H8798]   H7058 meal H1540 : uncover [H8761]   H6777 thy locks H2834 , make bare [H8798]   H7640 the leg H1540 , uncover [H8761]   H7785 the thigh H5674 , pass over [H8798]   H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Thy nakedness H1540 shall be uncovered [H8735]   H2781 , yea, thy shame H7200 shall be seen [H8735]   H3947 : I will take [H8799]   H5359 vengeance H6293 , and I will not meet [H8799]   H120 thee as a man.
  4 H1350 As for our redeemer [H8802]   H3068 , the LORD H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name H6918 , the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 Sit [H8798]   H1748 thou silent H935 , and get [H8798]   H2822 thee into darkness H1323 , O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans H3254 : for thou shalt no more [H8686]   H7121 be called [H8799]   H1404 , The lady H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 I was wroth [H8804]   H5971 with my people H2490 , I have polluted [H8765]   H5159 mine inheritance H5414 , and given [H8799]   H3027 them into thine hand H7760 : thou didst shew [H8804]   H7356 them no mercy H2205 ; upon the ancient H3966 hast thou very H3513 heavily [H8689]   H5923 laid thy yoke.
  7 H559 And thou saidst [H8799]   H1404 , I shall be a lady H5769 for ever H7760 : so that thou didst not lay [H8804]   H3820 these things to thy heart H2142 , neither didst remember [H8804]   H319 the latter end of it.
  8 H8085 Therefore hear [H8798]   H5719 now this, thou that art given to pleasures H3427 , that dwellest [H8802]   H983 carelessly H559 , that sayest [H8802]   H3824 in thine heart H657 , I am, and none else H3427 beside me; I shall not sit [H8799]   H490 as a widow H3045 , neither shall I know [H8799]   H7908 the loss of children:
  9 H8147 But these two H935 things shall come [H8799]   H7281 to thee in a moment H259 in one H3117 day H7908 , the loss of children H489 , and widowhood H935 : they shall come [H8804]   H8537 upon thee in their perfection H7230 for the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries H3966 , and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of thine enchantments.
  10 H982 For thou hast trusted [H8799]   H7451 in thy wickedness H559 : thou hast said [H8804]   H7200 , None seeth [H8802]   H2451 me. Thy wisdom H1847 and thy knowledge H7725 , it hath perverted [H8790]   H559 thee; and thou hast said [H8799]   H3820 in thine heart H657 , I am, and none else beside me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 come [H8804]   H3045 upon thee; thou shalt not know [H8799]   H7837 from whence it riseth H1943 : and mischief H5307 shall fall [H8799]   H3201 upon thee; thou shalt not be able [H8799]   H3722 to put it off [H8763]   H7722 : and desolation H935 shall come [H8799]   H6597 upon thee suddenly H3045 , which thou shalt not know [H8799]  .
  12 H5975 Stand [H8798]   H2267 now with thine enchantments H7230 , and with the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries H834 , wherein H3021 thou hast laboured [H8804]   H5271 from thy youth H3201 ; if so be thou shalt be able [H8799]   H3276 to profit [H8687]   H6206 , if so be thou mayest prevail [H8799]  .
  13 H3811 Thou art wearied [H8738]   H7230 in the multitude H6098 of thy counsels H1895 . Let now the astrologers [H8802]   H8064   H2374 , the stargazers H3556   H2320 , the monthly H3045 prognosticators [H8688]   H5975 , stand up [H8799]   H3467 , and save [H8686]   H935 thee from these things that shall come [H8799]   upon thee.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble H784 ; the fire H8313 shall burn [H8804]   H5337 them; they shall not deliver [H8686]   H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame H1513 : there shall not be a coal H2552 to warm [H8800]   H217 at, nor fire H3427 to sit [H8800]   before it.
  15 H3021 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured [H8804]   H5503 , even thy merchants [H8802]   H5271 , from thy youth H8582 : they shall wander [H8804]   H376 every one H5676 to his quarter H3467 ; none shall save [H8688]   thee.
Thomson(i) 1 Come down, sit on the ground, Virgin daughter of Babylon! Sit on the ground, daughter of the Chaldeans! for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate! 2 Take a millstone and grind corn. Doff thy veil; uncover thy grey locks. Make bare thy leg: wade through rivers. 3 Thy shame shall be exposed; thy nakedness shall be seen. This vengeance I will take on thy account and no more deliver thee up to men. 4 Thy deliverer is the Lord of Hosts, his name is the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit in compunction: enter into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans! thou shalt no more be called the strength of a kingdom. 6 I was angry with my people: thou didst pollute my heritage, I delivered them into thy hand: and thou didst shew them no mercy. The yoke of the aged thou madest very heavy, 7 and saidst, I shall be empress forever. These things did not enter thy heart; nor didst thou call to mind what might at last befal thee. 8 Now, therefore, hear these things, thou voluptuary! thou who art seated at ease, who thinkest thyself secure; who sayest in thy heart; "I am and there is none else. I shall not sit a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children." 9 But now upon thee shall come these two things, suddenly, in one day. The loss of children and widowhood shall come suddenly on thee, in the midst of thy sorcery, in the full strength of thy mighty enchantments. 10 Confiding in thy wickedness thou indeed saidst; "I am and there is none else." Know thou, the consciousness of these things and thy whoredom shall be thy shame. Thou indeed saidst in thy heart, "I am and there is none else;" 11 but upon thee shall come destruction, and thou shalt not know; a pit; and into it thou shalt fall. Yes, upon thee shall come misery, of which thou shalt not be able to rid thyself: and destruction shall come upon thee suddenly of which thou wilt have no apprehension. 12 Persist now in thine incantations and in thy manifold sorcery, which thou hast learned from thy youth: if thou canst be benefited by them. 13 Thou hast wearied thyself with thy counsels: let the astrologers now stand up and save thee; let them who gaze on the stars tell thee what is instantly coming upon thee. 14 Behold like brambles on a fire they shall all be burned up; and shall not deliver their own life from the flame. Seeing thou hast coals of fire, sit upon them; 15 will they give thee relief? Thou hast wearied thyself with this traffic from thy youth. The men have wandered away, every one to his own home; but for thee there shall be no safety.
Webster(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man. 4 As for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and given them into thy hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thy heart, I am, and none else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thy enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and none else besides me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thy enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, in which thou hast labored from thy youth; if thou shalt be able to profit, if thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be to thee with whom thou hast labored, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.
  1 H3381 [H8798] Come down H3427 [H8798] , and sit H6083 in the dust H1330 , O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon H3427 [H8798] , sit H776 on the ground H3678 : there is no throne H1323 , O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans H3254 [H8686] : for thou shalt no more H7121 [H8799] be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 [H8798] Take H7347 the millstones H2912 [H8798] , and grind H7058 meal H1540 [H8761] : uncover H6777 thy locks H2834 [H8798] , make bare H7640 the leg H1540 [H8761] , uncover H7785 the thigh H5674 [H8798] , pass over H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Thy nakedness H1540 [H8735] shall be uncovered H2781 , yea, thy shame H7200 [H8735] shall be seen H3947 [H8799] : I will take H5359 vengeance H6293 [H8799] , and I will not meet H120 thee as a man.
  4 H1350 [H8802] As for our redeemer H3068 , the LORD H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name H6918 , the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 [H8798] Sit H1748 thou silent H935 [H8798] , and get H2822 thee into darkness H1323 , O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans H3254 [H8686] : for thou shalt no more H7121 [H8799] be called H1404 , The lady H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 [H8804] I was angry H5971 with my people H2490 [H8765] , I have polluted H5159 my inheritance H5414 [H8799] , and given H3027 them into thy hand H7760 [H8804] : thou didst show H7356 them no mercy H2205 ; upon the ancient H3966 hast thou very H3513 [H8689] heavily H5923 laid thy yoke.
  7 H559 [H8799] And thou saidst H1404 , I shall be a lady H5769 for ever H7760 [H8804] : so that thou didst not lay H3820 these things to thy heart H2142 [H8804] , neither didst remember H319 its latter end.
  8 H8085 [H8798] Therefore hear H5719 now this, thou that art given to pleasures H3427 [H8802] , that dwellest H983 securely H559 [H8802] , that sayest H3824 in thy heart H657 , I am, and none else H3427 [H8799] besides me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow H3045 [H8799] , neither shall I know H7908 the loss of children:
  9 H8147 But these two H935 [H8799] things shall come H7281 to thee in a moment H259 in one H3117 day H7908 , the loss of children H489 , and widowhood H935 [H8804] : they shall come H8537 upon thee in their perfection H7230 for the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries H3966 , and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of thy enchantments.
  10 H982 [H8799] For thou hast trusted H7451 in thy wickedness H559 [H8804] : thou hast said H7200 [H8802] , None seeth H2451 me. Thy wisdom H1847 and thy knowledge H7725 [H8790] , it hath perverted H559 [H8799] thee; and thou hast said H3820 in thy heart H657 , I am, and none else besides me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 [H8804] come H3045 [H8799] upon thee; thou shalt not know H7837 from where it riseth H1943 : and mischief H5307 [H8799] shall fall H3201 [H8799] upon thee; thou shalt not be able H3722 [H8763] to put it off H7722 : and desolation H935 [H8799] shall come H6597 upon thee suddenly H3045 [H8799] , which thou shalt not know.
  12 H5975 [H8798] Stand H2267 now with thy enchantments H7230 , and with the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries H834 , in which H3021 [H8804] thou hast laboured H5271 from thy youth H3201 [H8799] ; if thou shalt be able H3276 [H8687] to profit H6206 [H8799] , if thou mayest prevail.
  13 H3811 [H8738] Thou art wearied H7230 in the multitude H6098 of thy counsels H1895 H8064 [H8802] . Let now the astrologers H2374 H3556 , the stargazers H2320 , the monthly H3045 [H8688] prognosticators H5975 [H8799] , stand up H3467 [H8686] , and save H935 [H8799] thee from these things that shall come upon thee.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble H784 ; the fire H8313 [H8804] shall burn H5337 [H8686] them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame H1513 : there shall not be a coal H2552 [H8800] to warm H217 at, nor fire H3427 [H8800] to sit before it.
  15 H3021 [H8804] Thus shall they be to thee with whom thou hast laboured H5503 [H8802] , even thy merchants H5271 , from thy youth H8582 [H8804] : they shall wander H376 every one H5676 to his quarter H3467 [H8688] ; none shall save thee.
Brenton(i) 1 Come down, sit on the ground, O virgin daughter of Babylon: sit on the ground, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and luxurious. 2 Take a millstone, grind meal: remove thy veil, uncover thy white hairs, make bare the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy shame shall be uncovered, thy reproaches shall be brought to light: I will exact of thee due vengeance, I will no longer deliver thee to men. 4 Thy deliverer is the Lord of hosts, the Holy One of Israel is his name. 5 Sit thou down pierced with woe, go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: thou shalt no more be called the strength of a kingdom. 6 I have been provoked with my people; thou hast defiled mine inheritance: I gave them into thy hand, but thou didst not extend mercy to them: thou madest the yoke of the aged man very heavy, 7 and saidst, I shall be a princess for ever: thou didst not perceive these things in thine heart, nor didst thou remember the latter end. 8 But now hear these words, thou luxurious one, who art the one that sits at ease, that is secure, that says in her heart, I am, and there is not another; I shall not sit a widow, neither shall I know bereavement. 9 But now these two things shall come upon thee suddenly in one day, the loss of children and widowhood shall come suddenly upon thee, for thy sorcery, for the strength of thine enchantments, 10 for thy trusting in wickedness: for thou saidst, I am, and there is not another: know thou, the understanding of these things and thy harlotry shall be thy shame; for thou saidst in thy heart, I am, and there is not another. 11 And destruction shall come upon thee, and thou shalt not be aware; there shall be a pit, and thou shalt fall into it: and grief shall come upon thee, and thou shalt not be able to be clear; and destruction shall come suddenly upon thee, and thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the abundance of thy sorcery, which thou hast learned from thy youth; if thou canst be profited. 13 Thou art wearied in thy counsels. Let now the astrologers of the heaven stand and deliver thee, let them that see the stars tell thee what is about to come upon thee. 14 Behold, they all shall be burnt up as sticks in the fire; neither shall they at all deliver their life from the flame. Because thou hast coals of fire, sit thou upon them; 15 these shall be thy help. Thou hast wearied thyself with traffic from thy youth: every man has wandered to his own home, but thou shalt have no deliverance.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Κατάβηθι, κάθισον ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν παρθένος θυγάτηρ Βαβυλῶνος, κάθισον εἰς τὴω γῆν θυγάτηρ Χαλδαίων, ὅτι οὐκέτι προστεθήσῃ κληθῆναι ἁπαλὴ καὶ τρυφερά. 2 Λάβε μύλον, ἄλεσον ἄλευρον, ἀποκάλυψαι τὸ κατακάλυμμά σου, ἀνακάλυψαι τὰς πολιὰς, ἀνάσυρε τὰς κνήμας, διάβηθι ποταμούς· 3 Ἀνακαλυφθήσεται ἡ αἰσχύνη σου, φανήσονται οἱ ὀνειδισμοί σου· τὸ δίκαιον ἐκ σοῦ λήψομαι, οὐκέτι μὴ παραδῶ ἀνθρώποις.
4 Ὁ ῥυσάμενός σε Κύριος σαβαώθ, ὄνομα αὐτῷ Ἅγιος Ἰσραήλ.
5 Κάθισον κατανενυγμένη, εἴσελθε εἰς τὸ σκότος θυγάτηρ Χαλδαίων, οὐκέτι μὴ κληθήσῃ ἰσχὺς βασιλείας. 6 Παρωξύνθην ἐπὶ τῷ λαῷ μου, ἐμίανας τὴν κληρονομίαν μου· ἐγὼ ἔδωκα αὐτοὺς εἰς τὴν χεῖρά σου, σὺ δὲ οὐκ ἔδωκας αὐτοῖς ἔλεος, τοῦ πρεσβυτέρου ἐβάρυνας τὸν ζυγὸν σφόδρα, 7 καὶ εἶπας, εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἔσομαι ἄρχουσα· οὐκ ἐνόησας ταῦτα ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου, οὐδὲ ἐμνήσθης τὰ ἔσχατα.
8 Νῦν δὲ ἄκουε ταῦτα τρυφερά, ἡ καθημένη, ἡ πεποιθυῖα, ἡ λέγουσα ἐν καρδίᾳ αὐτῆς, ἐγώ εἰμι, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν ἑτέρα, οὐ καθιῶ χήρα, οὐδὲ γνώσομαι ὀρφανίαν. 9 Νῦν δὲ ἥξει ἐπὶ σὲ τὰ δύο ταῦτα ἐξαίφνης ἐν ἡμέρᾳ μιᾶ, ἀτεκνία καὶ χηρεία ἥξει ἐξαίφνης ἐπὶ σὲ, ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου, ἐν τῇ ἰσχύϊ τῶν ἐπαοιδῶν σου σφόδρα, 10 τῇ ἐλπίδι τῆς πονηρίας σου· σὺ γὰρ εἶπας, ἐγώ εἰμι, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν ἑτέρα· γνῶθι, ἡ σύνεσις τούτων ἔσται, καὶ ἡ πορνεία σου σοι αἰσχύνη· καὶ εἶπας τῇ καρδίᾳ σου, ἐγώ εἰμι, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν ἑτέρα.
11 Καὶ ἥξει ἐπὶ σὲ ἀπώλεια, καὶ οὐ μὴ γνῷς· βόθυνος, καὶ ἐμπεσῇ εἰς αὐτόν· καὶ ἥξει ἐπὶ σὲ ταλαιπωρία, καὶ οὐ μὴ δυνήσῃ καθαρὰ γενέσθαι· καὶ ἥξει ἐπὶ σὲ ἐξαπίνης ἀπώλεια, καὶ οὐ μὴ γνῷςῃ. 12 Στῆθι νῦν ἐν ταῖς ἐπαοιδαῖς σου, καὶ ἐν τῇ πολλῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου, ἃ ἐμάνθανες ἐκ νεότητός σου, εἰ δυνήσῃ ὠφεληθῆναι. 13 Κεκοπίακας ἐν ταῖς βουλαῖς σου· στήτωσαν δὴ καὶ σωσάτωσάν σε οἱ ἀστρολόγοι τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, οἱ ὁρῶντες τοὺς ἀστέρας ἀναγγειλάτωσάν σοι, τί μέλλει ἐπὶ σὲ ἔρχεσθαι. 14 Ἰδοὺ πάντες ὡς φρύγανα ἐπὶ πυρὶ κατακαυθήσονται, καὶ οὐ μὴ ἐξέλωνται τὴν ψυχὴν αὐτῶν ἐκ φλογός· ὅτι ἔχεις ἄνθρακας πυρός· κάθισαι ἐπʼ αὐτοὺς, 15 οὗτοι ἔσονταί σοι βοήθεια· ἐκοπίασας ἐν τῇ μεταβολῇ ἐκ νεότητος, ἄνθρωπος καθʼ ἑαυτὸν ἐπλανήθη, σοὶ δὲ οὐκ ἔσται σωτηρία.
Leeser(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground, there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for men shall nevermore call thee, Tender and delicate. 2 Take the mill, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, lift up the train, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not regard any man. 4 Our redeemer—the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and enter into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for men shall never more call thee, The mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth over my people, I defiled my inheritance, and gave them into thy hand: yet thou didst grant them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou laid very heavily thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, For ever shall I be mistress; until that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, thou didst not call to mind the result thereof. 8 And now hear this, luxurious one, that dwellest in security, that sayest in thy heart, I am, and there is nothing else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 Yet both these things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come upon thee, despite of the multitude of thy sorceries, despite of the very great abundance of thy enchantments. 10 And thou didst trust in thy wickedness: thou saidst, No one seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge,—these were they that seduced thee; and thou saidst in thy heart, I am, and there is nothing else beside me. 11 And there shall come upon thee an evil, which thou shalt not know how to remove it by prayer; and there shall fall upon thee mischief, which thou shalt not be able to atone for; and there shall come upon thee suddenly desolation, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thy enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; peradventure thou mayest be able to profit, peradventure thou mayest withstand. 13 Thou art wearied with the multitude of thy counsels. Do let now those that divide off the heavens, that look at the stars, that announce coming events at new moons, stand up, and save thee from the things that are to come over thee. 14 Behold, they are become as stubble; the fire burneth them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: not a coal shall be left to warm at, no blaze to sit before it. 15 Thus are they become unto thee with whom thou hast labored; those that had commerce with thee from thy youth, wander away every one on his road: there is no one to save thee.
YLT(i) 1 Come down, and sit on the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, Sit on the earth, there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans, For no more do they cry to thee, `O tender and delicate one.' 2 Take millstones, and grind flour, Remove thy veil, draw up the skirt, Uncover the leg, pass over the floods. 3 Revealed is thy nakedness, yea, seen is thy reproach, Vengeance I take, and I meet not a man. 4 Our redeemer is Jehovah of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit silent, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, For no more do they cry to thee, `Mistress of kingdoms.' 6 I have been wroth against My people, I have polluted Mine inheritance And I give them into thy hand, Thou hast not appointed for them mercies, On the aged thou hast made thy yoke very heavy,
7 And thou sayest, `To the age I am mistress,' While thou hast not laid these things to thy heart, Thou hast not remembered the latter end of it. 8 And now, hear this, O luxurious one, Who is sitting confidently—Who is saying in her heart, `I am, and none else, I sit not a widow, nor know bereavement.' 9 And come in to thee do these two things, In a moment, in one day, childlessness and widowhood, According to their perfection they have come upon thee, In the multitude of thy sorceries, In the exceeding might of thy charms. 10 And thou art confident in thy wickedness, Thou hast said, `There is none seeing me,' Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, It is turning thee back, And thou sayest in thy heart, `I am, and none else.' 11 And come in on thee hath evil, Thou knowest not its rising, And fall on thee doth mischief, Thou art not able to pacify it, And come on thee suddenly doth desolation, Thou knowest not. 12 Stand, I pray thee, in thy charms, And in the multitude of thy sorceries, In which thou hast laboured from thy youth, It may be thou art able to profit, It may be thou dost terrify! 13 Thou hast been wearied in the multitude of thy counsels, Stand up, I pray thee, and save thee, Let the charmers of the heavens, Those looking on the stars, Those teaching concerning the months, From those things that come on thee! 14 Lo, they have been as stubble! Fire hath burned them, They deliver not themselves from the power of the flame, There is not a coal to warm them, a light to sit before it. 15 So have they been to thee with whom thou hast laboured, Thy merchants from thy youth, Each to his passage they have wandered, Thy saviour is not!
JuliaSmith(i) 1 Come down and sit upon the dust, thou virgin daughter of Babel, sit upon the earth: no throne, thou daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt not be added for them to call thee tender and delicate. 2 Take the two mill-stones and grind flour, and uncover thy veil; strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, also thy reproach shall be seen: I will take vengeance, I will not make peace with man. 4 Jehovah of armies redeemed us, his name the Holy One of Israel 5 Sit thou silently and go into darkness, thou daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be added for them to call thee The mistress of kingdoms 6 I was angry against my people; I defiled my inheritances, and I will give them into thine hand, and thou didst not set mercy to them; upon the old thou didst make heavy thy yoke greatly. 7 And thou wilt say, I shall be mistress forever: till thou didst not set these upon thy heart, thou didst not remember its last part 8 And now hear this, thou living delicately, dwelling securely, saying in her heart, I, and none besides me; I shall not sit a widow, and I shall not know bereavement 9 And these two shall come to thee suddenly, in one day, bereavement and widowhood: as finished they came upon thee, in the multitude of thy sorceries, and in the great numbers of thy enchantments. 10 And thou wilt trust in thy wickedness: thou saidst, None saw me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge it caused thee to turn away; and thou wilt say in thy heart, I, and none yet besides me. 11 And evil came upon thee; thou shalt not know its dawn, and ruin shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to expiate it, and desolation shall suddenly come upon thee; thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries in which thou didst labor from thy youth; perhaps thou wilt be able to be of use, perhaps thou wilt cause fear. 13 Thou wert wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Shall those searching out the heavens, those looking upon the stars, causing to know concerning the months, now stand and save thee from what shall come upon thee? 14 Behold, they were as straw; the fire burnt them; they shall not deliver their soul from the hand of the flame:. not a coal for warming, light to sit before it 15 Thus shall they be to thee for whom thou didst labor, thy merchants, from thy youth; they wandered a man to his other side; none saving thee.
Darby(i) 1 Come down and sit in the dust, virgin-daughter of Babylon! Sit on the ground, -- [there is] no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal; remove thy veil, lift up the train, uncover the leg, pass over rivers: 3 thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen. I will take vengeance, and I will meet none [to stay me]. ... 4 Our Redeemer, Jehovah of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. ... 5 Sit silent, and get thee into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no more be called, Mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I polluted mine inheritance, and gave them into thy hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the aged didst thou very heavily lay thy yoke; 7 and thou saidst, I shall be a mistress for ever; so that thou didst not take these things to heart, thou didst not remember the end thereof. 8 And now hear this, thou voluptuous one, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thy heart, It is I, and there is none but me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know loss of children: 9 yet these two things shall come upon thee in a moment, in one day, loss of children and widowhood; they shall come upon thee in full measure for the multitude of thy sorceries, for the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast confided in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath seduced thee; and thou hast said in thy heart, It is I, and there is none but me. 11 But evil shall come upon thee -- thou shalt not know from whence it riseth; and mischief shall fall upon thee, which thou shalt not be able to ward off; and desolation that thou suspectest not shall come upon thee suddenly. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to turn them to profit, if so be thou mayest cause terror. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the interpreters of the heavens, the observers of the stars, who predict according to the new moons what shall come upon thee, stand up, and save thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, [nor] fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, they that trafficked with thee from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his own quarter; there is none to save thee.
ERV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: remove thy veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and will accept no man. 4 Our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I profaned mine inheritance, and gave them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end thereof. 8 Now therefore hear this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and there is none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: in their full measure shall they come upon thee, despite of the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness; thou hast said, None seeth me; thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee: and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and there is none else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know the dawning thereof: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it away: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou knowest not. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: it shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall the things be unto thee wherein thou hast laboured: they that have trafficked with thee from thy youth shall wander every one to his quarter; there shall be none to save thee.
ASV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal; remove thy veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and will spare no man. 4 Our Redeemer, Jehovah of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no more be called The mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I profaned mine inheritance, and gave them into thy hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be mistress for ever; so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end thereof.
8 Now therefore hear this, thou that art given to pleasures, that sittest securely, that sayest in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come upon thee, in the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness; thou hast said, None seeth me; thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee, and thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know the dawning thereof: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it away: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou knowest not.
12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: it shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall the things be unto thee wherein thou hast labored: they that have trafficked with thee from thy youth shall wander every one to his quarter; there shall be none to save thee.
  1 H3381 Come down, H3427 and sit H6083 in the dust, H1330 O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon; H3427 sit H776 on the ground H3678 without a throne, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 for thou shalt no more H7121 be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 Take H7347 the millstones, H2912 and grind H7058 meal; H1540 remove H6777 thy veil, H2834 strip H7640 off the train, H1540 uncover H7785 the leg, H5674 pass through H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Thy nakedness H1540 shall be uncovered, H2781 yea, thy shame H7200 shall be seen: H3947 I will take H5359 vengeance, H6293 and will spare H120 no man.
  4 H1350 Our Redeemer, H3068 Jehovah H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name, H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 Sit H1748 thou silent, H935 and get H2822 thee into darkness, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans; H3254 for thou shalt no more H7121 be called H1404 The mistress H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 I was wroth H5971 with my people, H2490 I profaned H5159 mine inheritance, H5414 and gave H3027 them into thy hand: H7760 thou didst show H7356 them no mercy; H2205 upon the aged H3966 hast thou very H3513 heavily H5923 laid thy yoke.
