Psalms 142:1-150:6

Matthew(i) 1 The instruccion of Dauid, a prayer when he was in the caue. I crye vnto the Lorde with my voyce, yea, euen vnto the Lord do I make my supplicacion. 2 I poure out my complaynte before hym, and shewe hym of my trouble. 3 When my sprete is in heuynesse, for thou knowest my path: in the way wherin I walke haue they preuely layed a snare for me. 4 I loke vpon my right hande, & se, there is no man that will know me. I haue no place to fle vnto, no man careth for my soule. 5 Therfore do I crye vnto the, O Lorde, & say: thou art my hope and my porcion in the londe of the liuing. 6 Considre my complaynt, for I am brought very lowe. O deliuer me fro my persecuters, for thei are to stronge for me. 7 Bryng my soule out of pryson, that I may geue thankes vnto thy name: which thyng if thou wilt graunt me, then shall the righteous resorte vnto my company. 143 1 A Psalme of Dauid. Heare my prayer, O Lord, considre my desire: aunswere me for thy trueth and righteousnesse sake. 2 And entre not into iudgement with thy seruaunt, for in thy sighte shall no man lyuyng be iustefied. 3 For the enemye persecuteth my soule, he smyteth my lyfe doune too the grounde, he layeth me in the darkenesse, as the dead men of the worlde. 4 Therefore is my sprete vexed within me, and my herte within me is desolate. 5 Yet do I remembre the times past, I muse vpon all thy workes, yea, I exercise my selfe in the workes of thy handes. 6 I stretche forthe myne handes vnto the, my soule cryeth vnto the oute of the thyrstye lande. Selah. 7 Heare me, O Lorde, & that soone, for my sprete waxeth faynte: hyde not thy face fro me, lest I be lyke vnto theym that go doune into the graue. 8 O let me heare thy louyng kyndnesse by tymes in the morning, for in the is my trust: shew thou me the waye that I should walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto the. 9 Deliuer me, O Lord, fro myne enemies, for I resorte vnto the. 10 Teache me to do the thynge that pleaseth the, for thou arte my God: lette thy louinge sprete leade me forth vnto the lande of righteousnes. 11 Quicken me, O Lord, for thy names sake and for thy righteousnesse sake brynge my soule out of trouble. 12 And of thy goodnesse scater myne enemyes abroade, & destroye all them that vexe my soule, for I am thy seruaunt. 144 1 Of Dauid. Blessed be the Lorde my refuge which teacheth my handes to warre, and my fyngers too fyght. 2 My hope and my castell, my defence and my deliuerer, my shylde in whome I trust, which gouerneth the people that is vnder me. 3 Lorde what is man, that thou hast suche respect vnto hym? Or the sonne of man, that thou so regardest hym? 4 Man is like a thing of naught, hys tyme passeth awaye like a shadow. 5 Bowe thy heauens, O Lorde, & come doune, touche the mountaynes, that thei may smoke with all. 6 Sende forthe the lightenynge and scater them, shute out thyne arrowes, and consume them. 7 Sende doune thyne hande from aboue, deliuer me, & take me out of the greate waters, from the hande of straunge chyldren. 8 Whose mouth talketh of vanitie, & theyr right hande is a right hande of falsede, 9 That I maye singe a new songe vnto the O God, and singe prayses vnto the vpon a tenstrynged lute. 10 Thou that geuest victory vnto kynges, & hast deliuered Dauid thy seruaunt from the parell of the swerde. 11 Saue me, and deliuer me from the hande of straunge chyldren, whose mouth talketh of vanitie, and their ryght hande is a ryghte hande of falsede. 12 That oure sonnes maye growe vp as the yong plantes, & that our daughters may be as the polyshed corners of the temple. 13 That oure garners may be full and plenteous with all maner of stoare: that oure shepe maye brynge forth thousandes and hundreth thousandes in our vyllages. 14 That our oxen may be strong to laboure, that there be no mischaunce, no decaye, & no complaynyng in our stretes. 15 Happy are the people that be in suche a case: yea, blessed are the people, whiche haue the Lord for their God. 145 1 A prayse of Dauid. I wyll magnifie the, O God my kyng, I wil prayse thy name for euer & euer. 2 Euery daye wil I geue thankes vnto the, & praise thy name for euer and euer. 3 Great is the Lord, & maruelous worthy to be praysed, there is no ende of his greatenesse. 4 One generacion shall prayse thy workes vnto another, and declare thy power. 5 As for me I will be talkynge of thy worshyp, thy glory, thy prayse, and wonderous workes. 6 So that men shal speake of the myght of thy maruelous actes, and tell of thy greatenes. 7 The memorial of thyne aboundant kyndnes shalbe shewed, & men shall synge of thy righteousnesse. 8 The Lord is gracious and merciful, longe sufferyng, and of great goodnesse. 9 The Lorde is louynge vnto euery man, & hys mercy is ouer all hys workes. 10 All thy workes prayse the (O Lorde) and thy saynctes geue thankes vnto the. 11 They shew the glory of the kyngdome, & talke of thy power. 12 That thy power, thy glory & mightinesse of thy kyngedome myghte be knowen vnto men. 13 Thy kyngdome is an euerlastyng kyngedome, and thy dominion endureth thorowe out all ages. 14 The Lord vpholdeth all such as shoulde fall, and lifteth vp all those that be doune. 15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season. 16 Thou openest thyne hande, and fyllest all thinges liuing with plenteousnesse. 17 The Lord is righteous in all his wayes, and holy in all hys workes. 18 The Lord is nye vnto them that call vpon him, yea, al such as call vpon hym faithfully. 