Matthew 3

WestSaxon1175(i) 1 On þam dagen com iohannes se fulluhtere & bodede on þam westene iudëë. 2 & cwæð. Doð deadbote. soðlice geneolaceð heofone riche. 3 Þis is se be þam þe gecweþen is. þurh ysia þanne witega. Cleopiende stefne wæs on wæstene. gegearewiað drihtnes weig. doð hys syþas rihte. 4 Se Iohannes witodlice hafde reaf of oluende hære. & fellenne gerdel embe hys lændene. & his mëte wæs gærstapen. & wude-hunig. 5 Þa ferde to hym ierosolim-ware. & eal iudea-þeod. & eal þæt riche wið-geonde iordanen. 6 & hyo wæron gefullode on iordanen fram hym. & hyo andetten hiora synnan. 7 Soðlice þa he geseah manege þare sunder-halgena. & þare riht-wisendre to his fulluhte cumende. he cwæð to heom. La næddrena kyn hwa geswutolede eow to fleonne fram þan toweardan eorre. 8 Eornostlice doð medemne wæstm þare deadbote. 9 & ne cweðeð be-twuxe eow. we hæbbeð abraham us to fæder. Soðlice ich segge eow þt god is swa mychel & swa mihtig. þæt he maig of þisen stanen aweccen abrahames bearn. 10 Eallunge is syo æx to þare treowe wertrume äsett. Eornestlice ælc treow þe godne wæstme ne bringð byð forcorfen. & on fere aworpen. 11 Witodlice ich eow fullie on wætere to deadbote. Se þe æfter me toward ys. he is strengre þanne ich. þas gescy ne eom ich wurðe to berenne. He eow fulleð [Note: MS. fulled. ] on halgen gaste. & on fyre. 12 Ðas fann ys on hande & he afermeð hys þyrscel-flore. & he gadereð [Note: MS. gadered. ] hys hwæte on his bearn. þa chefu he forberneð on unadwæscendlice fyre. 13 [Note: Venit iesus á galilea in iordanem ad iohannem ut baptizaretur ab eo. H. R. ] Þa com se hælend fram galilea to Iordane to Iohanne, þæt he hine fullode 14 iohannes þa soðlice forbead hym. & cwæð. Ic scel fram þe beon gefullod. & cymst þu to me. 15 Ða andswerede se halend hym. & cwæð. læt nu þus unc geþafenað ealle rihtwisnysse gefullen. Ða forlet he hine. 16 Soðlice þa se hælend gefulled wæs. rædlice he astah of þam wætere. & hym wurðen þær-rihte heofenes untynde. & he geseah godes gast niþer-astigende swa swa culfran. & wunigende ofer hine. 17 And soðlice þa com stefne of hefene. & þus cwæð. Her is min se gecorene sune on þam me gelicode.