Psalms 116

Matthew(i) 1 I am wel pleased, that the Lord hath hearde the voyce of my prayer. 2 That he hath enclyned his eare vnto me, therfore wil I cal vpon him as long as I lyue. 3 The snares of death compased me round aboute, the paynes of hell gat hold vpon me I founde trouble and heauynesse. 4 Then called I vpon the name of the Lord O Lorde: delyuer my soule. 5 Gracious is the Lord, and rightuous, yea oure God is mercyfull. 6 The Lorde preserueth the symple, I was brought downe, and he helped me. 7 Turne agayne then vnto thy rest, O my soule, for the Lord hath geuen the thy desire. 8 And why thou haste delyuered my soule from death, myne eyes from teares, and my fete from fawlyng. 9 I wyll walcke before the Lorde, in the land of the lyuyng. 10 I beleued, and therfore haue I spoken, but I was sore troubled. 11 I sayde in my hast: Al men are liers. 12 What rewarde shall I geue vnto the Lorde, for all the benyfytes that he hath done vnto me? 13 I wyl receyue the, cuppe of saluacion, and call vpon the name of the Lord. 14 I wyll paye my vowes in the presence of al his people, 15 right deare in the syghte of the Lorde is the death of his saynctes. 16 O Lorde, I am thy seruaunt, I am thy seruant, and the son of thy handmaide, thou hast broken my bondes in sonder. 17 I wyl offre to the sacrifyce of thanckesgegeuynge, and wyll call vpon the name of the Lord. 18 I wyll paye my vowes vnto the Lord in the syght of al his people, 19 in the courtes of the Lordes house, euen in the middest of the, O Ierusalem. Prayse the euerlasting.