  7 H559 And thou saidst, H1404 I shall be mistress H5769 for ever; H7760 so that thou didst not lay H3820 these things to thy heart, H2142 neither didst remember H319 the latter end thereof.
  8 H8085 Now therefore hear H5719 this, thou that art given to pleasures, H3427 that sittest H983 securely, H559 that sayest H3824 in thy heart, H657 I am, and there is none else H3427 besides me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow, H3045 neither shall I know H7908 the loss of children:
  9 H8147 but these two H935 things shall come H7281 to thee in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7908 the loss of children, H489 and widowhood; H8537 in their full measure H935 shall they come H7230 upon thee, in the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries, H3966 and the great H6109 abundance H2267 of thine enchantments.
  10 H982 For thou hast trusted H7451 in thy wickedness; H559 thou hast said, H7200 None seeth H2451 me; thy wisdom H1847 and thy knowledge, H7725 it hath perverted H559 thee, and thou hast said H3820 in thy heart, H657 I am, and there is none else besides me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 come H3045 upon thee; thou shalt not know H7837 the dawning H1943 thereof: and mischief H5307 shall fall H3201 upon thee; thou shalt not be able H3722 to put it away: H7722 and desolation H935 shall come H6597 upon thee suddenly, H3045 which thou knowest not.
  12 H5975 Stand H2267 now with thine enchantments, H7230 and with the multitude H3785 of thy sorceries, H834 wherein H3021 thou hast labored H5271 from thy youth; H3201 if so be thou shalt be able H3276 to profit, H6206 if so be thou mayest prevail.
  13 H3811 Thou art wearied H7230 in the multitude H6098 of thy counsels: H1895 let now the astrologers, H2374 the star-gazers, H2320 the monthly H3045 prognosticators, H5975 stand up, H3467 and save H935 thee from the things that shall come upon thee.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble; H784 the fire H8313 shall burn H5337 them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame: H1513 it shall not be a coal H2552 to warm H217 at, nor a fire H3427 to sit before.
  15 H3021 Thus shall the things be unto thee wherein thou hast labored: H5503 they that have trafficked H5271 with thee from thy youth H8582 shall wander H376 every one H5676 to his quarter; H3467 there shall be none to save thee.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal; remove thy veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen; I will take vengeance, and will let no man intercede. 4 Our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is His name, The Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no more be called the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with My people, I profaned Mine inheritance, and gave them into thy hand; thou didst show them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst: 'For ever shall I be mistress'; so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the end thereof. 8 Now therefore hear this, thou that art given to pleasures, that sittest securely, that sayest in thy heart: 'I am, and there is none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children'; 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come upon thee, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 And thou hast been secure in thy wickedness, thou hast said: 'None seeth me'; thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thy heart. 'I am, and there is none else beside me.' 11 Yet shall evil came upon thee; thou shalt not know how to charm it away; and calamity shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it away; and ruin shall come upon thee suddenly, before thou knowest. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; it shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured; they that have trafficked with thee from thy youth shall wander every one to his quarter; there shall be none to save thee.
Rotherham(i) 1 Down––and sit in the dust, O virgin, Daughter of Babylon, Sit on the ground––throneless, Daughter of the Chaldeans; For thou shalt no more be called, Tender and Dainty. 2 Take millstones, and grind meal,––Put back thy veil––tuck up thy train, Bare the leg, wade through streams: 3 Bared, shall be thy shame, Yea, seen, thy reproach,––An avenging, will I take, And will accept no son of earth. 4 Our Redeemer, Yahweh of hosts, is his name! The Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit silent, and get into darkness, Daughter of the Chaldeans! For thou shalt no more be called Mistress of Kingdoms. 6 I had been provoked with my people, Had profaned mine inheritance, And given them into thy hand, . . . Thou shewedst them no compassion, Upon the elder, madest thou very heavy, thy yoke.
7 And thou saidst, Unto times age–abiding, shall I be Mistress,––Insomuch, that thou laidst not these things to thy heart, Didst not keep in mind the issue thereof. 8 Now, therefore, hear this, Thou Lady of pleasure, Who dwelleth securely, Who saith in her heart,––I, [am,] and there is no one besides, I shall not sit a widow, Nor know loss of children. 9 Yet shall there come to thee––both these, in a moment, in one day, Loss of children and widowhood,––To their full, have they come on thee, Spite of the mass of thine incantations, Spite of the great throng of thy spells. 10 And so thou didst trust in thy wickedness, Thou saidst, no one, seeth me, Thy wisdom and knowledge, the same, seduced thee,––Therefore saidst thou in thy heart, I, [am,] and there is no one besides. 11 Therefore shall come on thee––Mischief, Thou shalt not know how to charm it away, Yea there shall fall on thee, Ruin, Thou shalt not be able to appease it,––And there shall come on thee, suddenly, Desolation, Thou shalt not know. 12 Take thy stand, I pray thee, With thy spells, And with the throng of thine incantations, wherein thou hast wearied thyself from thy youth,––Peradventure, thou mayest be able to profit, Peradventure, thou mayest strike me with terror. 13 Thou hast worn thyself out with the mass of thy consultations,––Let them take their stand, I pray thee, that they may save thee––The dividers of the heavens––The gazers at the stars, They who make known by new moons, Somewhat of the things which shall come upon thee. 14 Lo! they have become as straw––a fire, hath burned them up, They shall not deliver their own soul from the grasp of the flame,––There is, no live coal to warm them, nor blaze to sit before. 15 Such, have they become to thee, with whom thou hast wearied thyself,––Thy merchants––from thy youth, will, every man, stagger, straight onwards––There is none to save thee.
CLV(i) 1 Down! And sit on the soil, virgin daughter of Babylon! Sit on the earth, not on a throne, daughter of the Chaldeans! For no more shall they call you, `tender and delicate.'" 2 Take a millstone and grind meal. Expose your draped form! Bare your skirt! Expose the leg! Pass over the streams! 3 Exposed shall be your nakedness! Moreover, apparent shall be your reproach! I will take vengeance on you, 4 and I will not interpose a human!says our Redeemer. Yahweh of hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel." 5 Sit still, and come into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans, for no more shall they call you, `Mistress of the kingdoms.'" 6 I was wroth over My people, and I violated My allotment, and was giving them into your hand, yet you show them no compassion. On the old you make your yoke exceedingly heavy." 7 Yet you are saying, `For an eon will I be mistress still!' You do not lay these things to heart; you are not mindful of your hereafter." 8 And now, hear this, luxuriant one, dwelling trustingly, who is saying in her heart, `I, and only I, further! I shall not sit, a widow, nor see bereavement.'" 9 Yet now these two shall come to you in a moment; in one day, bereavement and widowhood, suddenly they shall come on you in your many enchantments, in the staunchness of your magic charms, exceedingly." 10 And you are trusting in your knowledge. You are saying, `No one is seeing me.' Your wisdom and your knowledge, it turns you back. And you are saying in your heart, `I, and only I, further!'" 11 And evil comes on you. And you are not knowing of the pitfall. And woe shall fall on you. You cannot shelter yourself from it. And coming on you is devastation, and you cannot become clear. And coming on you suddenly is futility, when you shall not know it." 12 Then stand, pray, by your magic charms, and by your many enchantments, with which you were acquainted from your youth until today. Perhaps you can benefit! Perhaps you will be staunch!" 13 You are tired with your many counsels. Standing, pray, are they, and saving you are the astrologers, the seers of visions in the stars, the informers for new moons, from the things which are coming on you? 14 Behold! They all become as straw. Fire shall burn them up. They shall not rescue their soul from the hand of the blaze. It is no ember to warm them, or light to sit in front of." 15 So they become to you, those with whom you labored, your merchants from your youth. Each man strays to his passage. No saviour is yours."
BBE(i) 1 Come and take your seat in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; come down from your seat of power, and take your place on the earth, O daughter of the Chaldaeans: for you will never again seem soft and delicate. 2 Take the crushing-stones and get the meal crushed: take off your veil, put away your robe, let your legs be uncovered, go through the rivers. 3 The shame of your unclothed condition will be seen by all: I will give punishment without mercy, 4 Says the Lord who takes up our cause; the Lord of armies is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Be seated in the dark without a word, O daughter of the Chaldaeans: for you will no longer be named, The Queen of Kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I put shame on my heritage, and gave them into your hands: you had no mercy on them; you put a cruel yoke on those who were old; 7 And you said, I will be a queen for ever: you did not give attention to these things, and did not keep in mind what would come after. 8 So now take note of this, you who are given up to pleasure, living without fear of evil, saying in your heart, I am, and there is no one like me; I will never be a widow, or have my children taken from me. 9 But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day, the loss of children and of husband: in full measure they will come on you, for all your secret arts, and all your wonders. 10 For you had faith in your evil-doing; you said, No one sees me; by your wisdom and knowledge you have been turned out of the way: and you have said in your heart, I am, and there is no other. 11 Because of this evil will come on you, which may not be turned away for any price: and trouble will overtake you, from which no money will give salvation: destruction will come on you suddenly, without your knowledge. 12 Go on now with your secret arts, and all your wonder-working, to which you have given yourself up from your earliest days; it may be that they will be of profit to you, or by them you may put fear into your attackers. 13 But your mind is troubled by the number of your guides: let them now come forward for your salvation: the measurers of the heavens, the watchers of the stars, and those who are able to say from month to month what things are coming on you. 14 Truly, they have become like dry stems, they have been burned in the fire; they are not able to keep themselves safe from the power of the flame: it is not a coal for warming them, or a fire by which a man may be seated. 15 Small profit have you had from those who, from your earliest days, got great profit out of you; they have gone in flight, every one straight before him, and you have no saviour.
MKJV(i) 1 Come down, and sit on the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground. There is no throne for you, O daughter of the Chaldeans. For you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind meal. Push back your veil, draw up your skirt, uncover your leg, pass over the rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, your shame shall be seen; I will take vengeance and I will not meet you as a man. 4 Our Redeemer, Jehovah of Hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit silent, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no more be called the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with My people, I have polluted My inheritance, and given them into your hand. You showed them no mercy; you have very heavily laid your yoke on the aged. 7 And you said, I shall be a mistress forever; so you did not lay these things to your heart, nor remembered the latter end of it. 8 Now then hear this, O pleasure seeker, who lives carelessly; who says in her heart, I am, and none else is; I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children. 9 But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood. They shall come on you in their fullness for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great power of your enchantments. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, No one sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you; and you have said in your heart, I am, and there is no one else. 11 But evil shall come on you; you shall not know its origin. And mischief shall fall on you; you shall not be able to put it off. And desolation shall come on you suddenly, you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your spells, and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have wearied yourself since your youth. Perhaps you will be able to profit; perhaps you may bring terror. 13 You are exhausted by your many plans; now let the astrologers stand up and save you, the stargazers, making known what is coming on you into the new moons. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; there shall not be a coal to warm them; nor fire, to sit before it. 15 So they are to you with whom you labored, your merchants from your youth. Each one wanders to his own way; none shall save you.
LITV(i) 1 Go down and sit on the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the earth; a throne is not to the daughter of the Chaldeans; for they shall not again call you tender and delicate. 2 Take millstones and grind meal; uncover your veil; strip off the skirt; uncover the leg; pass over rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered; yea, your shame shall be seen. I will take vengeance and I will not meet a man. 4 Our Redeemer; Jehovah of Hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, for they shall no more call you the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with My people; I defiled My inheritance and gave them into your hand. You gave them no mercy; you made your yoke on the aged very heavy. 7 And you said, I shall be a mistress forever, until you did not set these things on your heart, and not did remember its end. 8 Now, then, hear this, O pleasure seeker, who lives carelessly; who says in her heart, I am, and none else is; I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children. 9 But these two things shall suddenly come to you, in one day: loss of children, and widowhood; as complete they come on you, for your many sorceries, for the multitude of your great spells. 10 For you trusted in your evil; you said, No one sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge perverts you, and you said in your heart, I am and none else is . 11 For this, evil shall come on you; you shall not know its origin. And mischief shall fall on you; you shall not be able to cover it. And ruin shall come on you suddenly, you shall not know. 12 Stand now among your spells, and with your many sorceries, in which you have wearied yourself since your youth. Perhaps you will be able to profit; perhaps may cause quaking. 13 You are exhausted by your many plans; let those dividing the heavens stand up now and save you, the stargazers, making known what is coming on you into the new moons. 14 Behold, they are as stubble; the fire burns them; they shall not save their soul from the flame's hand; there is no coal to warm them; nor fire, to sit before it. 15 So they are to you with whom you have labored, your traders from your youth; each one wanders to his own way; no one saves you.
ECB(i) 1
Descend, and sit in the dust; O virgin daughter of Babel, sit on the earth; there is no throne, O daughter of the Kesediym: for you add not to be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind flour; expose your veil; strip the train; expose the leg; pass over the rivers. 3 Your nakedness is exposed, yes, your reproach is seen: I take avengement, and I meet you not as a human. 4 Our redeemer - Yah Veh Sabaoth is his name - the Holy One of Yisra El. 5 Sit silent, and get into darkness, O daughter of the Kesediym: for they no more call you, The lady of sovereigndoms. 6 I enrage over my people; I profane my inheritance; and give them into your hand: you set them no mercies; you make your yoke on the aged mighty heavy. 7 And you say, I am a lady eternally: so that you neither set these to your heart nor rememer the latter end thereof. 8 And now hear this, you voluptuous one, who settles confidently; who says in your heart, I - final; I neither sit a widow, nor know bereavement. 9 And these two come to you in a blink in one day - bereavement and widowhood: they come on you in their integrity for the abundance of your sorceries, and for the mighty might of your charms: 10 for you confide in your evil: you say, No one sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge turn you away; and you say in your heart, I - the final. 11 And evil comes on you; you know not the dawn thereof: and calamity falls on you; you are not able to kapar/atone: and devastation comes on you suddenly which you know not. 12 Stand, I beseech, with your charms and with the abundance of your sorceries wherein you labored from your youth; if perhaps you benefit; if perhaps you terrify. 13 You weary in the abundance of your counsels. I beseech you, have the horoscopists of the heavens, the seers of stars, the knowers of months stand up and save you from these that come on you. 14 Behold, they are as stubble; the fire burns them; they rescue not their souls from the hand of the flame: there is neither coal to heat, nor flame to sit in front of. 15 Thus are they with whom you labored to you - your merchants, from your youth: they wander every man beyond; your saviour is not.
ACV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. For thou shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal. Remove thy veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen. I will take vengeance, and will spare no man. 4 Our Redeemer, LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, for thou shall no more be called The mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people. I profaned my inheritance, and gave them into thy hand. Thou showed them no mercy. Upon the aged thou have laid thy yoke very heavily. 7 And thou said, I shall be mistress forever, so that thou did not lay these things to thy heart, nor remembered the latter end of it. 8 Now therefore hear this, thou who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me. I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of sons. 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day: the loss of sons, and widowhood. In their full measure they shall come upon thee, in the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou have trusted in thy wickedness. Thou have said, None sees me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it has perverted thee. And thou have said in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me. 11 Therefore evil shall come upon thee. Thou shall not know the dawning of it. And mischief shall fall upon thee. Thou shall not be able to put it away. And desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou know not. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, in which thou have labored from thy youth, if so be thou shall be able to profit, if so be thou may prevail. 13 Thou are wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble. The fire shall burn them. They shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall be the things to thee, in which thou have labored. Those who have trafficked with thee from thy youth shall wander each one to his quarter. There shall be none to save thee.
WEB(i) 1 “Come down and sit in the dust, virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, daughter of the Chaldeans. For you will no longer be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind flour. Remove your veil, lift up your skirt, uncover your legs, and wade through the rivers. 3 Your nakedness will be uncovered. Yes, your shame will be seen. I will take vengeance, and will spare no one.” 4 Our Redeemer, Yahweh of Armies is his name, is the Holy One of Israel. 5 “Sit in silence, and go into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans. For you shall no longer be called the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people. I profaned my inheritance and gave them into your hand. You showed them no mercy. You laid a very heavy yoke on the aged. 7 You said, ‘I will be a princess forever,’ so that you didn’t lay these things to your heart, nor did you remember the results. 8 “Now therefore hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me. I won’t sit as a widow, neither will I know the loss of children.’ 9 But these two things will come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in their full measure, in the multitude of your sorceries, and the great abundance of your enchantments. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness. You have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and your knowledge has perverted you. You have said in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me.’ 11 Therefore disaster will come on you. You won’t know when it dawns. Mischief will fall on you. You won’t be able to put it away. Desolation will come on you suddenly, which you don’t understand. 12 “Stand now with your enchantments and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth, as if you might profit, as if you might prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Now let the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators, stand up and save you from the things that will happen to you. 14 Behold, they are like stubble. The fire will burn them. They won’t deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It won’t be a coal to warm at or a fire to sit by. 15 The things that you labored in will be like this: those who have trafficked with you from your youth will each wander in his own way. There will be no one to save you.
  1 H3381 "Come down, H3427 and sit H6083 in the dust, H1330 virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon; H3427 sit H776 on the ground H3678 without a throne, H1323 daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 for you shall no more H7121 be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 Take H7347 the millstones, H2912 and grind H7058 meal; H1540 remove H6777 your veil, H2834 strip H7640 off the train, H1540 uncover H7785 the leg, H5674 pass through H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Your nakedness H1540 shall be uncovered, H2781 yes, your shame H7200 shall be seen: H3947 I will take H5359 vengeance, H6293 and will spare H120 no man."
  4 H1350 Our Redeemer, H3068 Yahweh H6635 of Armies H8034 is his name, H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 "Sit H1748 in silence, H935 and go H2822 into darkness, H1323 daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans; H3254 for you shall no more H7121 be called H1404 the mistress H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 I was angry H5971 with my people, H2490 I profaned H5159 my inheritance, H5414 and gave H3027 them into your hand: H7760 you showed H7356 them no mercy; H2205 on the aged H3966 you have very H3513 heavily H5923 laid your yoke.
  7 H559 You said, H1404 ‘I shall be a mistress H5769 forever;' H7760 so that you did not lay H3820 these things to your heart, H2142 nor did you remember H319 the latter end of it.
  8 H8085 "Now therefore hear H5719 this, you who are given to pleasures, H3427 who sit H983 securely, H559 who say H3824 in your heart, H657 ‘I am, and there is none else H3427 besides me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow, H3045 neither shall I know H7908 the loss of children:'
  9 H8147 but these two H935 things shall come H7281 to you in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7908 the loss of children, H489 and widowhood; H8537 in their full measure H935 shall they come H7230 on you, in the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H3966 and the great H6109 abundance H2267 of your enchantments.
  10 H982 For you have trusted H7451 in your wickedness; H559 you have said, H7200 No one sees H2451 me; your wisdom H1847 and your knowledge, H7725 it has perverted H559 you, and you have said H3820 in your heart, H657 I am, and there is none else besides me.
  11 H7451 Therefore evil H935 will come H3045 on you; you won't know H7837 when it dawns: H1943 and mischief H5307 will fall H3201 on you; you will not be able H3722 to put it away: H7722 and desolation H935 shall come H6597 on you suddenly, H3045 which you don't know.
  12 H5975 "Stand H2267 now with your enchantments, H7230 and with the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H834 in which H3021 you have labored H5271 from your youth; H3201 if so be you shall be able H3276 to profit, H6206 if so be you may prevail.
  13 H3811 You are wearied H7230 in the multitude H6098 of your counsels: H1895 let now the astrologers, H2374 the stargazers, H2320 the monthly H3045 prognosticators, H5975 stand up, H3467 and save H935 you from the things that shall come on you.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble; H784 the fire H8313 shall burn H5337 them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame: H1513 it shall not be a coal H2552 to warm H217 at, nor a fire H3427 to sit before.
  15 H3021 Thus shall the things be to you in which you have labored: H5503 those who have trafficked H5271 with you from your youth H8582 shall wander H376 everyone H5676 to his quarter; H3467 there shall be none to save you.
NHEB(i) 1 "Come down, and sit in the dust, virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal; remove your veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, your shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and will spare no man," 4 says our Redeemer; the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 "Sit in silence, and go into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no more be called the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I profaned my inheritance, and gave them into your hand: you showed them no mercy; on the aged you have very heavily laid your yoke. 7 You said, 'I shall be a mistress forever;' so that you did not lay these things to your heart, nor did you remember the latter end of it. 8 "Now therefore hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in your heart, 'I am, and there is no other besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:' 9 but these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come on you, in spite of your many sorceries and the potency of your spells. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, No one sees me; your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you, and you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no other besides me.' 11 Therefore disaster will come on you; you won't know when it dawns: and calamity will fall on you; you will not be able to put it away: and desolation shall come on you suddenly and unexpectedly. 12 "Stand now with your enchantments, and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth; if so be you shall be able to profit, if so be you may prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; those who conjure the heavens, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from the things that shall come on you. 14 Look, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: it shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall the things be to you in which you have labored: those who have trafficked with you from your youth shall wander everyone to his quarter; there shall be none to save you.
AKJV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover your locks, make bore the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, your shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet you as a man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit you silent, and get you into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and given them into your hand: you did show them no mercy; on the ancient have you very heavily laid your yoke. 7 And you said, I shall be a lady for ever: so that you did not lay these things to your heart, neither did remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore hear now this, you that are given to pleasures, that dwell carelessly, that say in your heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come on you in their perfection for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness: you have said, None sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you; and you have said in your heart, I am, and none else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come on you; you shall not know from where it rises: and mischief shall fall on you; you shall not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come on you suddenly, which you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the multitude of your sorceries, wherein you have labored from your youth; if so be you shall be able to profit, if so be you may prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come on you. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be to you with whom you have labored, even your merchants, from your youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save you.
  1 H3381 Come H3381 down, H3427 and sit H6083 in the dust, H1330 O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon, H3427 sit H5921 on H776 the ground: H369 there is no H3678 throne, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3808 for you shall no H3254 more H7121 be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 Take H7347 the millstones, H2912 and grind H7058 meal: H1540 uncover H6777 your locks, H2834 make bore H7640 the leg, H1540 uncover H7785 the thigh, H5674 pass H5674 over H5103 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Your nakedness H1540 shall be uncovered, H1571 yes, H2781 your shame H7200 shall be seen: H3947 I will take H5359 vengeance, H6293 and I will not meet H120 you as a man.
  4 H1350 As for our redeemer, H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name, H6918 the Holy H3478 One of Israel.
  5 H3427 Sit H1748 you silent, H935 and get H2822 you into darkness, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3808 for you shall no H3254 more H7121 be called, H1404 The lady H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 I was wroth H5971 with my people, H2490 I have polluted H5159 my inheritance, H5414 and given H3027 them into your hand: H7760 you did show H3808 them no H7356 mercy; H2204 on the ancient H3966 have you very H3513 heavily H5923 laid your yoke.
  7 H559 And you said, H1404 I shall be a lady H5769 for ever: H5704 so H7760 that you did not lay H428 these H3820 things to your heart, H3808 neither H2142 did remember H319 the latter end of it.
  8 H8085 Therefore hear H6258 now H2063 this, H5719 you that are given to pleasures, H3427 that dwell H983 carelessly, H559 that say H3824 in your heart, H657 I am, and none H5750 else H657 beside H3427 me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow, H3808 neither H3045 shall I know H7921 the loss of children:
  9 H428 But these H8147 two H935 things shall come H7281 to you in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7921 the loss H489 of children, and widowhood: H935 they shall come H8537 on you in their perfection H7230 for the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H3966 and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of your enchantments.
  10 H982 For you have trusted H7451 in your wickedness: H559 you have said, H369 None H7200 sees H2451 me. Your wisdom H1847 and your knowledge, H7725 it has perverted H559 you; and you have said H3820 in your heart, H657 I am, and none H5750 else H657 beside me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 come H3045 on you; you shall not know H7837 from where it rises: H1943 and mischief H5307 shall fall H3201 on you; you shall not be able H3722 to put H7722 it off: and desolation H935 shall come H6597 on you suddenly, H3045 which you shall not know.
  12 H5975 Stand H4994 now H2267 with your enchantments, H7230 and with the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H834 wherein H3021 you have labored H5271 from your youth; H194 if H3201 so be you shall be able H3276 to profit, H194 if H6206 so be you may prevail.
  13 H3811 You are wearied H7230 in the multitude H6098 of your counsels. H4994 Let now H1895 the astrologers, H8064 H2374 the stargazers, H2320 3556 the monthly H3045 prognosticators, H5975 stand H3467 up, and save H935 you from these things that shall come on you.
  14 H2009 Behold, H7179 they shall be as stubble; H784 the fire H8313 shall burn H5337 them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame: H1513 there shall not be a coal H2552 to warm H217 at, nor fire H3427 to sit H5048 before it.
  15 H3651 Thus H834 shall they be to you with whom H3021 you have labored, H5503 even your merchants, H5271 from your youth: H8582 they shall wander H376 every H376 one H5676 to his quarter; H369 none H3467 shall save you.
KJ2000(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover your locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, your shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not arbitrate with a man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I have profaned my inheritance, and given them into your hand: you did show them no mercy; upon the aged have you very heavily laid your yoke. 7 And you said, I shall be a lady forever: so that you did not lay these things to your heart, neither did remember the latter end of them. 8 Therefore hear now this, you that are given to pleasures, that dwell securely, that say in your heart, I am, and there is none else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon you in their fullness for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness: you have said, None sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you; and you have said in your heart, I am, and there is none else besides me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon you; you shall not know from where it rises: and mischief shall fall upon you; you shall not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon you suddenly, which you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth; perhaps you shall be able to profit, perhaps you may prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come upon you. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus shall they be unto you with whom you have labored, even your merchants, from your youth: they shall wander everyone to his quarter; none shall save you.
