Psalms 135

Matthew(i) 1 Prayse the euerlastynge. O praise the name of the Lord prayse it O ye seruauntes of the Lorde. 2 Ye that stande in the house of the Lorde, in the courtes of the house of our God. 3 O prayse the lord for the lord is gracious: O sing prayses vnto hys name, for it is louely. 4 For why the Lorde hath chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe, and Israel for his owne possession. 5 For I know that the Lorde is greate, and that our Lorde is aboue all goddes. 6 Whatsoeuer the Lord pleaseth that doth he in heauen and in earth, in the sea, and in all deape places. 7 He bryngeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde, he turneth the lyghtenynges vnto rayne, bryngynge the wyndes out of their treasuryes. 8 Which smote the fyrst borne of Egypte both of man and of beast. 9 He hath sent tokens and wonders into the middest of the, O thou lande of Egypt, vpon Pharao and al his seruauntes. 10 Whych smote dyuerse nacyons, and slew myghty Kynges. 11 Sehon Kynge of the Amorytes, Og the Kynge of Basan, and all the Kyngdomes of Canaan. 12 And gaue their land for an heritage, for an heritage vnto Israel his people. 13 Thy name. O Lorde, endureth for euer, so doeth thy memoryall, O Lorde, from one generacyon to another. 14 For the Lorde wil auenge his people, and be gracyous vnto hys seruauntes. 15 As for the ymages of the Heathen, they are but siluer and golde, the worcke of mens handes. 16 They haue mouthes, and speake not: eyes haue they, but they se not. 17 They haue eares, and yet they heare not, neyther is ther any breath in their mouthes. 18 They that make them, are lyke vnto them, and so are all they that put their trust in them. 19 Prayse the Lord ye house of Israel, praise the Lorde ye house of Aaron. 20 Prayse the Lorde, ye house of Leui, ye that feare the Lorde, prayse the Lorde. 21 Praysed be the Lord out of Sion, whych dwelleth at Ierusalem. Praise the euerlastynge.