Exodus 16:14-35

Wycliffe(i) 14 And whanne it hadde hilid the erthe, a litil thing, and as powned with a pestel, in the licnesse of an hoorfrost on erthe, apperide in the wildirnesse. 15 And whanne the sones of Israel hadden seyn that, thei seiden to gidere, Man hu? which signyfieth, what is this? for thei wisten not what it was. To whiche Moises seide, This is the breed, which the Lord hath youe to you to ete. 16 This is the word which the Lord comaundide, Ech man gadere therof as myche as suffisith to be etun, gomor bi ech heed, bi the noumbre of youre soulis that dwellen in the tabernacle, so ye schulen take. 17 And the sones of Israel diden so, and thei gaderiden oon more, another lesse; 18 and thei metiden at the mesure gomor; nethir he that gaderide more had more, nethir he that made redi lesse fond lesse, but alle gaderiden bi that that thei myyten ete. 19 And Moises seide to hem, Noon leeue therof in to the morewtid; whiche herden not him, 20 but summe of hem leften til to the morewtid, and it bigan to buyle with wormes, and it was rotun; and Moises was wrooth ayens hem. 21 Forsothe alle gaderiden in the morewtid as myche as `miyte suffice to be eten; and whanne the sunne was hoot, it was moltun. 22 Sotheli in the sixte dai thei gaderiden double metis, that is, `twei gomor by ech man. Forsothe alle the princis of the multitude camen, and telden to Moises, which seide to hem, 23 This it is that the Lord spak, The reste of the sabot is halewid to the Lord, do ye what euer thing schal be wrouyt to morewe, and sethe ye tho thingis that schulen be sodun; sotheli what euer thing is residue, kepe ye til in to the morewe. 24 And thei diden so as Moises comaundide, and it was not rotun, nether a worm was foundun ther ynne. 25 And Moises seide, Ete ye that in this dai, for it is the sabat of the Lord, it schal not be foundun to dai in the feeld; gadere ye in sixe daies, 26 forsothe the sabat of the Lord is in the seuenthe dai, therfor it schal not be foundun. 27 The seuenthe dai cam, and summe of the puple yeden out `to gadire, and thei founden not. 28 Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Hou long `nylen ye kepe my comaundementis, and my lawe? 29 Se ye that the Lord yaf to you the sabat, and for this he yaf to you in the sixte dai double meetis; ech man dwelle at him silf, noon go out of his place in the seuenthe dai. 30 And the puple kepte sabat in the seuenthe dai. 31 And the hous of Israel clepide the name therof man, which was whijt as the seed of coriandre, and the taast therof was as of flour with hony. 32 Forsothe Moises seide, This is the word which the Lord comaundide, Fille thou a gomor therof, and be it kept in to generaciouns to comynge aftirward, that thei knowe the breed bi which Y fedde you in the wildirnesse, whanne ye weren led out of the lond of Egipt. 33 And Moises seide to Aaron, Take thou o vessel, and putte therinne man, as myche as gomor mai take, and putte bifore the Lord, to be kept in to youre generaciouns, 34 as the Lord comaundide to Moises; and Aaron puttide that to be kept in the tabernacle. 35 Forsothe the sones of Israel eeten manna in fourti yeer, til thei camen in to the lond abitable; thei weren fed with this mete til thei touchiden the endis of the lond of Canaan.