19 He fulfilleth the desire of them that feare him, he heareth their crie, and helpeth them. 20 The Lord preserueth all theym that loue hym, but scatreth abroade all the vngodly. 21 My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lord, and let all flesh geue thankes vnto his holy name for euer and euer. Prayse the euerlastynge. 146 1 Prayse the euerlastyng. Prayse the Lorde, O my soule: 2 whyle I lyue will I prayse the Lorde: yea, as longe as I haue any beyng, I will sing prayses vnto my God. 3 O put not your trust in prynces, nor in any chylde of man, for there is no helpe in them. 4 For when the breath of man goeth forth, he shall turne agayne to his earth, and so all hys thoughtes perysh. 5 Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe, and whose hope is in the Lord hys God. 6 Which made heauen and earth, the sea, & all that therin is, which kepeth hys promise for euer. 7 Which helpeth them to righte that suffre wrong, which fedeth the hongry. The Lord louseth men out of pryson, 8 the Lord geueth sight to the blynde. The Lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen, the Lord loueth the righteous. 9 The Lorde careth for the straungers, he defendeth the fatherlesse and wydow: as for the way of the vngodly, he turneth it vpside doune. 10 The Lord thy God, O Syon, is kyng for euermore, & thorow out all generacions. Prayse the euerlastynge. 147 1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lord, for it is a good thyng to sing prayses vnto our God: yea, a ioyful & pleasaunt thing is it to be thankeful. 2 The Lorde shall buylde vp Hierusalem, & gather together the outcastes of Israel. 3 He healeth the contryte in herte, and byndeth vp their woundes. 4 He telleth the numbre of the starres, and calleth them all by their names. 5 Great is our Lord, & great is his power: yea, hys wysdome is infinitie. 6 The Lord setteth vp the meke, and bryngeth the vngodly doune to the grounde. 7 O singe vnto the Lorde with thankesgeuyng, sing prayses vpon the harpe vnto our God. 8 Which couereth the heauen wyth cloudes, prepareth rayn for the earth, & maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes. 9 Which geueth fodre vnto the cattell, and fedeth the yong rauens that call vpon hym. 10 He hath no pleasure in the strengthe of an horse, neither deliteth he in any mans legges. 11 But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym, and put their trust in his mercy. 12 Prayse the Lord O Ierusalem, prayse thy God O Sion. 13 For he maketh fast the barres of the gates, and blesseth the chyldren within the. 14 He maketh peace in thy borders, & filleth the with the floure of wheate. 15 He sendeth forth hys commaundemente vpon earth, his worde runneth swyftly. 16 He geueth snow lyke wolle, & scatereth the hore frost lyke ashes. 17 He casteth forth hys yse lyke morsels, who is able to abyde hys frost? 18 He sendeth out hys woorde and mealteth them, he bloweth with hys wynd, & the waters flowe. 19 He sheweth hys woorde vnto Iacob, hys statutes and ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so with all the Heathen, neither haue they knowlege of hys lawes. Prayse the euerlastyng. 148 1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lorde of heauen, prayse hym in the heygth. 2 Prayse hym all ye aungels of hys, prayse hym all hys hoost. 3 Prayse hym Sunne and Moone, prayse hym all ye starres and light. 4 Prayse hym all ye heauens, and ye waters that be vnder the heauens. 5 Let them prayse the name of the Lorde, for he commaunded, and they were made. 6 He hath made them fast for euer and euer, he hath geuen them a lawe whiche shall not be broken. 7 Prayse the Lord vpon earth, ye whalfysshes, and al depes. 8 Fyre and hayle, snow and vapors, wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde. 9 Mountaynes and al hilles, fruteful trees and all Cedres. 10 Beastes and cattel, wormes and fethered foules. 11 Kynges of the earth and all people, Prynces and iudges of the worlde. 12 Yonge men and maydens, olde men and chyldren: 13 let them prayse the name of the Lord, for his name only is excellent, and his prayse aboue heauen and earth. 14 He exalteth the horne of his people, all hys saynctes shall prayse hym, the chyldren of Israell, euen the people that serueth him. Prayse the euerlastyng. 149 1 Prayse the euerlastynge. O synge vnto the Lorde a newe songe, let the congregacion of saynctes prayse hym. 2 Let Israell reioyse in hym that made hym, & let the chyldren of Sion be ioyfull in their kyng. 3 Let them prayse his name in the daunce, let them singe prayses vnto hym with tabrettes and harpes. 4 For the Lorde hath pleasure in hys people, and helpeth the meke harted. 5 Let the saynctes be ioyfull with glory, let them reioyse in their beddes. 6 Let the prayses of God be in their mouth and sharpe swerdes in their handes. 7 To be auenged of the Heathen, and to rebuke the people. 8 To bynde their Kynges in cheynes, and their nobles with lynckes of yron. 9 That they may be auenged of them, as it is written, such honour haue all his saynctes. Prayse the euerlastynge. 150 1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lord in his Sanctuary, prayse hym in the fyrmament of hys power. 2 Prayse hym in his noble actes, prayse him in hys excellent greatnesse. 3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe. 4 Prayse hym in the cymbales and daunse prayse hym vpon the strynges and pype. 5 Prayse hym vpon the weltuned cymbals prayse him vpon the loude cymbales. 6 Let euery thing that hath breth, prayse the Lorde. Prayse the euerlastynge.