UKJV(i) 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover your locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, your shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet you as a man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit you silent, and get you into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into your hand: you did show them no mercy; upon the ancient have you very heavily laid your yoke. 7 And you said, I shall be a lady for ever: so that you did not lay these things to your heart, neither did remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore hear now this, you that are given to pleasures, that dwell carelessly, that say in your heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: 9 But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon you in their perfection for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness: you have said, None sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you; and you have said in your heart, I am, and none else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon you; you shall not know from whence it rises: and mischief shall fall upon you; you shall not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon you suddenly, which you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the multitude of your sorceries, wherein you have laboured from your youth; if so be you shall be able to profit, if so be you may prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly sign tellers, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come upon you. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be unto you with whom you have laboured, even your merchants, from your youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save you.
  1 H3381 Come down, H3427 and sit H6083 in the dust, H1330 O virgin H1323 daughter H894 of Babylon, H3427 sit H776 on the ground: H3678 there is no throne, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 for you shall no more H7121 be called H7390 tender H6028 and delicate.
  2 H3947 Take H7347 the millstones, H2912 and grind H7058 meal: H1540 uncover H6777 your locks, H2834 make bare H7640 the leg, H1540 uncover H7785 the thigh, H5674 pass over H5104 the rivers.
  3 H6172 Your nakedness H1540 shall be uncovered, H2781 Yes, your shame H7200 shall be seen: H3947 I will take H5359 vengeance, H6293 and I will not meet H120 you as a man.
  4 H1350 As for our redeemer, H3068 the Lord H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name, H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3427 Sit H1748 you silent, H935 and get H2822 you into darkness, H1323 O daughter H3778 of the Chaldeans: H3254 for you shall no more H7121 be called, H1404 The lady H4467 of kingdoms.
  6 H7107 I was angry H5971 with my people, H2490 I have polluted H5159 my inheritance, H5414 and given H3027 them into your hand: H7760 you did show H7356 them no mercy; H2205 upon the ancient H3966 have you very H3513 heavily H5923 laid your yoke.
  7 H559 And you said, H1404 I shall be a lady H5769 for ever: H7760 so that you did not lay H3820 these things to your heart, H2142 neither did remember H319 the latter end of it.
  8 H8085 Therefore hear H5719 now this, you that are given to pleasures, H3427 that dwell H983 carelessly, H559 that say H3824 in your heart, H657 I am, and none else H3427 beside me; I shall not sit H490 as a widow, H3045 neither shall I know H7908 the loss of sons:
  9 H8147 But these two H935 things shall come H7281 to you in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7908 the loss of sons, H489 and widowhood: H935 they shall come H8537 upon you in their perfection H7230 for the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H3966 and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of your enchantments.
  10 H982 For you have trusted H7451 in your wickedness: H559 you have said, H7200 None sees H2451 me. Your wisdom H1847 and your knowledge, H7725 it has perverted H559 you; and you have said H3820 in your heart, H657 I am, and none else beside me.
  11 H7451 Therefore shall evil H935 come H3045 upon you; you shall not know H7837 from from where it rises: H1943 and mischief H5307 shall fall H3201 upon you; you shall not be able H3722 to put it off: H7722 and desolation H935 shall come H6597 upon you suddenly, H3045 which you shall not know.
  12 H5975 Stand H2267 now with your enchantments, H7230 and with the multitude H3785 of your sorceries, H834 where H3021 you have labored H5271 from your youth; H3201 if so be you shall be able H3276 to profit, H6206 if so be you may prevail.
  13 H3811 You are wearied H7230 in the multitude H6098 of your counsels. H1895 Let now the astrologers, H2374 the stargazers, H2320 the monthly H3045 prognosticators, H5975 stand up, H3467 and save H935 you from these things that shall come upon you.
  14 H7179 Behold, they shall be as stubble; H784 the fire H8313 shall burn H5337 them; they shall not deliver H5315 themselves H3027 from the power H3852 of the flame: H1513 there shall not be a coal H2552 to warm H217 at, nor fire H3427 to sit before it.
  15 H3021 Thus shall they be unto you with whom you have labored, H5503 even your merchants, H5271 from your youth: H8582 they shall wander H376 every one H5676 to his quarter; H3467 none shall save you.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground, without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no longer be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind meal; uncover thy locks, remove the shoes from thy feet, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered and thy shame shall be seen; I will take vengeance, and I will not help any man. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of the hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit, be silent, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for thou shalt no longer be called, The lady of kingdoms. 6 I was wroth with my people; I have profaned my inheritance and given them into thine hand; thou didst show them no mercy; upon the ancient thou hast very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 ¶ And thou didst say, I shall be a lady for ever. Until now thou hast not laid these things to heart, neither didst thou remember thy latter end. 8 Therefore now hear this, thou delicate one, that dost sit in confidence and say in thine heart, I am, and no one else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I be fatherless. 9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day; the loss of thy fathers and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, No one sees me. Thy wisdom and thine own knowledge; it has deceived thee; for thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and no one else beside me. 11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from where it rises; and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and destruction shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. 12 Stand now with thine enchantments and with the multitude of thy sorceries in which thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to better thyself, if so be thou may prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now those that contemplate the heavens, those that speculate regarding the stars, those that teach the courses of the moon, stand up and defend thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver their lives from the hand of the flame; there shall not be a coal left to warm at, nor light to sit before it. 15 Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander each one to his own way; there shall be no one to save thee.
CAB(i) 1 Come down, sit on the ground, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no more be called tender and luxurious. 2 Take a millstone, grind meal; remove your veil, uncover your white hairs, make bare the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Your shame shall be uncovered, your reproaches shall be brought to light; I will exact of you due vengeance, I will no longer deliver you to men. 4 Your deliverer is the Lord of hosts, the Holy One of Israel is His name. 5 Sit down, you that are pierced with woe, go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; you shall no more be called the strength of a kingdom. 6 I have been provoked with My people; you have defiled My inheritance; I gave them into your hand, but you did not extend mercy to them; you made the yoke of the aged man very heavy, 7 and said, I shall be a princess forever; you did not perceive these things in your heart, nor did you remember the latter end. 8 But now hear these words, you luxurious one, that sits at ease, that is secure, that says in her heart, I am, and there is not another; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know bereavement. 9 But now these two things shall come upon you suddenly in one day, the loss of children and widowhood shall come suddenly upon you, for your sorcery, for the strength of your enchantments, 10 for your trusting in wickedness; for you said, I am, and there is not another; know therefore the understanding of these things and your harlotry shall be your shame; for you said in your heart, I am, and there is not another. 11 And destruction shall come upon you, and you shall not be aware; there shall be a pit, and you shall fall into it; and grief shall come upon you, and you shall not be able to be clear; and destruction shall come suddenly upon you, and you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the abundance of your sorcery, which you have learned from your youth; if you can be profited. 13 You are wearied in your counsels. Let now the astrologers of the heaven stand and deliver you, let them that see the stars tell you what is about to come upon you. 14 Behold, they all shall be burned up as sticks in the fire; neither shall they at all deliver their life from the flame. Because you have coals of fire, sit upon them; 15 these shall be your help. You have wearied yourself with traffic from your youth; every man has wandered to his own home, but you shall have no deliverance.
LXX2012(i) 1 Come down, sit on the ground, O virgin daughter of Babylon: sit on the ground, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and luxurious. 2 Take a millstone, grind meal: remove your veil, uncover your white hairs, make bare the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Your shame shall be uncovered, your reproaches shall be brought to light: I will exact of you due vengeance, I will no longer deliver you to men. 4 Your deliverer is the Lord of hosts, the Holy One of Israel is his name. 5 Sit you down pierced with woe, go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: you shall no more be called the strength of a kingdom. 6 I have been provoked with my people; you have defiled mine inheritance: I gave them into your hand, but you did not extend mercy to them: you made the yoke of the aged man very heavy, 7 and said, I shall be a princess for ever: you did not perceive these things in your heart, nor did you remember the latter end. 8 But now hear these words, you luxurious one, [who are] the one that sits [at ease], that is secure, that says in her heart, I am, and there is not another; I shall not sit a widow, neither shall I know bereavement. 9 But now these two things shall come upon you suddenly in one day, the loss of children and widowhood shall come suddenly upon you, for your sorcery, for the strength of your enchantments, 10 for your trusting in wickedness: for you said, I am, and there is not another: know you, the understanding of these things and your harlotry shall be your shame; for you said in your heart, I am, and there is not another. 11 And destruction shall come upon you, and you shall not be aware; [there shall be a] pit, and you shall fall into it: and grief shall come upon you, and you shall not be able to be clear; and destruction shall come suddenly upon you, and you shall not know. 12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the abundance of your sorcery, which you have learned from your youth; if you can be profited. 13 You are wearied in your counsels. Let now the astrologers of the heaven stand and deliver you, let them that see the stars tell you what is about to come upon you. 14 Behold, they all shall be burnt up as sticks in the fire; neither shall they at all deliver their life from the flame. Because you have coals of fire, sit you upon them; 15 these shall be your help. You have wearied yourself with traffic from your youth: every man has wandered to his own home, but you shall have no deliverance.
NSB(i) 1 »Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans! For you will no longer be called tender and delicate. 2 »Take the millstones and grind meal. Remove your veil, strip off the skirt; uncover the leg and cross the rivers. 3 »Your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame will be exposed. I will take vengeance. I will not spare a man.« 4 Our Redeemer, Jehovah of Hosts is His name, The Holy One of Israel. 5 »Sit silently and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans. You will no longer be called the queen of kingdoms. 6 »I was angry with my people. I profaned my heritage and gave them into your hand. You did not show mercy to them. You made your yoke very heavy on the aged. 7 »‘You said: ‘I will be a queen for a very long time!’ You did not consider these things or remember their outcome. 8 »Hear this you sensual one! You dwell securely and say in your heart: ‘I am, and there is no one besides me. I will not sit as a widow. I will not lose children.’ (Revelation 18:2-8) 9 »Two things will come on you suddenly in one day: Loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in full measure in spite of your abundance of sorceries, in spite of the great power of your spells. 10 »You felt sure of yourself in your evil. You thought that no one could see you. Your wisdom and knowledge led you astray. Then you said to yourself: ‘I am God! There is no one else like me.’ 11 »Disaster will come upon you, and none of your magic can stop it. Ruin will come on you suddenly, ruin you never dreamed of! 12 Keep all your magic spells and charms. You have used them since you were young. Perhaps they will be of some help to you. Perhaps you can frighten your enemies. 13 »You are powerless in spite of the advice you get. Let your astrologers come forward and save you! Let those people who study the stars, who map out the zones of the heavens tell you from month to month what is going to happen to you. 14 »Surely they are like stubble. The fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone and no fire to sit by. 15 »That is all they can do for you, these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error. No one can save you.
ISV(i) 1 The Fall of Babylon “Come down and sit in the dust, Virgin Daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a chair, Daughter of the Chaldeans! For no longer will they call you tender and attractive. 2 Take millstones and grind flour. Remove your veil, strip off your robes, bare your legs, and wade through the rivers. 3 Your nakedness will be exposed, and your disgrace will also be seen. I’ll take vengeance, and I will spare no mortal. 4 “Our Redeemer— the LORD of the Heavenly Armies is his name— is the Holy One of Israel. 5 “Sit silent, and enter into the darkness, you daughter of the Chaldeans; for no more will they call you Queen of Kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, and I desecrated my heritage, and gave them into your control. You showed them no mercy; even on the aged you laid your yoke most heavily. 7 You said, ‘I will always continue—Queen forever!’ You didn’t take these things into your thinking, nor did you think about their consequences. 8 “Now hear this, you wanton creature, lounging with no cares, and saying to herself: ‘I am the one, and there will be none besides me; I won’t live as a widow, nor will I see the loss of children.’ 9 Both of these things will overtake you suddenly on a single day: loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, despite the multitude of your incantations and the great power of your spells.”
10 Self-Deception of the Babylonians“You trusted in your own knowledge. You said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge have misled you. You said in your heart, ‘I am the one, and there will be none besides me.’ 11 “But disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to charm it away. A calamity will befall you that you will not be able to ward off; and devastation will come upon you suddenly, and you won’t anticipate it. 12 “But stand up now with your spells and your many incantations, at which you have labored from your childhood until today, 13 according to your multiple schemes. Let them stand up now— those who conjure the heavens and gaze at the stars, predicting at the new moons— and save you from what is about to happen to them. 14 “See, they are just like stubble; fire burns them up. They could not even save themselves from the power of the flame. There will be no coals for warming oneself, no fire to sit by. 15 So will they be to you—those with whom you toiled and did business since your childhood— they wander about, each in his own direction; there is not one who can save you.
LEB(i) 1 Come down and sit on the dust, virgin daughter of Babylon! Sit on the ground without a throne, daughter of Chaldea! For they shall no longer call* you tender and delicate. 2 Take the pair of mill stones and grind flour! Uncover your veil, strip off your skirt, uncover your thigh, pass through the rivers! 3 Your nakedness shall be exposed; indeed, your shame shall become visible. I will take vengeance and I will not spare* a person. 4 Our redeemer, Yahweh of hosts is his name, the holy one of Israel. 5 Sit silently and go into the darkness, daughter of Chaldea, for they shall no longer call* you mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people; I profaned my inheritance, and I gave them into your hand. You did not give* them mercy; on the aged you made your yoke very heavy. 7 And you said, "I shall be an eternal mistress forever!" You did not set these things upon your heart; you did not remember its end. 8 Therefore now hear this, luxuriant one who sits* in security, who says* in her heart, "I am, and besides me there is no one. I shall not sit as a widow, and I shall not know the loss of children." 9 And these two shall come to you in a moment, in one day: the loss of children and widowhood shall come on you completely,* in spite of your many sorceries, in spite of the power of your great enchantments. 10 And you felt secure in your wickedness; you said, "No one* sees* me." Your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray, and you said in your heart, "I am, and besides me there is no one." 11 And evil shall come upon you, you will not know; it will be on the lookout for her. And disaster shall fall upon you; you will not be able to avert* it. And ruin shall come on you suddenly; you do not know. 12 Stand, now, in your enchantments, and in your many sorceries with which you have labored from your youth. Perhaps you may be able to benefit; perhaps you may scare away.* 13 You struggle with your many consultations;* let them stand, now, and save you— those who see the stars, divide the celestial sphere,* who inform by new moons— from those things that are coming upon you. 14 Look! They are like stubble; the fire burns them completely. They cannot deliver themselves* from the power* of the flame; there is no coal for warming oneself,* no fire before which to sit. 15 So are to you those with whom you have labored, your traders from your youth. They wander, each to his side; there is no one who can save you.
BSB(i) 1 “Go down and sit in the dust, O Virgin Daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O Daughter of Chaldea! For you will no longer be called tender or delicate. 2 Take millstones and grind flour; remove your veil; strip off your skirt, bare your thigh, and wade through the streams. 3 Your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame will be exposed. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one.” 4 Our Redeemer—the LORD of Hosts is His name—is the Holy One of Israel. 5 “Sit in silence and go into darkness, O Daughter of Chaldea. For you will no longer be called the queen of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with My people; I profaned My heritage, and I placed them under your control. You showed them no mercy; even on the elderly you laid a most heavy yoke. 7 You said, ‘I will be queen forever.’ You did not take these things to heart or consider their outcome. 8 So now hear this, O lover of luxury who sits securely, who says to herself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or know the loss of children.’ 9 These two things will overtake you in a moment, in a single day: loss of children, and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and the potency of your spells. 10 You were secure in your wickedness; you said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge led you astray; you told yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’ 11 But disaster will come upon you; you will not know how to charm it away. A calamity will befall you that you will be unable to ward off. Devastation will happen to you suddenly and unexpectedly. 12 So take your stand with your spells and with your many sorceries, with which you have wearied yourself from your youth. Perhaps you will succeed; perhaps you will inspire terror! 13 You are wearied by your many counselors; let them come forward now and save you—your astrologers who observe the stars, who monthly predict your fate. 14 Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. There will be no coals to warm them or fire to sit beside. 15 This is what they are to you—those with whom you have labored and traded from youth—each one strays in his own direction; not one of them can save you.
MSB(i) 1 “Go down and sit in the dust, O Virgin Daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O Daughter of Chaldea! For you will no longer be called tender or delicate. 2 Take millstones and grind flour; remove your veil; strip off your skirt, bare your thigh, and wade through the streams. 3 Your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame will be exposed. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one.” 4 Our Redeemer—the LORD of Hosts is His name—is the Holy One of Israel. 5 “Sit in silence and go into darkness, O Daughter of Chaldea. For you will no longer be called the queen of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with My people; I profaned My heritage, and I placed them under your control. You showed them no mercy; even on the elderly you laid a most heavy yoke. 7 You said, ‘I will be queen forever.’ You did not take these things to heart or consider their outcome. 8 So now hear this, O lover of luxury who sits securely, who says to herself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or know the loss of children.’ 9 These two things will overtake you in a moment, in a single day: loss of children, and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and the potency of your spells. 10 You were secure in your wickedness; you said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge led you astray; you told yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’ 11 But disaster will come upon you; you will not know how to charm it away. A calamity will befall you that you will be unable to ward off. Devastation will happen to you suddenly and unexpectedly. 12 So take your stand with your spells and with your many sorceries, with which you have wearied yourself from your youth. Perhaps you will succeed; perhaps you will inspire terror! 13 You are wearied by your many counselors; let them come forward now and save you—your astrologers who observe the stars, who monthly predict your fate. 14 Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. There will be no coals to warm them or fire to sit beside. 15 This is what they are to you—those with whom you have labored and traded from youth—each one strays in his own direction; not one of them can save you.
MLV(i) 1 Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. For you will no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind meal. Remove your veil, strip off the train, uncover the leg, pass through the rivers. 3 Your nakedness will be uncovered, yes, your shame will be seen. I will take vengeance and will spare no man.
4 Our Redeemer, Jehovah of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.
5 Sit you silent and get you into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, for you will no more be called The mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people. I profaned my inheritance and gave them into your hand. You showed them no mercy. you have laid your yoke very heavily upon the aged. 7 And you said, I will be a mistress everlasting, so that you did not lay these things to your heart, nor remembered the latter end of it.
8 Now therefore hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in your heart, I am and there is none else besides me. I will not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of sons. 9 But these two things will come to you in a moment in one day: the loss of sons and widowhood. In their full measure they will come upon you, in the multitude of your sorceries and the great abundance of your enchantments. For you have trusted in your wickedness. You have said, None sees me.
10 Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you. And you have said in your heart, I am and there is none else besides me.
11 Therefore evil will come upon you. You will not know the dawning of it. And mischief will fall upon you. You will not be able to put it away. And desolation will come upon you suddenly, which you do not know.
12 Stand now with your enchantments and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth, perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you may prevail. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the knowers from the new moons, stand up and save you from the things that will come upon you.
14 Behold, they will be as stubble. The fire will burn them. They will not deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It will not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before. 15 Thus will be the things to you, in which you have labored. Those who have traded with you from your youth will wander each one to his quarter. There will be none to save you.

VIN(i) 1 "Come down, and sit in the dust, virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and delicate. 2 Take the millstones and grind flour. Remove your veil, lift up your skirt, uncover your legs, and wade through the rivers. 3 Your nakedness will be uncovered. Yes, your shame will be seen. I will take vengeance, and will spare no one.” 4 Our Redeemer, the LORD Almighty is His name, the Holy One of Israel. 5 "Sit in silence, and go into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no more be called the mistress of kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my people, I profaned my inheritance, and gave them into your hand: you showed them no mercy; on the aged you have very heavily laid your yoke. 7 "'You said: 'I will be a queen for a very long time!' You did not consider these things or remember their outcome. 8 Now, therefore hear this, Thou Lady of pleasure Who dwelleth securely, Who saith in her heart,—I, [am], and there is no one besides, I shall not sit a widow, Nor know loss of children. 9 »Two things will come on you suddenly in one day: Loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in full measure in spite of your abundance of sorceries, in spite of the great power of your spells. 10 For you have trusted in your wickedness. You have said, 'No one sees me.' Your wisdom and your knowledge has perverted you. You have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one else besides me.' 11 Yet shall evil came upon thee; thou shalt not know how to charm it away; and calamity shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it away; and ruin shall come upon thee suddenly, before thou knowest. 12 Stand now among your spells, and with your many sorceries, in which you have wearied yourself since your youth. Perhaps you will be able to profit; perhaps may cause quaking. 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the knowers from the new moons, stand up and save you from the things that will come upon you. 14 "Surely they are like stubble. The fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone and no fire to sit by. 15 "That is all they can do for you, these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error. No one can save you.
Luther1545(i) 1 Herunter, Jungfrau, du Tochter Babel, setze dich in den Staub, setze dich auf die Erde! Denn die Tochter der Chaldäer hat keinen Stuhl mehr. Man wird dich nicht mehr nennen: Du Zarte und Lüstlin. 2 Nimm die Mühle und mahle Mehl, flicht deine Zöpfe aus, entblöße den Fuß, entdecke den Schenkel, wate durchs Wasser, 3 daß deine Scham aufgedeckt und deine Schande gesehen werde. Ich will mich rächen, und soll mir kein Mensch abbitten. 4 (Solches tut) unser Erlöser, welcher heißt der HERR Zebaoth, der Heilige in Israel. 5 Setzte dich in das Stille, gehe in die Finsternis, du Tochter der Chaldäer; denn du sollst nicht mehr heißen: Frau über Königreiche. 6 Denn da ich über mein Volk zornig war und entweihete mein Erbe, übergab ich sie in deine Hand; aber du beweisetest ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit; auch über die Alten machtest du dein Joch allzu schwer 7 und dachtest: Ich bin eine Königin ewiglich. Du hast solches bisher noch nicht zu Herzen gefasset noch daran gedacht, wie es mit ihnen hernach werden sollte. 8 So höre nun dies, die du in Wollust lebest und so sicher sitzest und sprichst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's und keine mehr; ich werde keine Witwe werden noch unfruchtbar sein. 9 Aber es werden dir solche alle beide kommen plötzlich auf einen Tag, daß du Witwe und unfruchtbar seiest; ja, vollkömmlich werden sie über dich kommen um der Menge willen deiner Zauberer und um deiner Beschwörer willen, deren ein großer Haufe bei dir ist. 10 Denn du hast dich auf deine Bosheit verlassen, da du dachtest: Man siehet mich nicht; deine Weisheit und Kunst hat dich gestürzt und sprichst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's und sonst keine. 11 Darum wird über dich ein Unglück kommen, das du nicht weißest, wenn es daherbricht, und wird ein Unfall auf dich fallen, den du nicht sühnen kannst; denn es wird plötzlich ein Getümmel über dich kommen, des du dich nicht versiehest. 12 So tritt nun auf mit deinen Beschwörern und mit der Menge deiner Zauberer, unter welchen du dich von deiner Jugend auf bemühet hast, ob du dir möchtest raten, ob du möchtest dich stärken. 13 Denn du bist müde vor der Menge deiner Anschläge. Laß hertreten und dir helfen die Meister des Himmelslaufs und die Sterngucker, die nach den Monden rechnen, was über dich kommen werde. 14 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln, die das Feuer verbrennet; sie können ihr Leben nicht erretten vor der Flamme; denn es wird nicht eine Glut sein, dabei man sich wärme, oder ein Feuer, da man um sitzen möge. 15 Also sind sie, unter welchen du dich bemühet hast, deine Hantierer von deiner Jugend auf; ein jeglicher wird seines Ganges hie- und daher gehen, und hast keinen Helfer.
  1 H1330 Herunter, Jungfrau H1323 , du Tochter H894 Babel H3381 , setze dich H3427 in den Staub, setze dich H6083 auf die Erde H1323 ! Denn die Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3678 hat keinen Stuhl H7121 mehr. Man H3427 wird dich H3254 nicht H7390 mehr nennen: Du Zarte H776 und Lüstlin.
  2 H3947 Nimm H7347 die Mühle H2912 und mahle H7058 Mehl H1540 , flicht H6777 deine Zöpfe H7785 aus, entblöße den Fuß, entdecke den Schenkel H5674 , wate H5104 durchs Wasser,
  3 H6172 daß deine Scham H2781 aufgedeckt und deine Schande H1540 gesehen werde H3947 . Ich will H5359 mich rächen H7200 , und soll H120 mir kein Mensch H6293 abbitten .
  4 H1350 [Solches tut] unser Erlöser H8034 , welcher heißt H3068 der HErr H6635 Zebaoth H6918 , der Heilige H3478 in Israel .
  5 H3427 Setzte dich H1748 in das Stille H935 , gehe H2822 in die Finsternis H1323 , du Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3254 ; denn du sollst nicht H7121 mehr heißen H1404 : Frau H4467 über Königreiche .
  6 H5971 Denn da ich über mein Volk H7107 zornig H7760 war und H5159 entweihete mein Erbe H5414 , übergab ich sie H3027 in deine Hand H7356 ; aber du beweisetest ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit H2490 ; auch über die H2205 Alten H5923 machtest du dein Joch H3966 allzu H3513 schwer
  7 H7760 und H1404 dachtest: Ich bin eine Königin H5769 ewiglich H559 . Du H3820 hast solches bisher noch nicht zu Herzen H2142 gefasset noch daran gedacht H319 , wie es mit ihnen hernach werden sollte.
