Leviticus 14

  1 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H559 [H8800] , saying,
  2 H8451 This shall be the law H6879 [H8794] of the leper H3117 in the day H2893 of his cleansing H935 [H8717] : He shall be brought H3548 to the priest:
  3 H3548 And the priest H3318 [H8804] shall go forth H2351 out H4264 of the camp H3548 ; and the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 , and, behold, if the plague H6883 of leprosy H7495 [H8738] is healed H6879 [H8803] in the leper;
  4 H3548 Then shall the priest H6680 [H8765] command H3947 [H8804] to take H2891 [H8693] for him that is to be cleansed H8147 two H6833 birds H2416 alive H2889 and clean H730 , and cedar H6086 wood H8144 H8438 , and scarlet H231 , and hyssop:
  5 H3548 And the priest H6680 [H8765] shall command H259 that one H6833 of the birds H7819 [H8804] be killed H2789 in an earthen H3627 vessel H2416 over running H4325 water:
  6 H2416 As for the living H6833 bird H3947 [H8799] , he shall take H730 it, and the cedar H6086 wood H8144 H8438 , and the scarlet H231 , and the hyssop H2881 [H8804] , and shall dip H2416 them and the living H6833 bird H1818 in the blood H6833 of the bird H7819 [H8803] that was killed H2416 over the running H4325 water:
  7 H5137 [H8689] And he shall sprinkle H2891 [H8693] upon him that is to be cleansed H6883 from the leprosy H7651 seven H6471 times H2891 [H8765] , and shall pronounce him clean H2416 , and shall let the living H6833 bird H7971 [H8765] loose H6440 into the open H7704 field.
  8 H2891 [H8693] And he that is to be cleansed H3526 [H8765] shall wash H899 his clothes H1548 [H8765] , and shave H8181 off all his hair H7364 [H8804] , and wash H4325 himself in water H2891 [H8804] , that he may be clean H310 : and after H935 [H8799] that he shall come H4264 into the camp H3427 [H8804] , and shall tarry H2351 abroad H168 out of his tent H7651 seven H3117 days.
  9 H7637 But it shall be on the seventh H3117 day H1548 [H8762] , that he shall shave H8181 all his hair H7218 off his head H2206 and his beard H1354 H5869 and his eyebrows H8181 , even all his hair H1548 [H8762] he shall shave H3526 [H8765] off: and he shall wash H899 his clothes H7364 [H8804] , also he shall wash H1320 his flesh H4325 in water H2891 [H8804] , and he shall be clean.
  10 H8066 And on the eighth H3117 day H3947 [H8799] he shall take H8147 two H3532 male lambs H8549 without blemish H259 , and one H3535 ewe lamb H1323 of the first H8141 year H8549 without blemish H7969 , and three H6241 tenth parts H5560 of fine flour H4503 for a meat offering H1101 [H8803] , mixed H8081 with oil H259 , and one H3849 log H8081 of oil.
  11 H3548 And the priest H2891 [H8764] that maketh him clean H5975 [H8689] shall present H376 the man H2891 [H8693] that is to be made clean H6440 , and those things, before H3068 the LORD H6607 , at the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation:
  12 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H259 one H3532 male lamb H7126 [H8689] , and offer H817 him for a trespass offering H3849 , and the log H8081 of oil H5130 [H8689] , and wave H8573 them for a wave offering H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  13 H7819 [H8804] And he shall slay H3532 the lamb H4725 in the place H7819 [H8799] where he shall kill H2403 the sin offering H5930 and the burnt offering H6944 , in the holy H4725 place H2403 : for as the sin offering H3548 is the priest's H817 , so is the trespass offering H6944 : it is most H6944 holy:
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering H3548 , and the priest H5414 [H8804] shall put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil H3332 [H8804] , and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 [H8804] shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand H5137 [H8689] , and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 [H8799] put H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot H1818 , upon the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 [H8737] And the remnant H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 [H8799] he shall pour H7218 upon the head H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H3548 : and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the LORD.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 [H8804] shall offer H2403 the sin offering H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H2891 [H8693] for him that is to be cleansed H2932 from his uncleanness H310 ; and afterward H7819 [H8799] he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 [H8689] shall offer H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the meat offering H4196 upon the altar H3548 : and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H2891 [H8804] for him, and he shall be clean.
