Hebrews 11:1-10

Matthew(i) 1 Fayth is a sure confydence of thynges which are hoped for, & a certayntye of thynges which are not sene. 2 By it the elders were wel reported of. 3 Thorow faythe we vnderstande that the worlde was ordeyned by the worde of God: and that thinges whiche are sene, were made of thynges whiche are not sene. 4 By fayth Abel offred vnto God a more plentuous sacrifyce then Cayn: by whiche he obtayned wytnes that he was ryghtuous, God testifiynge of his gyftes: by which also he beynge dead, yet speaketh. 5 By fayth was Enoch translated that he shoulde not se death, neyther was he founde: for God had taken hym away. Before he was taken awaye, he was reported, of, that he had pleased God: 6 but wythout fayth it is vnpossybleto please hym. For he that cometh to God muste beleue that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seke hym. 7 By faythe Noe honoured God, after that he was warned of thynges whiche were not sene, and prepared the arcke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whiche arcke, he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the rightuousnes that commeth by faythe. 8 By fayth Abraham, when he was called obeyed, to go out into a place, which he shoulde afterward receyue to inherytaunce, and he wente oute not knowynge whyther he should go. 9 By fayth he remoued into the lande that was promysed hym, as into a straunge countreye, and dwelte in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob, heyres wyth hym of the same promes. 10 For he loked for a cytie hauing a foundacyon, whose buylder and maker is God.