  8 H8085 So höre H5719 nun dies H3427 , die H559 du H983 in Wollust lebest und so sicher H3427 sitzest H3824 und sprichst in deinem Herzen H3045 : Ich H657 bin‘s und keine H490 mehr; ich werde keine Witwe werden noch unfruchtbar sein.
  9 H8147 Aber es werden dir solche alle beide H935 kommen H7281 plötzlich H3117 auf einen Tag H489 , daß du Witwe H3966 und unfruchtbar seiest; ja, vollkömmlich werden sie H7230 über dich kommen um der Menge H3785 willen deiner Zauberer H2267 und um deiner Beschwörer H259 willen, deren ein H935 großer Haufe bei dir ist .
  10 H7200 Denn du H982 hast dich H7451 auf deine Bosheit H559 verlassen, da du H559 dachtest: Man H2451 siehet mich nicht; deine Weisheit H1847 und Kunst H7725 hat dich H3820 gestürzt und sprichst in deinem Herzen H657 : Ich bin‘s und sonst keine .
  11 H3045 Darum wird H935 über dich ein Unglück kommen H7837 , das du nicht weißest, wenn es daherbricht H3045 , und wird H7451 ein Unfall H5307 auf dich fallen H3722 , den du nicht sühnen H3201 kannst H6597 ; denn es wird plötzlich H7722 ein Getümmel H935 über dich kommen, des du dich nicht versiehest.
  12 H5975 So tritt nun auf H2267 mit deinen Beschwörern H7230 und mit der Menge H3785 deiner Zauberer H834 , unter H5271 welchen du dich von deiner Jugend H3021 auf bemühet hast H3276 , ob du dir möchtest raten H6206 , ob du möchtest dich stärken .
  13 H3045 Denn du H3811 bist müde H7230 vor der Menge H5975 deiner Anschläge. Laß hertreten H6098 und H3467 dir H1895 helfen H8064 die Meister des Himmelslaufs H3556 und die Sterngucker H2320 , die nach den Monden H935 rechnen, was über dich kommen werde.
  14 H7179 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln H784 , die das Feuer H3427 verbrennet; sie können ihr H5315 Leben H5337 nicht erretten H3852 vor der Flamme H1513 ; denn es wird nicht eine Glut H3027 sein, dabei man sich H2552 wärme H217 , oder ein Feuer, da man um sitzen möge.
  15 H8582 Also sind sie H3021 , unter welchen du dich bemühet hast H5271 , deine Hantierer von deiner Jugend H376 auf; ein H5676 jeglicher wird seines Ganges H3467 hie- und daher gehen, und hast keinen Helfer.
Luther1912(i) 1 Herunter, Jungfrau, du Tochter Babel, setze dich in den Staub! Setze dich auf die Erde; denn die Tochter der Chaldäer hat keinen Stuhl mehr. Man wird dich nicht mehr nennen: "Du Zarte und Üppige". 2 Nimm die Mühle und mahle Mehl; flicht deine Zöpfe aus, hebe die Schleppe, entblöße den Schenkel, wate durchs Wasser, 3 daß deine Blöße aufgedeckt und deine Schande gesehen werde. Ich will mich rächen, und soll mir kein Mensch abbitten. 4 Solches tut der Erlöser, welcher heißt der HERR Zebaoth, der Heilige in Israel. 5 Setze dich in das Stille, gehe in die Finsternis, du Tochter der Chaldäer; denn du sollst nicht mehr heißen "Herrin über Königreiche". 6 Denn da ich über mein Volk zornig war und entweihte mein Erbe, übergab ich sie in deine Hand; aber du bewiesest ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit, auch über die Alten machtest du ein Joch allzu schwer, 7 und dachtest: Ich bin eine Königin ewiglich. Du hast solches bisher noch nicht zu Herzen gefaßt noch daran gedacht, wie es damit hernach werden sollte. 8 So höre nun dies, die du in Wollust lebst und so sicher sitzest und sprichst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's, und keine mehr; ich werde keine Witwe werden noch ohne Kinder sein. 9 Aber es wird dir solches beides kommen plötzlich auf einen Tag, daß du Witwe und ohne Kinder seist; ja, vollkommen wird es über dich kommen um der Menge willen deiner Zauberer und um deiner Beschwörer willen, deren ein großer Haufe bei dir ist. 10 Denn du hast dich auf deine Bosheit verlassen, da du dachtest: Man sieht mich nicht! Deine Weisheit und Kunst hat dich verleitet, daß du sprachst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's, und sonst keine! 11 Darum wird über dich ein Unglück kommen, daß du nicht weißt, wann es daherbricht; und wird ein Unfall auf dich fallen, den du nicht sühnen kannst; und es wird plötzlich ein Getümmel über dich kommen, dessen du dich nicht versiehst. 12 So tritt nun auf mit deinen Beschwörern und der Menge deiner Zauberer, unter welchen du dich von deiner Jugend auf bemüht hast, ob du dir könntest raten, ob du dich könntest stärken. 13 Denn du bist müde von der Menge deiner Anschläge. Laß hertreten und dir helfen die Meister des Himmelslaufs und die Sterngucker, die nach den Monaten rechnen, was über dich kommen werde. 14 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln, die das Feuer verbrennt; sie können ihr Leben nicht erretten vor der Flamme; denn es wird nicht eine Glut sein, dabei man sich wärme, oder ein Feuer, darum man sitzen möge. 15 Also sind sie, unter welchen du dich bemüht hast, die mit dir Handel trieben von deiner Jugend auf; ein jeglicher wird seines Ganges hierher und daher gehen, und hast keinen Helfer.
  1 H3381 Herunter H1330 , Jungfrau H1323 , du Tochter H894 Babel H3427 , setze H6083 dich in den Staub H3427 ! Setze H776 dich auf die Erde H1323 ; denn die Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3678 hat keinen Stuhl H3254 mehr H7121 . Man wird dich nicht mehr nennen H7390 : »Du Zarte H6028 und Üppige ».
  2 H3947 Nimm H7347 die Mühle H2912 und mahle H7058 Mehl H1540 ; flicht H6777 deine Zöpfe H1540 aus H1540 , hebe H7640 die Schleppe H2834 , entblöße H7785 den Schenkel H5674 , wate H5104 durchs Wasser,
  3 H6172 daß deine Blöße H1540 aufgedeckt H2781 und deine Schande H7200 gesehen H5359 H3947 werde. Ich will mich rächen H120 , und soll mir kein Mensch H6293 abbitten .
  4 H1350 [Solches tut] unser Erlöser H8034 , welcher heißt H3068 der HERR H6635 Zebaoth H6918 , der Heilige H3478 in Israel .
  5 H3427 Setze H1748 dich in das Stille H935 , gehe H2822 in die Finsternis H1323 , du Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3254 ! denn du sollst nicht mehr H7121 heißen H1404 «Herrin H4467 über Königreiche ».
  6 H5971 Denn da ich über mein Volk H7107 zornig H2490 war und entweihte H5159 mein Erbe H5414 , übergab H3027 ich sie in deine Hand H7760 ; aber du bewiesest H7356 ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit H2205 , auch über die Alten H5923 machtest du dein Joch H3966 allzu H3513 schwer,
  7 H559 und dachtest H1404 : Ich bin eine Königin H5769 ewiglich H3820 . Du hast solches bisher noch nicht zu Herzen H7760 gefaßt H2142 noch daran gedacht H319 , wie es damit hernach werden sollte.
  8 H8085 So höre H5719 nun dies, die du in Wollust H983 lebst und so sicher H3427 sitzest H559 und sprichst H3824 in deinem Herzen H657 : Ich bin’s, und keine H3427 mehr; ich werde keine H490 Witwe H3427 werden H3045 noch H7908 ohne Kinder H3045 sein .
  9 H8147 Aber es wird dir solches beides H935 kommen H7281 plötzlich H259 auf einen H3117 Tag H489 , daß du Witwe H7908 und ohne Kinder H8537 seist; ja, vollkommen H935 wird es über dich kommen H7230 um der Menge H3785 willen deiner Zauberer H2267 und um deiner Beschwörer H3966 willen, deren ein großer H6109 Haufe bei dir ist.
  10 H7451 Denn du hast dich auf deine Bosheit H982 verlassen H559 , da du dachtest H7200 : Man sieht H2451 mich nicht! Deine Weisheit H1847 und Kunst H7725 hat dich verleitet H559 , daß du sprachst H3820 in deinem Herzen H657 : Ich bin’s, und sonst keine!
  11 H7451 Darum wird über dich ein Unglück H935 kommen H3045 , daß du nicht weißt H7837 , wann es daherbricht H1943 ; und wird ein Unfall H5307 auf dich fallen H3722 , den du nicht sühnen H3201 kannst H6597 ; und es wird plötzlich H7722 ein Getümmel H935 über dich kommen H3045 , dessen du dich nicht versiehst .
  12 H5975 So tritt H2267 nun auf mit deinen Beschwörern H7230 und der Menge H3785 deiner Zauberer H834 , unter H834 welchen H5271 du dich von deiner Jugend H3021 auf bemüht H3201 hast, ob du dir könnest H3276 raten H6206 , ob du dich könnest stärken .
  13 H3811 Denn du bist müde H7230 von der Menge H6098 deiner Anschläge H5975 . Laß hertreten H3467 und dir helfen H1895 die Meister H8064 des Himmelslaufs H3556 H2374 und die Sterngucker H2320 , die nach den Monaten H3045 rechnen H935 , was über dich kommen werde.
  14 H7179 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln H784 , die das Feuer H8313 verbrennt H5315 ; sie können ihr Leben H5337 nicht erretten H3852 H3027 vor der Flamme H1513 ; denn es wird nicht eine Glut H2552 sein, dabei man sich wärme H217 , oder ein Feuer H3427 , darum man sitzen möge.
  15 H3021 Also sind sie, unter welchen du dich bemüht H5503 hast, die mit dir Handel H5271 trieben von deiner Jugend H376 auf; ein jeglicher H5676 wird seines Ganges H8582 hier– und daher gehen H3467 , und hast keinen Helfer .
ELB1871(i) 1 Steige herunter und setze dich in den Staub, Jungfrau, Tochter Babel! Setze dich hin zur Erde, ohne Thron, Tochter der Chaldäer! denn nicht mehr sollst du Weichliche und Verzärtelte genannt werden. 2 Nimm die Mühle und mahle Mehl; schlage deinen Schleier zurück, ziehe die Schleppe herauf, entblöße die Schenkel, wate durch Ströme; 3 aufgedeckt werde deine Blöße, ja, gesehen deine Schande! Ich werde Rache nehmen und Menschen nicht verschonen. - 4 Unser Erlöser, Jehova der Heerscharen ist sein Name, der Heilige Israels! - 5 Sitze stumm und gehe in die Finsternis, Tochter der Chaldäer! denn nicht mehr sollst du Herrin der Königreiche genannt werden. 6 Ich war ergrimmt über mein Volk, ich entweihte mein Erbteil, und ich gab sie in deine Hand. Du hast ihnen kein Erbarmen erzeigt, auf den Greis legtest du schwer dein Joch; 7 und du sprachst: In Ewigkeit werde ich Herrin sein! so daß du dir dieses nicht zu Herzen nahmst, das Ende davon nicht bedachtest. 8 Und nun höre dieses, du Üppige, die in Sicherheit wohnt, die in ihrem Herzen spricht: Ich bin's und gar keine sonst! ich werde nicht als Witwe sitzen, noch Kinderlosigkeit kennen. 9 Dieses beides wird über dich kommen in einem Augenblick, an einem Tage: Kinderlosigkeit und Witwentum; in vollstem Maße werden sie über dich kommen, trotz der Menge deiner Zaubereien, trotz der gewaltigen Zahl deiner Bannsprüche. 10 Und du vertrautest auf deine Bosheit, du sprachst: Niemand sieht mich. Deine Weisheit und dein Wissen, das hat dich irregeführt; und du sprachst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's, und gar keine sonst! 11 Aber es kommt ein Unglück über dich, das du nicht wegzaubern kannst; und ein Verderben wird über dich herfallen, welches du nicht zu sühnen vermagst; und plötzlich wird eine Verwüstung über dich kommen, die du nicht ahnst. - 12 Tritt doch auf mit deinen Bannsprüchen und mit der Menge deiner Zaubereien, worin du dich abgemüht hast von deiner Jugend an! vielleicht kannst du dir Nutzen schaffen, vielleicht wirst du Schrecken einflößen. 13 Du bist müde geworden durch die Menge deiner Beratungen. Sie mögen doch auftreten und dich retten, die Himmelszerleger, die Sternebeschauer, welche jeden Neumond kundtun, was über dich kommen wird!... 14 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln geworden, Feuer hat sie verbrannt! Vor der Gewalt der Flamme konnten sie ihr Leben nicht retten: es war keine Kohle, um sich zu wärmen, kein Feuer, um davor zu sitzen. 15 Also sind dir geworden, für welche du dich abgemüht hast; deine Handelsgenossen von deiner Jugend an, sie irren umher, ein jeder nach seiner Richtung hin; niemand hilft dir.
ELB1905(i) 1 Steige herunter und setze dich in den Staub, Jungfrau, Tochter Babel! Setze dich hin zur Erde, ohne Thron, Tochter der Chaldäer! Denn nicht mehr sollst du Weichliche und Verzärtelte genannt werden. 2 Nimm die Mühle und mahle Mehl; schlage deinen Schleier zurück, ziehe die Schleppe herauf, entblöße die Schenkel, wate durch Ströme; 3 aufgedeckt werde deine Blöße, ja, gesehen deine Schande! Ich werde Rache nehmen und Menschen nicht verschonen. Eig. und Menschen nicht entgegenkommen 4 Unser Erlöser, Jahwe der Heerscharen ist sein Name, der Heilige Israels! 5 Sitze stumm und geh in die Finsternis, Tochter der Chaldäer! Denn nicht mehr sollst du Herrin der Königreiche genannt werden. 6 Ich war ergrimmt über mein Volk, ich entweihte mein Erbteil, und ich gab sie in deine Hand. Du hast ihnen kein Erbarmen erzeigt, auf den Greis legtest du schwer dein Joch; 7 und du sprachst: In Ewigkeit werde ich Herrin sein! so daß du dir dieses nicht zu Herzen nahmst, das Ende davon nicht bedachtest. 8 Und nun höre dieses, du Üppige, die in Sicherheit wohnt, die in ihrem Herzen spricht: Ich bin's und gar keine sonst! Ich werde nicht als Witwe sitzen, noch Kinderlosigkeit kennen. 9 Dieses beides wird über dich kommen in einem Augenblick, an einem Tage: Kinderlosigkeit und Witwentum; in vollstem Maße werden sie über dich kommen, trotz der Menge deiner Zaubereien, trotz der gewaltigen Zahl deiner Bannsprüche. 10 Und du vertrautest auf deine Bosheit, du sprachst: Niemand sieht mich. Deine Weisheit und dein Wissen das hat dich irregeführt; und du sprachst in deinem Herzen: Ich bin's, und gar keine sonst! 11 Aber es kommt ein Unglück über dich, das du nicht wegzaubern kannst; und ein Verderben wird über dich herfallen, welches du nicht zu sühnen vermagst; und plötzlich wird eine Verwüstung über dich kommen, die du nicht ahnst. 12 Tritt doch auf mit deinen Bannsprüchen und mit der Menge deiner Zaubereien, worin du dich abgemüht hast von deiner Jugend an! Vielleicht kannst du dir Nutzen schaffen, vielleicht wirst du Schrecken einflößen. 13 Du bist müde geworden durch die Menge deiner Beratungen. Sie mögen doch auftreten und dich retten, die Himmelszerleger, die Sternebeschauer, welche jeden Neumond kundtun, was über dich kommen wird!... 14 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln geworden, Feuer hat sie verbrannt! Vor der Gewalt der Flamme konnten sie ihr Leben nicht retten: Es war keine Kohle, um sich zu wärmen, kein Feuer, um davor zu sitzen. 15 Also sind dir geworden, für welche du dich abgemüht hast; deine Handelsgenossen von deiner Jugend an, sie irren umher, ein jeder nach seiner Richtung hin; dh. seiner Heimat zu niemand hilft dir.
  1 H3381 Steige herunter H3427 und setze dich H1330 in den Staub, Jungfrau H1323 , Tochter H894 Babel H3427 ! Setze dich H6083 hin zur Erde H3678 , ohne Thron H1323 , Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3254 ! Denn nicht H7121 mehr sollst du Weichliche und Verzärtelte genannt werden .
  2 H3947 Nimm H7347 die Mühle H2912 und H7058 mahle Mehl H5674 ; schlage deinen Schleier zurück, ziehe H7640 die Schleppe H7785 herauf, entblöße die Schenkel, wate durch Ströme;
  3 H1540 aufgedeckt werde H6172 deine Blöße H7200 , ja, gesehen H2781 deine Schande H5359 ! Ich werde Rache H3947 nehmen H120 und Menschen nicht verschonen. -
  4 H1350 Unser Erlöser H3068 , Jehova H6635 der Heerscharen H8034 ist sein Name H6918 , der Heilige H3478 Israels! -
  5 H935 Sitze stumm und geh in H2822 die Finsternis H1323 , Tochter H3778 der Chaldäer H3254 ! Denn nicht H3427 mehr sollst du H1404 Herrin H4467 der Königreiche H7121 genannt werden .
  6 H7107 Ich war H5971 ergrimmt über mein Volk H2490 , ich entweihte H5159 mein Erbteil H7760 , und H3027 ich gab sie in deine Hand H5414 . Du hast H3513 ihnen kein Erbarmen erzeigt, auf den Greis legtest du schwer H5923 dein Joch;
  7 H7760 und H559 du H5769 sprachst: In Ewigkeit H1404 werde ich Herrin H2142 sein! so daß du dir dieses nicht H3820 zu Herzen H319 nahmst, das Ende davon nicht bedachtest.
  8 H8085 Und nun höre H3427 dieses, du H983 Üppige, die in Sicherheit H3427 wohnt H3824 , die in ihrem Herzen H559 spricht H657 : Ich bin' s und gar keine H490 sonst! Ich werde nicht als Witwe H3045 sitzen, noch Kinderlosigkeit kennen .
  9 H8147 Dieses beides H935 wird über dich kommen H259 in einem H7281 Augenblick H3117 , an einem Tage H935 : Kinderlosigkeit und Witwentum; in vollstem Maße werden sie über dich kommen H7230 , trotz der Menge deiner Zaubereien, trotz der gewaltigen Zahl deiner Bannsprüche.
  10 H1847 Und H559 du H7451 vertrautest auf deine Bosheit H7725 , du H7200 sprachst: Niemand sieht H2451 mich. Deine Weisheit H982 und dein Wissen das hat dich H559 irregeführt; und du H3820 sprachst in deinem Herzen H657 : Ich bin' s, und gar keine sonst!
  11 H935 Aber es kommt H5307 ein H7451 Unglück H3045 über dich, das du H3201 nicht wegzaubern kannst H3722 ; und ein Verderben wird H3045 über dich herfallen, welches du H6597 nicht zu sühnen vermagst; und plötzlich H935 wird eine Verwüstung über dich kommen, die du nicht ahnst. -
  12 H5975 Tritt doch auf H7230 mit deinen Bannsprüchen und mit der Menge H3021 deiner Zaubereien, worin du dich abgemüht hast H5271 von deiner Jugend H3201 an! Vielleicht kannst H6206 du dir Nutzen schaffen, vielleicht wirst du Schrecken einflößen.
  13 H3045 Du H3811 bist müde H7230 geworden durch die Menge H6098 deiner Beratungen. Sie mögen doch auftreten und H2320 dich retten, die Himmelszerleger, die Sternebeschauer, welche jeden Neumond H935 kundtun, was über dich kommen wird!...
  14 H7179 Siehe, sie sind wie Stoppeln H784 geworden, Feuer H8313 hat sie verbrannt H3852 ! Vor der Gewalt der Flamme H3427 konnten sie ihr H5315 Leben H5337 nicht H3027 retten: Es war keine Kohle, um sich H217 zu wärmen, kein Feuer, um davor zu sitzen.
  15 H376 Also sind dir geworden, für welche du dich H3021 abgemüht hast H5271 ; deine Handelsgenossen von deiner Jugend H8582 an, sie irren umher, ein jeder nach seiner Richtung hin; niemand hilft dir.
DSV(i) 1 Daal af, en zit in het stof, gij jonkvrouw, dochter van Babel! zit op de aarde, er is geen troon meer, gij dochter der Chaldeeën! want gij zult niet meer genaamd worden de tedere, noch de wellustige. 2 Neem de molen, en maal meel; ontdek uw vlechten, ontbloot de enkelen, ontdek de schenkelen, ga door de rivieren. 3 Uw schaamte zal ontdekt worden, ook zal uw schande gezien worden; Ik zal wraak nemen, en Ik zal op u niet aanvallen als een mens. 4 Onzes Verlossers Naam is HEERE der heirscharen, de Heilige Israëls. 5 Zit stilzwijgende, en ga in de duisternis, gij dochter der Chaldeeën! want gij zult niet meer genoemd worden koningin der koninkrijken. 6 Ik was op Mijn volk zeer toornig, Ik ontheiligde Mijn erve, en Ik gaf hen over in uw hand; doch gij beweest hun geen barmhartigheden, ja, zelfs over den oude maaktet gij uw juk zeer zwaar. 7 En gij zeidet: Ik zal koningin zijn in eeuwigheid; tot nog toe hebt gij deze dingen niet in uw hart genomen, gij hebt aan het einde daarvan niet gedacht. 8 Nu dan, hoor dit, gij weelderige! die zo zeker woont, die in haar hart zegt: Ik ben het, en niemand meer dan ik: ik zal geen weduwe zitten, noch de beroving van kinderen kennen. 9 Doch deze beide dingen zullen u in een ogenblik overkomen, op een dag, de beroving van kinderen en weduwschap; volkomenlijk zullen zij u overkomen, vanwege de veelheid uwer toverijen, vanwege de menigte uwer bezweringen. 10 Want gij hebt op uw boosheid vertrouwd; gij hebt gezegd: Niemand ziet mij; uw wijsheid en uw wetenschap heeft u afkerig gemaakt; en gij hebt in uw hart gezegd: Ik ben het, en niemand meer dan ik. 11 Daarom zal er over u een kwaad komen, gij zult den dageraad daarvan niet weten; en een verderf zal er op u vallen, hetwelk gij niet zult kunnen verzoenen; want er zal snellijk een onstuimige verwoesting over u komen, dat gij het niet weten zult. 12 Sta nu met uw bezweringen, en met de veelheid uwer toverijen, waarin gij gearbeid hebt van uw jeugd af; of gij misschien voordeel kondet doen, of gij misschien u kondet sterken. 13 Gij zijt moede geworden in de veelheid uwer raadslagen; laat nu opstaan, die den hemel waarnemen, die in de sterren kijken, die naar de nieuwe manen voorzeggen; en laat ze u verlossen van die dingen, die over u komen zullen. 14 Ziet, zij zullen zijn als stoppelen, het vuur zal ze verbranden, zij zullen zichzelven niet kunnen rukken uit de macht der vlam; het zal geen kool zijn om bij te warmen, geen vuur om daarvoor neder te zitten. 15 Alzo zullen zij u zijn, met dewelke gij gearbeid hebt, uw handelaars van uw jeugd aan, elk zal zijns weegs dwalen, niemand zal u verlossen.
  1 H3381 H8798 Daal af H3427 H8798 , en zit H6083 in het stof H1330 , gij jonkvrouw H1323 , dochter H894 van Babel H3427 H8798 ! zit H776 op de aarde H3678 , er is geen troon H1323 [meer], gij dochter H3778 der Chaldeen H3254 H8686 ! want gij zult niet meer H7121 H8799 genaamd worden H7390 de tedere H6028 , noch de wellustige.
  2 H3947 H8798 Neem H7347 de molen H2912 H8798 , en maal H7058 meel H1540 H8761 ; ontdek H6777 uw vlechten H2834 H8798 , ontbloot H7640 de enkelen H1540 H8761 , ontdek H7785 de schenkelen H5674 H8798 , ga door H5104 de rivieren.
  3 H6172 Uw schaamte H1540 H8735 zal ontdekt worden H2781 , ook zal uw schande H7200 H8735 gezien worden H5359 ; Ik zal wraak H3947 H8799 nemen H6293 H8799 , en Ik zal [op] [u] niet aanvallen H120 [als] een mens.
  4 H1350 H8802 Onzes Verlossers H8034 Naam H3068 is HEERE H6635 der heirscharen H6918 , de Heilige H3478 Israels.
  5 H3427 H8798 Zit H1748 stilzwijgende H935 H8798 , en ga H2822 in de duisternis H1323 , gij dochter H3778 der Chaldeen H3254 H8686 ! want gij zult niet meer H7121 H8799 genoemd worden H1404 koningin H4467 der koninkrijken.
  6 H5971 Ik was op Mijn volk H7107 H8804 zeer toornig H2490 H8765 , Ik ontheiligde H5159 Mijn erve H5414 H8799 , en Ik gaf H3027 hen over in uw hand H7760 H8804 ; [doch] gij beweest H7356 hun geen barmhartigheden H2205 , [ja], [zelfs] over den oude H5923 maaktet gij uw juk H3966 zeer H3513 H8689 zwaar.
  7 H559 H8799 En gij zeidet H1404 : Ik zal koningin H5769 zijn in eeuwigheid H3820 ; tot nog toe hebt gij deze dingen niet in uw hart H7760 H8804 genomen H319 , gij hebt aan het einde H2142 H8804 daarvan niet gedacht.
  8 H8085 H8798 Nu dan, hoor H5719 dit, gij weelderige H983 ! die zo zeker H3427 H8802 woont H3824 , die in haar hart H559 H8802 zegt H657 : Ik ben het, en niemand H490 meer dan ik: ik zal geen weduwe H3427 H8799 zitten H7908 , noch de beroving van kinderen H3045 H8799 kennen.
