Ezekiel 44:10-14

Matthew(i) 10 No ner the Leuites that be gone backe frome, and haue dysceyued the people of Israell wyth all erroures, goinge after their ydoles: therfore shall they beare their owne wyckednes. 11 Shulde they be set & ordened to mynystre vnder the dores of the house of my Sanctuarye? And to do seruyce in the house: to slaye burntoffringes and sacrifyces for the people: to stande before them, and to serue them: 12 seynge the seruyce that they do them, is before their Idoles, and cause the house of Israell to stomble thorowe the wyckednes? For the whych cause I haue pluckte out myne hande ouer them (sayeth the Lorde) so that now they must beare their owne iniquyte, 13 and not to come nye me, to serue me with their presthode, in my Sanctuarye, and moost holyest of all: that they maye beare their owne shame & abhomynacyons, which they haue done. 14 Shulde I vse them to be porters of the house, and to all the seruyce that is done therin?