Proverbs 31:1-9

Matthew(i) 1 The wordes of kyng Lamuell, and the Prophecye that his mother taughte hym. 2 My sonne, thou sonne of my body: O my deare beloued sonne, 3 geue not ouer thy substaunce & mynde vnto women, whiche are the destruction euen of kinges. 4 O Lamuel, geue kynges no wyne, geue kynges & princes no strong drincke: 5 lest they beyng dronken forget the law, & regarde not the cause of the poore, and of al such as be in aduersite. 6 Geue strong drinke vnto suche as are condempned to death, & wyne vnto those that mourne: 7 that they may drinke it, & forget their misery and aduersitie. 8 Be thou an aduocate, and stande in iudgement thy selfe, to speake for all such as be domme & socourles. 9 With thy mouth defende the thyng that is lawful and right, and the cause of the poore and helpelesse.