  9 H8147 Doch deze beide H7281 dingen zullen u in een ogenblik H935 H8799 overkomen H259 , op een H3117 dag H7908 , de beroving van kinderen H489 en weduwschap H8537 ; volkomenlijk H935 H8804 zullen zij u overkomen H7230 , vanwege de veelheid H3785 uwer toverijen H3966 H6109 , vanwege de menigte H2267 uwer bezweringen.
  10 H7451 Want gij hebt op uw boosheid H982 H8799 vertrouwd H559 H8804 ; gij hebt gezegd H7200 H8802 : Niemand ziet H2451 mij; uw wijsheid H1847 en uw wetenschap H7725 H8790 heeft u afkerig gemaakt H3820 ; en gij hebt in uw hart H559 H8799 gezegd H657 : Ik ben het, en niemand meer dan ik.
  11 H7451 Daarom zal er over u een kwaad H935 H8804 komen H7837 , gij zult den dageraad H3045 H8799 daarvan niet weten H1943 ; en een verderf H5307 H8799 zal er op u vallen H3201 H8799 , hetwelk gij niet zult kunnen H3722 H8763 verzoenen H6597 ; want er zal snellijk H7722 een onstuimige verwoesting H935 H8799 over u komen H3045 H8799 , dat gij het niet weten zult.
  12 H5975 H8798 Sta H2267 nu met uw bezweringen H7230 , en met de veelheid H3785 uwer toverijen H834 , waarin H3021 H8804 gij gearbeid hebt H5271 van uw jeugd H3276 H0 af; of gij misschien voordeel H3201 H8799 kondet H3276 H8687 doen H6206 H8799 , of gij misschien u [kondet] sterken.
  13 H3811 H8738 Gij zijt moede geworden H7230 in de veelheid H6098 uwer raadslagen H5975 H8799 ; laat nu opstaan H8064 , die den hemel H1895 H8802 waarnemen H3556 , die in de sterren H2374 kijken H2320 , die naar de nieuwe manen H3045 H8688 voorzeggen H3467 H8686 ; en laat ze u verlossen H935 H8799 van die dingen, die over u komen zullen.
  14 H7179 Ziet, zij zullen zijn als stoppelen H784 , het vuur H8313 H8804 zal ze verbranden H5315 , zij zullen zichzelven H5337 H8686 niet kunnen rukken H3027 uit de macht H3852 der vlam H1513 ; het zal geen kool H2552 H8800 zijn om [bij] te warmen H217 , [geen] vuur H3427 H8800 om daarvoor neder te zitten.
  15 H3021 H8804 Alzo zullen zij u zijn, met dewelke gij gearbeid hebt H5503 H8802 , uw handelaars H5271 van uw jeugd H376 aan, elk H5676 zal zijns weegs H8582 H8804 dwalen H3467 H8688 , niemand zal u verlossen.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Descends et assieds-toi sur la terre, vierge, fille de Babylone; assieds-toi sur la terre, fille des Chaldéens; on ne t’appellera plus la tendre et voluptueuse Babylone. 2 Prends une meule, mouds de la farine, lève ton voile, montre tes cheveux blancs, dépouille tes jambes, et traverse les fleuves. 3 Ta honte sera mise à nu, et ton opprobre apparaîtra; et je tirerai de toi une juste vengeance. Pour toi, mon peuple, je ne te livrerai plus aux hommes. 4 Celui qui t’a délivré, c’est le Seigneur des armées; son nom est le Saint d’Israël. 5 Assieds-toi le coeur attristé; entre dans les ténèbres, fille des Chaldéens; tu ne seras plus appelée force du royaume. 6 J’ai été courroucé contre mon peuple, et tu as souillé mon héritage. Et moi, je les ai livrés à tes mains, et tu ne leur as pas donné de pitié; tu as rendu bien pesant le joug du vieillard. 7 ¶ Et tu as dit: Je serai reine dans tous les siècles! N’as-tu donc pas soupçonné ces choses en ton coeur? N’as-tu point songé à la fin? 8 Or maintenant écoute, fille voluptueuse, qui t’assieds pleine d’assurance, et qui dis en ton coeur: Je suis reine, et il n’en est point d’autre; je ne serai jamais veuve, et je ne connaîtrai point la perte de mes enfants. 9 Et maintenant sur toi soudain vont fondre ces deux afflictions en un seul jour; le veuvage et la perte de tes enfants te viendront tout à coup, malgré tes enchantements et la puissance de tes magiciens, 10 Au sein des désirs de ta perversité. Car tu as dit: Je suis reine, et il n’en est point d’autre. Sache donc que ta science et ta prostitution tourneront à ta honte. Tu as dit en ton coeur: Je suis reine, et il n’en est point d’autre. 11 Or la perdition viendra sur toi, et tu ne l’auras point su; il y aura un abîme, et tu y tomberas; et sur toi viendra la misère, et tu ne pourras te purifier; et la perdition viendra sur toi tout à coup, et tu n’en auras rien su. 12 Et maintenant repose-toi sur tes nombreux enchantements et sur les charmes magiques que tu as appris dès ta jeunesse; tu verras s’ils te peuvent être utiles. 13 Tu t’es fatiguée en tes conseils; que tes astrologues soient donc debout, qu’ils te sauvent; que ceux qui observent les étoiles te prédisent ce qui doit t’arriver. 14 Mais voilà qu’ils seront tous brûlés par le feu comme des broussailles; ils ne sauveront point leur vie de la flamme; et toi, puisque tu as des charbons embrasés, assieds-toi dessus. 15 Tel sera pour toi leur secours; tu t’es fatiguée dès ta jeunesse au trafic; l’homme s’est égaré en lui-même; il n’y aura point de salut pour toi.
DarbyFR(i) 1
Descends, et assieds-toi dans la poussière, vierge, fille de Babylone; assieds-toi par terre, il n'y a pas de trône, fille des Chaldéens; car tu ne seras plus appelée tendre et délicate. 2 Prends les meules et mouds de la farine; ôte ton voile, relève ta robe, découvre ta jambe, traverse les fleuves: 3 ta nudité sera découverte; oui, ta honte sera vue. Je tirerai vengeance, et je ne rencontrerai personne qui m'arrête... 4 Notre rédempteur, son nom est l'Éternel des armées, le Saint d'Israël... 5 Assieds-toi dans le silence, et entre dans les ténèbres, fille des Chaldéens; car tu ne seras plus appelée maîtresse des royaumes. 6 J'ai été courroucé contre mon peuple, j'ai profané mon héritage, et je les ai livrés en ta main: tu n'as usé d'aucune miséricorde envers eux; sur l'ancien tu as fort appesanti ton joug; 7
et tu as dit: Je serai maîtresse pour toujours,... jusqu'à ne point prendre ces choses à coeur: tu ne t'es pas souvenue de ce qui en serait la fin. 8 Et maintenant, écoute ceci, voluptueuse, qui habites en sécurité, qui dis en ton coeur: C'est moi, et il n'y en a pas d'autre; je ne serai pas assise en veuve, et je ne saurai pas ce que c'est que d'être privée d'enfants. 9 Ces deux choses t'arriveront en un instant, en un seul jour, la privation d'enfants et le veuvage; elles viendront sur toi en plein, malgré la multitude de tes sorcelleries, malgré le grand nombre de tes sortilèges. 10 Et tu as eu confiance en ton iniquité; tu as dit: Personne ne me voit. Ta sagesse et ta connaissance, c'est ce qui t'a fait errer; et tu as dit en ton coeur: C'est moi, et il n'y en a pas d'autre! 11 Mais un mal viendra sur toi, dont tu ne connaîtras pas l'aube; et un malheur tombera sur toi, que tu ne pourras pas éviter et une désolation que tu n'as pas soupçonnée viendra sur toi subitement. 12 Tiens-toi là avec tes sortilèges, et avec la multitude de tes sorcelleries, dont tu t'es fatiguée dès ta jeunesse; peut-être pourras-tu en tirer profit, peut-être effrayeras-tu? 13 Tu es devenue lasse par la multitude de tes conseils. Qu'ils se tiennent là et te sauvent, les interprétateurs des cieux, les observateurs des étoiles, ceux qui, d'après les nouvelles lunes, donnent la connaissance des choses qui viendront sur toi! 14 Voici, ils seront comme du chaume, le feu les brûlera; ils ne délivreront par leur âme de la force de la flamme: il ne restera ni charbon pour se chauffer, ni feu pour s'asseoir devant. 15 Ainsi seront pour toi ceux avec lesquels tu t'es lassée, avec lesquels tu as trafiqué dès ta jeunesse. Ils erreront chacun de son côté; il n'y a personne qui te sauve.
Martin(i) 1 Descends, assieds-toi sur la poussière, Vierge fille de Babylone, assieds-toi à terre, il n'y a plus de trône pour la fille des Chaldéens, car tu ne te feras, plus appeler, la délicate et la voluptueuse. 2 Mets la main aux meules, et fais moudre la farine; délie tes tresses, déchausse-toi, découvre tes jambes et passe les fleuves. 3 Ta honte sera découverte, et ton opprobre sera vu; je prendrai vengeance, je n'irai point contre toi en homme. 4 Quant à notre Rédempteur, son Nom est l'Eternel des armées, le Saint d'Israël. 5 Assieds-toi sans dire mot, et entre dans les ténèbres, fille des Chaldéens, car tu ne te feras plus appeler, la Dame des Royaumes. 6 J'ai été embrasé de colère contre mon peuple, j'ai profané mon héritage, c'est pourquoi je les ai livrés entre tes mains, mais tu n'as point usé de miséricorde envers eux, tu as grièvement appesanti ton joug sur le vieillard; 7 Et tu as dit; je serai Dame à toujours, tellement que tu n'as point mis ces choses-là dans ton cœur; tu ne t'es point souvenue de ce qui en arriverait. 8 Maintenant donc écoute ceci, toi voluptueuse; qui habites en assurance, qui dis en ton cœur; c'est moi, et il n'y en as point d'autre que moi; je ne deviendrai point veuve, et je ne saurai point ce que c'est que d'être privée d'enfants. 9 C'est que ces deux choses t'arriveront en un moment, en un même jour, la privation d'enfants et le veuvage; elles sont venues sur toi dans tout leur entier, pour le grand nombre de tes sortilèges, et pour la grande abondance de tes enchantements. 10 Et tu t'es confiée en ta malice, et as dit; Il n'y a personne qui me voie; ta sagesse et ta science est celle qui t'a fait égarer; tellement que tu as dit en ton cœur; C'est moi, et il n'y en a point d'autre que moi. 11 C'est pourquoi le mal viendra sur toi, et tu ne sauras point quand il sera près d'arriver, et le malheur qui tombera sur toi sera tel, que tu ne le pourras point détourner; et la ruine éclatante, laquelle tu ne sauras point, viendra subitement sur toi. 12 Tiens-toi maintenant avec tes enchantements, et avec le grand nombre de tes sortilèges, après lesquels tu as travaillé dès ta jeunesse; peut-être que tu en pourras avoir quelque profit; peut-être que tu en seras renforcée 13 Tu t'es lassée à force de demander des conseils. Que les spectateurs des cieux qui contemplent les étoiles, et qui font leurs prédictions selon les lunes, comparaissent maintenant, et qu'ils te délivrent des choses qui viendront sur toi. 14 Voici, ils sont devenus comme de la paille, le feu les a brûlés; ils ne délivreront point leur âme de la puissance de la flamme; il n'y a point de charbons pour se chauffer, et il n'y a point de lueur de feu pour s'asseoir vis-à-vis. 15 Tels te sont devenus ceux après lesquels tu as travaillé, et avec lesquels tu as trafiqué dès ta jeunesse; chacun s'en est fui en son quartier comme un vagabond; il n'y a personne qui te délivre.
Segond(i) 1 Descends, et assieds-toi dans la poussière, Vierge, fille de Babylone! Assieds-toi à terre, sans trône, Fille des Chaldéens! On ne t'appellera plus délicate et voluptueuse. 2 Prends les meules, et mouds de la farine; Ote ton voile, relève les pans de ta robe, Découvre tes jambes, traverse les fleuves! 3 Ta nudité sera découverte, Et ta honte sera vue. J'exercerai ma vengeance, Je n'épargnerai personne. - 4 Notre rédempteur, c'est celui qui s'appelle l'Eternel des armées, C'est le Saint d'Israël. - 5 Assieds-toi en silence, et va dans les ténèbres, Fille des Chaldéens! On ne t'appellera plus la souveraine des royaumes. 6 J'étais irrité contre mon peuple, J'avais profané mon héritage, Et je les avais livrés entre tes mains: Tu n'as pas eu pour eux de la compassion, Tu as durement appesanti ton joug sur le vieillard. 7 Tu disais: A toujours je serai souveraine! Tu n'as point mis dans ton esprit, Tu n'as point songé que cela prendrait fin. 8 Ecoute maintenant ceci, voluptueuse, Qui t'assieds avec assurance, Et qui dis en ton coeur: Moi, et rien que moi! Je ne serai jamais veuve, Et je ne serai jamais privée d'enfants! 9 Ces deux choses t'arriveront subitement, au même jour, La privation d'enfants et le veuvage; Elles fondront en plein sur toi, Malgré la multitude de tes sortilèges, Malgré le grand nombre de tes enchantements. 10 Tu avais confiance dans ta méchanceté, Tu disais: Personne ne me voit! Ta sagesse et ta science t'ont séduite. Et tu disais en ton coeur: Moi, et rien que moi! 11 Le malheur viendra sur toi, Sans que tu en voies l'aurore; La calamité tombera sur toi, Sans que tu puisses la conjurer; Et la ruine fondra sur toi tout à coup, A l'improviste. 12 Reste donc au milieu de tes enchantements Et de la multitude de tes sortilèges, Auxquels tu as consacré ton travail dès ta jeunesse; Peut-être pourras-tu en tirer profit, Peut-être deviendras-tu redoutable. 13 Tu t'es fatiguée à force de consulter: Qu'ils se lèvent donc et qu'ils te sauvent, Ceux qui connaissent le ciel, Qui observent les astres, Qui annoncent, d'après les nouvelles lunes, Ce qui doit t'arriver! 14 Voici, ils sont comme de la paille, le feu les consume, Ils ne sauveront pas leur vie des flammes: Ce ne sera pas du charbon dont on se chauffe, Ni un feu auprès duquel on s'assied. 15 Tel sera le sort de ceux que tu te fatiguais à consulter. Et ceux avec qui tu as trafiqué dès ta jeunesse Se disperseront chacun de son côté: Il n'y aura personne qui vienne à ton secours.
  1 H3381 ¶ Descends H8798   H3427 , et assieds H8798   H6083 -toi dans la poussière H1330 , Vierge H1323 , fille H894 de Babylone H3427  ! Assieds H8798   H776 -toi à terre H3678 , sans trône H1323 , Fille H3778 des Chaldéens H7121  ! On ne t’appellera H8799   H3254 plus H8686   H7390 délicate H6028 et voluptueuse.
  2 H3947 Prends H8798   H7347 les meules H2912 , et mouds H8798   H7058 de la farine H1540  ; Ote H8761   H6777 ton voile H2834 , relève H8798   H7640 les pans de ta robe H1540 , Découvre H8761   H7785 tes jambes H5674 , traverse H8798   H5104 les fleuves !
  3 H6172 Ta nudité H1540 sera découverte H8735   H2781 , Et ta honte H7200 sera vue H8735   H3947 . J’exercerai H8799   H5359 ma vengeance H6293 , Je n’épargnerai H8799   H120 personne. —
  4 H1350 Notre rédempteur H8802   H8034 , c’est celui qui s’appelle H3068 l’Eternel H6635 des armées H6918 , C’est le Saint H3478 d’Israël. —
  5 H3427 Assieds H8798   H1748 -toi en silence H935 , et va H8798   H2822 dans les ténèbres H1323 , Fille H3778 des Chaldéens H7121  ! On ne t’appellera H8799   H3254 plus H8686   H1404 la souveraine H4467 des royaumes.
  6 H7107 J’étais irrité H8804   H5971 contre mon peuple H2490 , J’avais profané H8765   H5159 mon héritage H5414 , Et je les avais livrés H8799   H3027 entre tes mains H7760  : Tu n’as pas eu H8804   H7356 pour eux de la compassion H3966 , Tu as durement H3513 appesanti H8689   H5923 ton joug H2205 sur le vieillard.
  7 H559 ¶ Tu disais H8799   H5769  : A toujours H1404 je serai souveraine H7760  ! Tu n’as point mis H8804   H3820 dans ton esprit H2142 , Tu n’as point songé H8804   H319 que cela prendrait fin.
  8 H8085 Ecoute H8798   H5719 maintenant ceci, voluptueuse H3427 , Qui t’assieds H8802   H983 avec assurance H559 , Et qui dis H8802   H3824 en ton cœur H657  : Moi, et rien H3427 que moi ! Je ne serai H8799   H490 jamais veuve H3045 , Et je ne serai H8799   H7908 jamais privée d’enfants !
  9 H8147 Ces deux H935 choses t’arriveront H8799   H7281 subitement H259 , au même H3117 jour H7908 , La privation d’enfants H489 et le veuvage H935  ; Elles fondront H8804   H8537 en plein H7230 sur toi, Malgré la multitude H3785 de tes sortilèges H3966 , Malgré le grand H6109 nombre H2267 de tes enchantements.
  10 H982 Tu avais confiance H8799   H7451 dans ta méchanceté H559 , Tu disais H8804   H7200  : Personne ne me voit H8802   H2451  ! Ta sagesse H1847 et ta science H7725 t’ont séduite H8790   H559 . Et tu disais H8799   H3820 en ton cœur H657  : Moi, et rien que moi !
  11 H7451 Le malheur H935 viendra H8804   H3045 sur toi, Sans que tu en voies H8799   H7837 l’aurore H1943  ; La calamité H5307 tombera H8799   H3201 sur toi, Sans que tu puisses H8799   H3722 la conjurer H8763   H7722  ; Et la ruine H935 fondra H8799   H6597 sur toi tout à coup H3045 , A l’improviste H8799  .
  12 H5975 Reste H8798   H2267 donc au milieu de tes enchantements H7230 Et de la multitude H3785 de tes sortilèges H834 , Auxquels H3021 tu as consacré ton travail H8804   H5271 dès ta jeunesse H3201  ; Peut-être pourras H8799   H3276 -tu en tirer profit H8687   H6206 , Peut-être deviendras-tu redoutable H8799  .
  13 H3811 Tu t’es fatiguée H8738   H7230 à force H6098 de consulter H5975 : Qu’ils se lèvent H8799   H3467 donc et qu’ils te sauvent H8686   H1895 , Ceux qui connaissent le ciel H8802   H8064   H2374 , Qui observent les astres H3556   H3045 , Qui annoncent H8688   H2320 , d’après les nouvelles lunes H935 , Ce qui doit t’arriver H8799   !
  14 H7179 Voici, ils sont comme de la paille H784 , le feu H8313 les consume H8804   H5337 , Ils ne sauveront H8686   H5315 pas leur vie H3027 des flammes H3852   H1513  : Ce ne sera pas du charbon H2552 dont on se chauffe H8800   H217 , Ni un feu H3427 auprès duquel on s’assied H8800  .
  15 H3021 Tel sera le sort de ceux que tu te fatiguais H8804   H5503 à consulter. Et ceux avec qui tu as trafiqué H8802   H5271 dès ta jeunesse H8582 Se disperseront H8804   H376 chacun H5676 de son côté H3467  : Il n’y aura personne qui vienne à ton secours H8688  .
SE(i) 1 Desciende, y siéntate en el polvo, virgen hija de Babilonia; siéntate en la tierra, sin trono, hija de los caldeos, que nunca más te llamarán tierna, y delicada. 2 Toma el molino, y muele harina; descubre tus guedejas, descalza los pies, descubre las piernas, pasa los ríos. 3 Será descubierta tu vergüenza, y tu deshonor será visto; tomaré venganza, y no ayudaré a hombre. 4 Nuestro Redentor, el SEÑOR de los ejércitos es su nombre, el Santo de Israel. 5 Siéntate, calla, y entra en tinieblas, hija de los caldeos, porque nunca más te llamarán señora de reinos. 6 Me enojé contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y los entregué en tu mano; no les hiciste misericordias; sobre el viejo agravaste mucho tu yugo. 7 Y dijiste: Para siempre seré señora. Hasta ahora no has pensado en esto, ni te acordaste de tu postrimería. 8 Oye, pues, ahora esto, delicada, la que está sentada confiadamente, la que dice en su corazón: Yo soy, y fuera de mí no hay más; no quedaré viuda, ni conoceré orfandad. 9 Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez. En toda su perfección vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus adivinanzas, y por la copia de tus muchos agüeros. 10 Porque te confiaste en tu maldad, diciendo: Nadie me ve. Tu sabiduría, y tu misma ciencia te engañó, ya que dijiste en tu corazón: Yo, y nadie más. 11 Vendrá, pues, sobre ti mal, cuyo nacimiento no sabrás; caerá sobre ti quebrantamiento, el cual no podrás remediar; y vendrá de repente sobre ti destrucción, la cual tú no conocerás. 12 Estate ahora en tus adivinanzas, y en la multitud de tus agüeros, en los cuales te fatigaste desde tu niñez; quizá podrás mejorarte, quizá te fortificarás. 13 Te has fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos: aparezcan ahora y te defiendan los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que enseñan los cursos de la luna, de lo que vendrá sobre ti. 14 He aquí, que serán como tamo; fuego los quemará; no salvarán sus vidas de la mano de la llama; no quedará brasa para calentarse, ni lumbre a la cual se sienten. 15 Así te serán aquellos, con quien te fatigaste, tus negociantes desde tu niñez; cada uno echará por su camino, no habrá quien te salve.
ReinaValera(i) 1 DESCIENDE, y siéntate en el polvo, virgen hija de Babilonia, siéntate en la tierra sin trono, hija de los Caldeos: que nunca más te llamarán tierna y delicada. 2 Toma el molino, y muele harina: descubre tus guedejas, descalza los pies, descubre las piernas, pasa los ríos. 3 Descubierta será tu vergüenza, y tu deshonor será visto: tomaré venganza, y no encontraré hombre. 4 Nuestro Redentor, Jehová de los ejércitos es su nombre, el Santo de Israel. 5 Siéntate, calla, y entra en tinieblas, hija de los Caldeos: porque nunca más te llamarán señora de reinos. 6 Enojéme contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y entreguélos en tu mano: no les hiciste misericordias; sobre el viejo agravaste mucho tu yugo. 7 Y dijiste: Para siempre seré señora: y no has pensado en esto, ni te acordaste de tu postrimería. 8 Oye pues ahora esto, delicada, la que está sentada confiadamente, la que dice en su corazón: Yo soy, y fuera de mí no hay más; no quedaré viuda, ni conoceré orfandad. 9 Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez: en toda su perfección vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus adivinanzas, y por la copia de tus muchos agüeros. 10 Porque te confiaste en tu maldad, diciendo: Nadie me ve. Tu sabiduría y tu misma ciencia te engañaron, y dijiste en tu corazón: Yo, y no más. 11 Vendrá pues sobre ti mal, cuyo nacimiento no sabrás: caerá sobre ti quebrantamiento, el cual no podrás remediar: y destrucción que no sabrás, vendrá de repente sobre ti. 12 Estáte ahora en tus encantamentos, y con la multitud de tus agüeros, en los cuales te fatigaste desde tu niñez; quizá podrás mejorarte, quizá te fortificarás. 13 Haste fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos. Parezcan ahora y defiéndante los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que contaban los meses, para pronosticar lo que vendrá sobre ti. 14 He aquí que serán como tamo; fuego los quemará, no salvarán sus vidas del poder de la llama; no quedará brasa para calentarse, ni lumbre á la cual se sienten. 15 Así te serán aquellos con quienes te fatigaste, tus negociantes desde tu niñez: cada uno echará por su camino, no habrá quien te salve.
JBS(i) 1 Desciende, y siéntate en el polvo, virgen hija de Babilonia; siéntate en la tierra, sin trono, hija de los caldeos, que nunca más te llamarán tierna, y delicada. 2 Toma el molino, y muele harina; descubre tus guedejas, descalza los pies, descubre las piernas, pasa los ríos. 3 Será descubierta tu vergüenza, y tu deshonor será visto; tomaré venganza, y no ayudaré a hombre. 4 Nuestro Redentor, el SEÑOR de los ejércitos es su nombre, el Santo de Israel. 5 Siéntate, calla, y entra en tinieblas, hija de los caldeos, porque nunca más te llamarán señora de reinos. 6 Me enojé contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y los entregué en tu mano; no les hiciste misericordias; sobre el viejo agravaste mucho tu yugo. 7 Y dijiste: Para siempre seré señora. Hasta ahora no has pensado en esto, ni te acordaste de tu postrimería. 8 Oye, pues, ahora esto, delicada, la que está sentada confiadamente, la que dice en su corazón: Yo soy, y fuera de mí no hay más; no quedaré viuda, ni conoceré orfandad. 9 Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez. En toda su perfección vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus adivinanzas, y por la copia de tus muchos agüeros. 10 Porque te confiaste en tu maldad, diciendo: Nadie me ve. Tu sabiduría, y tu misma ciencia te engañó, ya que dijiste en tu corazón: Yo soy, y nadie más. 11 Vendrá, pues, sobre ti mal, cuyo nacimiento no sabrás; caerá sobre ti quebrantamiento, el cual no podrás remediar; y vendrá de repente sobre ti destrucción, la cual tú no conocerás. 12 Estate ahora en tus adivinanzas, y en la multitud de tus agüeros, en los cuales te fatigaste desde tu niñez; quizá podrás mejorarte, quizá te fortificarás. 13 Te has fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos: aparezcan ahora y te defiendan los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que enseñan los cursos de la luna, de lo que vendrá sobre ti. 14 He aquí, que serán como tamo; fuego los quemará; no salvarán sus vidas de la mano de la llama; no quedará brasa para calentarse, ni lumbre a la cual se sienten. 15 Así te serán aquellos, con quien te fatigaste, tus negociantes desde tu niñez; cada uno echará por su camino, no habrá quien te salve.