  21 H1800 And if he is poor H3027 H5381 [H8688] , and cannot get H3947 [H8804] so much; then he shall take H259 one H3532 lamb H817 for a trespass offering H8573 to be waved H3722 [H8763] , to make an atonement H259 for him, and one H6241 tenth part H5560 of fine flour H1101 [H8803] mixed H8081 with oil H4503 for a meat offering H3849 , and a log H8081 of oil;
  22 H8147 And two H8449 turtledoves H8147 , or two H1121 young H3123 pigeons H3027 H5381 [H8686] , such as he is able to get H259 ; and the one H2403 shall be a sin offering H259 , and the other H5930 a burnt offering.
  23 H935 [H8689] And he shall bring H8066 them on the eighth H3117 day H2893 for his cleansing H3548 to the priest H6607 , to the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H6440 , before H3068 the LORD.
  24 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H3532 the lamb H817 of the trespass offering H3849 , and the log H8081 of oil H3548 , and the priest H5130 [H8689] shall wave H8573 them for a wave offering H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  25 H7819 [H8804] And he shall kill H3532 the lamb H817 of the trespass offering H3548 , and the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering H5414 [H8804] , and put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  26 H3548 And the priest H3332 [H8799] shall pour H8081 of the oil H3709 into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  27 H3548 And the priest H5137 [H8689] shall sprinkle H3233 with his right H676 finger H8081 some of the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  28 H3548 And the priest H5414 [H8804] shall put H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot H4725 , upon the place H1818 of the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  29 H3498 [H8737] And the rest H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 [H8799] he shall put H7218 upon the head H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H3722 [H8763] , to make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the LORD.
  30 H6213 [H8804] And he shall offer H259 one H8449 of the turtledoves H1121 , or of the young H3123 pigeons H834 , such as H3027 H5381 [H8686] he can get;
  31 H3027 Even such as he H5381 [H8686] is able to get H259 , the one H2403 for a sin offering H259 , and the other H5930 for a burnt offering H4503 , with the meat offering H3548 : and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H2891 [H8693] for him that is to be cleansed H6440 before H3068 the LORD.
  32 H8451 This is the law H5061 of him in whom is the plague H6883 of leprosy H3027 , whose hand H5381 [H8686] is not able to get H2893 that which pertaineth to his cleansing.
  33 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H175 and to Aaron H559 [H8800] , saying,
  34 H935 [H8799] When ye shall have come H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan H5414 [H8802] , which I give H272 to you for a possession H5414 [H8804] , and I put H5061 the plague H6883 of leprosy H1004 in a house H776 of the land H272 of your possession;
  35 H1004 And he that owneth the house H935 [H8804] shall come H5046 [H8689] and tell H3548 the priest H559 [H8800] , saying H7200 [H8738] , It seemeth H5061 to me there is as it were a plague H1004 in the house:
  36 H3548 Then the priest H6680 [H8765] shall command H6437 [H8765] that they empty H1004 the house H3548 , before the priest H935 [H8799] shall enter H7200 [H8800] to see H5061 the plague H1004 , that all that is in the house H2930 [H8799] may not be made unclean H310 : and afterward H3548 the priest H935 [H8799] shall go H7200 [H8800] in to see H1004 the house:
  37 H7200 [H8804] And he shall look H5061 on the plague H5061 , and, behold, if the plague H7023 is in the walls H1004 of the house H8258 with hollow streaks H3422 , greenish H125 or reddish H4758 , which in sight H8217 are lower H4480 than H7023 the wall;
  38 H3548 Then the priest H3318 [H8804] shall go H1004 out of the house H6607 to the door H1004 of the house H5462 [H8689] , and shut H1004 up the house H7651 seven H3117 days:
  39 H3548 And the priest H7725 [H8804] shall come again H7637 the seventh H3117 day H7200 [H8804] , and shall look H5061 : and, behold, if the plague H6581 [H8804] is spread H7023 in the walls H1004 of the house;
  40 H3548 Then the priest H6680 [H8765] shall command H2502 [H8765] that they take H68 away the stones H2004 in which H5061 the plague H7993 H853 [H8689] is, and they shall cast H2931 them into an unclean H4725 place H2351 outside H5892 the city:
  41 H1004 And he shall cause the house H7106 [H8686] to be scraped H1004 within H5439 on all sides H8210 [H8804] , and they shall pour H6083 out the dust H7096 [H8689] that they scrape H2351 off outside H5892 the city H2931 into an unclean H4725 place:
  42 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H312 other H68 stones H935 [H8689] , and put H8478 them in the place H68 of those stones H3947 [H8799] ; and he shall take H312 other H6083 mortar H2902 [H8804] , and shall plaster H1004 the house.
