Jonah 2

Wycliffe(i) 1 And the Lord made redi a greet fisch, that he shulde swolowe Jonas; and Jonas was in the wombe of the fisch thre daies and thre niytis. 2 And Jonas preiede to the Lord his God fro the fischis wombe, 3 and seide, Y criede to God of my tribulacioun, and he herde me; fro the wombe of helle Y criede, and thou herdist my vois. 4 Thou castidist me doun in to depnesse, in the herte of the see, and the flood cumpasside me; alle thi swolowis and thi wawis passiden on me. 5 And Y seide, Y am cast awei fro siyt of thin iyen; netheles eftsoone Y schal see thin hooli temple. 6 Watris cumpassiden me `til to my soule, depnesse enuyrownede me, the see hilide myn heed. 7 Y wente doun to the vtmeste places of hillis, the barris of erthe closiden me togidere, in to withouten ende; and thou, my Lord God, schalt reise vp my lijf fro corrupcioun. 8 Whanne my soule was angwisched in me, Y bithouyte on the Lord, that my preier come to thee, to thin hooli temple. 9 Thei that kepen vanytees, forsaken his merci idili. 10 But Y in vois of heriyng schal offre to thee; what euer thingis Y vowide, Y schal yelde to the Lord, for myn helthe. 11 And the Lord seide to the fisch, and it castide out Jonas `in to the drie lond.