Mark 2:18-22

Matthew(i) 18 And the discyples of Iohn and the Pharyses dyd faste; and therfore came and sayde vnto hym. Why do the disciples of Iohn and of the Pharyses fast, and thy discyples fast not. 19 And Iesus sayde vnto them: can the chyldren of a weddyng faste, whyles the brydegrome is with them. As longe as they haue the brydegrome wyth them they cannot fast. 20 But the dayes wil come when the bridegrome shalbe taken from them, & then shal they fast in those dayes. 21 Also no man soweth a pece of newe clothe vnto an olde garment, for then taketh he away the newe pece from the olde, and so is the rente worsse. 22 In lyke wyse no man poureth newe wyne into olde vessels, for yf he do, the newe wyne breaketh the vessels, and the wyne runneth oute, & the vessels are marred. But newe wyne must be poured into newe vessels.