Luke 2

WestSaxon990(i) 1 [Note: Ðis sceal on mydde wyntres mæssenyht to þære forman mæssan. A. Exiit edictum a cessare augusto. B. ] Soþlice on þam dagum wæs geworden gebod fram þam casere augusto. þt eall ymbe-hwyrft wære to-mearcod; 2 Þeos to-mearcodnes wæs æryst gewörden fram þam deman syrige cirïno. 3 & ealle hig eodon. & syndrie fërdon on hyra ceastre; 4 Ða ferde iosep fram galilea of þære ceastre nazareth. on iudeisce ceastre dauides. seo is genemned bethleem. forþam þe he wæs of dauides hüse. & hirede 5 þt he fërde mid marian þe him beweddod wæs. & wæs geeacnod; 6 So[þ]lice wæs gewörden þa hi þar wæron. hire dagas wæron gefyllede þt heo cende. 7 & heo cende hyre frum-cennedan sunu. & hine mid cild-cläþum bewänd. & hine on binne alëde. forþam þe hig næfdon rüm on cumena huse; 8 & hyrdas wæron on þam ylcan rïce waciende. & niht-wæccan healdende ofer heora heorda 9 þa stöd drihtnes engel wiþ hïg & godes beorhtnes him ymbe-scean. & hi him mycelum ege adredon. 10 & se engel him to cwæð; Nelle ge eow adrædan. soþlice nu ic eow bodie mycelne gefean. se bið eallum folce. 11 forþam to-dæg eow ys hælend acenned. se is drihten crist on dauides ceastre; 12 And þis täcen eow byð; Ge ge-metað än cild hreglum bewunden. & on binne aled; 13 And þa wæs færinga geworden mid þam engle mycelnes heofonlices werydes god heriendra & þus cweþendra; 14 Gode sy wuldor on heahnesse & on eorðan sybb mannum godes willan; 15 & hit wæs gewörden þa ða englas to heofene fërdon. þa hyrdas him betwynan spræcon & cwædon; Utun faran to bethleem. & geseon þt wörd þe gewörden is. þt drihten üs æt-ÿwde; 16 & hig efstende comon. & gemetton marïan & iosep & þt cild on binne aled; 17 Þa hi þt gesäwon þa on-cneowon hig be þam wörde þe him gesæd wæs be þam cilde; 18 & ealle þa ðe gehyrdon wundredon be þam þe him þa hyrdas sædon; 19 Marïa geheold ealle þas wörd on hyre heortan smeagende; 20 Ða gewendon ham þa hyrdas god wuldriende & heriende on eallum þam ðe hi gehyrdon. & gesäwon; Swa to him gecweden wæs; 21 [Note: Ðys sceal on þone ehtoðan mæsse-dæg to myddan wyntra. Postquam consumati sunt dies octo. A. Postquam impleti sunt dies octo. B. ] Æfter þam þe ehta dagas gefyllede wæron þt ðæt cild emsnyden wære. his nama wæs hælend; Se wæs fram engle genemned. ær he on innoðe ge-eacnod wære; 22 [Note: Postquam impleti sunt dies purgationis mariæ. B.] & æfter þam þe hyre clænsunge dagas gefyllede wæron. æfter moyses æ. hi læddon hyne on hierusalem þt hi hine gode gesettun 23 swa swa on drihtnes æ. awriten is; þt ælc wæpned gecÿnd-lïm. ontynende. byð drihtne halig genemned; 24 And þt hig offrunge seäldon æfter þam þe drihtnes æ. gecweden is. twa turtlan. oððe twegen culfran briddas. 25 & þa wæs än man on hierusalem þæs nama wæs simeon & þes man wæs riht-wïs & oþ israhela frofor geanbidiende. & häli gast him on wæs. 26 & he andsware fram þam halegan gaste onfeng. þt he deað ne gesawe. buton he ær drihten crist gesawe; 27 And on gaste he on þt tempel cöm. & þa his magas læddon þone hælend. þt hig for him æfter þære .æ. gewunan dydon. 28 he onfeng hine mid his handum. & god bletsode & cwæð; 29 Drihten. nu þu lætst þinne þeow æfter þinum worde on sibbe; 30 Forðam mïne eagan gesawon þine hæle. 31 ða þu ge-earwodest beforan ansyne eallra folca; 32 Leoht to þeoda awrigenesse & to þines folces wuldre ISRAHEL. 33 [Note: Ðis sceal on sunnan dæg betweox mydde wintres mæsse-dæge & twelftan dæge. Erat ioseph & maria. A. Erat pater iesu & mater mirantes super his que dicebantur de illo. B. ] Ða wæs his fæder & his modor wundriende be þam þe be him gesæde wæron; 34 And þa bletsude hig simeon & cwæþ to marian his meder; Loca nu þes is on hryre. & on æryst asett manega on israhel. & on tacen þam ðe wið-cweden byð; 35 And his swurd þine sawle þurh-færð. þt geþohtas sÿn awrigene of manegum heortum; 36 And anna wæs witegystre fanueles dohtor of assëres mægðe þeos wunude manigne dæg. & heo leofode mid hyre were seofan gër of hyre fæmn-häde. 37 & heo wæs wudewe oð feower & hund-eahtatig geara; Seo of þam temple ne gewat. dæges & nihtes þeowigende on fæstenum & on halsungum. 38 And þeos ðære tïde becumende drihtne andette & be him spræc eallum þam þe ge-anbidedon hierusalem alysednesse; 39 & þa hi ealle þing gefyldon. æfter drihtnes .æ. hi ge-hwurfon on galileam on heora ceastre nazareth; 40 Soðlice þt cild weox & wæs gestrangod wïs-domes full. & godes gyfu wæs on him. 41 & his magas ferdon ælce gere to hierusalem on easter-dæges freols-tïde. 42 & þa he wæs twelf wintre hy föron to hierusalem to þan easterlican freolse æfter hyra gewunan. 43 And gefylledum dagum þa hig agëngehwurfon. beläf se hælend on hierusalem. & his magas þt nyston. 44 wendon þt he on heora gefëre wære. Þa cömon hig änes dæges fær. & hine sohton betux his magas & his cuðan. 45 ða hig hyne ne fundon hig gewendun to hierusalem hyne secende; 46 Ða æfter þrim dagum hig fundon hine on þam temple sittende on middan þam lareowum. hlystende & hi ahsiende; 47 Þa wundrodon hig ealle þe gehyrdon be his gleaw-scipe. & hys &-swarum; 48 Ða cwæþ his modor to him; Sunu hwi dydest þu unc ðus. þin fæder & ic sarigende þe sohton; 49 Ða cwæð he to him. hwæt is þt gyt me sohton. nyste gyt þt me gebyrað to beonne on þam ðingum ðe mïnes fæder synt; 50 Ða ne ongëton hïg þt wörd þe he to him spræc; 51 Ða ferde he mid him & com to nazareth. & wæs him under-þeod; And his modor geheold ealle þas wörd on hyre heortan smeagende; 52 And se hælend þeah on wïsdome & on ylde. & mid gyfe. mid gode & mid mannum