Albanian(i) 1 "Zbrit dhe ulu në pluhur, o e virgjër bijë e Babilonisë. Ulu në tokë, pa fron, o bijë e Kaldeasve, sepse nuk do të quajnë më të brishtë dhe të njomë. 2 Vër dorën mbi mokrën dhe bluaj miellin; lëvize velin tënd, ngrije bishtin e fustanit, zbulo këmbën dhe kalo lumenjtë. 3 Lakuriqësia jote do të zbulohet dhe do të shihet gjithashtu turpi yt; do të hakmerrem dhe asnjeri nuk do të ndërhyjë". 4 Shpëtimtari ynë, emri i të cilit është Zoti i ushtrive, është i Shenjti i Izraelit. 5 "Ulu në heshtje dhe shko në terr, o bijë e Kaldeasve, sepse nuk do të të quajnë më zonjë të mbretërive. 6 Jam zemëruar me popullin tim, kam përdhosur trashëgiminë time dhe i kam dhënë në pushtetin tënd, por ti nuk ke perdorur për ta kurrfarë mëshire; zgjedhën tënde e ushtrove sidomos mbi të moshuarit, 7 dhe the: "Unë do të jem zonjë përjetë", dhe kështu nuk i vure këto gjëra në zemër dhe nuk more parasysh fundin e gjithë kësaj ngjarjeje. 8 Por tani dëgjo, o epshndjellëse, që banon në një vend të sigurt dhe thua në zemrën tënde: "Unë, dhe asnjë tjetër! Nuk do të mbetem kurrë e ve dhe s'kam për të njohur humbjen e fëmijëve". 9 Por këto dy gjëra do të të ndodhin në një çast, në po atë ditë: humbja e fëmijëve dhe vejëria; do të të bien plotësisht mbi kurriz, për shkak të numrit të madh të magjive të tua dhe për morinë e yshtjeve të tua. 10 Ti kishe besim në djallëzinë tënde dhe thoje: "Askush nuk më sheh". Dituria jote dhe njohuritë e tua të kanë mashtruar, dhe ti thoje në zemrën tënde: 11 "Unë dhe askush tjetër". Prandaj do të të vijë një fatkeqësi dhe nuk do të dish se nga të vjen; do të bjerë një fatkeqësi, që nuk do të jesh në gjendje ta shmangësh me asnjë lloj shlyerje; do të bjerë papritmas në trup një shkatërrim, që nuk e ke parashikuar. 12 Rri tani me yshtjet e tua dhe me morinë e magjive të tua me të cilat je lodhur që në rininë tënde. Ndofta do të nxjerrësh prej tyre ndonjë përfitim, ndofta do të arrish të ndjellësh frikë. 13 Je lodhur me turmën e këshilltarëve të tu; le të ngrihen, pra, astrologët, ata që studiojnë yjet dhe bëjnë parashikime çdo muaj dhe le të të shpëtojnë nga gjërat që do të bien në kurriz. 14 Ja, ato do të jenë si kashta; zjarri do t'i harrxhojë. Nuk do të shpëtojnë veten e tyre nga fuqia e flakës; nuk do të ketë prush për t'u ngrohur, as zjarr para të cilit të ulesh. 15 Kështu do të jenë ata me të cilët je munduar dhe ke dhënë e ke marrë që në rininë tënde. Secili do të rravgojë për llogari të vet, dhe askush nuk do të të shpëtojë".
RST(i) 1 Сойди и сядь на прах, девица, дочь Вавилона; сиди на земле: престола нет, дочь Халдеев, и вперед не будут называть тебя нежною и роскошною. 2 Возьми жернова и мели муку; сними покрывалотвое, подбери подол, открой голени, переходи через реки: 3 откроется нагота твоя, и даже виден будет стыд твой. Совершу мщение и не пощажу никого. 4 Искупитель наш – Господь Саваоф имя Ему, Святый Израилев. 5 Сиди молча и уйди в темноту, дочь Халдеев: ибо вперед не будут называть тебя госпожею царств. 6 Я прогневался на народ Мой, уничижил наследие Мое и предал их в руки твои; а ты не оказала им милосердия, на старца налагала крайне тяжкое иго твое. 7 И ты говорила: „вечно буду госпожею", а не представляла того в уме твоем, не помышляла, что будет после. 8 Но ныне выслушай это, изнеженная, живущая беспечно, говорящая в сердце своем: „я, – и другой подобной мне нет; не буду сидеть вдовою и не буду знать потери детей". 9 Но внезапно, в один день, придет к тебе то и другое,потеря детей и вдовство; в полной мере придут они на тебя, несмотря на множество чародейств твоих и на великую силу волшебств твоих. 10 Ибо ты надеялась на злодейство твое, говорила: „никто не видит меня". Мудрость твоя и знание твое – они сбили тебя с пути; и ты говорила в сердце твоем: „я, и никто кромеменя". 11 И придет на тебя бедствие: ты не узнаешь, откуда оно поднимется; и нападет на тебя беда, которой ты не в силах будешь отвратить, и внезапно придет на тебя пагуба, о которой ты и не думаешь. 12 Оставайся же с твоими волшебствами и со множеством чародейств твоих, которыми ты занималась от юности твоей: может быть, пособишь себе, может быть,устоишь. 13 Ты утомлена множеством советов твоих; пусть же выступят наблюдатели небес и звездочеты и предвещатели по новолуниям, и спасут тебя от того, что должноприключиться тебе. 14 Вот они, как солома: огонь сожег их, – не избавили души своей от пламени; не осталось угля, чтобы погреться, ни огня, чтобы посидеть перед ним. 15 Такими стали для тебя те, с которыми ты трудилась, с которыми вела торговлю от юности твоей. Каждый побрел в свою сторону; никто не спасает тебя.
Arabic(i) 1 انزلي واجلسي على التراب ايتها العذراء ابنة بابل اجلسي على الارض بلا كرسي يا ابنة الكلدانيين لانك لا تعودين تدعين ناعمة ومترفهة. 2 خذي الرحى واطحني دقيقا. اكشفي نقابك شمري الذيل. اكشفي الساق. اعبري الانهار. 3 تنكشف عورتك وترى معاريك. آخذ نقمة ولا اصالح احدا. 4 فادينا رب الجنود اسمه. قدوس اسرائيل. 5 اجلسي صامتة وادخلي في الظلام يا ابنة الكلدانيين لانك لا تعودين تدعين سيدة الممالك 6 غضبت على شعبي دنست ميراثي ودفعتهم الى يدك. لم تصنعي لهم رحمة على الشيخ ثقلت نيرك جدا. 7 وقلت الى الابد اكون سيدة حتى لم تضعي هذه في قلبك لم تذكري آخرتها. 8 فالآن اسمعي هذا ايتها المتنعمة الجالسة بالطمأنينة القائلة في قلبها انا وليس غيري. لا اقعد ارملة ولا اعرف الثكل. 9 فيأتي عليك هذان الاثنان بغتة في يوم واحد الثكل والترمل. بالتمام قد اتيا عليك مع كثرة سحورك مع وفور رقاك جدا. 10 وانت اطمأننت في شرك. قلت ليس من يراني. حكمتك ومعرفتك هما افتناك فقلت في قلبك انا وليس غيري. 11 فيأتي عليك شر لا تعرفين فجره وتقع عليك مصيبة لا تقدرين ان تصديها وتاتي عليك بغتة تهلكة لا تعرفين بها 12 قفي في رقاك وفي كثرة سحورك التي فيها تعبت منذ صباك. ربما يمكنك ان تنفعي. ربما ترعبين. 13 قد ضعفت من كثرة مشوراتك. ليقف قاسمو السماء الراصدون النجوم المعرفون عند رؤوس الشهور ويخلصوك مما ياتي عليك. 14 ها انهم قد صاروا كالقش. احرقتهم النار. لا ينجون انفسهم من يد اللهيب. ليس هو جمرا للاستدفاء ولا نارا للجلوس تجاهها. 15 هكذا صار لك الذين تعبت فيهم. تجارك منذ صباك قد شردوا كل واحد على وجهه وليس من يخلصك
Bulgarian(i) 1 Слез и седни в праха, девице, дъще вавилонска. Седни на земята, няма вече престол, дъще халдейска, защото няма вече да те наричат изтънчена и изнежена. 2 Вземи ръчната мелница и мели брашно; махни булото си, вдигни полите си, открий краката си, мини през реки. 3 Голотата ти ще се открие, да, срамът ти ще се види. Ще си отмъстя и няма да пожаля никого. 4 Изкупителят ни — ГОСПОД на Войнствата е Името Му, Светият Израилев. 5 Седи в мълчание и влез в мрака, дъще халдейска, защото няма вече да те наричат господарка на царствата. 6 Разгневих се на народа Си, оскверних наследството Си и ги предадох в ръката ти. Ти не им оказа милост, наложи твърде тежкия си ярем върху стареца. 7 И каза: Вечно ще бъда господарка! И не взе това присърце и не помисли за края му. 8 И сега, чуй това, ти, отдадена на разкош, която седиш безгрижна, която казваш в сърцето си: Аз съм и освен мен няма друга! Няма да седя вдовица и няма да зная обезчадяване. 9 Ще дойдат върху теб и двете тези, в миг, в един ден — обезчадяване и вдовство; в пълнотата си ще дойдат върху теб въпреки многото ти заклинания и голямото изобилие на магиите ти. 10 И ти беше дръзка в злината си и казваше: Никой не ме вижда! Мъдростта ти и знанието ти те отвърнаха и ти каза в сърцето си: Аз съм и освен мен няма друга! 11 Затова ще дойде върху теб зло и няма да можеш да го отвърнеш с магии; и ще те връхлети беда и няма да можеш да я покриеш; и ще дойде внезапно върху теб опустошение и няма да го знаеш. 12 Застани сега с магиите си и с многото си заклинания, в които си се трудила от младостта си! Може би ще имаш полза! Може би ще уплашиш някого! 13 Умори се в многото си съвещания. Нека застанат сега астролозите, звездобройците и предвещателите по новолунията и да те спасят от това, което идва върху теб! 14 Ето, станаха като плява, огън ги изгори. Не можаха да спасят живота си от силата на пламъка. Не е въглен да се стопли човек на него, или огън, да седне човек пред него. 15 Такива ти станаха онези, за които си се трудила, с които си търгувала от младостта си. Лутат се всеки на своя страна и няма кой да те спаси.
Croatian(i) 1 Spusti se, sjedni u prašinu, djevice, kćeri babilonska! Sjedni na zemlju, bez prijestolja, kćeri kaldejska! Jer, neće te više zvati nježnom i tankoćutnom. 2 Uzmi mlin i melji brašno! Skini prijevjes, podigni skut, razgali bedra, prijeđi preko rijeke! 3 Nek' se golotinja tvoja otkrije, nek' se sramota tvoja pokaže! Ja ću se osvetiti, odvraćat' me nitko neće. 4 Otkupitelj naš, ime mu je Jahve nad Vojskama, Svetac Izraelov, kaže: 5 "Sjedi šutke, u mrak se povuci, kćeri kaldejska. Jer, neće te više zvati vladaricom kraljevstava. 6 Razgnjevih se na svoj narod, oskvrnuh svoju baštinu. Tebi ih u ruke izručih, a ti im ne iskaza milosti. Na starce si stavljala jaram svoj preteški. 7 Govorila si: 'Dovijeka gospodaricom ću ostati.' Nikad nisi to k srcu uzela ni pomislila kako će se završiti. 8 A sad poslušaj, razvratnice, koja sjediš bezbrižno i u srcu svom govoriš: 'Ja, i nitko drugi! Nikad neću obudovjeti, neću djece izgubiti!' 9 Stići će te oboje, za tren, u isti dan! Izgubit ćeš djecu, obudovjet ćeš! Punom će te mjerom snaći oboje, pokraj svega tvojeg vračanja i množine tvojih zaklinjanja! 10 U zloću si se svoju uzdala, govorila si: 'Nitko me ne vidi!' Mudrost tvoja i znanje zavedoše te. U svom si srcu govorila: 'Ja i nitko drugi!' 11 Zlo će te snaći - nećeš ga presresti; oborit će se na te nesreća - nećeš je odvratiti; doći će na te propast iznenada - nećeš je predvidjeti. 12 Ustraj, dakle, u svojim zaklinjanjima i u tolikim svojim čaranjima, oko kojih si se trudila od mladosti. Možda će ti biti od koristi? Možda ćeš s njima strah utjerati? 13 Izmoriše te mnogi tvoji savjetnici! Nek' ustanu samo da te spase oni koji premjeravaju nebesa, koji promatraju zvijezde i koji svakog mjeseca proriču ono što će te snaći. 14 Gle, oni će biti poput pljeve, oganj će ih sažeći. Ni sami sebe neće izbaviti iz zagrljaja plamenoga. Neće ostat' ni žerave da se tko ogrije, ni ognjišta da uza nj posjedne! 15 Takvi će ti biti vrači tvoji, oko kojih si se trudila od mladosti! Poći će svaki svojim putem, i nikog neće biti da te spasi."
BKR(i) 1 Sstup a seď v prachu, panno dcero Babylonská, seď na zemi, a ne na trůnu, dcero Kaldejská; nebo nebudou tě více nazývati milostnou a rozkošnou. 2 Chyť se žernovu, a mel mouku; odkrej kadeře své, obnaž nohy, odkrej hnáty, břeď přes řeky. 3 Odkryta bude hanba tvá, a ukáže se mrzkost tvá. Mstíti budu, a nedám sobě žádnému překaziti, 4 Praví vykupitel náš, jehož jméno jest Hospodin zástupů, Svatý Izraelský. 5 Sediž mlče, a vejdi do tmy, dcero Kaldejská; nebo nebudou tě více nazývati paní království. 6 Rozhněval jsem se na lid svůj, v lehkost jsem uvedl dědictví své, a vydal jsem je v ruku tvou, a neprokázalas k nim milosrdenství. Starce jsi obtížila velmi jhem svým, 7 A říkalas: Na věky budu paní, a nikdy jsi nesložila těch věcí v srdci svém, aniž jsi pamatovala na cíl jeho. 8 Protož nyní slyšiž toto, ó rozkošná, (kteráž sedíš bezpečně, a říkáš v srdci svém: Já jsem, a není kromě mne žádné; nebuduť vdovou, aniž zvím o sirobě), 9 Že obé to přijde na tě pojednou dne jednoho, i siroba i vdovství. Všecko zúplna přijde na tě, i na množství kouzlů tvých, a na velikou moc čárů tvých. 10 Nebo doufáš v zlost svou, a říkáš: Žádný mne nevidí. Moudrost tvá a umění tvé, to tě převrátilo, abys říkala v srdci svém: Já jsem, a není kromě mne žádné. 11 A protož přijde na tě zlé, jehož východu neznáš, a připadne na tě bída, kteréž nebudeš moci se odžehnati, a přijde na tě pojednou hrozné zpuštění, než zvíš. 12 Postav se nyní s čáry svými, a s množstvím kouzlů svých, jimiž jsi se zaměstknávala od mladosti své, budeš-li moci co prospěti, aneb snad zmocniti se. 13 Ustáváš s množstvím rad svých. Nechať se nyní postaví hvězdáři, kteříž spatřují hvězdy, a oznamují na každý měsíc, a vysvobodí tě z toho, což přijíti má na tě. 14 Aj, jako pleva jsou, oheň popálí je, nevychvátí ani sami sebe z prudkosti plamene; žádného uhlí nezůstane k zhřívání se, ani ohně, aby se mohlo poseděti u něho. 15 Takť se stane i kupcům tvým, jimiž jsi se zaměstknávala od mladosti své. Jeden každý svou stranou půjde, aniž bude, kdo by tě vysvobodil.
Danish(i) 1 Stig ned og sæt dig i Støvet, du Jomfru, Babels Datter! sæt dig paa Jorden, her er ingen Trone, du Kaldæers Datter! thi du skal ikke mere naa det, at de kalde dig "den kælne" og "den yppige". 2 Tag fat paa Kværnen og mal Mel; slaa Sløret til Side, løft Slæbet, blot Benene, vad over Floderne! 3 Lad din Blusel blottes og din Skam ses; jeg vil hævne mig, og jeg, skal ikke møde noget Menneske. 4 Vor Genløser, hans Navn er HERRE Zebaoth, Israels Hellige. 5 Sid i Tavshed, og gak ind i Mørket, du Kaldæers Datter! thi du skal ikke blive ved at kaldes en Dronning over Riger. 6 Jeg var vred paa mit Folk, jeg vanhelligede min Arv og gav dem i din Haand; du beviste dem ikke Barmhjertighed, du gjorde dit Aag saare svart over den alderstegne. 7 Og du sagde: Jeg skal være Dronning evindelig; saa at du ikke har lagt det paa Hjerte og ikke tænkt paa, hvad Enden skulde blive delpaa. 8 Saa hør nu dette, du vellystige! du som bor tryggelig og siger i dit Hjerte: Jeg, og ingen uden jeg, jeg skal ikke sidde Enke og ej vide, hvad det er at vorde barnløs. 9 Men disse to Ting skulle i et Øjeblik komme over dig paa een Dag: At blive barnløs og Enke; i fuldt Maal skulle de komme over dig, uagtet dine mange Trolddomskunster, og uagtet dine mange stærke Besværgelser. 10 Du forlod dig paa din Ondskab, du sagde: Der er ingen, som ser mig; din Visdom og din Kløgt have forført dig, og du sagde i dit Hjerte: Jeg, og ingen uden jeg. 11 Men det onde skal komme over dig, du skal ikke vide, naar dets Frembrud er, og en Ulykke skal falde paa dig, du skal ikke kunne forsone den; og der skal hastelig komme Ødelæggelse over dig, inden du ved det. 12 Staa nu frem med dine Besværgelser og med dine mange Trolddomskunster, med hvilke du har trættet dig fra din Ungdom af; maaske du dog kunde hjælpe dig dermed, maaske du kunde gøre Modstand. 13 Du har trættet dig ved dine mange Anslag; lad nu dem, som udspejde Himmelen, som se efter Stjernerne, dem, som give Besked for hver Maaned, staa frem og frelse dig fra de Ting, som skulle komme over dig. 14 Se, de skulle være som Halm, Ilden skal opbrænde dem, de kunne ikke, redde deres Liv fra Luens Magt; der skal ikke være en Glød at varme sig ved eller en Ild at sidde for. 15 Saaledes gaar det dig med dem, som du har trættet dig ved; de, som færdedes med dig fra din Ungdom af, de skulle fare vild hver til sin Side, der er ingen, som frelser dig.
