Ezekiel 12:22-28

Matthew(i) 22 Thou sonne of man, what maner of byworde is that, whiche ye vse in the lande of Israel, sayinge: Thus, seynge that the dayes are so slacke in commynge, all the visyons are of none effecte: 23 Tell them therfore: thus sayth the Lorde God: I wil make that by worde to ceasse, so that it shal no more be commonlye vsed in Israel. But saye this vnto them: The dayes are at hande, that euery thinge whiche hath bene prophecyed, shalbe fulfylled. 24 There shal no visyon be in vayne, neyther anye prophecye fayle amonge the chyldren of Israel: 25 For it is I the Lorde, that speake it: and whatsoeuer I the Lorde speake, it shall be perfourmed, & not be slacke in commynge. Yea euen in youre dayes (O ye frowarde housholde) wyll I deuyce some thynge, and brynge it to passe, sayeth the Lord God. 26 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 27 Beholde, thou sonne of man: The house of Israel saye in this maner: Tushe, as for the vysion that he hath sene, it wil be many a day or it come to passe: Is it farre of it, the thyng that he prophecyeth. 28 Therfore say vnto them: Thus sayth the Lorde GOD: All my wordes shall no more be slacke: Loke what I speake, that same shall come to passe, sayeth the Lorde.