  43 H5061 And if the plague H7725 [H8799] shall return H6524 [H8804] , and break H1004 out in the house H310 , after H2502 [H8765] that he hath taken H68 away the stones H310 , and after H7096 [H8687] he hath scraped H1004 the house H310 , and after H2902 [H8736] it is plastered;
  44 H3548 Then the priest H935 [H8804] shall come H7200 [H8804] and look H5061 , and, behold, if the plague H6581 [H8804] is spread H1004 in the house H3992 [H8688] , it is a fretting H6883 leprosy H1004 in the house H2931 : it is unclean.
  45 H5422 [H8804] And he shall break down H1004 the house H68 , its stones H6086 , and its timber H6083 , and all the mortar H1004 of the house H3318 [H8689] ; and he shall carry them forth H2351 out H5892 of the city H2931 to an unclean H4725 place.
  46 H935 [H8802] Moreover he that goeth H1004 into the house H3117 all the while H5462 [H8689] that it is shut H2930 [H8799] up shall be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  47 H7901 [H8802] And he that lieth H1004 in the house H3526 [H8762] shall wash H899 his clothes H398 [H8802] ; and he that eateth H1004 in the house H3526 [H8762] shall wash H899 his clothes.
  48 H3548 And if the priest H935 H935 [H8799] shall come in H7200 [H8804] , and look H5061 upon it, and, behold, the plague H6581 [H8804] hath not spread H1004 in the house H310 , after H1004 the house H2902 [H8736] was plastered H3548 : then the priest H1004 shall pronounce the house H2891 [H8765] clean H5061 , because the plague H7495 [H8738] is healed.
  49 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H2398 [H8763] to cleanse H1004 the house H8147 two H6833 birds H730 , and cedar H6086 wood H8144 H8438 , and scarlet H231 , and hyssop:
  50 H7819 [H8804] And he shall kill H259 one H6833 of the birds H2789 in an earthen H3627 vessel H2416 over running H4325 water:
  51 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H730 the cedar H6086 wood H231 , and the hyssop H8144 H8438 , and the scarlet H2416 , and the living H6833 bird H2881 [H8804] , and dip H1818 them in the blood H7819 [H8803] of the slain H6833 bird H2416 , and in the running H4325 water H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H1004 the house H7651 seven H6471 times:
  52 H2398 [H8765] And he shall cleanse H1004 the house H1818 with the blood H6833 of the bird H2416 , and with the running H4325 water H2416 , and with the living H6833 bird H730 , and with the cedar H6086 wood H231 , and with the hyssop H8144 H8438 , and with the scarlet:
  53 H7971 [H8765] But he shall let go H2416 the living H6833 bird H2351 out H5892 of the city H6440 into the open H7704 fields H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H1004 for the house H2891 [H8804] : and it shall be clean.
  54 H8451 This is the law H5061 for all manner of plague H6883 of leprosy H5424 , and scall,
  55 H6883 And for the leprosy H899 of a garment H1004 , and of a house,
  56 H7613 And for a swelling H5597 , and for a scab H934 , and for a bright spot:
  57 H3384 [H8687] To teach H3117 when H2931 it is unclean H3117 , and when H2889 it is clean H8451 : this is the law H6883 of leprosy.