Ezekiel 43:13-17

Matthew(i) 13 Thys is the measure of the aulter (after the true cubyte: whych is a spanne longer then another cubyte) hys botome in the myddeste was a cubyte longe and wyde, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute it, was a spanne brode. Thys is the heygth of the aulter: 14 From the grounde to the lower steppes the length is two cubites, and the bredth one cubyte: and from the lower steppes to the higher are foure cubytes, and the bredth but one cubyte. 15 The aulter was foure cubytes hye, & from the aulter vpwarde stode foure hornes, 16 and it was .xij. cubytes longe and .xij. cubytes brode, vpon the foure corners: 17 the couerynge of the aulter was .xiiij. cubytes longe & brode vpon the foure corners, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute, had half a cubite: and the botome therof rounde aboute one cubyte: hys steppes stode towarde the Easte.