CUV(i) 1 巴 比 倫 的 處 女 啊 , 下 來 坐 在 塵 埃 ; 迦 勒 底 的 閨 女 啊 , 沒 有 寶 座 , 要 坐 在 地 上 ; 因 為 你 不 再 稱 為 柔 弱 嬌 嫩 的 。 2 要 用 磨 磨 麵 , 揭 去 帕 子 , 脫 去 長 衣 , 露 腿 逿 河 。 3 你 的 下 體 必 被 露 出 ; 你 的 醜 陋 必 被 看 見 。 我 要 報 仇 , 誰 也 不 寬 容 。 4 我 們 救 贖 主 的 名 是 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的 聖 者 。 5 迦 勒 底 的 閨 女 啊 , 你 要 默 然 靜 坐 , 進 入 暗 中 , 因 為 你 不 再 稱 為 列 國 的 主 母 。 6 我 向 我 的 百 姓 發 怒 , 使 我 的 產 業 被 褻 瀆 , 將 他 們 交 在 你 手 中 , 你 毫 不 憐 憫 他 們 , 把 極 重 的 軛 加 在 老 年 人 身 上 。 7 你 自 己 說 : 我 必 永 為 主 母 , 所 以 你 不 將 這 事 放 在 心 上 , 也 不 思 想 這 事 的 結 局 。 8 你 這 專 好 宴 樂 、 安 然 居 住 的 , 現 在 當 聽 這 話 。 你 心 中 說 : 唯 有 我 , 除 我 以 外 再 沒 有 別 的 。 我 必 不 至 寡 居 , 也 不 遭 喪 子 之 事 。 9 哪 知 , 喪 子 、 寡 居 這 兩 件 事 在 一 日 轉 眼 之 間 必 臨 到 你 ; 正 在 你 多 行 邪 術 、 廣 施 符 咒 的 時 候 , 這 兩 件 事 必 全 然 臨 到 你 身 上 。 10 你 素 來 倚 仗 自 己 的 惡 行 , 說 : 無 人 看 見 我 。 你 的 智 慧 聰 明 使 你 偏 邪 , 並 且 你 心 裡 說 : 唯 有 我 , 除 我 以 外 再 沒 有 別 的 。 11 因 此 , 禍 患 要 臨 到 你 身 ; 你 不 知 何 時 發 現 ( 或 譯 : 如 何 驅 逐 ) 災 害 落 在 你 身 上 , 你 也 不 能 除 掉 ; 所 不 知 道 的 毀 滅 也 必 忽 然 臨 到 你 身 。 12 站 起 來 罷 ! 用 你 從 幼 年 勞 神 施 行 的 符 咒 和 你 許 多 的 邪 術 ; 或 者 可 得 益 處 , 或 者 可 得 強 勝 。 13 你 籌 劃 太 多 , 以 致 疲 倦 。 讓 那 些 觀 天 象 的 , 看 星 宿 的 , 在 月 朔 說 預 言 的 , 都 站 起 來 , 救 你 脫 離 所 要 臨 到 你 的 事 。 14 他 們 要 像 碎 秸 被 火 焚 燒 , 不 能 救 自 己 脫 離 火 焰 之 力 ; 這 火 並 非 可 烤 的 炭 火 , 也 不 是 可 以 坐 在 其 前 的 火 。 15 你 所 勞 神 的 事 都 要 這 樣 與 你 無 益 ; 從 幼 年 與 你 貿 易 的 也 都 各 奔 各 鄉 , 無 人 救 你 。
  1 H894 巴比倫 H1330 的處女 H3381 啊,下來 H3427 H6083 在塵埃 H3778 ;迦勒底 H1323 的閨女 H3678 啊,沒有寶座 H3427 ,要坐 H776 在地上 H3254 ;因為你不再 H7121 稱為 H7390 柔弱 H6028 嬌嫩的。
  2 H3947 要用 H7347 H2912 H7058 H1540 ,揭去 H6777 帕子 H2834 ,脫去 H7640 長衣 H1540 ,露 H7785 H5674 H5104 河。
  3 H6172 你的下體 H1540 必被露出 H2781 ;你的醜陋 H7200 必被看見 H3947 H5359 。我要報仇 H6293 ,誰也不寬容。
  4 H1350 我們救贖主 H8034 的名 H6635 是萬軍 H3068 之耶和華 H3478 ─以色列 H6918 的聖者。
  5 H3778 迦勒底 H1323 的閨女 H1748 啊,你要默然 H3427 靜坐 H935 ,進入 H2822 暗中 H3254 ,因為你不再 H7121 稱為 H4467 列國 H1404 的主母。
  6 H5971 我向我的百姓 H7107 發怒 H5159 ,使我的產業 H2490 被褻瀆 H5414 ,將他們交 H3027 在你手中 H7760 H7356 ,你毫不憐憫 H3966 他們,把極 H5923 重的軛 H3513 H2205 在老年人身上。
  7 H559 你自己說 H5769 :我必永 H1404 為主母 H7760 ,所以你不將這事放 H3820 在心 H2142 上,也不思想 H319 這事的結局。
  8 H5719 你這專好宴樂 H983 、安然 H3427 居住 H8085 的,現在當聽 H3824 這話。你心中 H559 H657 :唯有我,除我以外再沒有 H490 別的。我必不至寡 H3427 H3045 ,也不遭 H7908 喪子之事。
  9 H7908 哪知,喪子 H489 、寡居 H8147 這兩件 H259 事在一 H3117 H7281 轉眼之間 H935 必臨到 H7230 你;正在你多 H3785 行邪術 H3966 、廣 H2267 施符咒 H8537 的時候,這兩件事必全然 H935 臨到你身上。
  10 H982 你素來倚仗 H7451 自己的惡行 H559 ,說 H7200 :無人看見我 H2451 。你的智慧 H1847 聰明 H7725 使你偏邪 H3820 ,並且你心裡 H559 H657 :唯有我,除我以外再沒有別的。
  11 H7451 因此,禍患 H935 要臨到 H3045 你身;你不知 H1943 何時發現(或譯:如何驅逐)災害 H5307 H3201 在你身上,你也不能 H3722 除掉 H3045 ;所不知道 H7722 的毀滅 H6597 也必忽然 H935 臨到你身。
  12 H5975 站起來 H5271 罷!用你從幼年 H3021 勞神 H2267 施行的符咒 H7230 和你許多的 H3785 邪術 H3201 ;或者可得 H3276 益處 H6206 ,或者可得強勝。
  13 H6098 你籌劃 H7230 太多 H3811 ,以致疲倦 H1895 H8064 。讓那些觀天象 H2374 H3556 的,看星宿 H2320 的,在月朔 H3045 說預言 H5975 的,都站起來 H3467 ,救你脫離 H935 所要臨到你的事。
  14 H7179 他們要像碎秸 H784 被火 H8313 焚燒 H5337 ,不能救 H5315 自己 H3852 脫離火焰 H3027 之力 H2552 ;這火並非可烤 H1513 的炭火 H3427 ,也不是可以坐在 H217 其前的火。
  15 H3021 你所勞神 H5271 的事都要這樣與你無益;從幼年 H5503 與你貿易 H8582 的也都各奔 H5676 各鄉 H3467 ,無人救你。
CUVS(i) 1 巴 比 伦 的 处 女 啊 , 下 来 坐 在 尘 埃 ; 迦 勒 底 的 闺 女 啊 , 没 冇 宝 座 , 要 坐 在 地 上 ; 因 为 你 不 再 称 为 柔 弱 娇 嫩 的 。 2 要 用 磨 磨 麵 , 揭 去 帕 子 , 脱 去 长 衣 , 露 腿 逿 河 。 3 你 的 下 体 必 被 露 出 ; 你 的 丑 陋 必 被 看 见 。 我 要 报 仇 , 谁 也 不 宽 容 。 4 我 们 救 赎 主 的 名 是 万 军 之 耶 和 华 ― 以 色 列 的 圣 者 。 5 迦 勒 底 的 闺 女 啊 , 你 要 默 然 静 坐 , 进 入 暗 中 , 因 为 你 不 再 称 为 列 国 的 主 母 。 6 我 向 我 的 百 姓 发 怒 , 使 我 的 产 业 被 亵 渎 , 将 他 们 交 在 你 手 中 , 你 毫 不 怜 悯 他 们 , 把 极 重 的 轭 加 在 老 年 人 身 上 。 7 你 自 己 说 : 我 必 永 为 主 母 , 所 以 你 不 将 这 事 放 在 心 上 , 也 不 思 想 这 事 的 结 局 。 8 你 这 专 好 宴 乐 、 安 然 居 住 的 , 现 在 当 听 这 话 。 你 心 中 说 : 唯 冇 我 , 除 我 以 外 再 没 冇 别 的 。 我 必 不 至 寡 居 , 也 不 遭 丧 子 之 事 。 9 哪 知 , 丧 子 、 寡 居 这 两 件 事 在 一 日 转 眼 之 间 必 临 到 你 ; 正 在 你 多 行 邪 术 、 广 施 符 咒 的 时 候 , 这 两 件 事 必 全 然 临 到 你 身 上 。 10 你 素 来 倚 仗 自 己 的 恶 行 , 说 : 无 人 看 见 我 。 你 的 智 慧 聪 明 使 你 偏 邪 , 并 且 你 心 里 说 : 唯 冇 我 , 除 我 以 外 再 没 冇 别 的 。 11 因 此 , 祸 患 要 临 到 你 身 ; 你 不 知 何 时 发 现 ( 或 译 : 如 何 驱 逐 ) 灾 害 落 在 你 身 上 , 你 也 不 能 除 掉 ; 所 不 知 道 的 毁 灭 也 必 忽 然 临 到 你 身 。 12 站 起 来 罢 ! 用 你 从 幼 年 劳 神 施 行 的 符 咒 和 你 许 多 的 邪 术 ; 或 者 可 得 益 处 , 或 者 可 得 强 胜 。 13 你 筹 划 太 多 , 以 致 疲 倦 。 让 那 些 观 天 象 的 , 看 星 宿 的 , 在 月 朔 说 预 言 的 , 都 站 起 来 , 救 你 脱 离 所 要 临 到 你 的 事 。 14 他 们 要 象 碎 秸 被 火 焚 烧 , 不 能 救 自 己 脱 离 火 焰 之 力 ; 这 火 并 非 可 烤 的 炭 火 , 也 不 是 可 以 坐 在 其 前 的 火 。 15 你 所 劳 神 的 事 都 要 这 样 与 你 无 益 ; 从 幼 年 与 你 贸 易 的 也 都 各 奔 各 乡 , 无 人 救 你 。
  1 H894 巴比伦 H1330 的处女 H3381 啊,下来 H3427 H6083 在尘埃 H3778 ;迦勒底 H1323 的闺女 H3678 啊,没有宝座 H3427 ,要坐 H776 在地上 H3254 ;因为你不再 H7121 称为 H7390 柔弱 H6028 娇嫩的。
  2 H3947 要用 H7347 H2912 H7058 H1540 ,揭去 H6777 帕子 H2834 ,脱去 H7640 长衣 H1540 ,露 H7785 H5674 H5104 河。
  3 H6172 你的下体 H1540 必被露出 H2781 ;你的丑陋 H7200 必被看见 H3947 H5359 。我要报仇 H6293 ,谁也不宽容。
  4 H1350 我们救赎主 H8034 的名 H6635 是万军 H3068 之耶和华 H3478 ―以色列 H6918 的圣者。
  5 H3778 迦勒底 H1323 的闺女 H1748 啊,你要默然 H3427 静坐 H935 ,进入 H2822 暗中 H3254 ,因为你不再 H7121 称为 H4467 列国 H1404 的主母。
  6 H5971 我向我的百姓 H7107 发怒 H5159 ,使我的产业 H2490 被亵渎 H5414 ,将他们交 H3027 在你手中 H7760 H7356 ,你毫不怜悯 H3966 他们,把极 H5923 重的轭 H3513 H2205 在老年人身上。
  7 H559 你自己说 H5769 :我必永 H1404 为主母 H7760 ,所以你不将这事放 H3820 在心 H2142 上,也不思想 H319 这事的结局。
  8 H5719 你这专好宴乐 H983 、安然 H3427 居住 H8085 的,现在当听 H3824 这话。你心中 H559 H657 :唯有我,除我以外再没有 H490 别的。我必不至寡 H3427 H3045 ,也不遭 H7908 丧子之事。
  9 H7908 哪知,丧子 H489 、寡居 H8147 这两件 H259 事在一 H3117 H7281 转眼之间 H935 必临到 H7230 你;正在你多 H3785 行邪术 H3966 、广 H2267 施符咒 H8537 的时候,这两件事必全然 H935 临到你身上。
  10 H982 你素来倚仗 H7451 自己的恶行 H559 ,说 H7200 :无人看见我 H2451 。你的智慧 H1847 聪明 H7725 使你偏邪 H3820 ,并且你心里 H559 H657 :唯有我,除我以外再没有别的。
  11 H7451 因此,祸患 H935 要临到 H3045 你身;你不知 H1943 何时发现(或译:如何驱逐)灾害 H5307 H3201 在你身上,你也不能 H3722 除掉 H3045 ;所不知道 H7722 的毁灭 H6597 也必忽然 H935 临到你身。
  12 H5975 站起来 H5271 罢!用你从幼年 H3021 劳神 H2267 施行的符咒 H7230 和你许多的 H3785 邪术 H3201 ;或者可得 H3276 益处 H6206 ,或者可得强胜。
  13 H6098 你筹划 H7230 太多 H3811 ,以致疲倦 H1895 H8064 。让那些观天象 H2374 H3556 的,看星宿 H2320 的,在月朔 H3045 说预言 H5975 的,都站起来 H3467 ,救你脱离 H935 所要临到你的事。
  14 H7179 他们要象碎秸 H784 被火 H8313 焚烧 H5337 ,不能救 H5315 自己 H3852 脱离火焰 H3027 之力 H2552 ;这火并非可烤 H1513 的炭火 H3427 ,也不是可以坐在 H217 其前的火。
  15 H3021 你所劳神 H5271 的事都要这样与你无益;从幼年 H5503 与你贸易 H8582 的也都各奔 H5676 各乡 H3467 ,无人救你。
Esperanto(i) 1 Iru malsupren kaj sidigxu sur polvo, ho virgulino filino de Babel; sidigxu sur la tero, sentronigita filino de la HXaldeoj; cxar oni ne plu nomos vin delikata kaj dorlotata. 2 Prenu manan muelilon kaj muelu farunon; forigu vian vualon, levu vian vestrandon, malkovru vian kruron, transiru riverojn. 3 Malkovrigxos via nudajxo, kaj montrigxos via honto. Mi faros vengxon, kaj Mi neniun indulgos. 4 Nia Liberiganto-Lia nomo estas Eternulo Cebaot, Sanktulo de Izrael. 5 Sidu silente kaj iru en mallumon, ho filino de la HXaldeoj, cxar oni ne plu nomos vin estrino de regnoj. 6 Kiam Mi koleris Mian popolon, malhonoris Mian heredajxon, kaj transdonis ilin en viajn manojn, vi ne montris al ili kompaton, sur maljunulon vi metis tre peze vian jugon; 7 vi diris:Eterne mi estos estrino; vi ne prenis tion al via koro, ne pensis pri la sekvoj. 8 Auxskultu do nun, ho voluptulino, kiu sidas senzorge, kiu diras en sia koro:Mi estas, kaj ne ekzistas alia krom mi; mi ne farigxos vidvino, kaj mi ne konos perdon de infanoj. 9 Venos do sur vin tiuj du aferoj subite, en unu tago; seninfaneco kaj vidvineco en plena mezuro trafos vin, malgraux viaj multaj sorcxoj, malgraux la granda forto de viaj magiajxoj. 10 Vi sentis vin sendangxera en via malboneco; vi diris:Neniu min vidas; via sagxeco kaj via scio estis viaj delogantoj; kaj vi diris en via koro:Mi estas, kaj ne ekzistas alia krom mi. 11 Tial venos sur vin malbono, kies komencon vi ne scios, kaj falos sur vin malfelicxo, el kiu vi ne povos vin elacxeti, kaj surprizos vin pereo, kiun vi ne antauxvidis. 12 Restu do cxe viaj magiajxoj, kaj cxe viaj multaj sorcxoj, super kiuj vi laboris de via juneco; eble vi povos profiti, eble vi fortigxos. 13 Vi lacigxis de la multo de viaj konsiligxoj; nun ili starigxu, la mezurantoj de la cxielo, la esplorantoj de la steloj, la antauxdiristoj laux la luno, kaj ili savu vin kontraux tio, kio trafos vin. 14 Jen, ili farigxos kiel pajlo; la fajro forbruligos ilin; ili ne savos sian animon el la forto de la flamo; ne estos ia karbo, cxe kiu sin varmigi, nek fajro, antaux kiu sidi. 15 Tiaj farigxis por vi tiuj, kun kiuj vi multe penis, kun kiuj vi interrilatis de via juneco; cxiu forvagis siaflanken, neniu vin savos.
Finnish(i) 1 Astu alas, ja istu tomuun, sinä neitsy Babelin tytär; istu maahan, sillä ei ole yhtään istuinta enään, sinä Kaldean tytär; sillä ei sinua pidä enää kutsuttaman ihanaiseksi ja iloiseksi. 2 Ota mylly ja jauha jauhoja; päästä hiustes palmikot, riisu kenkäs, paljasta sääres, mene virran ylitse. 3 Että sinun häpys ilmoitetuksi, ja sinun riettautes nähdyksi tulis. Minä kostan, ja ei yksikään ihminen pidä rukouksellansa minua siitä estämän. 4 (Tämän tekee) meidän pelastajamme, Herra Zebaot on hänen nimensä, Israelin Pyhä. 5 Istu alallas, mene pimeyteen, sinä Kaldealaisten tytär; sillä ei sinua enää pidä kutsuttaman valtakuntain kuningattareksi. 6 Sillä kuin minä olin vihainen kansalleni, turmelin minä perintöni, ja hylkäsin heidät sinun kätees; mutta et sinä tehnyt heille laupiutta, ja vanhoille teit sinä ikees peräti raskaaksi, 7 Ja ajattelit: minä olen hallitsia ijankaikkisesti: et sinä tähän päivään asti vielä ole sitä johdattanut sydämees, eli ajatellut, kuinka heille viimein on tapahtuva. 8 Niin kuule nyt tätä, sinä, joka elät hekumassa, ja istut niin surutoinna, ja sanot sydämessäs: minä olen, ja ei yksikään muu; en minä leskeksi eli hedelmättömäksi tule. 9 Molemmat nämät pitää sinua äkisti kohtaaman yhtenä päivänä, ettäs tulet hedelmättömäksi ja leskeksi; ja ne pitää sinuun täydellisesti sattuman, sinun monen velhos tähden, ja sinun noitais tähden, joista suuri paljous on sinun tykönäs. 10 Sillä sinä olet luottanut pahuutees, koskas ajattelit: ei minua nähdä. Taitos ja tietos on sinun kukistanut, ettäs sanot sydämessäs: minäpä olen, ja ei yksikään muu. 11 Sentähden pitää onnettomuuden tuleman sinun päälles, niin ettei sinun pidä tietämän, koska se tulee, ja sinun vastoinkäymises pitää lankeeman sinun päälles, jotka ei sinun pidä taitaman sovittaa; sillä hävitys pitää äkisti tuleman sinun päälles, jota et sinä edellä tiedä. 12 Käy nyt edes velhois kanssa, ja sinun monien noitais kanssa, joiden seassa sinä olet itsiäs nuoruudessas vaivannut: jos taitaisit auttaa itsiäs, jos taitaisit vahvistaa itsiäs. 13 Sinä olet väsyksissä monen koettelemukses tähden. Tulkaan nyt edes ja auttakoon sinua ne taivaan juoksun tietäjät ja tähtein kurkisteliat, jotka kuukausien jälkeen lukevat, mitä sinulle pitää tapahtuman. 14 Katso, he ovat niinkuin korret, jotka tuli polttaa, ei he taida pelastaa henkeänsä liekistä; sillä ei pidä yhtään hiilistöä oleman, jossa joku taitais itsensä lämmitellä, eli tulta, jonka tykönä istuttaisiin. 15 Juuri niin ovat ne sinulle, joiden alla sinä sinus vaivannut olet: sinun kauppamiehes sinun nuoruudestas pitää jokaisen käymän sinne ja tänne, ja sinulla ei ole yhtään auttajaa.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Astu alas ja istu tomuun, sinä neitsyt, tytär Baabel, istu maahan, valtaistuinta vailla, sinä Kaldean tytär; sillä ei sinua enää kutsuta hempeäksi ja hekumalliseksi. 2 Tartu käsikiviin ja jauha jauhoja, riisu huntusi, nosta helmuksesi, paljasta sääresi, kahlaa jokien poikki. 3 Häpysi paljastuu, häpeäsi näkyy; minä kostan enkä ainoatakaan armahda. 4 Meidän lunastajamme nimi on Herra Sebaot, Israelin Pyhä. 5 Istu äänetönnä ja väisty pimeään, sinä Kaldean tytär; sillä ei sinua enää kutsuta valtakuntien valtiattareksi. 6 Minä vihastuin kansaani, annoin häväistä perintöni, minä annoin heidät sinun käsiisi; et osoittanut sinä heille sääliä, vanhuksellekin sinä teit ikeesi ylen raskaaksi. 7 Ja sinä sanoit: "Iäti minä olen valtiatar", niin ettet näitä mieleesi pannut, et loppua ajatellut. 8 Mutta nyt kuule tämä, sinä hekumassa-eläjä, joka istut turvallisena, joka sanot sydämessäsi: "Minä, eikä ketään muuta! Minä en ole leskenä istuva enkä lapsettomuudesta tietävä." 9 Mutta nämä molemmat tulevat sinun osaksesi äkisti, yhtenä päivänä: lapsettomuus ja leskeys; ne kohtaavat sinua täydeltänsä, huolimatta velhouksiesi paljoudesta, loitsujesi suuresta voimasta. 10 Sinä luotit pahuuteesi, sinä sanoit: "Ei kukaan minua näe". Sinun viisautesi ja tietosi, ne sinut eksyttivät, ja niin sinä sanoit sydämessäsi: "Minä, eikä ketään muuta!" 11 Sentähden kohtaa sinua onnettomuus, jota et osaa manata pois; sinut yllättää tuho, josta et lunnailla pääse, äkkiä kohtaa sinua perikato, aavistamattasi. 12 Astu esiin loitsuinesi ja paljoine velhouksinesi, joilla olet vaivannut itseäsi nuoruudestasi asti: ehkä hyvinkin saat avun, ehkä herätät pelkoa. 13 Sinä olet väsyttänyt itsesi paljolla neuvottelullasi. Astukoot esiin ja auttakoot sinua taivaan mittaajat, tähtien tähystäjät, jotka kuu kuulta ilmoittavat, mitä sinulle tapahtuva on. 14 Katso, he ovat kuin kuivat korret: tuli polttaa heidät; he eivät pelasta henkeään liekin vallasta. Se ei ole hiillos heidän lämmitelläkseen eikä valkea, jonka ääressä istutaan. 15 Tämän saat sinä niistä, joista olet vaivaa nähnyt: ne, joiden kanssa olet kauppaa käynyt hamasta nuoruudestasi asti, harhailevat kukin haarallensa, ei kukaan sinua pelasta.
Haitian(i) 1 Ou menm, lavil Babilòn, desann sou fotèy ou a! Al chita atè nan pousyè! Yon lè, ou te tankou yon jenn tifi. Wi, kapital moun peyi Kalde yo pral chita atè plat, yo p'ap janm konsidere ou ankò tankou yon bèl tifi ki renmen plezi, ki pa nan leve ni lou ni lejè. 2 Pran wòl moulen yo, al moulen farin! Wete vwal ki sou tèt ou a! Moute ke rad ou wotè jenou ou. Dekouvri janm ou pou ou janbe dlo. 3 Rete toutouni pou moun ka wè jan ou tonbe ba! Mwen pral tire revanj. Pesonn p'ap ka rete m'. 4 Moun k'ap delivre nou an rele Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki yon Bondye apa. 5 Men sa li di lavil Babilòn: Chita la! Pa di yon mo! Rete nan fènwa a! Yo p'ap janm rele ou ankò larenn tout peyi yo. 6 Wi, mwen te move sou pèp mwen an. Mwen pa t' aji ak yo tankou moun pa m'. Mwen te lage yo nan men ou. Men, ou te san pitye pou yo. Ou te aji mal anpil, ata ak vye granmoun yo. 7 Ou te mete nan tèt ou ou t'ap toujou larenn. Ou pa t' rete kalkile bagay sa yo byen nan tèt ou. Ou pa t' kalkile ki jan sa tapral fini. 8 Koulye a, louvri zòrèy ou, ou menm ki renmen pran plezi ou, ou menm ki chita kè pòpòz epi k'ap di nan kè ou: Se mwen menm ki sèl chèf. Nanpwen lòt! Mwen p'ap janm pèdi mari m'. Mwen p'ap janm konnen sa ki rele pèdi pitit! 9 Enben! De malè sa yo pral tonbe sou ou anmenmtan, yon sèl jou. Ou pral pèdi pitit ou yo ansanm ak mari ou! Wi, malè sa yo pral tonbe ansanm sou ou, malgre tout maji ou pral fè yo, malgre pakèt wanga ou genyen yo! 10 Ou te konte sou mechanste ou t'ap fè yo. Ou t'ap di nan kè ou pesonn pa wè ou. Bon konprann ak konesans vire tèt ou. Ou t'ap di nan kè ou se ou menm ki sèl chèf. Nanpwen lòt. 11 Yon malè pral tonbe sou ou, ou p'ap ka detounen l' ak maji ou yo. Yon sèl malè pral tonbe sou ou, ou p'ap ka fè anyen pou ou anpeche l' rive ou. W'a rete konsa, yon boulvès pral tonbe sou ou, yon boulvès ou pa t' janm mete nan tèt ou te ka rive ou. 12 Ou mèt rete ak maji ou yo, ak tout wanga ou yo! Depi ou jenn w'ap fatige kò ou sèvi ak yo. Ou pa janm konnen, yo ka fè kichòy pou ou! Ou ka fè moun pè ou ak yo! 13 Ou chaje ak moun k'ap ba ou konsèy jouk ou pa konn sa pou ou fè. Se pou moun ki te ba ou tout konsèy sa yo vini koulye a, se pou yo sove ou, yo menm k'ap etidye zetwal, yo menm k'ap separe syèl la an divès zòn, yo menm k'ap di ou chak lalin nouvèl tou sa ki gen pou rive. 14 Yo tankou ti moso pay. Yon sèl dife pral boule yo. Yo p'ap menm ka sove pwòp tèt pa yo. Se p'ap yon ti dife tankou dife yo fè pou kwit manje ni tankou boukan yo limen pou moun chofe dife. 15 Men kote konsèy moun sa yo ap mennen ou. Ou te touye tèt ou ap sèvi yo depi ou te jenn tifi. Y'ap kouri kite ou, yo chak bò pa yo. Yo yonn p'ap rete pou delivre ou!
Hungarian(i) 1 Szállj le és ülj a porba, Babilon szûz leánya, ülj a földre királyi szék nélkül, te a Káldeusok leánya, mert nem hívnak többé téged gyöngének és elkényeztetettnek! 2 Vedd a malmot és õrölj lisztet, född fel fátyolodat, emeld föl a hosszú ruhát, född fel czombodat és menj át a folyókon. 3 Födöztessék föl meztelenséged és láttassék meg szemérmed; bosszút állok és embert nem kímélek! 4 [Így szól] a mi Megváltónk, seregeknek Ura az Õ neve, Izráel Szentje! 5 Ülj némán és menj a sötétre, te a Káldeusok leánya, mert nem hívnak többé téged országok úrnõjének! 6 Fölgerjedtem volt népem ellen; megfertõztettem örökségemet és kezedbe adtam azt: te nem cselekedtél velök irgalmasságot, az öregre nehéz igát vetettél! 7 És ezt mondád: Örökre úrnõ leszek! úgy hogy ezekre nem is gondolál, és nem emlékeztél meg annak végérõl. 8 És most halld meg ezt, bujálkodó, a ki bátorságban ülsz, a ki ezt mondja szívében: Én vagyok és nincs senki több, nem ülök özvegységben, és a gyermektelenséget nem ismerem! 9 És mind e kettõ eljõ reád nagy hamar egy napon: gyermektelenség és özvegység, teljességökben jõnek el reád, noha gazdag vagy a varázslásban, és sok nagyon igézõ szózatod. 10 Gonoszságodban bíztál, és ezt mondád: Nem lát senki engem! Bölcseséged és tudományod csalt meg téged, és ezt mondád szívedben: Én vagyok és nincs senki több. 11 Azért jõ te reád a gonosz, a melynek keletkezését nem tudod, és romlás sújt le rád, a melyet meg nem engesztelhetsz, és hirtelen jõ pusztulás reád, nem is tudod! 12 No állj elõ hát igézõ szózatiddal és varázslásodnak sokaságával, a melyekkel ifjúságodtól fogva veszõdtél, talán segíthetsz valamit, talán visszariaszthatod [a veszedelmet.] 13 Tanácsaid sokaságában megfáradtál; no álljanak elõ és tartsanak meg az égnek vizsgálói, a kik a csillagokat nézik, a kik megjelentik az újholdak napján, hogy mi jövend reád. 14 Ímé, olyanok lettek, mint a polyva, tûz emészté meg õket, nem mentik meg életöket a lángból, még szén sem marad belõlök melegülésre, sem körülülhetõ parázs! 15 Így járnak azok, a kikkel veszõdtél; és a kik kereskedõ társaid voltak ifjúságodtól fogva, futnak, kiki a maga útján; senki nem segít néked!
Indonesian(i) 1 TUHAN berkata, "Hai, Babel, turunlah dari takhtamu, dan duduklah di atas debu. Engkau tidak genit dan manis seperti dahulu. 2 Gilinglah tepung dengan batu; bukalah kerudungmu, angkatlah gaunmu sampai tampak betismu, dan seberangilah sungai-sungai. 3 Orang akan melihat engkau telanjang, dihina dan dipermalukan. Aku akan membalas dendam kepadamu, dan tak seorang pun Kuluputkan." 4 Allah kudus Israel membebaskan kita, nama-Nya TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa. 5 TUHAN berkata kepada Babel, "Diamlah, dan masuklah ke dalam kegelapan. Engkau tak akan lagi disebut 'Ratu kerajaan-kerajaan.' 6 Dahulu Aku marah kepada umat-Ku, mereka tidak lagi Kuanggap milik-Ku. Lalu mereka Kuserahkan kepadamu, dan engkau tidak mengasihani mereka, bahkan yang tua-tua kautindas dengan kejam. 7 Engkau menyangka akan menjadi ratu selama-lamanya, dan tidak menyadari atau memikirkan kesudahannya. 8 Sebab itu dengarlah Aku, hai engkau yang suka mengejar kesenangan! Kausangka hidupmu aman, dan tak ada yang seperti engkau. Kaupikir engkau tak akan menjadi janda, dan keturunanmu tak akan binasa. 9 Tetapi sesaat saja, dalam satu hari, kedua hal itu sekaligus terjadi. Biar engkau memakai sihir dan mantra, suamimu dan anakmu direnggut juga. 10 Engkau merasa aman dalam kejahatanmu, kaupikir perbuatanmu tidak diperhatikan. Engkau disesatkan oleh kebijaksanaan dan pengetahuanmu, kausangka tak ada yang seperti engkau. 11 Tetapi engkau akan ditimpa bencana, ilmu sihirmu tak dapat mengelakkannya. Engkau akan didatangi malapetaka, dan tak sanggup menangkisnya. Kebinasaan akan datang dengan tiba-tiba, dan tidak kausangka-sangka sebelumnya. 12 Bertekunlah saja dengan semua mantra dan sihirmu, yang merepotkan engkau sejak masa kecilmu. Siapa tahu itu berguna bagimu, untuk menakut-nakuti musuh-musuhmu. 13 Engkau payah karena banyaknya nasihat. Suruhlah peramal-peramal tampil menyelamatkan engkau; mereka yang telah meneliti segala penjuru langit dan mempelajari bintang-bintang, dan pada setiap bulan baru meramalkan apa yang menjadi nasibmu. 14 Lihat, mereka seperti jerami yang dimakan api; tak dapat mereka menyelamatkan diri sendiri! Nyala api itu terlalu panas bagi mereka, bukan api hangat untuk berdiang. 15 Itulah faedah para peramal bagimu yang merepotkan engkau sejak masa kecilmu; masing-masing pergi meninggalkan engkau; tak ada yang datang untuk menolongmu."
Italian(i) 1 SCENDI, e siedi sopra la polvere, vergine, figliuola di Babilonia; siedi in terra; non vi è più trono, o figliuola de’ Caldei; certo, tu non continuerai più ad esser chiamata: 2 Morbida e delicata. Metti la mano alle macine, e macina la farina; scopri la tua chioma, scalzati, scopriti la coscia, passa i fiumi. 3 Le tue vergogne saranno scoperte, ed anche la tua turpitudine sarà veduta; io prenderò vendetta, e non ti verrò incontro da uomo. 4 Il nome del nostro Redentore è il Signore degli eserciti, il Santo d’Israele. 5 Siedi tacita, ed entra nelle tenebre, figliuola de’ Caldei; perciocchè tu non sarai più chiamata: La Signora de’ regni. 6 Io mi adirai gravemente contro al mio popolo, io profanai la mia eredità, e li diedi in man tua: tu non usasti alcuna misericordia inverso loro; tu aggravasti grandemente il tuo giogo sopra il vecchio. 7 E dicesti: Io sarò signora in perpetuo; fin là, que giammai non ti mettesti queste cose in cuore, tu non ti ricordasti di ciò che avverrebbe alla fine. 8 Ora dunque, ascolta questo, o deliziosa, che abiti in sicurtà, che dici nel cuor tuo: Io son dessa, e non vi è altri che me; io non sederò vedova, e non saprò che cosa sia l’essere orbata di figliuoli; ascolta questo: 9 Queste due cose ti avverranno in un momento, in un medesimo giorno; orbezza di figliuoli, e vedovità; ti verranno appieno addosso, con tutta la moltitudine delle tue malie, con tutta la gran forza delle tue incantagioni. 10 E pur tu ti sei confidata nella tua malizia, ed hai detto: Non vi è niuno che mi vegga; la tua sapienza e la tua scienza ti hanno sedotta. E tu hai detto nel tuo cuore: Io son dessa, e non vi è altri che me. 11 Perciò, un male ti verrà addosso, del quale tu non saprai il primo nascimento; e ti caderà addosso una ruina, la quale tu non potrai stornare; e ti sopraggiungerà di subito una desolazione, della quale tu non ti avvedrai. 12 Sta’ ora in piè con le tue incantagioni, e con la moltitudine delle tue malie, intorno alle quali tu ti sei affaticata fin dalla tua fanciullezza; forse potrai far qualche giovamento, forse ti fortificherai. 13 Tu ti sei stancata nella moltitudine de’ tuoi consigli; ora dunque presentinsi gli astrologhi, che contemplano le stelle, e di mese in mese fanno de’ pronostichi; e salvinti da’ mali che ti sopraggiungeranno. 14 Ecco, son divenuti come stoppia; il fuoco li ha arsi; non hanno potuto scampar le lor persone dalla fiamma; non ne rimarrà alcuna bracia da scaldarsi, nè alcun fuoco per sedervi davanti. 15 Tali ti sono state le cose, intorno alle quali tu ti sei affaticata. Quant’è a’ tuoi mercatanti, coi quali tu hai mercatantato fin dalla tua fanciullezza, son fuggiti chi qua, chi là, ciascuno alle sue parti; non vi è niuno che ti salvi.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Scendi, e siedi sulla polvere, o vergine figliuola di Babilonia! Siediti in terra, senza trono, o figliuola de’ Caldei! poiché non ti si chiamerà più la delicata, la voluttuosa. 2 Metti mano alle macine, e macina farina; lèvati il velo, alzati lo strascico, scopriti la gamba, e passa i fiumi! 3 Si scopra la tua nudità, si vegga la tua onta; io farò vendetta, e non risparmierò anima viva. 4 Il nostro redentore ha nome l’Eterno degli eserciti, il Santo d’Israele. 5 Siediti in silenzio e va’ nelle tenebre, o figliuola de’ Caldei, poiché non sarai più chiamata la signora dei regni. 6 Io mi corrucciai contro il mio popolo, profanai la mia eredità e li diedi in mano tua; tu non avesti per essi alcuna pietà; facesti gravar duramente il tuo giogo sul vecchio, 7 e dicesti: "Io sarò signora in perpetuo; talché non prendesti a cuore e non ricordasti la fine di tutto questo. 8 Or dunque ascolta questo, o voluttuosa, che te ne stai assisa in sicurtà, e dici in cuor tuo: "Io, e nessun altro che io! Io non rimarrò mai vedova, e non saprò che sia l’esser orbata dai figliuoli"; 9 ma queste due cose t’avverranno in un attimo, in uno stesso giorno: privazione di figliuoli e vedovanza; ti piomberanno addosso tutte assieme, nonostante la moltitudine de’ tuoi sortilegi e la grande abbondanza de’ tuoi incantesimi. 10 Tu ti fidavi della tua malizia, tu dicevi: "Nessuno mi vede, la tua saviezza e la tua scienza t’hanno sedotta, e tu dicevi in cuor tuo: 11 "Io e nessun altro che io". Ma un mala verrà sopra a te, che non saprai come scongiurare; una calamità ti piomberà addosso, che non potrai allontanar con alcuna espiazione; e ti cadrà repentinamente addosso una ruina, che non avrai preveduta. 12 Stattene or là co’ tuoi incantesimi e con la moltitudine de’ tuoi sortilegi, ne’ quali ti sei affaticata fin dalla tua giovinezza! forse potrai trarne profitto, forse riuscirai ad incutere terrore. 13 Tu sei stanca di tutte le tue consultazioni; si levino dunque quelli che misurano il cielo, che osservano le stelle, che fanno pronostici ad ogni novilunio, e ti salvino dalle cose che ti piomberanno addosso! 14 Ecco, essi sono come stoppia, il fuoco li consuma; non salveranno la loro vita dalla violenza della fiamma; non ne rimarrà brace a cui scaldarsi, né fuoco dinanzi al quale sedersi. 15 Tale sarà la sorte di quelli intorno a cui ti sei affaticata. Quelli che han trafficato teco fin dalla giovinezza andranno errando ognuno dal suo lato, e non vi saranno alcuno che ti salvi.
Korean(i) 1 처녀 딸 바벨론이여 ! 내려 티끌에 앉으라 딸 갈대아여 ! 보좌가 없어졌으니 땅에 앉으라 네가 다시는 곱고 아리땁다 칭함을 받지 못할 것임이니라 2 맷돌을 취하여 가루를 갈라 면박을 벗으며 치마를 걷어 다리를 드러내고 강을 건너라 3 네 살이 드러나고 네 부끄러운것이 보일 것이라 내가 보수하되 사람을 아끼지 아니하리라 4 (우리의 구속자는 그 이름이 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 거룩한 자시니라) 5 딸 갈대아여 ! 잠잠히 앉으라 흑암으로 들어가라 네가 다시는 열국의 주모라 칭함을 받지 못하리라 6 전에 내가 내 백성을 노함으로 내 기업을 욕되게 하여 그들을 네 손에 붙였거늘 네가 그들을 긍휼히 여기지 아니하고 늙은이에게 네 멍에를 심히 무겁게 메우며 7 말하기를 내가 영영히 주모가 되리라 하고 이 일을 네 마음에 두지도 아니하며 그 종말도 생각지 아니하였도다 8 그러므로 사치하고 평안히 지내며 마음에 이르기를 나 뿐이라 나외에 다른 이가 없도다 나는 과부로 지내지도 아니하며 자녀를 잃어버리는 일도 모르리라 하는 자여 너는 이제 들을지어다 9 한 날에 홀연히 자녀를 잃으며 과부가 되는 이 두 일이 네게 임할것이라 네가 무수한 사술과 많은 진언을 베풀지라도 이 일이 온전히 네게 임하리라 10 네가 네 악을 의지하고 스스로 이르기를 나를 보는 자가 없다 하나니 네 지혜와 네 지식이 너를 유혹하였음이니라 네 마음에 이르기를 나 뿐이라 나 외에 다른 이가 없다 하였으므로 11 재앙이 네게 임하리라 그러나 네가 그 근본을 알지 못할 것이며 손해가 네게 이르리라 그러나 이를 물리칠 능이 없을 것이며 파멸이 홀연히 네게 임하리라 그러나 네가 헤아리지 못할 것이니라 12 이제 너는 젊어서부터 힘쓰던 진언과 많은 사술을 가지고 서서 시험하여 보라 혹시 유익을 얻을 수 있을는지,혹시 원수를 이길 수 있을는지, 13 네가 많은 모략을 인하여 피곤케 되었도다 하늘을 살피는 자와 별을 보는 자와 월삭에 예고하는 자들로 일어나 네게 임할 그 일에서 너를 구원케 하여 보라 14 보라 그들은 초개 같아서 불에 타리니 그 불꽃의 세력에서 스스로 구원치 못할 것이라 이 불은 더웁게 할 숯불이 아니요 그 앞에 앉을 만한 불도 아니니라 15 너의 근로하던 것들이 네게 이같이 되리니 너 어려서부터 너와 함께 무역하던 자들이 각기 소향대로 유리하고 너를 구원할 자 없으리라
Lithuanian(i) 1 “Nuženk ir sėskis dulkėse, mergele, Babilono dukra! Čia nėra sosto, todėl sėskis ant žemės, chaldėjų dukra! Tavęs nebevadins švelnia ar gražuole. 2 Stok prie girnų ir malk! Nusiimk šydą, nusisiausk apsiaustą, atidengusi blauzdas brisk per upę! 3 Tu būsi apnuoginta ir tavo gėda bus matoma. Aš išliesiu savo kerštą ir niekas jo nesustabdys”. 4 Mūsų atpirkėjas­kareivijų Viešpats, Izraelio Šventasis yra Jo vardas. 5 “Chaldėjų dukra, sėdėk tylėdama ir eik į tamsybę, nes tu nebebūsi vadinama karalysčių valdove. 6 Aš buvau įpykęs ant savo tautos, suteršiau savo paveldą, padaviau juos į tavo ranką. Tu neparodei jiems gailestingumo, net žilagalviams uždėjai labai sunkų jungą. 7 Tu sakei: ‘Aš išliksiu per amžius, būsiu valdovė visados’. Tu neėmei to į širdį ir nepagalvojai apie savo galą. 8 Dabar išgirsk, mėgstanti prabangiai ir nerūpestingai gyventi. Tu galvoji: ‘Aš esu ir šalia manęs nėra kitos. Aš nesėdėsiu kaip našlė ir mano vaikai nebus iš manęs atimti’. 9 Ūmai, vieną dieną, tau šie du dalykai atsitiks: tapsi našlė ir bevaikė. Taip įvyks, nepaisant tavo burtų ir daugybės kerų. 10 Tu pasitikėjai savo nedorybe ir sakei: ‘Manęs niekas nemato’. Tavo išmintis ir supratimas tave suvedžiojo. Tu galvojai: ‘Aš esu ir kitos nėra šalia manęs’. 11 Tave užklups nelaimė ir nežinosi, iš kur ji; užguls priespauda, iš kurios neišsipirksi; staiga ateis sunaikinimas, kurio nenujauti. 12 Pakilk su savo burtais bei daugybe kerų, kuriais vadovavaisi nuo pat savo jaunystės. Gal jie bus tau naudingi ir tu nugalėsi. 13 Tu esi bejėgė dėl savo daugybės patarėjų. Tegu astrologai, žvaigždžių stebėtojai, dangaus ženklų tyrinėtojai atsistoja ir išgelbsti tave nuo to, kas tave užgrius. 14 Jie yra kaip ražienos, ugnis sudegins juos. Jie negali išgelbėti savo gyvybės iš liepsnos, kuri nėra žarijos pasišildyti ar židinys, prie kurio galima sėdėti. 15 Tokie yra tavo burtininkai, su kuriais prekiavai nuo pat jaunystės. Jie nuklys kiekvienas į savo pusę, nė vienas negelbės tavęs”.
PBG(i) 1 Zstąp, a usiądź w prochu, panno, córko Babilońska! siądź na ziemi, a nie na stolicy, córko Chaldejska! bo cię nie będą więcej nazywać kochanką i rozkosznicą. 2 Weźmij żarna, a miel mąkę; odkryj warkocze swoje, obnaż nogi, odkryj golenie, brnij przez rzekę. 3 Odkryta będzie nagość twoja, a hańba twoja widziana będzie; wezmę pomstę z ciebie, a nie dam się nikomu zahamować. 4 To mówi odkupiciel nasz, imię jego Pan zastępów, Święty Izraelski. 5 Siedź milcząc, a wnijdź do ciemności, córko Chaldejska! bo cię więcej nie będą nazywać panią królestw. 6 Rozgniewałem się był na lud mój, splugawiłem dziedzictwo moje, a dałem je w ręce twoje; aleś im ty nie okazała miłosierdzia, i starców obciążałaś jarzmem twojem bardzo, 7 I rzekłaś: Na wieki panią będę; i tak nie przypuściłaś tego do serca swego, aniś sobie przywodziła na pamięć dokończenia tego. 8 Przetoż słuchaj tego teraz, rozkosznico! (która mieszkasz bezpiecznie, a mówisz w sercu swem: Jam jest, a niemasz oprócz mnie innej, nie będę wdową, ani uznam sieroctwa;) 9 Że to oboje przyjdzie na cię nagle dnia jednego, sieroctwo i wdowstwo, a doskonale przypanie na cię dla mnóstwa guseł twoich, i dla wielkości czarów twoich. 10 Bo ufasz w złości twojej, a mówisz: Nie widzi mię nikt. Mądrość twoja i umiejętność twoja, ta cię przewrotną uczyniła, abyś mówiła w sercu swem: Jam jest, a niemasz oprócz mnie innej. 11 Dlatego przyjdzie na cię złe, którego wyjścia nie wiesz, i przypadnie na cię bieda, której nie będziesz mogła zbyć; a przyjdzie na cię nagle spustoszenie, nim wzwiesz. 12 Stańże teraz z czarami swemi, i z mnóstwem guseł twoich, któremiś się parała od młodości twojej, azażbyś co sobie mogła pomódz, albo się snać czem zmocnić. 13 Ustawasz z mnóstwem rad twoich; niechajże teraz staną praktykarze, którzy się przypatrują gwiazdom, którzy dawają znać, co ma być każdego miesiąca, a niech cię wybawią z tego, co ma przyjść na cię. 14 Oto są jako plewa; ogień popali ich, nie wybawią ani duszy swej z mocy płomienia; nie zostanie węgla do ogrzania się, ani ognia, coby posiedzieć przy nim. 15 Takci się stanie kupcom twoim, z którymiś się zabawiała od młodości twojej: każdy się z nich w swą stronę uda, nie będzie, ktoby cię wybawił.
Portuguese(i) 1 Desce, e assenta-te no pó, ó virgem filha de Babilónia; assenta-te no chão sem trono, ó filha dos caldeus, porque nunca mais serás chamada a mimosa nem a delicada. 2 Toma a mó, e mói a farinha; remove o teu véu, suspende a cauda da tua vestidura, descobre as pernas e passa os rios. 3 A tua nudez será descoberta, e ver-se-á o teu opróbrio; tomarei vingança, e não pouparei a homem algum. 4 Quanto ao nosso Redentor, o Senhor dos exércitos é o seu nome, o Santo de Israel. 5 Assenta-te calada, e entra nas trevas, ó filha dos caldeus; porque não serás chamada mais a senhora de reinos. 6 Muito me agastei contra o meu povo, profanei a minha herança, e os entreguei na tua mão; não usaste de misericórdia para com eles, e até sobre os velhos fizeste muito pesado o teu jugo. 7 E disseste: Eu serei senhora para sempre; de sorte que até agora não tomaste a peito estas coisas, nem te lembraste do fim delas. 8 Agora pois ouve isto, tu que és dada a prazeres, que habitas descuidada, que dizes no teu coração: Eu sou, e fora de mim não há outra; não ficarei viúva, nem conhecerei a perda de filhos. 9 Mas ambas estas coisas virão sobre ti num momento, no mesmo dia, perda de filhos e viuvez; em toda a sua plenitude virão sobre ti, apesar da multidão das tuas feitiçarias, e da grande abundância dos teus encantamentos. 10 Porque confiaste na tua maldade e disseste: Ninguém me vê; a tua sabedoria e o teu conhecimento, essas coisas te perverteram; e disseste no teu coração: Eu sou, e fora de mim não há outra. 11 Pelo que sobre ti virá o mal de que por encantamentos não saberás livrar-te; e tal destruição cairá sobre ti, que não a poderás afastar; e virá sobre ti de repente tão tempestuosa desolação, que não a poderás conhecer. 12 Deixa-te estar com os teus encantamentos, e com a multidão das tuas feitiçarias em que te hás fatigado desde a tua mocidade, a ver se podes tirar proveito, ou se porventura podes inspirar terror. 13 Cansaste-te na multidão dos teus conselhos; levantem-se pois agora e te salvem os astrólogos, que contemplam os astros, e os que nas luas novas prognosticam o que há de vir sobre ti. 14 Eis que são como restolho; o logo os queimará; não poderão livrar-se do poder das chamas; pois não é um braseiro com que se aquentar, nem fogo para se sentar junto dele. 15 Assim serão para contigo aqueles com quem te hás fatigado, os que tiveram negócios contigo desde a tua mocidade; andarão vagueando, cada um pelo seu caminho; não haverá quem te salve.
Norwegian(i) 1 Stig ned og sett dig i støvet, du jomfru, Babels datter! Sett dig på jorden uten trone, du kaldeernes datter! For de skal ikke mere kalle dig den fine og kjælne. 2 Ta fatt på kvernen og mal mel, slå op ditt slør, løft slepet op, gjør benet bart, vad over elver! 3 Din blusel skal bli avdekket, og din skam bli sett; hevn vil jeg ta og ikke spare noget menneske. 4 Vår gjenløser - hans navn er Herren, hærskarenes Gud, Israels Hellige. 5 Sitt taus og gå inn i mørket, du kaldeernes datter! For de skal ikke mere kalle dig rikenes dronning. 6 Jeg var vred på mitt folk, vanhelliget min arv og gav dem i din hånd, du viste dem ikke barmhjertighet, endog på oldingen lot du ditt åk tynge hårdt. 7 Og du sa: Til evig tid skal jeg være dronning, så du ikke la dig dette* på hjerte og ikke tenkte på hvad enden på det skulde bli. / {* JES 47, 6.} 8 Så hør nu dette, du som lever i dine lyster, som sitter så trygg, du som sier i ditt hjerte: Jeg og ingen annen! Jeg skal ikke sitte som enke og ikke vite hvad det er å være barnløs! 9 Men begge disse ting skal komme over dig i et øieblikk, på en dag, både barnløshet og enkestand; i fullt mål kommer de over dig tross dine mangfoldige trolldomskunster, tross dine mange besvergelser. 10 Du stolte på din ondskap, du sa: Det er ingen som ser mig. Din visdom og din kunnskap har forført dig, så du sa i ditt hjerte: Jeg og ingen annen! 11 Så skal det da komme over dig en ulykke som du ikke kan mane bort, og en ødeleggelse skal ramme dig, som du ikke skal makte å avvende ved noget sonoffer, og en undergang som du ikke vet om, skal komme brått over dig. 12 Stå frem med dine besvergelser og med dine mangfoldige trolldomskunster, som du har gjort dig møie med fra din ungdom av! Kanskje du kunde hjelpe dig med dem, kanskje du kunde skremme ulykken bort. 13 Du har trettet dig ut med dine mange råd; la dem stå frem og frelse dig, de som har inndelt himmelen, stjernekikkerne, de som hver måned kunngjør de ting som skal komme over dig! 14 Se, de er som halm, ilden brenner dem op, de kan ikke redde sitt eget liv fra luens makt; det er ingen glør å varme sig ved, ingen ild å sitte omkring. 15 Således går det for dig med dem som du har strevet for; de som drev handel med dig fra din ungdom av, de farer hit og dit, hver til sin kant; det er ingen som frelser dig.
Romanian(i) 1 ,,Pogoară-te şi şezi în ţărînă, fecioară, fiica Babilonului; şezi pe pămînt, fără scaun de domnie, fiica Haldeilor; căci nu te vor mai numi supţirică şi plăcută. 2 Ia pietrele de moară, şi macină făină; scoate-ţi măhrama, ridică-ţi poala rochiei, descopere-ţi picioarele, treci rîurile! 3 Goliciunea ţi se va descoperi, şi ţi se va vedea ruşinea. Îmi voi răzbuna, şi nu voi cruţa pe nimeni.`` - 4 ,,Răscumpărătorul nostru se cheamă Domnul oştirilor, Sfîntul lui Israel.`` - 5 ,,Şezi într'un colţ, şi taci, fata Haldeilor! căci nu te vor mai numi împărăteasa împărăţiilor. 6 Mă mîniasem pe poporul Meu, Îmi pîngărisem moştenirea, şi -i dădusem în mînile tale: dar tu n'ai avut milă de ei, ci ţi-ai apăsat greu jugul asupra bătrînului. 7 Tu ziceai:,În veci voi fi împărăteasă!` şi nu te-ai gîndit, nici n'ai visat că lucrul acesta are să se sfîrşească. 8 Ascultă însă acum, tu cea dedată plăcerilor, care stai fără grijă şi zici în inima ta:,Eu, şi numai eu, nu voi fi niciodată văduvă, şi nu voi fi niciodată lipsită de copii!` 9 Şi totuş aceste două lucruri ţi se vor întîmpla deodată, în aceeaş zi: şi perderea copiilor şi văduvia; vor cădea asupra ta cu putere mare, în ciuda tuturor vrăjitoriilor tale şi multelor tale descîntece. 10 Căci te încredeai în răutatea ta şi ziceai:,Nimeni nu mă vede!` Înţelepciunea şi ştiinţa ta te-au amăgit, de ziceai în inima ta:,Eu şi numai eu.` 11 De aceea nenorocirea va veni peste tine, fără să -i vezi zorile; urgia va cădea peste tine, fără s'o poţi împăca; şi deodată va veni peste tine prăpădul, pe neaşteptate. 12 Vino dar cu descîntecele tale şi cu mulţimea vrăjitoriilor tale, cărora ţi-ai închinat munca din tinereţă; poate că vei putea să tragi vreun folos din ele, poate că vei izbuti. 13 Te-ai obosit tot întrebînd: să se scoale dar şi să te scape cei ce împart cerul, cari pîndesc stelele, cari vestesc, după lunile noi, ce are să ţi se întîmple! 14 Iată -i, au ajuns ca miriştea, pe care o arde focul, şi nu-şi vor scăpa viaţa din flăcări: căci nu va fi ca un cărbune, la care se încălzeşte cineva, nici un foc, la care stă. 15 Aşa va fi soarta acelora pe care te oboseai să -i întrebi. Şi cei cu cari ai făcut negoţ din tinereţa ta se vor risipi fiecare într'o parte: şi nu va fi nimeni care să-ţi vină în ajutor.``
Ukrainian(i) 1 Зійди й сядь у порох, о діво, дочко Вавилону! Сядь на землю, без трону, о дочко халдеїв! Бо кликати більше не будуть на тебе: тендитна та випещена! 2 Візьми жорна й муки намели, намітку свою відхили, закачай но подолка та стегна відкрий, і бреди через ріки, 3 і буде твій сором відкритий, і стид твій покажеться! Я помсту вчиню, і не буду щадити людини! 4 Наш Відкупитель, Господь Саваот Йому Ймення, Святий Ізраїлів. 5 Сиди мовчки й ввійди до темноти, о дочко халдеїв, бо кликати більше не будуть тебе: Пані царств! 6 Розлютився Я на народ Свій, збезчестив спадщину Своєю, та й віддав їх у руку твою. Ти не виявила милосердя до них: ти над старцем учинила ярмо своє дуже тяжким, 7 та й сказала: Навіки я панею буду! І до серця собі не взяла тих речей, не подумала про свій кінець... 8 А тепер це послухай, розпещена, що безпечно сидиш, що говориш у серці своїм: Я, і більше ніхто! Не буду сидіти вдовою, і не знатиму страти дітей! 9 Та прийдуть на тебе несподівано те й те в один день, страта дітей та вдівство, вони в повній мірі на тебе спадуть при усій многоті твоїх чарів, при силі великій твоїх заклинань!... 10 Ти ж бо надію складала на злобу свою, говорила: Ніхто не побачить мене! Звела тебе мудрість твоя та знання твоє, і сказала ти в серці своїм: Я, і більше ніхто! 11 І прийде на тебе лихе, що відворожити його ти не зможеш, і на тебе нещастя впаде, що не зможеш його окупити, і прийде на тебе раптовно спустошення, про яке ти не знаєш... 12 Ставай же з своїми закляттями та з безліччю чарів своїх, якими ти мучилася від юнацтва свого, може зможеш ти допомогти, може ти настрахаєш! 13 Змучилась ти від великої кількости рад своїх, хай же стануть і хай допоможуть тобі ті, хто небо розрізує, хто до зір придивляється, хто провіщує кожного місяця, що має на тебе прийти! 14 Ось стали вони, мов солома: огонь їх попалить, не врятують своєї душі з руки полум'я, це не жар, щоб погріти себе, ані полум'я, щоб сидіти біля нього... 15 Такими тобі стануть ті, що співпрацювала ти з ними, ворожбити твої від юнацтва твого, кожен буде блудити на свій бік, немає нікого, хто б тебе врятував!